Domestic cats

Breed cats with big eyes

Breed cats with big eyes

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  1. Description
  2. The best breeds
  3. How to choose?
  4. Care features

The world of tailed purrs is diverse - everyone can find the perfect cat for taste and color. When choosing an animal, potential owners look at different characteristics. For some, the most important criterion is the color, for others - the length of the coat, for the third, the position of the ears is important. There are among the fans of cats and those who most love the big-eyed pets.

This is not surprising, because the look becomes the main weapon of cats when they want to charm a person. The eyes of beautiful women are often compared with the eyes of these animals, and there is also a separate make-up technique of the same name. However, not all breeds can boast of truly big eyes, but only some of them. We will tell about the brightest representatives of this group in our next article.


Not many people know that, of all pet cats, cats have the largest eyes in relation to overall body size. If you translate human proportions in the cat, then people would have eyes with a diameter of about 20 centimeters. And this is taking into account the data of the average cat, and what can we say about the big-eyed breeds.

Unlike dogs, cats see the world as multicolored, and there are only a few tones that they do not distinguish, but this does not prevent them in their daily lives. With poor lighting, the possibilities of their vision are revealed in full force, and in the pitch darkness their scent, sight and mustache help them more. They have a small farsightedness, but they perfectly capture the slightest movement of objects. The viewing angle of a cat is 200 degrees, and in humans it is only 180 degrees.

Such is the nature of these innate hunters - nothing escapes their all-seeing eyes.

There are various big-eyed breeds of cats. Their images just flooded the Internet, because these charming creatures look even prettier than their tailed relatives. In some, due to the structure of the eyes, the eyes seem more crafty and cunning, in others - meek and even begging. In general, their eyes are most often characterized by a rounded shape, and the pupils of these cats seem simply huge.

The best breeds

We offer you a list of the main "big-eyed" among cats. Among them you can meet both popular breeds and little known ones.


They got their name from the country from which they were brought to Europe about 400 years ago - Persia. Huge wide-set eyes became a distinctive feature of this breed along with their long hair and as if flattened face. Their iris has various shades: golden, copper, green and blue. Titled representatives of this breed, as a rule, have the largest and most expressive eyes.

Exotic shorthair

Despite the modest fur coat, these cats are descended from the Persians. They were withdrawn in the 60s of the last century in America. In addition to the length of wool, they practically do not differ from their counterparts.

One of the most popular representatives of the exotic has become the Chinese cat Snoopy. Due to his unusual appearance, he acquired an army of fans - a huge number of people in social networks signed up for him, and they all are waiting for new photos from their pet. His name even began to call the whole breed.


Fans of blue-eyed murok can safely make a choice on it: the eyes of representatives of this breed are not just big, they seem to shine and shine. Color ragdoll coat can have two options - harlequin or bicolor.

This stocky big cat weighs under 12 kg, has a long wool, which is desirable to comb every day. Her nose is quite wide, and her cheeks have a pleasant swelling. Many owners like in this breed a person-centered, quiet voice and a calm balanced temper.


Big-eyed short-footed mustaches conquered the hearts of the cat-lovers with their charming and slightly helpless look. The peculiarity of this breed is that they sometimes sit on the croup and lean on the tail - it is more convenient for them to consider something. With all the short stature, they are quite playful and bold, they love to climb the cat "towns" and communicate with the owners. They like to make "stashes" of toys and other favorite items.


A drawing of a cat, found on the territory of present England, dated 700 year, has reached our days. This suggests that this breed has existed for a very long time, although its history is confusing. In addition, there is evidence that It was the British Murka who won the first official exhibition of cats in history. Among them there are individuals with multi-colored eyes, which gives them even more charm.

Scottish lop-eared

These beauties were bred in the 60s of the XX century. They are simply adored for the cute expression of the face. Round eyes like saucers look even more open due to the rounded head and small folded ears.

In the network you can see photos of the popular scottish-fold Roka. The number of his subscribers in social networks is the envy of many stars.

Devon Rex

Slender, sophisticated aristocrats Devon Rex bred in the city of Devonshire (England). They are distinguished not only by the impressive size of the eyes, but also curly hair. In addition, they have large ears, which seem even more impressive at the expense of a narrow heart-shaped head. Some admire these graceful animals, others find their looks too exotic. For such an unusual appearance Devon Rex is compared with elves and aliens.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Their ears are not just stacked, like Scottish folds, but even slightly hanging down. The body of the catwalk is slender and graceful, the paws and tail are long, they are also distinguished by huge eyes, widely set on a small muzzle. Otherwise, they resemble sphinxes - a long graceful body, folds, narrow bone. However, their body is still covered with a plush down.

The breed received its name from a flower, the petals of which are twisted like the ears of this cat. Another advantage of the breed are unforgivingness, outstanding training abilities, dedication to the owner and unobtrusive nature.


This rather young breed was bred by American breeders at the end of the last century. Petite Singapore cutie has a doll appearance, and her look seems naive and very cute. For her body, such eyes look just huge.

Their shape is almond-shaped, with a brown “liner”, which gives the breed an effect of special charm. Like any young breed, Singapore is not easy to purchase, and it is not often seen at exhibitions.

How to choose?

We now turn to the question of how to choose a kitten with big eyes. For sure to get the animal that you want, it is better to contact the official breeders. Stopping on a particular breed, you need to contact the cattery that breeds these cats. Information about them can be found on the Internet, where you can familiarize yourself with the prices and find out how often kittens are put up for sale in it.

It is also important that fact that on their official pages the breeders post photos of their graduates - by them you will be able to judge what their kitten will become when it grows up.

It will be useful to talk with like-minded people who are already holding kittens of this breed. Find a club of interest and get recommendations from experienced owners of the breed you are interested in. They will tell you which kennels are worth contacting, and which ones are not.

As a rule, when buying a kitten with big eyes, future owners are guided by the following criteria:

  • appearance;
  • health status;
  • pedigree;
  • behavior;
  • age.

As you can see, these parameters do not differ from those that usually guide when buying kittens of other breeds. Pay attention to the condition of the eyes and ears of the baby - are they clean enough? His coat should look well-groomed, otherwise it is likely that the breeder is not carefully caring for animals or cat unhealthy. Each kitten must have a veterinary passport, which shows all vaccinations made, as well as operations, if any.

Kittens that meet all breed criteria have a pedigree. It lists the parents. This document will enable your cat to participate in exhibitions, as only he officially confirms her belonging to one or another breed. Also, using the pedigree, you can continue the status genus of your purrs, getting the same pedigreed kittens.

The behavior of the cat should be active, while it should be good to people, not hiss and not hide from them. Too passive kittens are also not recommended. The ideal option is a balanced and friendly kid, ready to play and show affection to the owner. The smallest kittens in the litter look like the cutest, but they are often less resilient, less adaptable to new conditions or grow up closed.

However, often when choosing a future four-legged friend, the owners have “love at first sight” sometimes with not the most winning kitten from the whole cat family, and they take him. And this is quite good, because the main thing is to find your cat, which you will grow in love and care.

    So that the babies must have adapted well to the new family and endured separation from their mother more easily, experienced breeders usually attach them not earlier than 12-14 weeks. It is at 3 months that they are given the first vaccine, on which the future health of the cat depends. A new owner may just forget to do it, which would endanger the life of a small animal.

    Communication with mom and brothers in the first 3 months is not just an important psychological value. Together with relatives, he learns to contact other cats, and also receives the necessary skills in everyday life: hygiene, food intake and others. Toddlers who were weaned early from mothers are at risk of becoming dirty or wild.

    Some breeders allow the future owner to come to the nursery before the final selection is made. This allows you to choose the most suitable individual or to establish contact with the already selected baby. Ask the breeder if the kittens are prevented from parasites and fleas. Let him talk about what kind of food the baby is accustomed to, what brands of food and filler are used.

    Sometimes breeders give out reminders with tips on when vaccinations should be made and preventive measures taken.

    Care features

    To avoid eye disease, which some big-eyed breeds are more susceptible, special care is needed.

    Lacrimal fluid to moisturize the eyes is produced from them more intensively, so in the adjacent area can form a crust on the coat. Use special lotions for eye hygiene, but not more often than recommended in the instructions to the means.

    Persians and other long-haired "big-eyed" need to comb. They are scratched weekly, so that mats do not appear in the coat of the pets. Short-haired seals are combed less often, once in a couple of weeks.

    Since big-eyed cats are usually found only among pedigreed individuals, they require a balanced diet designed specifically for them. It is also possible to develop a natural diet, but it must be agreed with the veterinarian.

    Whatever big-eyed Murka you choose, she will always delight you with her charming appearance. Do not forget to regularly take care of her and feed her with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and then she will become a real pride for all members of your family.

    For how to care for the eyes of Scottish kittens, see the video below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


