
What if the husband changes and how to cope with it?

What if the husband changes and how to cope with it?

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  1. Main reasons
  2. How to behave
  3. Is it worth fighting?
  4. Treason pregnant wife
  5. How to cope?
  6. How to avoid adultery?

Devotion from ancient times was valued in human society. Fidelity between spouses is the main connecting and durable element. Without this, there will be no full-fledged family. Husband and wife should treat each other with love and respect. Then their marriage will be stronger. But what to do if one spouse does not want to accept the honest conditions that are inherent in marriage bonds?

Main reasons

The reasons for treason can be many, but each treason for a family in most cases ends with one - a tragedy. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that not all families treason is perceived the same. Some spouses after that live, somehow having survived her and without undertaking anything cardinal, while the others divorce after the betrayal of one of them.

This happens because not every person is ready to forgive the mistakes of another person. Only the one who has a special temperament will be able to come to terms with the infidelity of a partner or himself become unfaithful. But is it worth blaming anyone for this?

Most people take family ties very seriously. But even among this majority there are those who cannot disregard the attention of the opposite sex. Inconsistency of thoughts and desires leads to easy flirting. And this happens due to the fact that in a family where one spouse allows himself to change his soul mate, there are many problems in the relationship.

We give some of them.

  • Husband - selfish with high self-esteem. He can look at the side due to the fact that, in principle, he is not able to take care of his spouse, because he thinks only of himself.
  • Some husbands believe that family is their duty and work. They perform their direct duties there, sincerely believing that they can sometimes allow themselves to “rest” from the family in the circle of other women. Therefore, going to the side of them is perceived as some kind of vacation in a sanatorium.
  • There are also men who commit treason because of the sincere conviction that they can sometimes allow themselves to be pampered, a little "pranks". Such husbands perceive their betrayal of his wife as a habit in the form of smoking or alcohol. And they reason like this: addiction habits "kill" not only family happiness, but also health, and in entertainment with a mistress there is nothing terrible either for health or for family well-being.
  • Lovelace is another male group that cheats on their spouses. They can not resist the feminine charm because of the specific structure of their psyche.
  • The mismatch of sexual opportunities and diverse views with his wife on sex also lead to frequent betrayals by men. This happens, for example, in cases where the wife is such a “gray bird”, enthusiastic about their home everyday life. Such a woman is not interested in anything except cooking and taking care of children. And her husband wants to see next to him a gorgeous woman in a beautiful dress, which is not ashamed to show her friends and acquaintances. When desires do not coincide with reality, the spouse finds his ideal on the side.
  • One-time betrayal can occur against the background of intoxication. This fact can be attributed to force majeure. Although it should be noted that no decent man will allow himself treachery, even if he drank a lot.

Psychologists say that the causes of many ills must be sought in themselves. The wife willy-nilly has to do with the spouse’s betrayal. It must be remembered that you yourself plan your happiness and life.

And if you want a faithful person next to you, you will achieve this.

How to behave

You can react to treason in different ways. It is not forbidden to pretend that you do not notice the fact that your husband is cheating on you. Some women forgive infidelity, citing the fact that the psychology of men is such and nothing can be done about it.

There are such persons who try to justify such actions of their chosen one. For example, if a man changed after a quarrel in the family, the woman tries to smooth the situation, while still feeling guilty. This is her choice, advice here may not work.

Of course, each of us is free to do as he sees fit, and for that no one has the right to condemn. But what about when a man constantly lies to his wife, speaking in justification that he is being detained at work, while he himself is cheating on another woman at this time?

In this case, it all depends on the decision of his spouse. If she allows her faithful to behave this way, then this matter does not concern her much.

Perhaps an unfaithful husband has virtues that completely cover his moral flaw.

It is a different matter when a husband cheats on another woman, and his wife found out about this purely by chance. An emotional stupor arose from such a turn of events. It is good if the offended wife has good composure and does not allow herself to do any stupid things.

In any case, the betrayal of a loved one for a long time can knock out even the most reserved member of the weaker sex. At such a moment, she needs the support of her close people and even the help of specialists. You may also need drug therapy.

Betrayal of her husband can not be justified by anything: neither a dose of alcohol consumed, nor family quarrels, nor his depression, nor the fact that he earns a lot of money. Having learned about the betrayal of her husband, you need to take action. Of course, the very first solution is a divorce. Perhaps a woman is not ready to go on this path, as she loves her husband very much or depends on him. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to act on the basis of specific life circumstances.

If not leaving the family

For example, if the husband does not leave the family after his exposure. This situation can mean a lot. It is possible that he simply has nowhere to go. Another option: an unfaithful man does not love his wife and never loved him, but it is convenient for him to live with her in marriage. It is difficult to leave the house where it is always warm and cozy.

In this situation, a woman needs to reflect on the fact that her husband simply uses it for his own purposes. If you forgive him, then treason will resume with a new force. A man will understand that everything is getting away with his hands, so he will feel his impunity.

You can offer two solutions to this problem. One - get a divorce, another - if you are not ready to part with your loved one forever, try to re-educate him (within reasonable limits, of course).

For example, you can start flirting with other representatives of the stronger sex, change your appearance and become a well-groomed person, stop paying attention to your spouse, start behaving selfishly and so on. If your partner is a sensible person, his mind will turn on and he will try to correct his mistakes.

Remember that all your tricks you need to keep under control and not go too far. Only you know the character of your chosen one, so proceed from this position.

If the wrong representative of the stronger sex has an explosive and unpredictable disposition, then the suggested options may not be suitable for you, since the consequences in this case are difficult to predict.

If it was once

Another thing is when a husband has changed once and now regrets it. I myself became dissimilar, everything tries to justify itself and asks for forgiveness. But in this case, it all depends on your and only your decision. Want to forgive - forgive. Feel that you can not accept the change, it is better to think again, before making a decision.

It is impossible to act in such situations in half. If you do not forget this story forever, then the husband’s infidelity will poison you every day of a lived life. As a result, you are waiting for depression. You will torture yourself, and you will exhaust your loved ones. Therefore, be honest with yourself and make a decision that your soul will tell you. Just do not immediately, give yourself time to cool.

If constant treason

If the constant betrayal of her husband is tired, and you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, then you definitely need to do something about it. Previously, the spouse cheated, but you did not seem to care much about it. So what happened now that the betrayal of the spouse does not allow you to live in peace?

Most likely, the pain and resentment overwhelmed the "well of patience." This time you decided to do away with this situation once and for all, but you don’t know how to do it. To this we can say the following: a divorce, of course, will relieve from suffering over time, but there is no guarantee that some sorrows will not be replaced by others.

If you allowed to change your spouse before, it means there were reasons for it. This means that he is dear to you and you are ready to endure endless betrayals. Divorce in this case will not help solve problems, but only increase them. Therefore, we must act differently.

  1. Work on your appearance. Change your image and make yourself irresistible. Your many rivals will fall into a stupor, and some of them can retire after such a turn of events.
  2. Start lingering at work. Present everything as if someone is caring for you. Buy a bouquet and bring it home. At home with a bewildered smile, go to the flowers and correct them. Your spouse’s questions should be answered with restraint. Let him think that you have a fan.
  3. If the spouse starts to make claims about the appearance, delays at work and colors, then remind him of his endless changes and say that you take an example from him. The only caveat: actions with flowers can be performed when you are confident in the restrained nature of your partner. If he is jealous and unpredictable, then it is better to refuse such provocations.
  4. Find a hobby for your soul or sign up for a master class. There you will have a great time and learn to treat yourself with respect. In addition, such activities can provoke a feeling of jealousy with your husband. Men are jealous of women for every little thing. And your new passion will touch his pride. And who knows, maybe the husband will start to treat you with love.
  5. Play sports. This will distract you from the problem, improve your health and body shape, and also make your spouse think about what he might lose. If this does not help much, then start from point 1 of this list.

If it was once - I mean treason - then there are more questions than answers. On the one hand, you are tormented by feelings of jealousy and resentment, on the other hand, you do not want to part, although the husband’s mistake has become a serious test for you.

On top of that, the spouse repents too much, asks for forgiveness, and you feel that he is sincere in his feelings. In this situation, you may be advised to do the following.

  1. To understand yourself, try to be alone with yourself, calm down and proceed to mental reasoning.
  2. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.
  3. Think about what will happen if you divorce? Here think about the material and moral states. Will you have them in case of a divorce?
  4. Lose the situation and imagine how events will develop if you are left alone, without the support of her husband.

Believe me, everything will become clear and clear to you at once, since your best adviser is yourself. Rely on your strength and you can appreciate the reality. Then make the right move.

Is it worth fighting?

When her husband's cheating occurs, the woman is tormented by the question: what should she do? On the one hand, pride and resentment do not allow to forgive a man, on the other hand, to let go or drive out an unfaithful spouse from the house means to part with him forever, to lose his family and rest. If you hesitate and tend to the fact that the husband should stay with you, then forgive and forget about the inadvertent mistake. After all, we are not all angels.

A woman faces a choice when she loves her husband very much and does not want to lose her well-being.But how to keep or return a loved one, if he himself is confused and does not know with whom to stay: with his family or his mistress.

Difficult questions should be solved most. And you need to decide quickly and make no mistakes.

For love you always have to fight. Do you really give your loved one on the "blue-edged saucer"? Regardless of the answer to this question, you need to make a certain decision. If you decide to stay in your best interests, then try the following.

  1. Do not blame the husband for his treason, talk to him about how you hurt and painfully aware that he betrayed you.
  2. Remind your husband of his oaths, which he gave when you filed an application in the registry office.
  3. Remember that children grow up in your family. They need a father, and they love both parents. It will be very painful for children to learn that their father decided to leave the house to another woman.
  4. The desire to punish the offender should not be intrusive. Quarrels and scandals you will not achieve anything. In no case should not take revenge and harm the separation. Pretend that it does not exist at all.
  5. If the husband hesitates in the choice, then help him make this choice in your favor. Be with him affectionate and benevolent. At the same time, do not cross the line and do not be unnecessarily intrusive.
  6. All the time talking about the fact that you have an exemplary family. This will make her husband think that he will lose stability if he divorces. No one knows how his fate will be with another partner, and he has always felt good with his relatives.
  7. Do not rush your husband and do not customize the choice. Do not blackmail children. Be patient and wait for his prudence to wake up.

Treason pregnant wife

During pregnancy, the woman becomes irritable. Not every man can stand her whims. If you have a husband with iron nerves and a "golden" character, then you should not worry. He will endure all the troubles. However, even such supermen need a discharge.

Some are looking for her on the side. Some commit betrayal deliberately, others not quite consciously. In no case can it be argued that all husbands are unfaithful. Of the large number of representatives of the stronger sex, only a small percentage is gathered.

Treason is always a betrayal. It is impossible that such actions were normal. They should not be justified by the fact that the wife is in a position, and therefore her character and appearance have changed a lot. It must be remembered that right now she will be especially offended to learn about the perfidy.

Invalid husband in this situation betrays twice: his wife and child. How can you hope for him in the future? Therefore, if the wife decides to leave him, no one will condemn her. Another question is that it is difficult to do for a number of reasons. For example, a pregnant spouse will be hard alone to cope with emerging problems after the birth of a baby.

In this situation, need comprehensive support. If she has relatives, they will provide support. And if a woman does not have close people, then she will have to come to terms with the situation. You need to think soberly, so do not rush to the decision to divorce. It should be well thought out their actions and the seriousness of the problem. You must first give birth, and only then act according to the situation.

At the moment, you should take care and think about your health and the health of the unborn child, and only then deal with global issues. Excessive nervous shocks you do not need in the next two years. Therefore, postpone the decision for later. And then, you see, everything is formed.

How to cope?

After the betrayal of her husband, you lost confidence in him, which is very hard to return back. The love has remained, but at the same time you have a dislike for your spouse, presenting him with another person in private. And this is quite normal and correct. One thing on his part is to sincerely repent, and another thing is not to make mistakes anymore.

You are tormented by questions about the faithfulness or infidelity of the husband at the present time.No one will answer these questions to you, no matter how hard you try, and if you torture yourself, you may lose peace forever. Depression must be eradicated. And this will help you advice of a psychologist.

  • Stop scrolling the same disc in a circle - imagine every time how it hurts you that you have been betrayed. From this you will suffer even more.
  • Stop quarrels with your husband on the grounds that you cannot forgive him, although you pretend to forgive. Irritation can become a habit, and you thereby poison the life of yourself, your spouse, and even children.
  • Do not blame yourself for cheating on your husband. Why did you decide you could have foreseen such a development? What should have happened - happened, but you could not influence the outcome of the case.
  • Understand that your life is not over. Men like you and need your husband. Otherwise, he would have left you and did not even apologize.
  • Do not involve children in this conflict. You and your husband make peace, and the younger generation can hold a grudge and get traumatized.
  • Switch to the new wave. Offer your husband some exciting activity and do it with him.
  • Take a walk together more, go on a visit. This will bring you closer to your spouse and increase your self-esteem. In spite of everything, you together and love each other.

How to avoid adultery?

You are a woman, so you must protect your family from disintegration in time. No wonder the representatives of the weaker sex consider themselves to be the keepers of the home. You need to keep the house warm, to create coziness so that your man wants to return to the family, and not go to another woman for an attentive attitude to himself. Therefore, follow the recommendations below.

  • Do not keep yourself and your entire family under stress. Problems come and go, but happiness remains. While you are together, you are happy.
  • If you used to make mistakes that led to discord in the family, then try to avoid them in the future. Husband does not like it when you spend a long time out of the family with girlfriends. Because of this, you already had a quarrel. Do not do what your husband does not like, if you want to keep the relationship. Choose what is dearer to you: marriage or empty conversations with single gossips? The answer is obvious.
  • Keep casual people out of your life. They can hurt you and do something unpleasant. Try to communicate with your loved ones.
  • Have you recently gotten married? Always be yourself and stop playing in public. Show what you can really do. Your life together with your husband has already begun, and theatrical scenes should not be confused with reality.
  • Accept the husband as he is. You yourself chose a life partner. All people have their disadvantages, your husband also can not be perfect. So put up with his habits. Do not scandal over trifles.
  • Be always in a good mood. Positive attracts positive. From good people do not leave. Therefore, reboot your bad mood and try not to scream and grumble without work.
  • More often, praise your spouse for what he did around the house: he took out the garbage, repaired the faucet, pasted wallpaper. This will give him strength for new accomplishments.
  • Go visit and show others that you have a pretty strong family.
  • Take advantage of the hoarding on a new car. The common cause will strengthen the relationship.
  • Frequently walk with children in nature. It unites.
  • Solve problems with your spouse. Only at the same time do not be annoyed at each other and do not dedicate your friends to them. If someone finds out about your troubles, it will not be easier for you, but gossip will certainly create fertile ground for conflicts in your family.
  • Do business more often together. Building a country house becomes an interesting activity when you are next to each other. Joint pastime helps unite, and the common cause strengthens the relationship in the family.

Remember that everything in this world depends on our mood for a positive. As we build our lives, so it will flow.

More about what to do if you change a husband, you will learn from the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


