Domestic cats

Snow-shu cats: description, color variations and content

Snow-shu cats: description, color variations and content

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  1. Description
  2. Lifespan
  3. Color options
  4. Character traits
  5. Content
  6. What to feed?
  7. Vaccination
  8. Breeding

Snow shu belongs to the aristocratic breed of cats. Having a grace and a spectacular appearance, individuals of this breed managed to catch the fancy of many. It is necessary to get acquainted with the description of pedigree cats, the features of their color, habits and nuances of content.


Snow-shu is a special breed of cat bred by breeders. In translation, its name means "snow slipper", which is why individuals of the breed are often called "white-toed". The appearance of these cats deserves special attention: they resemble beautiful plush toys, while the weight of individuals can reach 7 kg. No breeder will tell you how a kitten will be born, as its color can be unpredictable. A distinctive feature of the appearance of snow-shu is the presence of white legs or so-called socks. The paws of the representatives of the breed are long, the body is massive, correctly proportioned and muscular, the hair is short.

The breed standards are the following features:

  • wedge-shaped head with high cheekbones and rounded contours;
  • average body weight, as a rule, in females not exceeding 4–5 kg;
  • medium-sized ears set wide apart with rounded edges;
  • developed limbs and tail of medium length, tapering towards the end;
  • silky wool and big beautiful eyes of blue or bluish tint;
  • smooth bend or a small crotch on the nose.

Externally, this cat is like a Siamese breed. This similarity is not accidental: snow shu is a relative of the Siamese cat, despite the fact that it has its own differences in the exterior and character. The head of this cat is the same in length and width, the forehead is flat. The shape of the eyes can be different: oval, rounded, inclined towards the base of the ears. They do not perform.

The chin of the snow shu is strong, the muzzle is proportional, the length of the neck is average. The body of a plush cat is moderately long, powerful and flexible. The skeleton is average, the muscles are well developed. The skin of the nose and paws of a snow-shu can be spotted or colored to match the skin.

Do not belong to a purebred breed individuals with a thin tail, long hair (long-haired), a fragile physique and without white paws. A pedigree cat does not have undercoat, which explains the smoothness of its fur.


On average, the life expectancy of snow shu can vary from 10 to 12 years. Separate individuals live for about 15–16 years. Depending on the duration of life may be from various factors. This and the pet's calm, its timely examination, vaccination, walks in the fresh air, the absence of disease and proper nutrition.

However, in addition to the quality of care and care, it may depend on the heredity of the pet and its living conditions.

Color options

Usually the color of a snow-shu cat resembles a Siamese cat's fur coat, although it has its own characteristics. For example, socks on paws, covered with snow-white wool, differ in length. At the hind legs it is up to the ankles, at the front - up to the wrists. A characteristic feature of color is its saturation.

Conditionally the type of color can be divided into two categories: blue point and force point. In the first case, the marks have a gray-blue tint, in the second their palette may include shades from beige to brown. Whatever the main shade of the coat, the hair on the ears, tail and face should be dark, on the belly and chest, it is the lightest.

To the kittens of this breed are born white, it is impossible to say for sure what the color of a particular individual will be. The final color is set when the cat turns 2 years old. A cat may be colored differently. For example, it may be a bicolor version or a two-color color with a predominance of white. In such individuals, dark spots can be of different sizes, but at the same time they are located mainly in the upper part of the body and are not connected to each other. Turtle color is rather a rarity, with spots of three shades covering most of the individual's body. As for the white wool, it appears on the face in the form of a check mark and a strip that crosses the chin.

Character traits

Representatives of the breed "cats in snow socks" may have a different character, which depends on the proper upbringing of pets, which they have been engaged in since their first months of life. In general, these cats are quite peaceful and moderately affectionate, how they differ from their Siamese counterparts. "Snow White" is often appeasable, betrayed, have a cheerful disposition, and sometimes talkative. They love their masters and can not stand a long separation from them. During their life, they become attached to the owner and feel his emotional state by the tone of his voice, while the pet can quickly adjust to the right mood. For example, he is able to play with the owner if he is set up for it. In addition, the pet can, in its own way, “regret” by rubbing against its cheek, purring, sitting on its hands and distracting itself from sad thoughts.

This cat breed is characterized by good learnability. Individuals are characterized by intellectual development and wit. Because of this, you can train cats simple commands. For example, they are fully capable of understanding their name, the commands to “eat,” “cannot,” “go and look,” “let's play,” as well as the rules established in the house and following mandatory implementation. In addition, they are extremely inquisitive, so they rarely sit idle and do not know laziness.

They quickly become accustomed to hygiene, calmly endure all its stages, including bathing in water, which they are not at all afraid of. Snow-shu not only calmly behave in the water, but can frolic in it, as well as watch its streams. In addition, these cats can find fun in the water, if at this time it will be their toys.

Remarkable is the fact that representatives of the breed are active, but unobtrusive. They will never demand attention to themselves, although they cannot stand loneliness at all and miss their masters. In games, they are delicate and do not allow themselves to scratch and bite the household. These animals do not offend children, but love to be the center of attention of one of the owners.

Unlike the Siamese brethren, snow-shu does not hide an offense if he was once offended. He will not spoil in retaliation, where it is impossible, as do individual individuals of the cat family. In addition, these cats do not make heart-rending sounds: they are lovers of talk, but their language is not so unpleasant and not harsh.

As for quick thinking, then these adventurous cats still need to look. If they conceived to leave the room, they would sort out the handle and turn it, as needed, to open the door. And also they easily cope with one-armed cranes if they suddenly need water. And if the cat loves some small thing, he can pick it up and hide it in a secluded place.


Snow cats are amazing pets, they cannot live in street conditions and require special treatment. Before starting such a pet, the breeder should know that snow-shu inherited from related breeds a predisposition to certain diseases. Individuals can be born with defects of the tail or even squint. In addition, due to improper care, pets can often get sick. You can not start a kitten in a house where the owners for a long time can not be at home.Snow cats refuse to spend time alone, they may complain to the owner of their loneliness in a sad voice.

With regard to the choice of a kitten in the nursery, a representative of high-quality breed on the face can see a white corner in the shape of the letter V. The kitten's eyes should be blue.

Choosing a baby

It is necessary to choose a kitten in the nursery personally, paying attention to external data, behavior, the presence of a passport and pedigree, as well as pedigree features. The tidiness of the baby, its activity and the absence of parasites will tell about the good content in the nursery. His eyes will be clean, and the mucous of his mouth will be pinkish and smooth. Habits will tell about the behavior: if the kitten is raised correctly, it will not hiss, bite and scratch. You need to choose an active and sociable kitten, distinguished by a restless character and cheerfulness. The documents must be marked by a veterinarian, his signature, the seal of the veterinary clinic and the holographic sticker.

It is important to pay attention to the signs of the breed, the main of which, regardless of age, will be a stocky body, blue (less often gray-blue) eyes and a thick neck.

Adaptation and training to the tray

After the kitten is brought home, it is necessary to reduce the level of stress. Kitten is protected from excessive noise and scream. He immediately bought his own bed, put a bowl with food and water. Nearby place the tray. Given that the kittens are naturally curious, the owners try to keep fragile objects away and, if possible, wires.

As for the tray, the kitten very quickly understands where to go to the toilet. In theory, when the baby is taken from the receiver, he is already accustomed to the tray. But if trouble happens, it is enough to remove everything with a napkin and put it in the tray, putting the pet in it. As a rule, he quickly understands what this place is for. Tray filler can be selected according to the age of the baby. The children's version is convenient because it does not stick to the paws, so it does not spread throughout the dwelling.

As the kitten matures, you can also replace the filler, selecting options in the form of granules of a larger fraction. The type of tray may be different, but the kitten does not need a closed look.


Like any other pet, snow-shu needs timely hygiene of the ears, eyes and claws. Combing wool should be at least once a week. This will bring pleasure to the pet and will relieve the house of small hairs, which is especially important during the molt. During this period, you must more often engage in pet hair (you can twice a week). Despite the fact that the wool of cats of this breed does not go astray in mats, the cat must have its own comb with natural bristles. Someone gets for smooth-haired cats massage mittens with soft silicone teeth. Combing out is convenient not only because you can save a pet from dead hair. In addition, it allows you to evenly distribute the protective layer of natural fat on the coat.

In the absence of time, you can buy a brush for mounting on the wall and fix it below so that the pet can come up and brush its wool on it. Some cats like it a lot, they gladly rub on such brushes.

There is no need for daily combing of wool, despite the fact that it is quite dense and thick. However, grooming cats adore, so from time to time you can indulge pets with a similar procedure.

Ears and eyes should be cleaned when contaminated. About once a week they are cleaned with a damp cloth dipped in chamomile broth. Someone uses for this cotton pad and ordinary warm water. A similar decoction can also be used to treat the eyes of an animal with a multiplicity at least once a week. It is necessary to bathe a pet no more than once a month.

If suddenly the animal began to pull at the ears, then, most likely, parasites appeared in them, from which it is necessary to get rid of with the help of drugs. The type of medicine and the frequency of its use will be determined by the doctor. At the first sign of scratching, take the animal to the vet. It is impossible to start the course of the disease: it does not pass by itself.

For claws, you need to purchase a scratching post, and in the house of such accessories there may be several. They are placed near the front door and in the places of the most attention of the pet. This will protect upholstery and wallpaper upholstery from destruction. As necessary, the claws must be trimmed with scissors or special forceps, cutting off the transparent end of each nail.

It is important to monitor the condition of the teeth of your pet, because they can be deposited tartar. Of course, not every owner will clean their cat, but if suddenly she gets at least one tooth, it will require an immediate appeal to a specialist. In addition, periodontal disease can also be observed in individual cats.

In order to prevent such problems, the cat needs timely preventive examinations and cleaning according to all the rules that a veterinarian can do. In addition, you should try to brush the animal's teeth with a special toothpaste and a tiny toothbrush, as well as use special treats for brushing your teeth.


No matter how domestic the animal is, it weakens without fresh air. It is necessary systematically and every day to walk with him on the street. At first it can be a walk with a kitten in her arms, with time its duration can be increased. In this case, the cat will not mind if there is a harness on its neck. After the walk, which is unlikely to go without research of objects and plants, it is necessary to inspect a plush cat for the presence of parasites (ticks or fleas).

For the purposes of prophylaxis, an antiparasitic collar can be used, the effect of which lasts on average about one month. Further, it is replaced with a new one. To check the wool, you can purchase a special comb with small and frequent teeth.


These cats are well trained, but it is necessary to start raising them as soon as possible. You can not shout at them: they understand the intonation of the voice and catch the mood. If for some reason they commit a misdemeanor and hide, then in order to lure them out of the shelter, it is enough to open the tap with water, because snow-shu to it are not indifferent. So that the cat does not steal small items, it is necessary to provide him with his toys, which he will constantly wear in his teeth, like prey.

The game should not use hands or feet, and special toys for cats. This eliminates the possibility of bites and scratches, as well as teach your pet to their own things.

These may be different items, but not the things that the owner uses. For example, you do not need to play the strap from the pants, because the cat will consider him as his own, so he can steal and hide.

You must try to find time to play with the cat. This will help to strengthen its connection with the owner, increase loyalty and take care of her. Ideally, it is enough to play with her twice a day, finding 15 minutes in the morning and evening for this purpose.

Periodically, you can call a cat for games or simple communication. The pet will be happy and "talk", because he perfectly understands when he is praised, so he will not refuse to be treated kindly by his owner.


That the cat did not grow wildly and sharp, the atmosphere in the house should be calm. Active cat grows up in a house where there is no cry and assault. Its punishment can be a strict voice of the owner, dragging the guilty animal behind the withers or poking a snout is useless. From this it simply loses confidence and tries to be away from everyone, which is usually unusual for her.

It is important to provide the kitten with its own deckchair and play complex.. He must have his own bowl of food and water. The house must have certain rules and a regime to which all households obey. Seeing this, the pet adapts itself to the existing rules.In the same place where there is no order from the owners, it makes no sense to look for it in an animal. It should not beg for food or attention, it is all part of the education and responsibility of the person.

You can not put a kitten to sleep in the same bed. In this way, the boundaries of his understanding of the place are erased; he perceives himself to be the same as his master, which can later grow into problems of education and the need for behavioral correction. The animal must know the resting place, which is its bed.

On request, you can buy him an additional house or even a hammock for the battery, where he will be warm and cozy.

What to feed?

The pledge of cat health is its weight. Of course, it should not be over-fed or, conversely, too thin. Everything is good in moderation, so it is important to choose the right diet. For example, you can not feed an animal alone with industrial feed. Despite the manufacturers' assurances of its exceptional benefits, he cannot provide the pet with all the necessary vitamins and beneficial substances.

Cat food must be balanced. From time to time it is possible to add variety to it through wet food. But in the diet should be present and natural food. For example, a cat should receive fish and lean meat, as well as special grass for cats. Occasionally, you must give your pet egg yolks, as well as dairy products (except cream and sour cream).

It is allowed to include kefir, ryazhenka and yogurt in the diet. In addition to them, raw oatmeal can be added to the main meal. Some kinds of fruits and vegetables that can be given boiled or raw will be good food for the cat. In order to cleanse the stomach of woolen lumps (when the cat itself licks the fur), it is possible to give the pet wheat or oats. Meat or fish kitty must be given in boiled form. In addition to them, from time to time he will have to give special vitamin complexes, observing the dosage specified by a specialist.

As for the choice of food, it should be based on the age of the cat. When choosing it, you need to pay attention to the type of wool, and health features. When choosing a natural food, it is important to ensure that there are no artificial additives in the products. Wherein small kittens are fed more often, as they grow older, the multiplicity is reduced, increasing the volume of each portion. Kittens are usually fed no more than six times a day. Kota two years of age do not need to feed more than twice a day. Food can be given at certain hours in the morning and in the evening.

You can not feed the cat food from your table. You can not feed her stale food and monotonous food. For example, the same meat can be different (it can be beef, turkey, chicken).

In addition, you can give your pet offal (chicken gizzards, hearts, wings). Vegetables must be present in the diet carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and even cabbage. Grains (buckwheat, rice, semolina and rolled oats) will also be useful.

Water for cats should always be clean and fresh. Food bowls can be either ceramic or metal. Plastic products are much worse, because they quickly become covered with scratches, in which colonies of bacteria can settle over time. In addition, plastic can not be called completely harmless material, because some of its varieties emit harmful substances into the air during operation.

Some products of snow shu can not be given. For example, the list of unauthorized products includes pork and river fish, milk and potatoes, spices, salinity and smoked meats.

You can not treat "snow white" sausage and sausages. In addition, it is absolutely contraindicated to feed the pussies with sweets that can harm the teeth and provoke the appearance of allergic reactions.


As a rule, when a kitten is taken from the nursery, it is vaccinated. However, during the course of his life, he cannot do without the necessary vaccinations.They are performed according to the usual schedule, grafting comprehensively in early childhood and repeating the necessary vaccinations each year. An individual schedule can be assigned only in hotel cases. It is worth considering: there are periods when the introduction of the vaccine is unacceptable. For example, this cannot be done when babies change teeth (usually between four and eight months). In addition, you can not vaccinate pregnant cats and individuals with a weakened immune system.

As for the nuances of vaccinations, then about 10 days before the vaccine is introduced, the pet is given anthelmintic.


Knitting cats is carried out according to the standard scheme. In this case, the mating does not deliver: much more important will get kittens close to the standard, because half of the litter is far from him. As a rule, the first estrus in cats is about one year old. However, it, as the second, should be skipped. Experts recommend tying when the cat is about one and a half years old.. It is desirable to select a couple in the same cattery, where they chose the kitten itself. Doubtful individuals are not suitable for mating, as this leads to the degeneration of the breed and various diseases of kittens born in this mating.

The ideal partner for mating should be purebred, well-groomed, neat. In addition, this individual must have a pedigree, it must be vaccinated and healthy. Someone pays attention to the criteria of color and even the length of the so-called socks: if the cat is long, then the cat must be small and vice versa.

The secret rule for mating is the fact that often the cat owner takes one kitten from the litter. This nuance must be specified in advance. Sometimes, instead of an individual, the owner of the “groom” is paid the cost of the baby.

With regard to the frequency of mating, the breeders believe that a year is enough for a cat to give birth no more than once. This may be due to the state of her health and the degree of depletion of the body (the more often she gives birth, the less she has to bear the kittens). After the birth of babies, the first three months of her strength will be spent on feeding. At times she can bring from three to seven babies. If you mate often, the cat will be sick.

Her body will be susceptible to various infectious diseases. She herself will not only lose weight, but will change outwardly. Her coat will become dull, and the look - painful and weak. In addition, frequent birth will affect the life of the animal: such a cat will not live long. Despite the fact that kittens are expensive, this nuance should not harm the health of mother cats.

When estrus is, and mating fails, this indicates a failure of the body. Abstinence can cause serious diseases of the reproductive system. In general, the birth of a cat proceeds without complications, although most of the kittens are born with a hooked tail. The cost of a kitten can be up to 15,000 rubles. Purebred specimens with an ideal color are more expensive: the price of such kittens ranges from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles and more. However, the partner should be himself not only purebred, but fit into the established standard.

If the owner does not plan to breed kittens, the pet is castrated or sterilized.

More information about the cat breed of snow-shu - in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


