Domestic cats

Everything you need to know about Russian blue cats

Everything you need to know about Russian blue cats

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  1. History of origin
  2. Breed description
  3. Character and behavior
  4. How many cats and cats live?
  5. Varieties
  6. Conditions of detention
  7. What to feed?
  8. Breeding
  9. Health
  10. Popular nicknames
  11. Owner reviews

Ash-blue color, a little fluffy fur, from one glance at which it seems, it becomes warm and pleasant to the palm of your hand. All this is about a cat whose breed is called Russian Blue. These plush animals can often be seen in advertising. Many breeders tend to take such a cute pet under the wing. But they doubt a little: can it happen that they turn out to be obstinate and aggressive.

History of origin

The Russian Blue is a breed of domestic cats recognized by the international felinological communities. Despite their name, these cats can be found all over the world. Of the short-haired breeds, the Russian blue cat is one of the most sought after. Kittens of this breed are sold out with great success in Sweden, the Czech Republic, Norway and Slovenia.

The current blue Russian cats are immigrants from Russia, which marks their name. But cats, similar in all respects, were met several centuries ago in England and in some other countries, therefore the known history of the origin of these cats cannot be called.

What exactly is recorded is the removal of two blue cats from Arkhangelsk by the British breeder Karen Cox - this happened at the end of the 19th century.

The European breeding breeding of cats of this breed started with them. Difficulties in breeding, of course, were present: a pair of mating could not be found, so they took cats of other breeds of the same color. Even Siamese cats with blue markings were taken to continue the genus of Russian blue.

To say that these experiments were successful, it is impossible: the offspring showed the loss of some properties of wool. By the beginning of World War II, the breed could be physically destroyed - selection became impossible. But after the war, the true healer zealously got down to business: they restored the breed, although it is impossible to say that blue cats fell in love everywhere in the USSR. Only at the end of the 80s persistent interest appeared to them.

By breeding Russian blue, people took local phenotypic shorthair animals of blue color, which they crossed with Russian blue cats, taken out from abroad. Kids were sold exclusively by club regulations. For example, the formation of the breeding of the Russian blue in the Russian Federation was necessary for the 1990s.

Breed description

Plush cats have an enviable grace: slim, plastic, sophisticated animals quickly become universal pets. But not only what the animal looks like, you can write him a plus - it is also tenderness, affection, responsiveness to contact with a person.

The characteristics of the blue Russian cat are described below.

  • Weight. In smoky plush cats, the average weight of giants among the representatives of this breed can not be found. The maximum weight of newborn kittens - 120 g, but they quickly begin to grow. Adult cat weighs 3-4 kg. If it is a cat, then its weight can reach 5.5 kg. If the cat is neutered and sterilized, then it can reach a weight of one and a half times more.
  • Growth. These parameters are small. The length of the body of the animal usually reaches 55-60 cm, and in height - no higher than 26 cm, although individual deviations from the average norm are not excluded.
  • Color Here everything is clear - the smoky-blue color is the hallmark of the breed, there are no drawings and inclusions.The color is clean and uniform, rarely barely noticeable banding on the tail.
  • Intelligence. Russian blue cats are tactful, attentive, if you can talk like that about animals. Cats respond well to the breeder's gestures, they catch his speech and intonation. Vengeance cats do not differ, wrecking will not engage.

But this is not all the features of the breed. There is an opinion that very often the future owners "slip" other gray cats, calling them all the same Russian blue. There are clear signs of the breed that it makes sense to study.

The following are signs of a blue Russian cat.

  1. Torso. It is medium in size, slightly elongated, muscular, powerful. The cat is inherent grace.
  2. Head. The skull is flat, along the line of the eyebrows you can see the formed angle. The chin is clear, the whisker pillows are outlined, the cat's forehead is longer than the nose, the nose is without kinks, its tip has a gray-blue tint.
  3. Eyes. Attentive, widely set, have an oval contour. The color of the cat's eyes is green.
  4. Tail. This part of the cat's body is long, but absolutely proportional to the body, the tip is rounded.
  5. Neck. Thin and long, but thick hair creates the illusion of a short neck.
  6. Paws. They have a cat long and thin, have a clear oval shape. The end of the front legs is five fingers, but on the hind legs there are only four fingers. Pillows paws are purple or pink-lavender shades.
  7. Ears. Large, with a slight sharpening, widely set, slightly inclined to face. They look very thin, even transparent.
  8. Wool. Soft, delicate in texture, with a short nap. The undercoat is long. The coat color can be either light gray or pronounced blue without white spots.

    Famous illusionist Harry Houdini was a fan of blue Russian cats. The magician actively used fluffy artists in complex tricks, for example, in those where it was necessary to make the cat mysteriously disappear. And these cats can boast of low allergenicity - they rarely cause an allergic reaction.

    Character and behavior

    Pet attentive and delicate, affectionate, playful. But at the same time some shyness is peculiar to him. The cat's sweet nature is a great advantage. She is very attached to the house and the owners, protects and cherishes the place where he lives. If you go on a trip with a cat (even to a dacha), you will see how happy it is to return home.

    She is an excellent hunter, and these habits are easily noticed in the surrounding nature. She can catch a butterfly with a deft movement - this is where the breed's grace helps her. But if friends came to visit the owners, the cat becomes timid. It seems to everyone that she is a coward: she will not show her from under the table, she is ashamed to be stroked. But even this modesty blue Russian cat "to face."

    Someone considers such caution in relation to strangers a minus. But this is just a feature, there is nothing negative in it. Also, the Russian blue is picky about cleanliness - sometimes its cleanliness irritates the owners.

    Some cats, almost by the laws of geometry, level their litter: in this sense, cat pedantry manifests itself clearly.

    How many cats and cats live?

    When the owners take the pet into the house, their topic is the issue of the longevity of these animals. They can be understood. If the cat is not a long-liver, then it is even a pity to take it - it is very painful to part with the pets. Of course, any answer will be very average, because the animal may have genetic diseases, which affects the life expectancy of a particular individual. This factor also depends on quality care.

    Usually live Russian blue cats 14-16 years. Some live to 20. This is the normal average age for these animals. On average two years old cats live longer than males, but not always.


    Today, Russian blue cats are divided according to three standards: English, European and American. There is also an Australian association, but not all philologists have agreed with its separation into the English standard, as it repeats it significantly.

    • European. Recognized WCF and FIFe. The most related type to the progenitors, who were seen almost in Petrine times in the Russian open spaces. Cats are proportional, their eyes are almond-shaped, while they are slanted. Skeleton is powerful, jumping is enhanced.
    • English. Considered a breed standard by GCCF. These cats have wide-set almond-shaped eyes. They have neat oval legs with soft bluish pillows.
    • American. This standard is recognized by TICA and CFA. American cats resemble the traditional Russian breed least of all. The eyes of these kids are not almond-shaped, but roundish. Their body is smaller, the skeleton is fragile. Wool fluffy, blue, the most light shades. Paws are small, round, with warm pinkish pillows.

      It should be noted: if a cat does not meet the standards of one system, then experts from another filinological structure simply will not appreciate it. Below are some examples.

      Cats belonging to the American standard have an obvious, literally striking difference: wide-set ears. They seem to be divorced aside, what reminds the ears of representatives of the Siamese breed. The inner part of the base of the ear should stand high on the head, and the bottom should be placed on the side. The width of the ears at the base should be slightly less than the height.

      British pets (and all of Europe) have slightly smaller ears and stand upright.

      They extend towards the base, the tip of which is a little pointed.

      The head resembles a small elongated wedge. It must be said that first of all experts look at the cat's head. If you look at the pet in profile, it is easy to see some bulge at the junction of the forehead and nose. If this is noticeable, then the baby (especially visible in kittens) refers to the European standard of Russian blue. In the American type of these bulges there is no - there is a flat transition.

      But the other parameters regarding the head are indistinguishable in English and American standards. For example, both those and others have a strong, rather pronounced chin.

      Now about the eyes. Eye color as well as shape often cause controversy. Two standard eyes should be a bright green color. Blue-eyed or yellow-eyed cats are not purebred Russian blue. The English have almond-shaped eyes, and the Americans have oval and even roundish.

      According to the American standard, even cats' paws can be round, not oval. A long-haired cat is a sign of a different breed or crossbreed. Russian blue always has short hair.

      But it seems thick, because the undercoat and outer coat of the same length. Color is preferred in medium blue. The tip of the nose of the Europeans should be gray-blue, but the Americans - coal-gray.

      A striped cat, like a long-haired pet, is not Russian blue. Perhaps it is a mixture, and maybe a completely different gray cat. It is worth recalling that the Russian blue barely noticeable stripes can only be on the tail.

      Conditions of detention

      To say that blue Russian cats are whimsical to care for them, it is impossible. The animals themselves are naturally clean, so, as a rule, they follow themselves on their own.

      But there are some points to which it makes sense to listen to the breeders.

      Below are seven rules for caring for a Russian blue cat.

      1. Fur coat. It is necessary to try from time to time to comb the fur of your pet. At the same time it is necessary to use a brush from a natural bristle. Usually you need to do this during the molting period. All the rest of the time a neat cat copes well itself.
      2. Ears. It is necessary to clean the cat's ears once a month - this is the rule. For this purpose, special means are used, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. An alternative may be olive oil.To clean the ears should take a small piece of sterile gauze, and a cotton swab, which many people use just for this procedure, should not be used because it can easily injure the surface of the ears. Only visible areas should be cleaned - you should not go deep into it.
      3. Eyes. Every day it is necessary to examine the pet's visual analyzers. If secretions are found around the eyes, they should be removed very delicately with a clean cloth or piece of gauze.
      4. Bathing. Like all other cats, the Russian blue is not at all enthusiastic about swimming. For this reason, any water procedures should not be preventive or prophylactic, but strictly in the case. If a cat, for example, poured over a puddle, then it should be washed. But a healthy, clean cat, which perfectly cares for itself, should not be washed. Another question is if the owner is preparing a pet for the exhibition. In this case, a bathroom with a special pet shampoo is necessary, no matter how he resists.
      5. Claws It should timely cut the claws of the cat. Once in 1-1,5 months it is necessary to do it. Ordinary nail scissors will not work - you should buy a special nail clipper. Claws must be cut very carefully, strictly ends, you can not touch the living area.
      6. Teeth. It is important to monitor the condition of the cat's mouth - it is necessary to inspect it every day. If the owner does not know, then special toothpastes are produced for cats today, and animal lovers should teach their pets to patient endurance of these procedures. But so far this practice has taken root a little.
      7. Tray. The Russian blue is not the cat that gives the breeder problems with the tray. She quickly accustomed to the toilet. It is necessary to show the kitten a tray twice, put a diaper from the first “puddle” in it, and the baby will perfectly understand why the owner does this. The "pot" of a cat must always be kept clean.

      This cat will not go to a dirty tray - it will not want to dirty its paws.

      What to feed?

      When a small, smoky-blue kitten appeared, it touches so much, and it seems immeasurably good that you want to treat him with delicacies as often as possible. The kitten is actually fed more often than an adult cat, but this event should be held no more than 5 times a day. When a cat is six months old, it must be transferred to four meals a day. An adult cat will already survive two meals, which is considered correct.

      If a person takes a cat from a breeder, then it is worth discussing with him what kind of food he has already taught his pet to. If the cat is accustomed, you should not rebuild it to another food. The quality of food Russian gays rather demanding, what is their feline "aristocratic".

      The main nutritional requirements for Russian Blue are described below.

      • The naturalness of the food. A balanced diet is what the cat needs. Using ordinary products, the pet owner is unlikely to manage to feed the animal. As a result, the pet will not receive all the valuable substances that are needed for its development, growth and health in general. For this reason, special foods, balanced, made up of a clear recipe - this is what veterinarians recommend.
      • Feed quality. It will be good if the owner will feed the cat premium or super premium food. This is the most useful cat food, because it has all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for the animal.
      • Addition. Supplement the cat's special diet by introducing sour-milk products. It is sometimes useful to give your pet some liver and lean meat.
      • From an early age it is necessary to teach the animal not to ask for food from the master's table. He can not eat smoked, sweet, fried, salty. Spices should also be avoided.

        Do not experiment with food for cats. Since childhood, it is necessary to feed her properly, according to the regime.

        We must try not to change the place of the cat's bowl.


        The main requirement is that a pedigreed cat can be knitted strictly within the same breed.If a person enters the club and violates this rule, then he will most likely be excluded from the club. May prohibit participate in exhibitions.

        The following are basic tips for breeders.

        • The first mating is to wait. Cats do not grow up very quickly, and it is not worth artificially to rush this delicate moment. Until the cat is one and a half years old, you should not even think about mating.
        • Veterinary inspection. Before pairing, the pets of both partners must be examined by a veterinarian.
        • Mating time. This usually happens on the 7-10th day after the start of estrus.
        • Special attention to the pregnant cat. At this time, the cat food should not be normal - it should be strengthened. In addition, it is necessary to try to take care of her even more, to iron and communicate. Sometimes the nature of pregnant cats changes, so you need to be indulgent towards them. Carrying kittens lasts 65 days.
        • Childbirth takes a doctor. If the owner is a professional breeder, you must follow this rule. It is not very reasonable to rely only on yourself.

        Almost all the owners of Russian blue cats say that after birth, cats change, become even more gentle, calm. These cats are very caring mothers. They jealously protect their offspring, may even react aggressively if they feel threatened.

        Do not rush to admire the kittens. We need to wait for the moment when the cat itself “offers” it. The owner will feel her approval. Looking at the kittens, it is necessary to speak with them in a familiar voice, tender and attentive. A cat needs to feel that nothing has changed in its relation to its owner, and it is favorable both to her and her offspring.

          If a person is not going to breed Russian blue, then it is likely that the cat will have to be sterilized. This is more humane than getting rid of the kittens. If a cat asks for “meetings” with a cat all the time, and they are impossible, then pathological processes that seriously impair health will begin to develop in her body.

          A cat who is not going to happen will have to be castrated, otherwise the dwelling will turn into continuous cat tags: there is no other way to tame the instinct. If the pet wants to "lure" the cat, he marks the territory.

          And since the cat does not come, he believes that he has marked it not so much, so you need to increase the activity.


          Representatives of this breed are strong, hardy, they rarely get sick. Special studies were conducted that showed that cats of this breed do not get sick with genetic diseases - they actually have no abnormalities. But if the care of the cat is wrong, then things can not go according to plan.

          Most often affect blue cats:

          • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (due to improperly organized food);
          • disorders of the heart;
          • polycystic kidney disease;
          • eye disease.

            For treatment, you need to contact a veterinarian, because self-medication is likely to only aggravate the problem. The breeder issues a veterinary card to the buyer, where the vaccinations already indicated are indicated. In the future, you need to be vaccinated according to the schedule appointed by the veterinarian.

            Popular nicknames

            It is very interesting to invent a nickname for an animal. Below are the popular nicknames for boys:

            • Smoke;
            • Diamond;
            • Tom;
            • Yasha;
            • Vasiliy;
            • Ask;
            • Trofim;
            • Kis Kysych;
            • Rob (Robert);
            • Myshkin;
            • Croche;
            • Rich;
            • Lars;
            • Prince;
            • Billy;
            • Pooh;
            • House

            You can call a pet original, for example, Serov (by last name, in consonance with color), Honey, Gray.

            Popular nicknames for girls:

            • Haze;
            • Mouse;
            • Agatha;
            • Leela;
            • Chanel;
            • Marcy;
            • Cleo;
            • Lesya;
            • Matilda;
            • Assolka;
            • Lucy;
            • Panti;
            • Mura;
            • Pushana;
            • Lelia;
            • Cassia.

                Of the original names, Marissa, Dominica, Arcadia, Josephine, Camilla, Flavia, Candy, Shari, Laura can be distinguished.

                Sometimes the pet is called in connection with the profession of the owner. For example, a kitten of a writer or a philologist may be called a Rhyme, an artist - Crayon, Pencil, Brush, hairdresser - Chelochka.

                Owner reviews

                Almost all owners of this interesting breed in one voice “sing odes” to Russian blue cats.They celebrate their natural intelligence and aristocracy. Appreciate the Russian blue for their cleanliness and commitment to order. They quickly become accustomed to the regime of the day and require its observance from their master. Like the owners and the fact that cats quickly "stick to" the household, they are sociable and affectionate, they like to play and just purr next to the owner while watching TV.

                The problem is that some owners consider the tender stomach of their beloved pet. But, frankly, you can say this about virtually all cats. Just need to decide on the feed and not try to change it.

                Cats are friends with a tray. Literally the first time kittens of blue cats get used to the tray and subsequently do not walk past it. If the tray is dirty, they will deliberately not go into it - usually the cats have enough tricks to quickly show the owners an omission.

                Scratching and biting is not about the Russian blue.

                In rare cases, they can slightly scratch and bite, but not all. Almost always it happens in the game and in childhood. Cats are not aggressive, modest, the soul of the company will not, because they get used to the owners, and not to the guests, who are perceived as strangers in their well-established life, within a specific space.

                About this breed, you can say this: noble, graceful, calm and tender cats without aggression, “bad habits” and hereditary diseases.

                For more information about Russian blue cats, see the following video.

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                Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


