Domestic cats

Cats snoopy: what is the breed and the reasons for their popularity

Cats snoopy: what is the breed and the reasons for their popularity

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  1. History of popularity
  2. Breed history
  3. Character
  4. Care
  5. Health
  6. Cost of
  7. Host reviews
  8. Some facts

Very often, Internet users drive in the search box "cat snoopy" or "breed of cats snoopy." This is not entirely true, since the Snoopy breed does not exist in principle. The reason for such a delusion of users of the global network was the huge popularity of a cute cat named Snoopy.

History of popularity

More than 5 years ago, the attention of users of the Instagram application attracted the attention of a separate cat page named Snoopy, created by its owner especially for him. Thousands of subscribers literally were moved by the look of a cat. And it should be said that they did it for good reason. Snoopy attracted his attention with huge trusting eyes, flattened face, cute ears, beautiful hair and extremely friendly character.

In addition, the mistress of this lovely pet is a girl from the Chinese province named Nin, each photo of Snoopy was accompanied by funny outfits. Therefore, Snoopy was not only the cutest cat in the world at that time, but also the most "fashionable." A variety of dresses this fluffy handsome would envy any fashionista. In a very short time, Snoopy gained widespread popularity and gained an army of fans.

Every pet lover was eager to buy a cat of the same breed as Snoopy. Therefore, the Internet was a huge number of queries to search for the breed "snoopy." So, what breed does this cat belong to? Many people, based on the fact that the cat lives in China, attributed it to the Chinese breed of cats. Some people call the breed "Japanese cat". In fact, the true breed of this pet is exotic, and its homeland is in the United States of America.

Breed history

A breed of exotic appeared relatively recently - in the 60s of the last century. And its appearance is as funny as the appearance of the most popular representative of this breed - the cat Snoopy. It turned out that the American scientists set themselves the following task - to improve the woolen coat and make the skeleton of standard American shorthair cats more robust. To do this, representatives of this breed began to cross with a Persian cat.

The result was amazing - cute kittens were born with big eyes, short legs and a flat face. For a long time, the breed was not officially recognized and only at the beginning of the XXI century these cats were given the official name - exotic cats. And really - these cats have a very exotic appearance.

And the cat Snoopy made representatives of his breed popular all over the world, which is why his breed was called popularly "snoopy".


Exotic cat has a very accommodating and friendly character. Exotics simply can not imagine their life without a person, so they are very strongly attached to the owner. With a long separation, they are really very sad and very bored. Cats of this breed are ideal pets - they have developed intelligence and memory, they are very quiet and do not have the habit of hooligans.

Exotics are very curious, love active games with their owner. They are also very amenable to training, so standard training in the form of habituation to a tray or a ban on scratching claws on furniture and walls with exotics will be very fast and easy. Many say that exotics are very good for children, so it will be important for families with small children.


Exotics have, though long, but very dense wool. Therefore, they should be carefully bathed at least once a month. It is advisable to use special degreasing agents, since the wool is so thick that not every shampoo is able to wash it completely. Drying after bathing should be done with a hair dryer - it does not harm its appearance. Combing exotic should be at least once a week. This procedure removes fallen hairs and puts the cat's hair in order. In principle, exotics are very unpretentious in both care and nutrition. They are even called "Persians for the lazy."

"Persians" because of the similarity with the breed of Persian cats, and "for the lazy" because care for them is much easier than for the same Persians or other exotic breeds. The diet of exotics does not require any extra cost, but it is undesirable to feed them with the same every day. For good health and increase the life expectancy of a pet, he should periodically give dairy products, natural meat.

Often, when feeding exotic animals, various cereals and cereals are used. They can be mixed with a ready-made treat for cats from the supermarket, but it will be more satisfying and healthier.

It is also sometimes possible to trim the claws of cats. Especially if they made a habit of tearing up furniture. It is advisable in this case to purchase a special scraper in a veterinary store and scissors for trimming claws. You can never do this with ordinary scissors, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the cat's blood vessels. Special scissors as if pinching off the tip of the claw of a cat.


Appearance of exotic animals is very cute and attractive: big eyes, oblate nose, neat ears. But just these characteristics sometimes bring some health problems. Due to the flattened nose, problems with the respiratory organs can occur, and large eyes may be subject to tearing. When caring for a cat, it is advisable to periodically clean his ears, wipe his nose and eyes. Even in the presence of a disease, exotics may not give in to the species, but they will silently tolerate this, since they are very quiet and give voice very rarely.

Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to take your pet for examination to the vet. The specialist will be able to give the necessary recommendations regarding the care and even the diet of exotic. Like all other breeds, exotics are at risk of having kidney problems. Many cats are subject to this. This happens because of a wrong and harmful diet.

You do not need to feed the cat exclusively prepared food from supermarkets.

Cost of

Today, many pet lovers want to buy a cat breed Exot. How much is this cat? An unequivocal answer can not be given. The price can start from 6 thousand rubles. for the kitten. Sometimes cats with a good pedigree or former participants of various exhibitions and shows are sold. Their price can start from 20 thousand rubles. On the Internet there are a large number of ads on sale of exotics at different prices.

Many people are engaged in breeding exotics professionally, as it is a fairly profitable and relevant business. Of course, you should not expect to receive easy money. Breeding and care for any animal is a very responsible process. And people involved in the breeding of exotic animals are forced to care for several individuals at once, and therefore give them most of their time. Also exotic can be purchased in a special nursery. Before the acquisition is to ask about the habits of a kitten, find out what he likes from food. Of course, it is worth knowing whether the cat is accustomed to the tray.

Host reviews

In general, reviews of happy owners of cats of this breed are mostly positive. Exotic cats rarely molt, are amenable to learning and are very affectionate. Some owners point out that exotics may have breathing problems. As mentioned above - this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nose. You should not try to treat the disease yourself - you need to urgently show the pet to a specialist.

It is also noted that exotism is almost uncharacteristic of the manifestation of aggression towards the owner or family members. They practically do not scratch and do not have the habit of biting. With other animals, exotics also tend to make contact. Note users and the vulnerability of cats of this breed.

Exotics react very badly when they are not given due attention or scolded. They get very upset and can ignore their abuser for a long time.

Animal activity is very “delicate”, as many owners say. Exotics will not rush around the apartment at night and disturb the peace of the owners. But if the owner himself wants to play with exotic, the cat with great pleasure will support him. Exotics like different toys, as long as they do not have any sharp edges that can harm the animal.

Some facts

Exotics, similar in color to their brightest representative, Snoopy, have at times a higher price than their counterparts of another color. These cats are extremely loyal and almost never depart from humans. However, if the owner is busy, then they try not to disturb him. Cats of this breed have the smallest nose among other cats. The most famous exot Snoopy has its own pages in social networks, where the number of its subscribers is in the thousands. This breed has gained immense popularity throughout the world, despite its "accidental" appearance. Exotics are an ideal home breed of cats that do not require much care.

A story about snoppy - in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


