Domestic cats

How to wean the cat bite?

How to wean the cat bite?

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  1. The reasons
  2. How to influence a kitten?
  3. How to wean an adult cat?
  4. Recommendations of specialists

Baleen-striped are extremely unpredictable. Now they calmly sit on their hands, purr and lick, and after five minutes they are already trying to bite. Well, if this flirting of love - lightly bite, lick the bitten place and will sit on with a contented look. But if a fluffy ball often dissolves teeth and claws, you will have to take drastic measures. First you need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

The reasons

It is believed that the cat begins to throw in order to express its discontent (offense, anger, irritation). However, her behavior largely depends on age and state of health. This allows you to sort the causes of aggression into several groups.

External factors

Cats show aggression if they do not feel safe. A sense of security is formed since childhood, when a kitten spends most of his time with his mom-cat, brothers and sisters.

If you pull him out of this circle at an early age, he can feel threatened in everything.. Even a new family will be perceived as something hostile. In this case, all attempts to get acquainted with a new family member will end with bites and scratches.

Often, the cat's desire to bite and scratch is caused by an elementary lack of education. The cat grabs the legs of the mistress in the kitchen, stalls the household in the corridor, rushes at them and quickly runs away.

In his understanding, human hands are an interesting toy that you can tear off with claws and bite. In the most neglected case, the animal tries to "build" its owners, punishing them by biting them for not wanting to fulfill its whims.

Often, such a bad form affects the guests, for whom communication with a cute kitty end in scratches and bites. But even an educated cat can inadequately respond to street smells that guests bring on clothes. Extraneous aromas are strong irritants and may well cause aggressive behavior.

If these acquaintances have a pet, their clothes also have its smell, which will irritate purrs who are accustomed to consider themselves the one and only. If the owner caressed another animal, he should not immediately stroke his pet - because he immediately feels betrayal.

A surge of aggression is also observed in animals whose owners decided to bring another pet to the house. There are frequent cases when the caudate is simply bored, and he tries to entertain himself with attacks on the owners. A mustache-striped can strongly bite if it believes that it receives little attention. At the same time, he perceives even a negative reaction as encouragement.

However, prolonged romps or long strokes also act annoyingly. At some point, the animal gets tired and expresses it in attempts to scratch or bite. And, of course, the cat can bite the owner if he accidentally gives him a paw or tail. Moreover, such a reaction can follow either immediately or several hours or even days later, because cats are very vindictive creatures.

Age and physiological features

A kitten at the age of 4-5 months becomes biting because of a change of teeth, when the molar ones are replaced with a milk one. This lasts up to seven or eight months, until all 30 teeth of a growing predator grow.

In some cases, the process is delayed up to 1 year. During this period, the kitten gnaws at all that it can reach, including the hands and feet of the owners.At the same time, the behavior of a kitten is not a manifestation of aggression - it constantly plays, trying to taste interesting objects on a tooth.

Symptoms of dental growth are very simple - increased salivation leads to the fact that the kitten licks more often than usual, smacks and pulls the paws in the mouth, trying to get rid of loose loose milk teeth. It should not be helped by him: the animal copes with this difficulty on its own.

If a pregnant cat lives in the house, any stroking her belly will be perceived as an attempt to harm future offspring. Adult cats also do not like touching the belly or the base of the tail, so they protect the most sensitive parts of the body. A nursing cat-mother rarely lets outsiders to their tiny, helpless clumps.

Aggressive behavior is characteristic of outdated Murok. During the rut, the animal becomes restless, it literally turns out of overflowing emotions, with which often nothing can be done. And often the aggression extends to the owner, in which the cat sees a direct competitor.

There are cases of residual aggression after sterilization. This happens if the cat is sterilized, which survived a difficult childbirth or the death of kittens. Or when an animal undergoes surgery, it has been experiencing empty estrus for most of its life. Pets, whose owners decided to terminate a pregnancy or operate a pet during a sexual hunt, behave aggressively.

Often, animals behave aggressively if they experience pain. If, in response to the gentle touch, the cat bares its teeth and does not allow itself to be stroked, it is worthwhile to show it to the vet. This may be a disease of internal organs, severe injury or any other injury.

There are many reasons for purring to become harmful, biting and scratching. A caring owner will definitely look at the behavior of the animal, analyze its treatment with it, and take measures to channel this stormy energy to a peaceful course.

How to influence a kitten?

First, the story of life. The kitten bit bite over and without. They did not know what to do. Then the owners were advised to bite him back - let them know that the owner can give the change. So did. When he once again grabbed the hostess's finger, she immediately bit his ear. He squeaked, but let go of his finger.

He walked for a long time, shaking his head with obvious bewilderment on his face, but he no longer pounced. Then he tried to pounce on the host, who repeated the same trick, only bit stronger. The cat screamed indignantly, but there were no more manifestations of aggression on its part. Apparently, he decided that it was better not to mess with such abnormal "parents."

Do not teach hands

Teach the younger beast to order need from childhood. For example, even a small kitten should not take hands as toys. Therefore, no hand games should be. This ban should apply to children and guests. If you so want to play with the kitten, Let them take a special whisk, mouse or ball.

You need to look at the behavior of your pet and understand what signs indicate fatigue from active play, noise, and another. As a rule, the animal is no longer so actively running after the proposed toy or trying to run away to a quieter place. In this case, you need to carry the baby in his house so that he can recuperate after running around.

It is strictly forbidden to stroke or take the cat on your hands if it is not configured to communicate.

It should be established in the house a firm rule: if the pet wants to sit in his corner, do not remove it from there. Such invasions irritate the animal, it does not feel safe, loses confidence in the people around it. The effects appear on the hands in the form of scratches and bites.

Playing and sleeping - in its place

The kitten, which is only 2 months old, has an incredible activity, especially in the dark or late at night.The tail robber runs around the hosts like a stadium, bites his arms hanging from the bed, grabs his legs. You can put a rolled up newspaper near the bed and slap the mischievous naughty child right at the time of the attack.

The baby squeaks and runs back, and then tries to attack again, and still it’s impossible to sleep peacefully. There is an option to put a quadruped into another room, plant it on a bedding arranged for him with toys and close the door to the master bedroom tightly.

Here it is important not to succumb to a disgruntled squeak, and not to let the kitten into the room. Gradually, he learns to fall asleep in his place without running around on other people's heads.

To teach loneliness

Many can not decide to bring an animal into the house due to heavy workload at work. However, cats are independent and self-sufficient animals. Before leaving, the kitten needs to leave food and water. To avoid confusion, you should regularly clean the tray. By the way, hunger or a dirty toilet can also cause feline aggression.

To the animal was not boring, you need to leave him toys, with which he can tinker in the absence of the owners. Upon returning home, you need to devote time to a little fluffy lump that waited all day. Pat, hold on your hands, play.

But if the kitten is played out and begins to actively hunt the owners, you should switch its attention with the help of a broomstick, rope or laser pointer. The baby will have a new object of hunting, and he will forget to think about hunting for his two-legs “parents”.

Health status

If your pet has teeth cut, it is worth purchasing baby silicone rings for it. In pet stores you should not buy such goods, because manufacturers impregnate them with special tinctures. Vegetable odors attract the attention of animals, but destroy their nervous system, so it is better to choose an option for young children.

If a very active kitten has become lethargic, his appetite has disappeared and his temperature has risen, he should be shown to the vet. Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea should be cause for concern. Bad breath, limp or unnatural head tilt should also be a signal for a visit to the doctor.

As the pet grows up, the owner should decide whether he will look for a pair for him. If worries about the next generation of kittens are not included in the plans, the cat will need to be sterilized. Such operations for cats are carried out in 6-9 months, for cats - in 4-7 months. Delay with the decision is not worth it, because the young animal is more easily tolerated anesthesia and the subsequent hormonal adjustment.

Radical measures

When you try to attack again, you can sprinkle the prankster out of the spray gun - he will snort and shake indignantly, but he will be afraid to walk. If he clutches his hand in a stranglehold, it is worth lightly click it on the nose. A flick of a kitten for a blow will not accept, but what happened will puzzle him, and he will run back to make sense of everything.

You can throw on him any lightweight fabric or wrap fluffy fidget in a towel. Cats hate enclosed spaces and everything that restricts their movement. Therefore, there is a chance that the number of surprise attacks will decrease dramatically or even completely disappear.

Any sharp sound is considered frightening, therefore at the time of the attack, you can clap your hands, stomp your foot, knock one metal object against another. It works flawlessly. The only disadvantage is the quick addiction - the quick-witted purr understands that this noise does not pose a threat to him, and the owner will have to look for a different approach.

These tips are not a complete list of recommendations for raising a kitten. After all, any educational measures should be applied taking into account the nature and behavior of a particular animal.However, this list will allow you to familiarize yourself with the basic techniques, take a note of something and try to put it into practice.

How to wean an adult cat?

And again - the life story. The owners had a very angry cat. You caress her, and she hisses, bites, releases claws. When the guests came, the cat was locked on the balcony so that it would not tear anyone.

After the visitors left, all the trim on the balcony door was torn. Thus she expressed annoyance that she could not go out and drive away the uninvited guests. She and her to the vet were taken - they thought it was some kind of abnormal animal. But the doctor did not find any abnormalities.

In this case, we are talking about a quarrelsome and quarrelsome character, which, alas, pets can have. Yes, and the owners clearly go to her about, if they allow her to bite and lash out at others. But even such a difficult adult cat can be forced to change its habits and behavior. If you have a fair amount of patience, you can achieve tangible results.

Social adaptation options

Cat can not be teased. And also you should not forget that an adult animal prefers not running around behind balls and mice, but lying quietly in a comfortable chair. therefore games with an adult cat should not be long. As a rule, the twitching tip of the cat's tail clearly says that I am still in trouble.

You can not provoke an attack of the animal. If the owner or guest has played with the pet, not paying attention to his tiredness, there is nothing left but how to show aggression so that he is left behind. If the cat began to bite and scratch, it can not be punished for it, because only bothersome bogus is to blame for its behavior.

If an animal captures hands only during games, you can shove a finger into its mouth deeper - sickening sensations will be remembered for a long time, and it will not soon decide to repeat the attack. There are owners who, in response to a bite, push a cat's own paw into the cat's mouth. A cat who has played out may bite itself, but she will not associate this unfortunate misunderstanding with the master's discontent.

Crime and Punishment

As a punishment for a bite, it is permissible to pull up an animal in raised tones. It can be a universal "no" or a formidable hail by name. Cats unpleasant harsh tone, the animal quickly establishes a connection between the terrible shout and their behavior, and at the same time realize that this can not be done. Effectively the same click on the nose, any sharp sound or throw pillow.

It is necessary to explain to all family members that the punishment should follow every bite immediately after the “crime” committed. You can’t summon a cat to yourself to punish a misdemeanor, even if it was done half an hour ago.

If a cat for one and the same offense will receive a click from one and stroking from another, it will be completely at a loss. On the correction of behavior in this case there can be no question.

If the cat was sitting on its knees and began to bite, it should be immediately thrown off its knees, leave the room and left in splendid isolation. In the next 20 minutes you should not caress her or feed her - this will be perceived as encouragement. Repeat this several times - and the animal will understand that its bite leads to the end of the game (sitting on his hands).

If shaggy wrecking is sociable, an effective punishment for it will be a complete disregard for 5-10 minutes.

As a rule, tame animals are painfully experiencing a lack of human attention. If you perform such manipulations all the time, they will quickly remember how not to behave.

Health problems

Even if an adult animal does not show aggression during the sexual rut, veterinarians advise him to sterilize. This operation stabilizes the hormonal background, relieves the pet of discomfort. He becomes more attached to the house and becomes more disposed to human society.

If a sterilized animal lives in the house, it is recommended to pay attention to its food. Cats do not feel the taste, and cat food cannons often contain phosphoric acid, which gives the feed a special piquancy. However, such a “diet” threatens to turn into kidney problems, and consulting a veterinarian will help to adjust the menu.

A special approach is required for elderly cats who can strongly resist embraces and attempts to hold them in their arms. They need peace, which is not difficult to provide - it is enough to provide the animal with the most peaceful corner in the apartment and convince the household that annoying signs of attention pester the pet.

A young cat with poor health can also lead inadequately. Therefore, with the slightest deviation from the norm - weight loss, thirst, vomiting, fever should immediately consult a doctor.

As a conclusion, a small life hack: a cat of any age can be brought to life by grabbing the scruff. It works flawlessly. A couple of such punishments - and the animal stops attacking.

Recommendations of specialists

Does not interfere with the opinion of professional veterinarians about methods of eliminating feline aggression.

  • Experts recommend teaching children how to handle the animal properly - this will help avoid many problems in the future. It is necessary to involve the child not only in communication with a pet, but also in caring for him. Then more likely that he will not perceive the kitten as a living toy.
  • Care should be taken with hormones and drugs. First, the animal should be shown to the doctor, and then choose a suitable sedative. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the health of the four-legged pet.
  • It is important from the outset to recognize the pet's right to a negative manifestation of emotions. If the cat does not like to play with children, it is annoying to come guests or loud working equipment, it should be allocated such a place in the apartment that she felt comfortable.
  • In sterilized animals, the sexual instinct develops into a desire for comfort, curiosity for the environment, and gastronomic interest. The latter is definitely not worth encouraging, but the first two qualities can and should be stimulated, since this will have a positive effect on the health of the mustache-striped.
  • If you have tried all the options for behavior correction, and the animal still attacks the owners, you should bring it for inspection. These can be traumas suffered in childhood or various manifestations of character that require the intervention of a specialist.

Even such a simple thing as raising a cat requires a fair amount of patience on the part of the owner. In some cases, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian and discuss acceptable methods of behavior correction. Well, then come home, negotiate a course of conduct with all members of the family and strictly adhere to it. Only with such unanimity can one count on a successful social adaptation of the four-legged friend.

For how to wean a kitten biting and scratching, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


