Domestic cats

Is it possible to give cats dog food?

Is it possible to give cats dog food?

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  1. The distinction of pet organisms and their needs
  2. Essential Amino Acids
  3. The difference between cat food and dog food
  4. Is it possible to combine dry and wet food
  5. Feeding tips

The notion of “live like a cat with a dog” has lost its relevance today. Our pets perfectly coexist on the same territory. Moreover, they still protect each other, sleep together and eat from the same bowl. That is why many owners are concerned about the question whether it is possible to feed a cat with dog food, although it eats it with pleasure, pushing the dog aside and rumbling while doing so. Let's try to understand this issue.

The distinction of pet organisms and their needs

In the production of feed takes into account the difference in the digestive systems of cats and dogs.

Cats are obligate predators, they need a large amount of protein. And they can get it only from meat.

Dogs are omnivorous animals. They, unlike cats, have learned to get protein from plant foods.

They are well digested cereals, vegetables and other vegetable products. Therefore, in the absence of meat can survive without it.

Cats are only 10% able to absorb plant food. Their intestines are shorter than those of omnivores, and they also have a lower activity of digestive enzymes. They need more food of animal origin. The cat's body, in contrast to the internal systems of dogs, cannot synthesize amino acids, which play the most important role in their lives. These substances should be obtained from food.

Essential Amino Acids

  • To strengthen the coat and skin of the cat is necessary linoleic acid. It also inhibits the development of inflammatory processes. With its lack of dandruff appears, hair begins to fall, its luster is lost. Digestive disorders and frequent colds are also a clear sign of a lack of linoleic acid.
  • Arachidonic acid is involved in the renewal of the cat's body cells. It affects the blood coagulability, the reproductive functions of the feline organism.
  • Arginine is needed to remove toxic compounds from the feline. Ammonia compounds are formed in her body as a result of the breakdown of proteins. They are toxic. Irregular excretion from the body of an animal can lead to serious ammonia poisoning. Intoxication is usually accompanied by nausea, lethargy, convulsive states, copious saliva.
  • Vitamin A responsible for visual acuity and immunity, regulates the growth of body cells.
  • Vitamin PP affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the pet. It also maintains normal mucous membranes in the animal's body. With its shortage, dermatitis develops.
  • One of the most essential amino acids for cats is taurine. Taurine is involved in the formation of nerve and muscle fibers, regulates the work of the heart. With a lack of this substance in the body, vision and digestion are impaired. Lack of taurine also leads to the development of cardiomyopathy, weakening of the heart muscle.

The difference between cat food and dog food

Cat and dog dry foods are distinguished by a nutrient balance.

They have a different composition of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

  • In the composition of the feline species of protein should be at least 40%. The main focus is on protein. Cats need quite high-calorie food due to accelerated metabolism. In addition, in the cat litter more phosphorus they need.
  • In dog food, fiber is the basis. The squirrel in it is about 25%. Canine lure contains more magnesium, potassium and calcium than feline.
  • With a large number of cereals contained in dog food, The cat's digestive system does poorly.
  • When a cat consumes dog food, it has a lack of vitamin A. As a result, hair loss and vision loss are possible.
  • Cat needs taurine. This amino acid in dog foods is not. Taurine supports the cat's immune and nervous systems. It stimulates the heart and affects blood clotting. When digesting fats, this amino acid plays an important role.
  • Dogs for normal life need less protein than cats. Therefore, the food for cats contains it more.
  • In dog food, the cat lacks iodine and biotin, as well as vitamins of groups B and E. And the content of vitamins D, K, C, A exceeds the amount needed by the cat. Calcium and magnesium in dog foods are also more than the cat needs.

It can be concluded that the dog food cat does not fit: he does not give her the necessary elements, but provides excess unnecessary, which is harmful to the body.

Is it possible to combine dry and wet food

First we clarify the differences between dry and wet food. Each species has its own advantages.

Dry food prevents pet from forming plaque on the teeth and tartar. It has a positive effect on the development of the jaw muscles, the need for chewing is satisfied. In this case, a lack of moisture in the body of the animal can lead to urolithiasis.

Wet industrial food by 70% consists of a liquid component, thereby reducing the risk of urinary tract diseases. Canned food is more easily absorbed by the pet.

Liquid foods have fewer calories, but due to their high protein content, the pet quickly eats up.

A high content of carbohydrates in dry form of food and their long-term digestion can lead to overeating and obesity. These problems can be followed by diabetes.

When combining these two types of feed, it is necessary to take into account the different period of their assimilation by the pet's digestive system. Therefore, it is better to alternate feeding with a dry variety of food and wet by day. And it is desirable to use products from the same manufacturer: they are more suitable for each other.

The compositions of dog food and cats (both dry and wet) are balanced precisely under the body of a certain animal. Therefore, when feeding a cat's wet dog food with its health problems, there may be the same as when feeding with a dry species.

If a wet dog food serves only as a treat for a cat and gets to it infrequently, then there will be no great harm from it. But there is no benefit either, since wet foods contain less nutrients for the animal than dry ones.

Feeding tips

    The main condition for the health of a pet is proper nutrition. Choose feed necessary, based on a number of important criteria.

    • Weight and size pet. Modern manufacturers produce a diverse line of feed. The label usually shows the standards of feeding, depending on the weight of the animal.
    • His age. As many already know, kittens should not be given food intended for an adult cat. The work of the digestive system of adults differs from the digestion of kittens and old felines. Therefore, the feed must be selected in accordance with age.
    • The intensity of the load during the day. The percentage of carbohydrates in the feed depends on this. If the animal moves a little, an excess of carbohydrates will lead to health problems.
    • The presence of disease, the recommended diet. It is necessary to consider the recommendations of the veterinarian in the selection of complementary foods for a not very healthy pet.
    • Pregnancy or feeding offspring. Here, too, has its own nuances: you need food with a high content of vitamins and trace elements.
    • Recommendations for the breed of pet. Such feeds are also present in the line of manufacturers. Or you need to listen to the advice of professionals in this field.
    • Food attractiveness. Often it happens that a pet refuses to eat certain types of feed. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a diet that is not only useful. It is also important that the food be to the liking of the pet, otherwise it may go on a hunger strike.

    When feeding a cat with dog food, its body does not receive all the substances necessary for normal functioning. This leads to pet health problems.

    It is better to feed the cat and dog at different times or in different places. Then they will not be able to steal food from each other. It is necessary to teach them to eat the entire portion at a time.

    Animals, like children, can independently get to the forbidden treats. Therefore, it is better to keep food in a reliable container that can not be gnawed.

    It is safer to remove food in the reach of pets.

    The rare use of cat delicacies by a cat will not bring him much harm, and the consequences will not be noticeable.. A regular feeding dog food can lead to serious illness, and the difference in the behavior of a pet will be noticeable.

    The same can be said about feeding dogs with cat food. Dogs also often like to feast on someone else's bowls.

    On whether it is possible to give a cat a dog food, discussed in the following video:

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


