Domestic cats

How and what to feed the cat?

How and what to feed the cat?

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  1. Power Rules
  2. Feeding natural products
  3. Selection of dry feed
  4. Features of canned food
  5. What should not be given to the cat?
  6. Veterinary advice

A cat, like any other pet, needs proper and balanced nutrition. It is on this that the state of health and mood of the animal depends. Every owner who has a cat should know how to properly feed her. Only under this condition can we speak about the good health and energy of the pet. Today we will examine in detail all the existing rules for feeding this cute animal.

Power Rules

Cats are popular and widely distributed pets that many people like very much. As a rule, these pets are unpretentious and undemanding in matters of nutrition, but this does not mean that they can consume everything as food. Cats need to be fed properly, observing a certain mode. Consider a few basic rules for feeding these cute animals.

  • Try not to make hash in the pet bowl. Some people try to make a real mess for a cat from individual ingredients. This is a useless exercise - the cat will still choose from the general mass exactly what it needs most. All other components, even if they are tiny, will remain in the cup and may soon deteriorate.
  • Consider the fact that cats are very demanding on the temperature of food consumed. In this situation, instincts come to the fore. In their natural habitat, wild cats begin to consume food immediately after a successfully completed hunt, while the meat has not yet cooled. In addition, through certain experiments, it was proved that cold food is much worse absorbed by the cat's body.

But too hot food, of course, also should not be, otherwise the pet can get burned.

  • In feeding cats allowed experiments. Organoleptic properties are very important for these pets. But it must be borne in mind that in this matter each individual has its own specific preferences. For example, one cat will like the new food purchased by the owner, while the other will be more conservative and will prefer the usual diet to the new introductions.
  • In the food for the cat should be protein and vitamins. WITH In this way the animal will be healthy and energetic, the fur will be in perfect condition.
  • Do not feed cats only meat or fish. Many owners, unfortunately, believe that only such products can be given to animals. This opinion is wrong. Food must be quite diverse. So, wild individuals eat meat of birds and small rodents, eating prey along with all the contents in its stomach - herbs and seeds.
  • We must initially decide what kind of food you are going to give the cat. It is allowed to give either only dry or only natural food. Do not neglect this important rule, otherwise you can provoke chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to bear in mind that dry food and products of natural origin cannot be digested simultaneously. That is why it is necessary to make a choice in advance in favor of a certain type of animal nutrition.
  • If you decide to feed your pet with dry food, then you should purchase only premium or super premium quality products. In addition to the highest quality and saturation, such feeds are characterized by the presence of prophylactic rations.With this diet, the animal will always be healthy and active.
  • Cat food must be selected in accordance with its physiological state. During pregnancy and feeding, the diet should be as balanced as possible in calcium and protein. It is very important to pay due attention to the content of taurine. Sterilized and neutered animals must be fed in such a way that they consume fewer calories so that the pet does not gain weight and does not have obesity.

About what exactly should feed the cat with a particular disease, you need to learn from a veterinarian.

  • Adult cats must be fed in the same place in the house. The animal must have its own separate bowl with compartments for food and water. Food and ready canned food should not be given cold.
  • Attention should be paid to the degree of freshness of products. They must be of high quality.

All the listed rules are very important. They must be followed if you care about the health of the cat.

Feeding natural products

As mentioned above, the diet for cats must be chosen in advance. You can feed your pet with natural or dry food. Many owners prefer products of natural origin. The basis of this pet's diet is usually meat. Veterinarians recommend giving cats such meat products:

  • veal and beef;
  • turkey and chicken;
  • rabbit meat;
  • sea ​​fish of low fat content;
  • baby meat purees with vegetables.

Cats are very important to feed only properly cooked meat. It is recommended to boil it and be sure to clean the seed, especially when it comes to chicken meat. It is permissible to feed fish of such pets not too often - no more than once a week. As for the baby puree, which are sold in many stores, - their veterinarians are advised to give small kittens or adult individuals who have certain problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

A favorite dish of many cats are chicken heads. At first glance, in such products there is nothing useful and necessary for animals, but they contain a large percentage of proteins, collagen, vitamins and calcium. Many owners are satisfied with this kind of food, since chicken heads are a cheap by-product, which is useful even for pregnant individuals.

    However, it must be borne in mind that the bones present in such products may harm the animal - this is the main disadvantage.

    It is recommended that chicken heads be served in this form:

    • it is better to take the heads of broiler chickens, rather than adult birds, since the thin bones of young individuals are much easier to dig and digest;
    • heads should be slightly frozen for several days;
    • cooking chicken heads is not recommended;
    • at one meal the cat should not be given more than 1-2 chicken heads;
    • You can not give this product more often 2 times a week;
    • be sure to remove the beak;
    • if you feed a kitten, then it is desirable for him to chop chicken heads into two halves.

    Many people are interested in whether cats can be given vegetables.

    Of course, it is possible and even necessary, since they are very useful, but, unfortunately, not every cat agrees to eat such food. Vegetables must be properly introduced into the pet's diet. This should be done in such a way that he does not even understand that there are such uninteresting components in his food. The most healthy vegetables for cats are:

    • carrots and beets;
    • salad and cauliflower;
    • pumpkin and zucchini.

    In the diet of the cat should not be present products such as eggplant and tomatoes. This is explained by the fact that certain substances are present in the composition of these vegetables, which can adversely affect the health of the pet. If the animal does not refuse simple vegetables, then he is allowed to serve them raw or add quite a bit of vegetable oil.

    If the kitten categorically refuses to eat vegetables, then it can be tricked by adding them to meat products. In this case, the animal will not understand that it does not eat what it wants, and will receive useful vitamins that are present in the composition of vegetables.

    Often, people are faced with the fact that their cats actively eat raw potatoes, stealing them from the table, if you leave everything unattended. It is important not to forget that the untreated tubers can harm the cat, because they contain solanine. This chemical compound is a serious toxin that is dangerous both to humans and animals. Tuber skin contains more solanine. Veterinarians argue that cats should never be fed raw potatoes. It is better to give them boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    It is also better not to give fried cats to a cat because of the inappropriate percentage of fats and carbohydrates it contains. Such products can harm the animal, especially if the pet is still very small.

    It is impossible not to indicate the fermented milk products that most cats and cats love. The following items are particularly useful for stomach pet data:

    • ryazhenka and kefir;
    • yogurt;
    • low fat cottage cheese;
    • hard cheese (this product must be “clean”, that is, without any additives and spices);
    • oatmeal or semolina porridge with milk.

    Most of the products listed cats are eaten with pleasure, but the cottage cheese is to the liking of not all individuals. If your pet refuses to eat such food, then you can also trick it - mix cottage cheese with kefir or ryazhenka, add a little egg yolk.

    If you are going to feed your pet high-quality cheese without additives, then you should keep in mind that it is permissible to give it no more than 1 time per week.

    To ensure the smooth operation of the cat's body, it also needs to be given other useful natural products. These include:

    • egg yolk;
    • porridges - rice, wheat, mixed with boiled or frozen meat / fish;
    • greens - dill, sprouts of oats, parsley;
    • vegetable oil in moderation;
    • vitamins and minerals;
    • purified or boiled water.

    If you serve your pet egg yolk, then you definitely need to consider that it must be boiled. This product is permissible to serve both separately and as an additive to porridge or cottage cheese. Feeding a cat with egg yolk is allowed no more than twice a week.

    If porridge is prepared for a cat, then it must be done in a 1: 2 ratio, or, more simply, one share of porridge for two parts of meat. It is permissible to add finely chopped dill or parsley into these pots. Wheat and oats can be purchased at the pet store or try to grow yourself.

    It is not recommended to give cats grass collected on the street. Such greens can include dangerous poisons that can cause very serious harm to the animal's body.

    Pet food can add vegetable oil. However, a lot of this component can not be added - no more than two teaspoons per day.

    Cats can also be given bread. This is a useful product, saturated with carbohydrates. It is advisable to feed your pet wheat or rye bread. Such products will not contribute to the accumulation of fat, but will saturate the animal's body with useful substances. But we must bear in mind that too often cats cannot be fed bread. It is best to treat pets with stale food, because fresh bread, according to veterinarians, can settle on the walls of the stomach, manifesting itself as bloating and an increase in acidity.

    Selection of dry feed

    Many owners prefer to feed their pets not natural, but ready dry food. Experts say that such products make it possible to observe the required balance of energy and mineral substances needed by the body.Often, people choose just such food, because they are profitable and significantly simplify the process of feeding animals, because it is not necessary to prepare different dishes in advance - they are ready. In addition, dry food does not deteriorate, so you do not have to constantly make sure that such food does not start to emit an unpleasant smell.

    Choosing industrial dry food sold in many stores, it is recommended to give preference to options from well-known manufacturers who produce premium or super premium sweets.

    There are also feeds that belong to the mass market class, which are cheaper and are found very often, but experts do not advise giving pets such food.

    If you feed your cat with dry food, then you definitely need to ensure that there is always clean water next to the food in the bowl. It is necessary to follow this rule, since in most modern dry feeds there is no more than 12% moisture. If the figures were different, then such food would not be stored for so long - a dangerous mold would soon appear on it.

    Features of canned food

    Many cats love canned food. Such food can be not only tasty for such pets, but also quite useful. Often, these ingredients become part of a mixed diet in cats, which includes beneficial vitamins. There are even high-quality products with antioxidants.

    There are a lot of options for canned cats. So, in the store you can find these kinds of such delicacies:

    • cat mousses;
    • pastes;
    • minced meat;
    • lump meat;
    • sausage;
    • frozen food.

    Canned foods are also beneficial and convenient, because they do not rot and mold. But if you pick up such food for your pet, then it is very important to ensure that the packaging is not rumpled or damaged in any other way. Do not allow depressurization of the product. If you notice signs of rust on the bank or it is swollen, then you should not take it.

    Veterinarians are advised to buy canned food for cats exclusively in proven outlets, in the proper storage of which you are sure. It is important to pay attention to the shelf life of the selected treats.

      In stores you can meet and special canned food in Lamister. Lamister is a metallized container with a soft cap of the same material. Similar packaging is revealed in the same way as pies or cottage cheese desserts. In lamister most often sold mousses and pates.

      Choosing canned food for cats, it is required to pay attention to their age. For kittens, food should be taken in small granules. The old cat should eat low-calorie canned food. You can pick up and special veterinary food, which are shown to the seals in certain diseases.

      What should not be given to the cat?

      As you can see, for cats you can make very simple and useful menus with a large number of inexpensive and useful components. However, before forming the diet of such a pet, you should familiarize yourself with the list of products that it is better not to eat.

      Never give grapes or raisins to your mustache.

      These products are useful and tasty only for humans, but they can cause considerable harm to cats. The fact is that in these pets raisins have the power to cause almost instant heart failure. Be sure to keep this feature in mind.

      Of course, no one is immune from theft of such harmful products by the cat. If you have noticed such a "crime" behind your pet, then he must be taken to the veterinarian, especially if the cat began to behave strangely. Symptoms of heart failure in cats are usually noticeable immediately. These include:

      • loss of appetite;
      • general weakness;
      • weak urination.

      Onions - another very dangerous product that can harm a cat. In general, onion is a slow poison that can destroy the blood cells in the body of a pet.Due to the ingestion of such a product, the cat may suffer from anemia. In this case, you must take into account the onions that contribute to minced and semi-finished products. Even in baby food this component can take place. Before you treat your pet to any of the listed delicacies, it is extremely important to get acquainted with the composition of the product.

      Garlic is even more dangerous than onions. It contains all the same harmful substances, but in even larger amounts. Fortunately, garlic is added to a very limited number of products, but you shouldn’t remember about it anyway. Be carefull.

      Alcohol and tobacco smoke are also harmful to cats. Often, the owners watch the pet's reaction with a smile when he drinks some beer or a stronger alcoholic drink. In fact, the animal will not get anything good from such drinks. Alcohol and tobacco are harmful to humans, and if you take into account the size of cats, you can come to the conclusion that they can get more serious damage to health.

      You should not give the cat chicken, pork or fish bones. Such products can lead to very serious injuries to internal organs, which can entail not only suffering, but also the death of a pet.

      Cats should not be given white cabbage, as well as fatty, salted, smoked or marinated meat. Legumes and pasta can lead to fermentation, flatulence and gastritis. You should not treat the cat confectionery. Sweet fruits and steamed cereals can badly affect the condition of your pet's teeth.

      Do not give the cat oily fish or river fish.

      If an animal eats such products, then there is a high risk of becoming ill with steatitis or becoming infected with dangerous parasites.

      It is not recommended to give cats such a delicacy as ice cream. Of course, if the animal once licked such a product, there will be nothing with it, but as a permanent treat it can not be used in any case. This also applies to ice cream options that do not use regular sugar.

      It is believed that most cats are ardent lovers of fresh milk and cream. In fact, these products are more like little kittens than developed cats. Often, adult baleen pets do not tolerate lactose at all. In this case, milk or cream can not be given in any case, otherwise the animal will suffer from dehydration.

      If the cat is naturally healthy and has good immunity, then all the flaws in its diet will make itself felt when it reaches old age. Usually at 7-9 years old, this animal can eat almost anything, but after this age mark various serious ailments can be felt, for example, urolithiasis, kidney failure, gastritis, liver problems and even diabetes. A cat eating properly will remain active for up to 10 years or more.

      Veterinary advice

      Many people keep cats at home. These pets are insanely popular and look very cute. Like any other animal, they need the right care. We must according to the rules feed the cat so that it is cheerful and healthy. It is necessary to rely not only on the features and nuances listed above, but also to take into account the advice and recommendations of experienced veterinarians.

      • It is very important to take into account the fact that after sterilization the lifestyle of the cat changes significantly. All the attention of pets after such procedures is drawn in the direction of food. Often, some time after the operation, there is a problem in the form of obesity of the animal. That is why it is so important to create a sparing diet for the cat. On the day, it should not consume too much food, especially fat.
      • Mostly the owners give the cats different goodies, not at all pitying them. However, many people simply do not realize that because of this, pets have markedly slowed down metabolic processes in the body. As a result, the weight of the animal increases, there are all sorts of health problems.
      • Try not to overfeed pet, even if you really like puffy cats. Play bigger and longer with your pet. As a rule, the pet begins to actively beg for food from other people.

      That is why it is so important to warn guests that they do not give the cat anything.

      • If the pet is steadily recovering, even if you are doing everything right, it is recommended to arrange fasting days once a week. In addition, the daily diet should be divided into several parts (4-5 parts is enough) and serve them to the cat during the day. Due to such actions, the fluffy will ask for less goodies.
      • We must remember that in a pet bowl must always be present clean and fresh water.. It is especially important to take into account this nuance if the animal has recently undergone an operation or feeds mainly on dry food. In such circumstances, cats drink a lot more and they especially need liquid.
      • Do not overfeed the cat with fish. Such delicacies are especially loved by these pets, but overeating can eventually lead to the development of serious urolithiasis.
      • If the pet is sick, then its diet must be treated especially deliberately and carefully. Do not be arbitrary - be sure to consult with a veterinarian how you can feed a fluffy, and what better to give up.
      • Cats do not feel the sweet taste, but this does not stop them from eating all sorts of sweets. Do not give these pets such products if you do not want to cause them serious harm.
      • Always make sure that your pet doesn’t have spoiled and foul-smelling food (if you feed the cat with natural food). Such food will not exactly benefit the animal, so you should immediately remove everything that has deteriorated in the pot. In addition, the bowl itself must be kept clean.
      • Not all cats love cereal. You can mix it with meat or heart pieces / chicken gizzards. Such treats like many baleen pets.
      • It is not recommended to give cats yeast bread. Of course, it is found in stores more often, but it is better to take a wheat product for a pet.
      • Do not neglect feeding the cat with high-quality dairy products (unless, of course, she has no intolerance). You can give as bought in the store products, and homemade treats.
      • Egg white should not be given to cats too often. If you do not follow this rule, you can cause serious harm to the kidneys of the animal. Better give the yolk (preferably not more than 1 time per week).
      • It is not recommended to give the cat lamb meat. Less should be given pork. Such foods are too fatty and can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.

      Of course, if the cat snatched a small piece of meat from the table, then nothing bad would be wrong with it, but you should not constantly give such treats.

        • Do not try to impose fruit on the cat. Very rarely, these pets eat such food. In addition, many of the existing fruits can harm a pet.

        A list of useful products for cats and tips on making a diet, see the following video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


