Domestic cats

Description of American cat breeds and their content

Description of American cat breeds and their content

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  1. Features
  2. Breed description
  3. How to choose?
  4. What to feed?
  5. Care

Today, cats that have good pedigrees, are popular among connoisseurs of Fuzzies. After all, belonging to a particular breed and a good pedigree gives confidence that the cat will behave correctly, and it will be easy to deal with all its problems. American cats are also no exception.


The American cat is very different from other breeds, and one of its main features is the ability to hunt. Almost all animal breeds are distinguished by a muscular body or an unusual color. Some of them have very strange ears or no tail at all.

Besides, the animal has a friendly character. A cat very quickly becomes attached to its owners, who not only feed her, but also engage in upbringing. They especially love young children, American cats quickly find a common language with them, and literally follow their heels.

They can also get along with any other pets in the house, even with dogs. In addition, these cats are very balanced and calm. They prefer to be indoors, rather than walking in the street.

This is a great way for those who can not walk their pets. But at the same time, cats value freedom, and if you limit it, they can even become aggressive.

Breed description

American cats look and behave differently. It all depends on the breed of the animal.


This breed of American cats appeared in the 60s of the XX century, but only in 1989 was recognized by felinological associations. Their distinguishing feature is a very short tail, which may have a curve or a straight shape.

American Bobtails can be shorthair and longhair. Both species are recognized by felinologists. If we talk about the first, then they have a rather thick fur and the same undercoat. Long-haired cats have a thick fur coat, but at the same time shaggy. For example, in the zone of the neck, paws, and tail, the fur is longer.

The constitution of cats of this breed is rather muscular, these are animals with a wide muzzle and slightly slanting eyes. On average, cats weigh 5-6 kilograms, and cats - no more than 4. Puberty occurs only after 2 years. Life expectancy reaches 13-14 years.

In addition, bobtails are very smart and friendly. They easily converge not only with their owners, but also with other pets. Pets are not afraid of strangers.

They are great hunters and can even catch a fly on the fly.


This breed of cats appeared relatively recently - in the late 80s of the XX century. The story says that on the threshold of one house a small kitten appeared with ears that turned outwards. And after a few years, she gave her owners 4 babies, half of the kittens had the same unusual ears. In 1986, the Curl breed was officially recognized and became involved in various exhibitions. However, the number of individuals is very limited, and this makes this breed of American cats much more valuable.

All representatives have an elongated attractive face, rather large eyes, which makes their eyes a little surprised. But the ears of these animals are very small, with a bend. The fur may be short and slightly elongated. Color Curl is very diverse: monophonic or striped.

Many people call such a breed of cats clowns, as they perform literally any tricks that they are asked to perform.The nature of these pets is very friendly, besides they love to play a lot.

In this case, the Curls do not tolerate loneliness, so they almost always go after their masters. And if they do not pay attention, they begin to meow loudly, calling at least to turn his head in their direction.

American shorthair

This breed of cats is considered the property of their country. She has a beautiful and elegant appearance, independence, as well as excellent hunting abilities. It appeared quite a long time ago, at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1966, this breed received the title of "Cat of the Year", and was also recognized by international felinological organizations.

Today it is most popular in America, as well as in Japan. American beauties very quickly get used to any conditions, as they have an excellent immune system. Smooth-haired American cat has a rather thick coat. Their color can be monophonic or tri-color. The latter is considered the most popular.

Such pets are very smart and gentle. They are overly sociable, love to hunt and jump very high up. Live from 12 to 15 years.

American haired

The fur coat of this animal seems tough only at first glance. To the touch, on the contrary, it is very soft and gentle. However, not all offspring in the future will have the same unusual coat. Almost half of the kids have a normal coat. These are animals of medium or large size, with a slightly rounded body shape, as well as very strong and muscular legs. In addition, their nose is slightly flattened, and their eyes are rather large. In the color of cats, the tortoise tone is more dominant, with small white or brown stripes.

The nature of the pets is very docile and sociable, they quickly become attached to their owners. They are not afraid of loneliness, and are also considered excellent hunters for many rodents. In addition, they are characterized by longevity and immunity to many dangerous diseases.

Despite the fact that this breed of cats has been recognized, there is not a single club in America that is dedicated to these animals.

American Burmese

This breed of cats is distinguished by its unusual color. It may be reddish brown, almost red or hazel. You can also find Burmese cats with black coat color. There are 4 types of color of such animals. This is the color of champagne, blue, sable, and purple. In addition, to the touch their fur is always very soft and silky. With the smallest movement, it shimmers, making the cat a real mystical animal.

Cats of this breed are very elegant and strict. Their amber eyes are watching the man intently. They quickly become attached to their owners and just as quickly get used to the new territory.

Burmese are easy to train, love children very much and easily converge with other pets in the house.

Pixie bob

This is a completely new breed, which was born as a result of the fact that two breeds of cats were crossed: wild forest cats with a short tail and simple domestic cats.

Specialists received a small copy of the lynx, and it almost immediately won the recognition of many felinologists. The tail of these cats is very low, its length can vary from 3 to 15 centimeters. The head of the pet has a pear-shaped shape, on it are located eyes-triangles with thick eyelids. Pixie-bob cats can be short-haired or have a coat of medium length.

A distinctive feature of this breed is the length of growth, which lasts up to 4 years, as well as the presence of a larger number of fingers on its paws. However, this animal does not interfere at all. These cats have a very affectionate character, they quickly converge not only with their owners, but also with other pets. In addition, they are very mobile and can jump to a great height.


This is a very rare and expensive breed that has an unusual appearance.The animal has a small, but at the same time, stocky body, the legs are very short. The body has absolutely no hair, as it was obtained by crossing two breeds: the munchkin and the sphinx. The first representatives were born at the beginning of the XXI century.

All cats have excellent health, but the fact that they have practically no wool requires that there is always a high temperature in the room. Need similar cats and more high-calorie food. Their character is very friendly and playful. They love to soak up the hands of their masters. In addition, quickly mastered in a new house.

Their life expectancy reaches 12-14 years.

American Balinese

This breed of cats was born as a result of the crossing of Siamese cats whose wool is slightly longer than usual. The result was a breed of cats with a fringe on the tail. In addition, these cats are very graceful. They have a wedge-shaped head with a narrow muzzle and a long nose. Their ears are in the shape of a triangle, their eyes are slightly slanting and almond-shaped.

Balinese cats are very devoted to their owners. Therefore, they rejoice when they appear in the house, and do not even mind walking on the street. But they can only be walked on a leash, as animals are completely unaccustomed to living outside the home. It is also worth noting that any walks are bad for their wool.

How to choose?

It is very difficult to decide on the choice of a kitten, because almost all the breeds of these animals are remarkable. Therefore, before buying, you need to know exactly the breed and sex of the purchased pet.

If a person does not want to mess with kittens, it is better to take a cat or to sterilize a cat.

Those who wish to engage in the breeding of offspring, it is necessary to study the pedigree of the animal, and also make sure that the cat is completely healthy. After all, all this is very important for breeding little handsome men. It is necessary to choose animals only in nurseries having a good reputation. You should not buy cats from hands, order on the Internet - now there are a lot of dishonest sellers who are always ready to take advantage of the ignorance of the future breeder.

But even this is not the most important thing. Most importantly, the cat visually liked the cat, because it will live in the house and constantly flash before your eyes.

In addition, before you bring a pet into the house, you must take care of his home so that he feels at home.

What to feed?

You also need to take care of feed for your pet. During the purchase, be sure to find out what feed the kitten ate. If it is very small, then they need to pick up yourself. You can use industrial or natural food. If preference is given first, then pets will receive all the vitamins and nutrients in their diet. However, only given the fact that the feed will be of the highest quality. Industrial feeds can be both dry and wet. Both species are useful for kittens, they are well balanced and well absorbed by the body.

Those who prefer natural food, you must first learn what you can give your kittens, and what - no, and do not forget about the frequency of feeding. Adults are best fed 2 times a day, always with the same interval between meals.

In addition, the following foods should be included in the diet.

  • Low fat boiled meat - 100-150 g. This may be chicken, beef or turkey. It is best to cut the meat into small pieces so that the cat is more comfortable to eat. You also need to remember that giving meat products is recommended no more than 3-4 times a week.
  • Offal. Two or three times a week, you can give your pet offal, but they also need to boil.
  • A fish. Twice a week it is necessary to give fish. It is better if it is sea and pitted.
  • Kashi. Porridge from different cereals may be present in the diet of cats daily. This may be oatmeal, rice, buckwheat. To pet ate with appetite, you can mix meat or fish with cereal.
  • Boiled vegetablesFor example, carrots or beets.
  • Milk products. Milk should not be given to cats. But a little low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese will not hurt your pet at all.
  • Greenery. She should also be present in the diet of cats, but you need to know which pet prefers more.
  • Water. Be sure to give fresh and purified water. She should always be within the reach of the cat.

In addition, you need to know which of the products will harm the cat more than benefit. These include the following food:

  • any sausages;
  • smoked products;
  • raw meat;
  • potato dishes;
  • any sweets;
  • beans or peas;
  • spicy or too salty.


First of all, you need to take care of the place of residence of the cat. It should be located so as not to interfere with the owners, but at the same time, and liked the pet. For example, a cat can be equipped with a sleeping place or a playing area. True, most cats will not spend there all day, because the animal rightly believes that absolutely the whole apartment belongs only to him. The tray must be selected with high sides so that the filler does not spill out.

The filler is better to buy in special stores, you can also use small sawdust or shredded paper. In addition, it must be changed regularly so that there is no unpleasant smell in the room.

In the access zone, you can install a claw post, so that cats can take care of their claws. But this is still not enough. It is necessary to cut the claws once a month and it should be done very carefully, because the blood capillaries are placed very close to the claws. If the owner is afraid to harm his pet, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian who knows how to do this procedure quickly and painlessly.

If the pet has wool, you need to take care of it regularly. That is, it should be combed with a special comb, and this procedure will take 2-3 times a week. During the moult comb daily. Only in this case there will be no trace of wool on the furniture. It is necessary to bathe their pets 2-3 times in 6 months, or to do so as they become contaminated. You can use special shampoos that are sold in any pet store.

In addition, cats need to brush their teeth. For this there are special brushes and paste. This should be done 2 times a week, and it is better to teach them from a very young age. Do not forget about the ears of their pets. You can clean them with special ear sticks.

You should also regularly make the necessary vaccinations and treat cats from various parasites: worms and fleas. For reprisals with the first special preparations are used, and with the second it is possible to apply special collars which last for 6 months.

Summarizing, we can say that the maintenance of a domestic American cat requires certain knowledge, since such animals will need to be carefully looked after. Only then will the animal respond with love and affection, and its life span will exceed the established norms for several years.

More information about the American cat can be found in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


