Domestic cats

Why does a cat hiss and what does the owner do?

Why does a cat hiss and what does the owner do?

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  1. What does mean?
  2. Possible reasons
  3. Hissing on other animals
  4. What to do?

Many people love cats not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for their character. However, many owners of cats are faced with their aggressive behavior. The most common manifestation of the "bad" nature of the cat - hissing. Animal owners need to understand why their furry friend behaves so in certain situations and how to respond to it.

What does mean?

Most often, the hiss of a cat is a protective signal or warning of danger. At this time, the animal becomes tense and takes the appropriate position: the back is arched, the fur stands on end, and the cat is ready to attack the enemy in case of anything. Also, the cat grins and shows its rather sharp teeth. Her eyes are made round, and pupils are narrowed. This indicates that she is so excited.

The cat becomes quite bold, decisive and ready for a possible attack. Her last warning is meowing and loud hissing, which warns the enemy of its readiness to attack. The owner needs to understand and understand what was the reason for this, in order to protect himself from bites and scratches.

Possible reasons

There are several reasons why a cat may fizz on its owners, including a child. One of them is the wrong behavior of a person in relation to a kitten or an adult cat. Since cats practically do not know how to show their feelings, they express their various hiss. In some cases, it may mean pain, in others, it is a common irritation. Sometimes it shows the fear of the animal, and sometimes the protection of its territory.

  • Aggression. It often happens that a beloved pet is angry at someone, but not at its owner. He cannot “shout” at a certain person or animal who offended him and throws out all the anger at his master. This behavior is called psychological projection. Aggression can be projected on everyone: on others, and on their own. Sometimes "under the distribution" and other animals fall. In such cases, it is best to isolate the cat for a while. In addition, you can show it to a specialist so that this behavior does not stick to him all the time.
  • Fear. In some cases, the cat starts to hiss because of fear. This emotion may arise as a reaction to the sudden appearance of any person or animal. In such cases, the cat sometimes even throws at some people.

To understand why this is happening, it is necessary to pay attention to situations in which the Fuzzy shows discontent. For example, an animal may sizzle during combing or bathing.

If she constantly hisses when a person just passes by her, then this already becomes a problem that must be eliminated. The reason for this behavior can be the fact that she was very badly treated in the previous place of her dwelling. In this case, only caress can help. In addition, you will need to consult a specialist who will tell you how to handle such an animal in the future.

This means that this procedure gives her some discomfort or simply does not like it, and she begins to take action. It often happens that at this time she may even bite or scratch her master.

In addition, it happens that your favorite pet is completely out of sorts. Therefore, even in affection, he can respond with hissing and discontent. In this case, the cat simply hints that she wants to be alone.

Among other reasons, the following should be highlighted.

  • Stress. The reason for the hiss may be a stressful situation that occurred in the house where the pet lives. For example, the appearance of a new animal in its territory or a simple change in the daily routine. Even the usual rearrangement of furniture can be the root cause of this behavior of the cat. Indeed, at this moment the animals feel completely unprotected and helpless.
  • To attract attention. There are cases when the owners absolutely do not pay attention to their wards. When all attempts to attract the owner failed, the cat begins to hiss, so that at least a small interest is shown to her. If this works, the corresponding reflex may appear in the animal. Then she will hiss each time in a similar situation.
  • Disease. When a cat feels any pain, she does not want to be touched. Therefore, in order to protect herself from any attention from a person, she makes such sounds. In this case, no one wants to approach her. The owner should definitely pay attention to this and take your pet to the veterinary clinic where the cat will be examined.
  • Frustration. This is the state when the animal feels dissatisfied. Therefore, it may begin to hiss or growl for no reason at all. This can happen, for example, if a little kitten was early weaned from the mother cat, being completely unprepared for it. Such an animal constantly feels defenseless and lost. Therefore, and hisses, trying to somehow show their emotions.
  • Protect your kids and territory. During pregnancy and after it, practically in all animals the instinct to protect small kittens from various dangers works. They show their ability to protect offspring with hissing and growling. In addition, any cat constantly protects its territory. And not only from other animals. Even they can perceive a person as a predator. Therefore, they hiss on all sorts of suspicious personalities.

To cope with such a problem, you just need to castrate the cat, which will make it not so aggressive. However, of course, not all owners are ready to make such a decision. In this case, it remains only to endure and rehabilitate.

  • A warning. Almost all domestic cats do not like to attack for no reason, because they are very small compared to other animals. However, they are not stupid and understand - can cope with the enemy or not. Therefore, with their hiss, they warn all opponents of their readiness to attack. Even some dogs run away with it. It turns out that smart cats win without a fight.
  • Sexual irritation. In the event of the appearance of a probable partner, hissing may indicate a willingness to actively fight for your female and protect her from the encroachments of other animals. As for cats, they can also hiss in such a situation. But in their case, it is rather “flirting”.
  • Likely danger. In case of danger, a hissing cat can both warn its fellows about this and show that it can fight back anyway. In addition, hissing is also accompanied by a loud growl.

Hissing on other animals

Virtually all cats are by their nature considered to be singles. Even living in a house with their masters, they want to feel their independence. Therefore, the appearance in the house of another animal immediately leads to a defensive reaction - hissing, growling and other manifestations of discontent. This lasts until the “cohabitants” reconcile themselves with the existence of each other and divide the territory among themselves.

Most cats are angry at dogs. This is another instinct that is not so easy to get rid of. Even if the dog is somewhere far away, the cat will hiss, scaring the animal and not letting it into its territory.

If a dog and a cat are forced to live in the same yard or apartment, in time the relationship between them will improve. The hosts can help in this.To do this, they must pay the same amount of attention to all pets.

What to do?

Of course, too aggressive cat immediately becomes an annoying factor for all living under the same roof. Many breeders who first bought a kitten simply do not know what to do in this situation. If a little friend has just started to hiss, then he can be weaned from this habit.

It is enough just to leave him alone and not to tell him anything.

In no case can not punish the baby!

In addition, it is necessary to know that the hissing cat will not tolerate any kind of stroking at all and in such a state can even scratch a person. At this time you should not climb to it. After a while, when the animal becomes convinced that there is no danger, it will calm down.

In the case of frequent such behavior of a pet, you need to contact the experts. After all, this can not happen just like that. Most likely, there is really something wrong with a cat and this is either stress, or illness, or dissatisfaction with circumstances. But if these are isolated cases, then you need to listen to the following recommendations.

  • First of all, it is necessary to eliminate a person or objects that irritate the animal. In the event that these are the guests who have arrived, they should be asked not to approach the cat until she herself wishes it. If this does not help, then in order to divert her attention, you just need to throw the first item in a completely different direction. It can be both keys and a baby rattle.

In extreme cases, if the animal really behaves too aggressively, it can be sprayed with a spray bottle. Splashes of water will immediately frighten the animal and make it run completely the other way.

    • You can also give your pet some things to strangers so that he gets used to the smell and realizes that no danger comes from a person.
    • Small children may also suffer from the fact that the cat began to hiss. An aggressive animal can even scratch a baby. To prevent this from happening, you need to convince the child that it is simply not worth touching the cat at certain times. The kid should respect others since childhood, even if they are animals.
    • In some cases, the seals may be annoyed by their potential partners. Then it would be better to find another animal that the pet will like and not aggravate the situation.
    • In addition, it is not necessary to offer a pet during his hiss no delicacies. Indeed, as a result of this, the cat may experience a reverse reflex. That is, it will hiss when she wants to get something.

    To avoid such habits, it is necessary to educate their pets from early childhood. A kitten should be given more affection and kindness, as well as be attentive and always take care of it. In this case, the animal will grow very affectionate, kind and will never show its aggression.

    Summarizing, we can say that the cat hisses and rushes at people for various reasons. And to understand how to act in such cases, it is necessary to find out the root cause of this behavior of your beloved pet. In this case, it will be very easy to deal with the problems of your cat.

    Cat aggression can be removed in several ways. Details can be found in the video below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


