Domestic cats

The breeds of the worst cats

The breeds of the worst cats

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  1. Leader of all ratings
  2. Hairless breeds
  3. Strange and unusual

As a rule, pet lovers cats choose, looking at their external data. It is impossible to pass by a beautiful and cute cat that looks at you with its attractive look. But among the many fans of cats there are fans of unusual breeds, whose representatives can not be called cute and beautiful. To what breeds belong the most terrible cats in the world, we will tell right now.

Leader of all ratings

Relatively recently, even more cat breeds have appeared in the world, which can be attributed to ugly animals. Such unusual and even a few scary pets have their fans, who are not at all embarrassed by the strange and unusual kind of cat. Someone is frightened by such pets, and someone dreams of this unusual kitten settling in the house.

Perhaps, the first place can rightfully be given to representatives of an unusual breed called face. Some such cats resemble a real monster, someone sees in them a cross between a bat and a domestic cat, while others compare representatives of this breed with real werewolves.

By the way, in translation from the ancient Greek, it is translated as “werewolf”.

Separately worth mentioning is that representatives of the breed have a hunting instinct and can even compete in this business with dogs. In addition, cats are characterized by devotion and very quickly become attached to their owners. By the way if the cat feels that the owner is in danger, he will always come to the rescue and will protect him. Also the face love to be in the spotlight.

When a kitten of this breed is only born, it is practically no different from the usual fluffy pet. But after a few weeks, he actively begins to lose wool and acquire its unusual appearance.

Most of the body of this animal remains without hair. It is because of this “bald” type that this breed is considered to be one of the most terrible.

About cats breed faces, see the video below.

Hairless breeds

When, instead of the usual fluffy and cute little ball, cat lovers see a “naked” kitten, many people think that this is ugly. That is why cats and cats hairless breeds often include in the ranking of the worst. Among the hairless breeds, the leader is perhaps the breed sphinx. This breed already has an army of fans around the world. Sphynxes especially like those who does not want cat fur to be everywhere in the house.

Representatives of this breed have absolutely no hair on their bodies. Sphinxes have a special structure, large ears and a wrinkled body, which is why many consider them to be ugly. Kittens are distinguished by their natural curiosity and devotion. Sphinxes love to find the most secluded corners in the house and from there watch their hosts.

They are very playful and friendly pets.

Peterbald - Another popular hairless breed, whose representatives are considered ugly. Externally, animals of this breed differ from sphinxes. Peterbalds have their own characteristics. For example, it is a long and narrow head, large and almond-shaped eyes, large ears, which are separated in different directions. The owners of such unusual pets note the fact that these cats are notable for their devotion and friendliness.

Of course, looking at this animal, it is difficult to believe that this is a sweet creature with an angelic character, but still it is. Peterbald never moves away from his master, misses him alone, purrs constantly and loves to play.

With the devotion and friendliness of Peterbald, you can even compare with a dog, which is considered to be the person’s best friend.

Breed Ukrainian Levkoy also often included in the ranking of the most unattractive cats in the world. This breed was bred as a result of the crossing of the Don Sphynx and the Scottish Fold cat. This is a hairless cat with an unusual muzzle, which is somewhat like a dog. Big eyes, a flexible and slim body, twisted ears - these are the characteristic features of the appearance of these cats. The peculiarity of pets is their ears, which resemble the well-known Levkoy flower, which is well known in Ukraine.

These are very good-natured, quick-witted and active cats. They do not show aggression towards children and strangers.

Another unusual breed is Minsk Many believe that the representatives of this breed also do not differ special beauty. This breed appeared as a result of the crossing of such breeds as the sphinx and the short-legged munchkin. The first kitten appeared only in the early 2000s. This cat can not be called completely hairless, as the wool is partially present on the body of the animal.

A small amount of wool covered muzzle, ears, tail and paw tips. Since the paws of such cats are a little shaggy, the people call them kittens hobbits. Pets have a playful, good-natured and affectionate character.

They are very curious and inventive. Despite their dedication, they are completely unequivocal with other pets.

Strange and unusual

A strange and even scary cat called representatives of such a breed as laperm The first kitten of this unusual breed was born in Dallas in the early 80s of the last century. Therefore, this breed can also be considered relatively young. A characteristic feature of cats is their unusual wool. It seems that the pet did not quite successful perm. Many cats look unkempt and a bit strange because of such an unusual coat. Therefore, often pets of this breed are included in the rating of ugly cats.

It is worth noting that these cats have a responsive and devoted character. In addition, many believe that this is the most loving and kind cats.

Devon Rex - cats of this breed are still called by many elves. And all because they have unusual and large ears that resemble the ears of fabulous creatures. Cats of this breed have other distinctive features. For example, it is an unusual high-cheeked muzzle and special wool. The hair of these cats is very soft, gentle and slightly wavy. These cats are distinguished by communication skills and friendliness. They are very fond of affection, active and active games.

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