Domestic cats

Everything you need to know about Oriental cats and cats

Everything you need to know about Oriental cats and cats

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character and habits
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
  5. How many years live?
  6. Kinds
  7. Conditions of detention
  8. What to feed?
  9. Breeding
  10. Owner reviews

Oriental cats are a breed that was officially recognized in 1977 in the USA. Seeing once the face of an animal, it's hard not to fall in love with huge eyes, big ears and a wide nose. The breed has a muscular slender body, a thin long tail. Cats of this breed are very curious and strongly attached to their owners.

History of origin

It all began at the end of the 19th century, when Oriental grandparents were brought from Thailand to England along with Siamese cats. The first mention of the painted Siamese dates back to 1903. Fans of this type of cats tried to decide the exhibition fate of a new breed for the European continent. Disputes in the ranks of felinologists lasted until 1923. Everything stopped after the decision of the club of Siamese cats in Britain, where it was reported that the organization does not support the breeding of other breeds. In this way, monochrome cats were excluded from the Siamese class, work on the new species stopped.

In the mid-50s of the twentieth century, Havana Brown Roofspringer Mahogany Quinn was brought to the American Quinn nursery from England, from which the American Orientals began. Two years later, Havana Brown takes the standard and gets the title of champion in CFA.


The "chocolate" cat is registered by a separate breed, Havana Brown, while breeders can fully preserve its uniqueness. The original color is an important pedigree feature. In the European part of the world this color is lost due to mixing with the Siamese.

American felinologists went further. Following the recognition of other colors by the company in 1977, the Orientals finally take their place in the list of approved international feline breeds. In 1995 comes the breakthrough for bi-colors - cats with a two-color coat. A long-haired gene is introduced into the breed. Two years later, this type of Orientals gets the title of champion in CFA. The animal has a slender flexible body, looks exquisitely, while it has developed muscles.

They may look awkward, especially kittens. But cats and cats of the long-haired type have softer outlines.


By standards, oriental cats are similar to Siamese, but differ in color and type. They have the same characteristics, a description of the structure of the body and character. Animals have an unusual head shape with large ears, a medium sized body.

The weight of the female reaches 3 kg, the males are slightly heavier - up to 5 kg. Height in withers height is 25 cm, the length of the body - no more than 90 cm. Orientals have a large number of colors.

For Orientals, the following generally accepted standards exist:

  • head the animal is in the form of a narrowing wedge;
  • eyes usually almond-shaped, the color is most often green, but white for Orientals is allowed blue; if the eyes are of a different color, then such animals do not participate in exhibitions or breeding; according to American standards, they should be oval in shape and evenly spaced relative to each other in relation to the nose, eyes should not be convex; Newborn kittens are born blind, but in Orientals they open their eyes earlier than other breeds - by 8–9 days; kitty eyes are gray-blue; in 2-3 months they turn green;
  • ears immediately attract attention: wide at the base and pointed at the tips, they look as if the animal is in a watchful state; eared muzzles attract attention, kittens look especially interesting; Orientals have a so-called early ear growth in the first 3 months of life, then the body and head catch up with them in proportions;
  • body combines graceful bones and developed muscles, the abdomen is characterized by tightness;
  • neck corresponds to the structure of the cat as a whole - in males and females it looks the same - slim and long;
  • hind legs longer than the front;
  • wool the animal shines, silky to the touch; the nap is tight to the cat's body.

The disadvantages of cats include squint, depressions between the eyes, snub nose. If there is a so-called straight line fracture between the forehead and nose, this also applies to deficiencies - according to the rules only a straight line is allowed.

If a cat has a massive jaw, then it is also rejected from participation in the exhibition.

Character and habits

Many owners say the talkativeness of their favorites. They have a habit of constantly giving voice, various signs, and also try not to lose sight of people. Where the master goes, the cat immediately moves there. Animals have a playful character, happy to indulge in cat fun in the form of chasing a ball or hunting for a rustling piece of paper. They can play catch-up and hide-and-seek with the owner. Not only kittens, but also more adult individuals like to do this.

If an oriental cat appeared in the house, you shouldn’t wait for her to doze, curled up in a secluded place. The animal, of course, can lie down in the break between activities, but its resting place will be the master's desk, computer, stereo, pillow, bed, back of the sofa.

In short, a person must remain within the visibility of the Oriental.

Cats can spoil things in an apartment due to their lush energy, so It is necessary to provide a pet toys and other entertainment in the form of a house with areas for climbing and jumping.

Orientals are very curious. They participate in all events that may occur in the house. They like to get acquainted with the guests, they will surely follow what the person is doing in the kitchen, and they will also ask to enter the room if the door suddenly closes in front of their nose. Cats of this breed are wonderful to children and get along well with them. You can not worry that the Orient will scratch the child. They will never allow the claws to be released, even if they are not experiencing the most pleasant moments of the game with a tail.

Orientals are good friends with other pets. The only thing that they can enthrall them in their active games. If the cat is not enough master's attention, it will take revenge: it will hang on the curtains, sharpen its claws on the furniture and ignore the person.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Any breed has its pros and cons. Orientals are no exception. The breed has an equal number of advantages along with disadvantages. This cat is not suitable for everyone, so you need to know and be prepared for the manifestations of its stubborn nature and temperament. Owners note several drawbacks in the Orientals.

  • They are very capricious and used to pursue their. If the pet wants to play, and the owner decides to rest at this moment, then he will have to yield to the animal. They love to be the center of attention. Because of their curiosity, they can climb into remote places, they love to conquer new peaks - so they can jump on the cabinets and curtains. If they begin to train, then all attempts will be unsuccessful. You can not punish them, beat even more. You just need to take the nature of the animal for granted.
  • It should be understood that Oriental cats are restless "cushion" pillows, like Persians or chinchillas. Even thoroughly refreshed, the Orient will not warm its sides under the sun on the windowsill. The animal loves outdoor activities.
  • Claws in this breed grow very quickly. They need to be trimmed, so kittens need to be taught to claw from the very first days of appearance in the house. If this is not done, the animal will grind its claws on furniture, wallpaper or curtains.
  • Orientals love to eat well and do not pick and choose at all. However, the breed must be given a portion in limited quantities in order to maintain the slimness of the body of the animal. The calculation is carried out according to the following scheme: 30 grams of food per 1 kilogram of the mass of a pet. It is necessary to feed an animal 2 times a day.Cats are very smart and will plaintively or, on the contrary, brazenly begging for an additional portion.
  • Another disadvantage is the high price of pedigree kittens. Although thanks to this, people make a purchase of the future pet consciously.
  • Orientals are subject to diseases that are transmitted along with genes. One of them is gingivitis, so you need to constantly monitor the condition of the oral cavity of the animal. Retinal atrophy and blindness are common.

Animals are prone to upper respiratory tract infections. There are risks of diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

Now it is worth considering the dignity of the breed.

  • Orientals are great companions.. They constantly “talk” with their owners, demonstrating emotions. They are very faithful, do not tolerate loneliness and betrayal.
  • These cats feel the host's mood. and try to adjust their behavior under it. They are closely watching the actions of the owner and try to be close.
  • They have a stunning appearance. Seeing once, they are difficult then to forget. Cats have almost no undercoat, and the coat itself is very short.
  • The cat behaves well on a leash. Best of all, if the animal will be in the harness. It will not try to escape, but it is still not necessary to let go of the Oriental one.
  • He plays with enthusiasm with everything.that rustles and rolls, using a variety of objects. Fun pet games will not leave anyone indifferent.

How many years live?

Life expectancy with good care can reach 18–20 years, on average, from 13 to 15 years. It all depends on heredity and compliance with the rules of crossing. Orientals are considered long-lived among other feline breeds. If we translate the age limit of oriental cats to the human equivalent, they live to the old 92 years.


Oriental or Oriental cats can have any color. It can be wool color or pattern. Based on this, animals may look different. In this case, cats also differ in the length of hair: there are short-haired and long-haired species. The latter appeared as a result of the crossing of Orientals with short hair and balinese. In another way, this type of cat is called mandarins. The body of the animals looks like a Balinese, and the color is like that of the Orientals, but at the same time the hair is semi-long.

This species is rarely encountered, although it was recognized by international felinological organizations. The body of these cats looks stronger, compared with the short-haired look. Otherwise, it is not much different from the accepted standards of Orientals. At the same time, the hair of animals fits snugly to the body and visually seems shorter, in fact it is long and silky to the touch, has an undercoat. It is necessary to perform combing twice a week, during the period of molting - preferably every day. In this form, the most valuable in color are chocolate and purple hues.

Important! Extreme species are cats with the most pronounced features of the breed. The larger the ears, the longer the muzzle, the more elegant the silhouette of the animal, the higher its price. In general, the requirements of the standard should be the same.

Oriental cats have about 300 types of color, but there are the following so-called basic shades:

  • ebonite - refers to animals with black wool; representatives of this species have green eyes and resemble panther;
  • havana - this type of nose and fur should have a uniform brown color, the pillows on the legs, respectively, are pink-brown;
  • lavender or purple - wool gray, there may be a so-called frost plaque, which should not be cast in shades of blue;
  • blue - evenly colored coat from the nose to the tip of the tail;
  • cinnamon - wool is light brown, with the nose of the animal and the pads on the paws of pink color;
  • faun - this color includes the following shades: wool beige and light gray in combination with pink nose and pads on the legs;
  • redhead - wool with a uniform red tint, nose and pads of a soft pink color;
  • cream - wool is close in color to pastel shades; the tip of the nose and pads are pink.

The colors of the Orientals also have subspecies.

  • Solid. When the color is evenly throughout the cat's body. That is, the skin on the nose and paws is also the same color as the wool.
  • Shaded The animals have black hair on their backs, but due to the undercoat, the color on the sides goes into a lighter color and is completely brightened on the belly and the tip of the tail.
  • Smoke. In another way it is called smoky. With a dark color there is a light undercoat, which is visible only when the animal moves. It is difficult to determine from a photo, therefore it is better to watch such a cat live.
  • Parti-color. This is a tortoise color. They are usually only possessed by cats, but cats are a rare exception. Spots of a different color are evenly distributed over the coat. The most common colors with cream or red spots.
  • Bi-Color. Cats are usually monochrome, except for the legs, abdomen, muzzle and chest, which are white. Eyes can be green and blue colors.
  • Tabby. This is one of the common species, which in turn is also divided into subspecies. Cats of this type are very popular. The color of the tabby is characterized by imposing a uniform pattern on the uniform coat color.

Tabby drawings are divided into the following types:

  • brindle - the main strip is located on the back, from which lighter stripes go down to the sides;
  • spotted - differently it may also be called leopard due to contrasting spots on the coat;
  • marble - the most rare color; Kittens are born only from “marble” parents who have a gene of such a pattern in their blood, the stripes go to the body and only emphasize the more refined silhouette of the animal, the kids very much resemble the chipmunks;
  • ticked - looks like a monochrome animal, with each hair of hair colored throughout its length; there are light and dark tones.

The main requirement for cats with a tabby pattern is the contrast between the main color of the coat and the tone of the pattern.

For cats of a monochromatic color, there is another requirement: there should not be any spots and markings of a different color. Oriental cats also have a special color.

In the photos, such animals look very unusual due to the completely white color, without any hints of shades. Eyes in such cats can be green or blue, but eyes of different colors look especially exotic - one is blue, the second is green.

Conditions of detention

Special care for the breed is not required. Cats themselves are happy to monitor their hair. Still, it’s best to help the animal combing it twice a week with a rubber mitten during the molting period. You can replace it with a damp cloth to collect pieces of shedding wool. It is necessary to bathe an animal in rare instances. Usually before participating in an exhibition.

It is recommended to clean the ears once a week. The procedure is performed with cotton buds and a mild cleansing lotion or petroleum jelly. Eyes need to be treated with a cotton pad moistened with water, which will clear them of mucus. Brushing your teeth is also a necessary procedure. Not every animal, especially if it is not tamed since childhood, will allow someone to pick their teeth.

In this case, dry food or special treats that help solve the problem of plaque and tartar come to the rescue.

For nail care need kogtetochka. Once a month it is necessary to shorten the claws by 2 mm and no more, in order not to injure the animal. If it fails at one time, the procedure can be carried out within a few days. Orientals love to pick their home flowers, tasting leaves and stems. To prevent animal poisoning, plants such as dieffenbachia and azaleas you need to either remove completely, or put in an inaccessible place.

Cats are very curious and fearless, so It is important to monitor the windows and the balcony so that the animal does not fall out of the floor.. They quickly accustomed to the toilet. But if the kitten does not want to go to the tray, then you need to understand the reasons. Perhaps he does not like smells, especially if the tray is in the bathroom next to household chemicals. It may be that the animal's toilet is in a prominent and noisy place for it.

If the kitten fell in the wrong place, you can scare him gently, slamming your hands gently and throwing a small soft toy. The main thing that the animal does not understand that the threat comes from the owner.

What to feed?

Orientals are lovers of tasty food. They do not hesitate to grab master's food for themselves from the table. But we must remember that the digestive system in these cats can not digest any product. Therefore, the best in the diet to focus on industrial feed. Oriental cats prefer wet food to dry. Owners are best fed mixed animals, alternating canned and "drying." Mixing both types is strictly not recommended.

You can feed your pet with natural food: treat me with a piece of meat or fish, cereal with milk. But in this matter, too, do not get involved, because Orientals can refuse industrial food, moreover, they are prone to obesity.

The cat should not be fed up, therefore it is best to leave the necessary amount of food in the bowl. It is not necessary to feed the Orientals according to the schedule, since subconsciously the animal will prepare for a hunger strike and eat food more than it should be. Be sure to always have fresh water. You can feed the animal with vitamins and minerals. In vetmagazinakh there are special complexes.

To determine the "correct" feed can be guided by the state of wool. If it is soft and without dandruff, then the cat - proper nutrition.


Oriental breeding requires experience. Finding a cat for mating is still half the battle. Not the fact that kittens turn out "exactly" as the picked up father. There are many nuances that experienced breeders know about.

  • The flow of the oriental cat is no different from other breeds. A breeding cat is recommended to knit at least once a year and not more often than once in half a year. If the cat, in the presence of small kittens, again asks the cat, then it is better to follow the lead of the pet and reduce it again.
  • The process of mating must be approached very responsibly, taking into account the right time and the right partner. If kittens of a show class are necessary, then both parents must also be of the same level. At the same time there is no guarantee that the entire litter will correspond to the specified class.
  • Determine the further fate of the litter - who is suitable for breeding or "leaves" in the so-called pet class (not suitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions) can only experienced breeders.
  • Pregnancy of a cat lasts from 58 to 70 days. Special care for animals is not required, the only thing that will have to revise the dietary standards, increasing the volume. You need to feed special foods for pregnant and lactating cats. The belly begins to grow at 4 weeks, and already at 6–7 weeks you can feel the movement of the kittens. At the beginning of the eighth week it is necessary to prepare the cat a place for giving birth. It should be a secluded place. The Oriental genera are not much different from others - she can lie quietly or run around the apartment, mewing. Childbirth can last from 2 to 6 hours.
  • Kittens are usually given at the age of three months. When choosing a small Oriental should pay attention to its appearance. The kitten should look healthy and nimble. Eyes and ears should be clean, without secretions, the fur should shine in the sun.
  • When buying, the owner must serve the metric or pedigree. If there are no documents, then most likely the kitten is a mixed breed.If the animal is purchased for breeding, it is best to take it in the nursery. These are breed class cats with good pedigrees.
  • Castration of the animal is carried out in age from 8 to 12 months.

Owner reviews

The cost of an animal seems overwhelming to many. It depends on the class and coat color of the cat. For example, “chocolate” kittens of pet-class are estimated from 25 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. If the same baby has shades of faun or cinnamon, then its value doubles: from 45 thousand to 60 thousand rubles. The most expensive price tag for animals with pedigrees intended for breeding. The price for one kitten Oriental can reach 100 thousand rubles.

On the Internet you can find a variety of reviews about the Orientals. Someone cat like, people in spite of the problems brought by animals, continue to adore the pet. And someone complains that the Orientals are very talkative and intrusive.

Anyway, the acquisition of any animal is the responsibility for someone else’s life for several years.

Oriental owners can be divided into two camps. In one, people are touched by pranks and pranks - worn out wallpaper, nightly jogging on walls and curtains, a tour of the dining table and eating “snacks”, exploring the shelves on the closets - all this is just amusing. Therefore, we can say that These cats are designed for people of a cheerful disposition who easily relate to everyday problems. For other owners, Orientals deliver only torment in the form of night screams, touchy nature, theft from a garbage can and torn rolls of toilet paper. In short, the house is filthy and messy. Having led to an unusual appearance, people bought an animal, which, in fact, is not a simple character, as it seems to many.

Owners are advised not to pamper the animal, as it begins to become like a child for whom there are no barriers and nothing is possible. Cats and so are demanding of themselves, and in this case they become very annoying until they achieve their goal. Do not forget that any cat walks by itself, especially such an unusual one. In this breed still makes itself felt independent nature of the Siamese ancestor.

In the next video you will find more information about oriental cats and cats.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


