Domestic cats

Can cats taste sweet and why?

Can cats taste sweet and why?

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  1. When does a cat need sugar?
  2. What sweet can harm the animal?
  3. In what form is sugar allowed?
  4. Useful tips

Cats absolutely any breed requires competent care. For a pet, it is very important to choose a balanced and proper diet that will only benefit the animal's body. Many owners are interested in whether the cats can be given sweets. This can be chocolate, ice cream, cake, cream with a cake and other similar delicacies. Today we will find the answer to this question.

When does a cat need sugar?

Due to their own characteristics, cats do not feel the sweet taste. In sweets, they are more attracted by a pleasant and appetizing smell or a consistency they like. Often, whiskeys are drawn to ice cream, but they also cannot appreciate its taste. They are simply attracted by the pleasant coolness, especially when there is a hot summer outside the window. Often, cats are attracted to the special oils that have a place in the composition of many sweet treats. Based on this information, we can conclude that, in the sweets, cats are attracted not by sugar.

To answer the question whether cats can be given sweets, first to figure out when these pets really need sugar. In very rare situations, this component is required for the seals as a medicine. A similar phenomenon occurs during periods of recovery of a pet after a serious illness, when he suffers from exhaustion and his blood sugar level drops markedly. However, we must remember that sweets as a medicine can be given to cats only after prior consultation with a veterinarian. The owner himself should not prescribe this kind of rehabilitation therapy.

In such cases, seals should be otpaivat solution of glucose or ordinary slightly sweetened water. In the course of such a simple treatment, it is necessary to keep under control the immediate state of the pet in order to stop the flow of sweet in time, if it is suddenly needed.

For the treatment of animals, you can use a glucose solution or water with sugar, but the products listed below cannot be used for this purpose in any case:

  • confectionery;
  • sweet dairy products;
  • chocolate in any form;
  • sweet soda (some cats drink such drinks with great pleasure and demand them from their owners).

Sweet therapy is used quite often. In order not to accidentally harm a fluffy friend, it is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian. If the pet refuses to drink sweet water, then it can be poured in a violent way. There is nothing wrong with that - you are trying to cure an animal. In addition, in many cases, refer to a simple solution - put the cat dropper with glucose. They can be both intravenous and subcutaneous.

It is impossible to treat a pet uncontrollably with a sweet, even if the cat is already old and feels better after such procedures. For older cats, it is necessary to select another competent treatment.

This can be done only by a professional veterinarian. There is no need to take the initiative in such issues and experiment on the animal's health.

What sweet can harm the animal?

Cats get a lot of harm from sweets. For this reason, a caring owner will never “pamper” a mustache with a friend with delicacies containing sugar. The justification that the animal loves such products very much and eats it with pleasure for both cheeks should be forgotten forever if you do not want to cause serious harm to the animal.Sometimes cat owners find another excuse for giving sweets to pets. Among many people there is a perception that cats require sweets, because their bodies lack something that is necessary in sugar. Unfortunately, such explanations are useful only in order not to scold yourself for the fact that the animal eventually became seriously ill.

Let us examine in more detail what harm sweets can cause a cat's body.

  • Obesity. Consuming sweets, the animal gets a very large amount of light carbohydrates. Because of this, metabolic processes occurring in the body are inevitably disrupted. Food after this will not be properly assimilated. As a result, the rapid accumulation of body fat will begin. And they can be not only subcutaneous. Occurs and obesity of internal organs, which further provokes very serious pathology.
  • Diabetes. As mentioned above, cats do not perceive sweet tastes and can eat a lot of sweets, not realizing that they have long enough. As a result, the pancreas gets a terrible overload and can no longer function normally. If sweets are given to a pet in a regular manner, then over time inflammation will develop, and then destruction of pancreatic tissue. As a result, insulin will cease to be produced as it should, and the animal will become ill with diabetes. Animals suffering from such ailments need constant monitoring and maintenance therapy. The life expectancy of diabetic cats is significantly reduced.
  • Blindness. Pets who regularly consume sweets may suffer from blindness. This disease develops on the background of high blood sugar or already developed diabetes. This process cannot be reversed. As a result, it will necessarily lead to a deterioration in the quality of life of the cat.
  • Poisoning. Most often, poisoning leads to the consumption of chocolate cats. In its composition there is such a component as alkaloid theobromine, which in small quantities can cause a sharp jump in blood pressure in an animal, an increase in pulse rate and overexcitement. In large doses, this component can be fatal to the cat. Even a very small intoxication can be a serious test for the cat. As a result, it can lead to the development of heart, kidney and liver diseases.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Almost all baleen pets are subject to this ailment. Most often it occurs in cases where the kidneys of an animal take on very large loads. If pets often eat sweet foods, overload will not be avoided. Even if fish are given to cats very often, the kidneys will not be heavily stressed.

If sweets are often given to pets, then the risk of developing urolithiasis will be the same as when feeding with cheap economy-class food.

As you can see, the effects of consuming sweet cats can be truly terrifying. But that is not all. Sweets can also lead to such serious problems:

  • a sharp decrease in the immunity of the animal;
  • the development of serious allergic reactions;
  • early and rapid aging of the animal;
  • a significant increase in the fragility of blood vessels;
  • miscarriages;
  • the birth of dead kittens;
  • the development of defects and deformities in kittens.

Having learned all the problems that may begin with the pet's health after eating sweets, the owners no longer have to wonder whether it is possible to give cats such delicacies. Every person who is just about to start a cat or already keeps a cat at home should know that it is impossible to feed her with sugar treats. The exception may be only those situations where the reception of sugar was prescribed by a veterinarian.

A kitty's desire to eat butter or nuts (these foods often attract the attention of animals) can be fulfilled by giving her the indicated foods, but without adding sugar, that is, in pure form.

In what form is sugar allowed?

Sweets can not be given to cats, but this does not mean that sugar is prohibited in absolutely any form. There are many natural gifts that contain natural sugar - fructose, glucose. Such components will not harm cat health. Often, pets living in the private sector, themselves begging from the owners a fresh batch of sweet berries or vegetables in the beds. Dried and ripe fruits are a real source of beneficial sugars. Such delicacies that can be given to cats include such products.

  • Apples. Ripe apples contain not only useful vitamins and minerals, but also such a necessary component as fiber. Its fibers have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and also clean the teeth of the animal from plaque.
  • Pears These fruits also contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Plums and apricots. The taste of these fruits everyone knows. But the cats can be given only in small quantities.
  • Gourds. Such products should be carefully given to pets. So, the watermelon usually heavily loads the kidneys, and the melon is problematic to digest, so you cannot overdo it with such treats, and you can never give it to your pet.
  • Dates, dried apricots, figs. These fruits can be given to baleen friends in rare cases. Fruits can be either dried or dried. Some cats love such delicacies.
  • Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries. These fruits can also be included in the cat menu. True, it is permissible to do, if the animal is not allergic. Otherwise, the animal may suffer from an allergic reaction.

Honey is another well-known natural product that contains natural sugar. However, it should be handled with the utmost care. Kittens can be given it, but literally by a drop, introduced into already prepared food. Thus, you can immediately see if your pet is allergic to this beekeeping product.

Useful tips

Ice cream is a favorite treat of cats, especially in the summer season. But those products that are sold in the store, you can not give to pets because of the high sugar content. But you can make your favorite ice cream yourself, using only high-quality and natural ingredients without sugar.

Some owners are sure that there will be nothing wrong with the condensed milk animal. In fact, it is not. After eating this product, the cat may begin to have nausea, retching, diarrhea, loss of strength - all these are consequences of severe intoxication of the body.

If your cat pulls up to sweets and manages to steal them, then they should be removed to a place where the animal can not get through.

About the fact that sugar is harmful for a cat, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


