Domestic cats

How to cut the claws of a cat and a cat with a claw cutter?

How to cut the claws of a cat and a cat with a claw cutter?

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  1. The reasons
  2. Features of the procedure
  3. Instruments

With the purchase of a cat from the breeder, new worries appear. He not only organizes good nutrition, waters clean water and cleans the toilet. A pet will not be healthy and will not live long if you do not care for its hair and claws. Claws are maintained in proper condition by visiting a veterinarian or by self-suggesting a feline manicure.

The reasons

Regardless of where the cat lives - in the wild or in a metropolis, sharp claws for her is a means of self-defense with which she:

  • hits the enemy;
  • climbs a tree, seeing the enemy.

    The claws have another function - protection against hunger. The cat will get food for itself without human intervention, having tracked down and caught a small rodent or a bird. The cat's lifestyle has changed. She lives in a comfortable home environment, does not seek food for herself and does not fight with enemies. The owner has one more care: the pet is cut the claws to prevent the ingrown nails into the soft tissue of the foot. Due to the inopportune nature of the procedure, the animal develops lameness, an inflammatory process begins, which ends in an abscess.

    With a strong growth of nails, the depreciation abilities of the animal will suffer: even jumping from a low height, it will receive a serious injury.

    Claws are cut in the following cases.

    • If the cat lives at home and does not have unimpeded exit to the street. If she lives in the wild or walks whenever she pleases, she will take care of them herself, grinding them off the bark of a tree / hard surface.
    • If she leads a sedentary lifestyle due to temperament, obesity and other diseases. The active animal claw length is adjusted without outside intervention when running, during games and climbing trees.
    • If the cat lives in a family with small children.
    • If the breeder is going to the exhibition, to the vet for a planned operation or bathe the pet.

    Features of the procedure

    Claws shear the kitten 2-3 months after birth. Earlier care of them is not carried out, so as not to accidentally damage the paws. To contribute to the rapid getting used to the procedure, click on the paw pads. The frequency of cutting nails depends on how quickly they grow and how long their owner last cut. The length is influenced by the age and lifestyle of the cat. The kitten is cut its claws twice a month, and an adult domestic cat once a month.

    In order not to injure a pet and not to scare him away from the procedure in the future, they are responsible for cutting the claws. First, hands are treated with alcohol. It is used to process the sharp blades of any nail cutter.

    At the end of the procedure, the cut points are treated with hydrogen peroxide and, if necessary, grind out the resulting uneven edge with a regular nail file.


    Cat manicure do not only ordinary scissors. To facilitate the task of the owner, in pet stores sell different types of nail clippers.

    Electric claw cutter

    Experienced breeders who keep several pets in the house or veterinarians often work with this device. He has a small metal wheel that moves when the claw cutter is turned on. Kota sit on his lap, take the foot with his left hand, turn on the device and gently bring the grown claw to the wheel.

    Nail clipper in the form of scissors for a pedicure and manicure

    She has the same principle of action as that of the nail scissors. Vertically standing notches are located at their ends. In order to properly cut the cat's claws with such a nail clipper, place the regrown nail between the cut-outs and bring the ends together.


    This kogterezka reminds men of pliers. To cut the nail, put it between the two ends, and then bring them together. The forceps have a special lever that prevents the sharp blades from fully opening.

    To deactivate the device, move this lever to its original position.


    The most popular tool among the owners is the guillotine. With its help, the easiest way to eliminate long nails. The cat is kept when sheared so that the regrown claw is below the cutting and narrow space. Then slowly lower the sharp blade until the nail is cut.

    Although the guillotine and is popular among the owners of fluffy cats, but it is not safe to use. There is no guarantee that they will only cut off the grown nail. Often guillotine injure paws or damage a blood vessel. Cut the claws of a cat easily.

    It is not necessary to seek help from a veterinarian. Compliance with the instructions for working with a clipper will protect against damage to the paws and soft tissues of the pet.

    How to cut the claws of a cat, you will learn from the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


