Domestic cats

Neva Masquerade Cats: Breed Description, Content Features

Neva Masquerade Cats: Breed Description, Content Features

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Lifespan
  6. Conditions of detention
  7. What to feed?
  8. Breeding
  9. Owner reviews

Today, quite unusual reptiles, birds and animals can be found as pets in the human home. But cats in the house of plant more often, so that these pets are represented in a wide variety of breeds. Among the rather young, but already popular, it is worth noting the Neva Masquerade cat, which in a rather short period of time gained popularity all over the world.

History of origin

In the appearance of this breed of long-haired cats, the man did not participate. The ancestors of Neva masquerade cats are individuals of the Siberian and Siamese breeds. As a result, the St. Petersburg cat adopted a well-developed strong build and rather thick fur from its parents. Besides, the animal has inherited a strong immunity.


From the Siamese breed, the pet received the predominant light color of the fur coat and a dark mask on the face, which was reflected in the name of the cats. Siamese cats also gave their descendants a very beautiful blue pupil color, which, in conjunction with the peculiarities of the exterior, distinguishes cats from other species and breeds.

There is also a version that the Neva cat owes its origin to Siberian aboriginal cats crossed with a Persian color point. therefore animals of this breed are sometimes called Siberian color points. For the first time, cats with blue eyes and unusual coat color were presented at the Leningrad exhibition in the late 90s, where they gave it a very beautiful name - Neva Masquerade.

Persian color point
Siberian aboriginal cat

Recognition of FIFE and WCF animals received only in 2009.


Animals of this breed are notable for such features as grace and strength. In addition, the breeders of Neva cats characterize them on the positive side of a relatively calm disposition, resistance to many ailments. The fundamental characteristic of the breed is the absence of an allergic reaction in humans to animal hair. Siberian color points have practically no antigens in saliva, which are allergic provocateurs. This quality makes it possible to contain a Neva Masquerade cat in almost every family.

It is necessary to highlight the basic standards of the exterior of these cats.

  • Head. Cats and cats of this breed have a massive trapezoidal skull. The forehead is sloping, with a smooth transition to the nose. The chin is not strongly protruding, the cheeks are of medium size. Ears in animals set wide, may have a slight slope to the face. The presence of brushes is allowed on them. The eyes are round and slightly slanting, with an upper arcuate eyelid. The color of the pupils is blue, however, various variations of shades of this color are allowed.
  • Torso. Cats of this breed are among the largest in the world, as animals are not far behind the famous giants among the representatives of the cat family - Maine Coon. The body has large bones, the muscles are well developed. No less strong in cats are the limbs, which together with the body visually constitute the right triangle. Paws of cats have a rounded shape, the hair grows even between the fingers. The tail is quite wide, has a rounding towards the end.The weight of Leningrad cats is about 5-6 kilograms, while male individuals can weigh 2-3 kilograms more than females.
  • Wool. The breed belongs to the long-haired (smooth-haired representatives of this breed can not be according to the standard). The wool of these animals is distinguished by the fact that it has dirt and water repellency properties from birth. In addition, koltuns are almost never formed in the fur coat of the Neva cats. In animals, there is a certain gradation that relates to the length of the coat. As a rule, it will be longer in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and on the sides the wool is shorter and softer at times. The exterior of the cat is not devoid of decorations. They are presented by beautiful "pants" and magnificent "collar". In animals, there is a double undercoat, the state of which depends entirely on the season.

As a rule, in the summer period it is expressed minimally and quite tightly adjoins the body. With the advent of cold weather, wool becomes longer and thicker, which also affects tactile sensations when stroking pets. During molting in animals, their inherent ornaments become almost invisible.

  • Coloring cats. The breed is characterized by very diverse coat colors. The main and most popular are the following options.
    • Salt point Representatives of the cat family with this color are most common. Animals have a light color coat with dark spots, concentrated on the ears, face and tail.
    • Red-point. In this case, the gradation of shades involves the transition of light tones in red color.
    • Blue point. Animals with this color have a bluish tinge of wool.
    • Tortie-point. In this variant of coat color, only Neva cats are found.
Blue point
Seal point

    Cats may have a silvery shade of wool. According to the approved standards, the presence of white socks on the limbs is permissible.

    Cats and cats should not be painted in absolute symmetry, so the specks can have any kind of location, shape and size.

    The Siberian color-point kitten is born completely white on the color of its fur coat. And its final coat color will get under the influence of a heat-sensitive gene, which will darken only the coldest areas on the animal's body.

    Character traits

    With regard to the nature of these animals, the pet, living together with a person, demonstrates its balanced character, in addition, representatives of the cat family since childhood are very attached to their breeder. And cats get used not just to the habitat, but to their family members. Pets are social animals, however, their relationship with a person can be called a partner, not a slave. Therefore, in dealing with them you want to avoid cronyism, because the cat is able to take offense for quite a long time. Vengeance is not characteristic of this breed.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The breed has its own positive and negative characteristics. The benefits include the following characteristics.

    • The popularity of animals is due to their attractive exterior. This concerns not only the color, but also the quality of the wool itself. Plus, cats and cats have a pretty cute face.
    • For keeping at home is a very valuable advantage is the balanced disposition of the representatives of the cat family.
    • Animals are characterized by advanced intelligence.
    • Despite the fact that the breed is in demand, as an exhibition, in terms of care, Neva masquerade cats do not require any specific nuances from the breeder.

    Among the minuses of the breed are the following features:

    • high cost of purebred kittens;
    • since the cat is not a shorthair, keeping a pet at home will require more frequent cleaning.


    Siberian color-points with good care live with a man for about 10-15 years.Among the representatives of this breed there are also long-livers, whose life cycle can exceed the established average values ​​by two times. Such features are inherent in cats due to innate stable immunity, due to which pets are sick very rarely.

    Among the diseases that can seriously shorten the life of animals of this breed, it should be noted hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Late diagnosis can lead to sudden death of the animal.

    Conditions of detention

    The main points relating to the care of a fancy cat are similar to the nuances of the content of the rest of the feline family. The main emphasis in the process of caring for animals should be done on wool. Pets need to be regularly combed out, for this you will need a massage brush and a puhoderka, which are used depending on the season and the molting of the cat. Also, for their pets will need to purchase special shampoos for long-haired cats.

    As a rule, molting in cats occurs twice a year, it is necessary to bathe it no more than once in two months. Breeders of the Neva Masquerade Cat should be aware that combing the tail of the animal is prohibited. This is due to the structure of the hairs, which can be pulled out very easily when carelessly moving. This will adversely affect the external characteristics of the pet.

    Bathe cats in case of emergency. To carry out hygiene procedures, a rubberized mat is placed on the bottom of the bath in order to make the animal comfortable in water. Bath fill no more than 10 centimeters.

    To avoid water getting into the ears, they are usually temporarily covered with cotton wool. Lather an animal twice strictly in the direction of growth of hair, it is not necessary to wet the head. After shampooing wool, rinse thoroughly with plain water.

    Drying a Neva cat after bath procedures is allowed with a towel or a hairdryer. It is advisable to carry out all the procedures quickly, so that the animal does not overcool. After bathing the cat needs to be combed.

    In addition to wool, grooming involves trimming claws, as well as cleaning the ears, eyes, and teeth. Oral hygiene should be carried out with the help of special pastes and a toothbrush. Eyes and ears can be cleaned with a cotton pad dipped in boiled water. Ears are usually cleaned no more than once a month. To facilitate the removal of sulfur and dirt from the ears, the breeder can purchase a special solution recommended for this purpose. You can also use a small amount of vaseline, olive oil.

    To care for the eyes, in addition to water, a cotton swab can be moistened in a tea brew. In the process of purification, it is important to remove all unnecessary clusters from the corners so that they do not fall into the lacrimal canal. With a large amount of discharge, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian.

    A pet will need to cut its claws if the animal clings to the surface of the furniture or carpets with their tips. In this case, they need to be rounded off, for this, the use of nail scissors is allowed. It is also recommended to shorten the claws before the exhibition, if the house contains several pets, which during the game can injure each other. They can be cut off by no more than 1-2 mm, with only the transparent part of the claw to be removed. It is necessary to carry out these manipulations with special care so as not to catch the living part.

    As a recommended measure concerning the maintenance of this breed of cats at home, it is worth highlighting walks with your pet in the fresh air. Animals with great hunting and curiosity spend time walking.

    Also, the Siberian color points have not lost their hunting instincts, they have good endurance and lightning reaction. As the most suitable place for walking should consider a private area in the courtyard of a residential building, balconies are also suitable for walking, if the cat lives in an apartment.

    If the owner does not plan to use the animal for further breeding, the most correct thing is to castrate or sterilize your pet. Such a step will help avoid unnecessary mating of an animal with members of the cat family of other breeds.

    In addition, such a decision will be beneficial to the health of the pet, since unrealized natural instincts can provoke the development of serious diseases in him. Most often they are found in individuals of the female sex. The optimal time for castration of cats is 8-9 months, cats are sterilized a little later, usually closer to a year.

    When keeping cats of this breed, it is also worth considering that the hairs that get along with food into the animal's stomach cannot be digested. With their large accumulation, so-called fur balls are gradually formed, they can cause serious nutritional disorders in pets. If the Neva cat is not able to periodically get rid of them, then the breeder is advised to help the animal by causing vomiting. To do this, the animal is poured one spoonful of vegetable oil, for teens the optimal dose is a teaspoon.

    Despite the breed's resistance to most diseases, it is recommended to regularly visit a veterinarian with a Neva Masquerade cat. To a greater extent this is due to the control of the heart.

    Another feature of these animals is the refusal to go to the dirty tray, so clean the tank with the cat's vital activity products regularly. To keep the animal's hair as fresh as possible, it is recommended to select wood filler for the tray. This option will also be suitable in the light of its characteristics to absorb bad odor.

    In order to avoid damage to the upholstered furniture for cats, it is recommended to purchase several scratching posts, placing them in different corners of the home. As toys for home color points, you can buy balls, a variety of teasers, pen options for cats' fun.

    Sound or flashing goods are recommended to be avoided, since the animal can disturb the owner with them at night. If the fancy kitten has no personal toys, he can use important things for his family members to do this. They can be wires, phone chargers, slippers, and dangerous items that are not intended to be played.

    What to feed?

    These animals stand out for their large size, however, they are not at all inclined to obesity. The best option for feeding animals is two meals a day. 120-130 grams of food will be the norm per meal. It can be both dry food of a premium class, and natural food. Dry industrial feed will be an excellent preventive measure to prevent the formation of tartar.

    The main ingredients in the diet of cats are meat and offal. The priority will be rabbit meat, beef or poultry, which will become indispensable sources of protein. Liver Nevsky kitty should be offered occasionally, because it can cause changes in coat color. The color is also influenced by seafood, so representatives of this breed are advised not to give fish at all.

    In the diet of cats should also be present dairy products. Animals are better to buy products with a minimum fat content. In the priority of fat-free kefir, sour milk. Cats also need to offer vegetables in raw and stewed form, they must be refilled with a small amount of vegetable oil.

    Kittens up to three months of age should be fed 4-5 times a day, by half a year the pet is gradually transferred to three meals a day. An adult cat is considered to be one year, then feeding will be two meals a day.

    Under the ban are:

    • fatty food;
    • confectionery;
    • pickles;
    • spicy foods;
    • food with dyes or other chemicals that can trigger an allergic reaction in an animal.

      Water from the pet should always be freely available.


      Neva Masquerade cat is not allowed to cross with animals of other breeds. It is recommended to look for a couple for your pet in advance. It is best to choose cats or cats for the subsequent production of offspring among animals from nurseries, which are serious about preserving the characteristics of purebred individuals.

      Neva cats reach sexual maturity much earlier than representatives of other breeds of the cat family. As a rule, an animal is considered sexually mature at the age of 9 months. This is due to the specific climatic conditions in which their ancestors were forced to live. Due to circumstances, Siberian cats had a high mortality rate, therefore, to save the population and maturation occurred much earlier. Similar characteristics were transmitted to their direct descendants.

      As for the opinion of breeders of Siberian color points, they do not recommend mating until the cats reach the age of one and a half years.

      Cats are best combined with an already more experienced partner. Pregnancy in these animals lasts 9 weeks. Cats of this breed are characterized by a well-developed maternal instinct, so all the concerns about the offspring can be safely trusted to her.

      Owner reviews

          According to the responses of breeders of pets of this breed, cats, when communicating with a person, demonstrate their docile temper and affection. But if necessary, the animal is quite able to give a serious rebuff. After acquiring a kitten, special attention should be paid to its early training to the tray, otherwise the owner may experience serious problems, as cats are able to demonstrate some stubbornness.

          Neva Masquerade Cat gets along well with young children, in some families she gets on well even with dogs.

          About the features of this breed, see below.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


