Domestic cats

Asian cat: description and character of the breed, its contents

Asian cat: description and character of the breed, its contents

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  1. History of
  2. Species Features
  3. Maintenance and care
  4. Reviews

Beautiful and famous Asian cat today is quite popular and loved. It is great for housing in families with children. These pets can become not only children’s favorites, but also loyal friends of each family member.

History of

Representatives of the Asian breed of cats have roots in the UK, where in 1980 in the process of crossing the Persian chinchilla and the Burmese cat, this species was bred.

The breed of Asian cats includes the following subspecies:

  • Asian smooth color;
  • Asiatic smoky;
  • Asian tabby;
  • tiffany;
  • burmilla

For animals of this breed are long-haired and short-haired cats. Representatives of the first type had a shiny black wool, but in the process of selection were obtained a variety of its color.

The breeding of the Asian breed of cats of even color brought to nothing their crossing with the Persian chinchilla.

New Zealand breeders tried to cope with a similar task, they derived a variety of Mandalay.

The modern Asian Shorthair and Mandalay breed are considered identical species. Representatives of this subspecies have a constitution of Burmese cats, however, differ in the color of wool.

Burmill kittens
Asian tabby

Species Features

Individuals of the Asian suit have a strong constitution, developed muscular system and a strong skeleton. The average weight of pets ranges from 5 to 8 kg. Externally, the animal looks very impressive thanks to the luxurious round chest, muscular back and flat stomach. The head shape of Asians resembles a blunted wedge with softly contoured contours and a clear profile. The ears of cats are large, high and slightly directed forward. Almond-shaped wide-set eyes are usually yellow or amber in color. Hoisted long and slender, with pronounced muscles. Short hair can be a variety of shades: chocolate, smoky, purple, cream, walnut, blue.

Asian cats are very inquisitive, friendly and cute. They value care, and in return pay dedication to their master. By nature, Asians are quiet and calm, but if necessary they can stand up for themselves. They easily get along with other pets, especially from an early age.

If the owner is not at home regularly and often leaves the pet alone, the cat is very sad and shows signs of anxiety.

Therefore, if the owner is difficult to devote the maximum amount of time and attention to his pet, it is recommended to have two individuals of this species or to prefer an animal of another breed.

All subspecies of Asian cats are almost completely fit the general description of the breed, however, some representatives have their own unique features.

Asian smoky cat shorthair, with a developed body relief. Its coat is thick and tight to the body, usually of a uniform color with a somewhat light undercoat. In addition to the main smoky color, there may be cats and cats of this variety with blue, red, tortoise and cream shades of wool. The shade of the slanting eyes also depends on the color of the coat; they are green and yellow.

The most prominent representatives of the Asian breed are the animals of the tabby subgroup. Pure-bred cats of this species have an inherent massive build, strong jaws and chin, wide nose, large erect ears, rounded at the ends. Their short hair has no undercoat and there are four types of coloring:

  • spotty - dark coloring of irregular shape with elements scattered throughout the body, with the exception of the abdomen;
  • tiger (mackerel) - the predominance of dark vertical stripes, similar to the skin of a tiger;
  • marble - interlaced black spots and stripes on the sides and back of the animal;
  • ticked (agouti) - monochromatic dyeing of all wool, except for paws, tail and muzzle, on which there are dark stripes.
Asian Smoky

    The Burmese silver cat is another representative of the Asian breed. Its distinctive features are different colors of wool: smoky, blue, chocolate, purple, tortoise or Bombay. Silvery cat and cat give strong offspring, with high resistance to diseases. Young kittens are very playful and mobile, and in adulthood they are gentle and calm.

    A successful experiment in which the cat breed Chinchilla was crossed with a Burmese cat, eventually opened to the world a new breed of Asian pets - Tiffany.

    Kittens really liked the breeders with their semi-long shiny hair with an unusual black-brown color. The main color, evenly distributed over the body, is combined with a slight contrast of darker tones. Coloring options can be varied: sable, brown, blue, chocolate, platinum, purple, red, cream.

    The shape of the head in this species is more rounded, the chin is strong and rounded, the jaws are wide, with the right bite. The shape of the eyes in Tiffany is special: they are large and shiny, the upper line of the eye is of oriental shape and is inclined towards the nose, and the lower is rounded. In purebred cats dominated the eyes of yellow shades. By the nature of Tiffany, moderately calm and docile, they adore spending time with their master, playing with children. They are very inquisitive and easy to educate. In favorable and comfortable conditions, an Asian cat can live up to 20 years.


    Maintenance and care

    To ensure favorable conditions for the existence of the pet does not require any special knowledge in the field of felinology. It is enough to pay Asians the necessary attention and monitor their health. Care for an Asian cat must include the following activities:

    • regular combing of wool, especially in long-haired breeds;
    • washing wool with a special agent - no more than 1 time per month);
    • ear brushing - once a week;
    • daily rubbing the eyes with a damp cloth or cotton swab;
    • monthly claw trimming;
    • routine vaccination for disease prevention and routine checkups at the vet.

    An Asian cat needs a balanced diet that contains natural ingredients. The basis of the diet should be dominated by lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef), boiled fish. In addition to meat dishes, vegetables and cereals are well suited. For convenience, you can purchase ready-made premium feed, which is ideal for the daily nutrition of the animal. A tray with a filler, toys, a playhouse and a scraper are other necessary accessories for the pet.


    Asian cats cause a lot of positive emotions from their owners. This is due to the appeasable disposition, wit and unpretentiousness of the pet. Among the drawbacks, it is worth noting only the high cost of the kittens of the Asian cat. Since the breeding of this breed is not popular in Russia, everyone who wants to have such a pet will have to spend a considerable amount and purchase a kitten from a special nursery.

    Yet Asian cats are worthy of attention. They not only look sophisticated and attractive, but also have a wonderful character. For proper attention and care, cats will gladly answer their beloved owner with affection, playfulness and devotion.

    For details on the Asian tabby cat, see the video below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


