Domestic cats

Is dry cat food harmful or not?

Is dry cat food harmful or not?

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  1. Benefits
  2. disadvantages
  3. Useful recommendations

To date, dry pet food is the basis of the diet of most pets. Such a popular type of food for cats has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be reviewed before use. In pet stores you can find many brands of dry feed, differing in properties, composition and price. In our article we will take a closer look at this product, its advantages and disadvantages.


First, let's talk about the benefits of using dry animal feed.

  • As the first advantage, owners of domestic cats note convenience. Food in this version is very simple to store. For storage, you can use any convenient container. You can also leave the product in the original packaging.

Plastic packaging, which is found in every home, fits perfectly. Separately, it is worth noting the long shelf life of products and convenient use. To feed a furry pet, just open the package and pour the right amount of food in a bowl.

  • Manufacturers offering top quality products make food with a balanced composition. First of all, this quality has a premium product. Competently selected components and substances are necessary for the excellent health and well-being of the pet.

Without the use of ready-made feeds, cat owners have to independently create a menu, taking into account the particular breed and the useful qualities of each individual product. Trading companies offer food for different age groups, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of cats at each stage.

  • If you are a pedigree cat owner, You will be interested in feed for a particular breed. Independently select and calculate the menu for a particular type is very difficult. Manufacturers have already done it for you and take into account the characteristics of each breed. In the manufacture of food, predisposition to diseases, the pet's taste preferences, the need for certain substances and much more are taken into account.

Separately worth noting medical foods that help animals recover from surgery or illness. In their composition there are special components aimed at improving the condition of the body. Also on sale you will find compositions for pregnant and lactating cats.

  • Another advantage is the abrasive properties of solid feed granules. Such food helps clean the teeth from plaque. However, even with regular use of dry food, you need to brush your teeth for pets. Unfortunately, some owners neglect this duty.
  • The product contains taurine. This is a special component that is mandatory for the health of the animal. This element is required for:
  1. maintaining excellent animal vision;
  2. heart disease prevention;
  3. participation in the processes of digestion (the substance helps the digestion and absorption of fat in the small intestine);
  4. stabilization of the nervous system.

Taurine is found in fish, beef, and seafood. If such food gets into the cat's diet rarely or completely absent, dry food will help to cope with the problem of lack of taurine.

The main part of dry dog ​​food does not contain the above element, therefore, it is useless to use this product for feeding cats. He will not give positive results.


Despite the obvious advantages of such nutrition, there are a number of certain disadvantages.

  • The first drawback is related to the peculiarities of the texture of the feed itself. If you regularly feed your pet dry food, it is recommended to give him more water. It must be clean. It would seem that if you give the animal enough moisture, then there will be no problem, however, most cats drink very little.

Experts recommend to monitor how much water a pet consumes. If the cat almost does not drink, then it is desirable to reduce the amount of dry food to a minimum or to completely abandon it. Some veterinarians believe that you can not feed the animal only dry formulations. It is recommended to combine food, combining wet and dry food.

  • Most brands use chemical ingredients. in the production of the product. They are necessary for food to be stored for a long time and have a special taste. As a rule, such additives are part of the compositions of poor quality. Such food is harmful to cats. It should be noted that wet feeds may also have this disadvantage.

Before purchasing feed, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the composition, especially if you have not previously used the products of a particular company.

Economy class feed
Premium food
  • According to many experts, constant feeding with dry foods can cause gastrointestinal disease. Also pet can torment following illnesses:
  1. gastritis;
  2. ulcer;
  3. intestinal obstruction;
  4. stomachache.

This deficiency is individual and depends on the characteristics of each pet. Some cats can constantly eat dry food and feel great, others begin to experience discomfort after several days of feeding. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the health of the animal and record the negative changes in his state of health.

Also, cats can react differently to products of different brands. Therefore, if the pet loves the feed of a particular company, it is undesirable to change it.

Useful recommendations

If you intend to use dry food for your pet, check out with the following rules for its use.

  • You can not mix natural food with ready-made feed. If your pet starts having health problems, it will be very difficult to determine their cause.
  • As noted above, It is not recommended to change the manufacturer, as a last resort, you can rarely do this. Shifts can lead to poor digestion.
  • Feed change should be carried out carefully for at least one week. Gradually mix in the new product, watching the cat's health.
  • Be sure to place a bowl of clean water next to the food bowl, so that the pet does not torment thirst.
  • You can not feed your pet products of low quality. Savings on food quality can adversely affect the health of the cat.
  • Do not use food that has expired.
  • After opening the package, be sure to check the condition of the feed.
  • An adult healthy cat eats 2 times a day. Nursing and pregnant cats can eat more than five times.
  • As for drinking, then the animal needs to drink about 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight, but this is when using moist and natural food. If the animal eats a dry feed, the volume of the drunk water should be 3 times higher.
  • Extremely discouraged use feed for adult animals when feeding kittens. Such compositions are not designed for them.
  • Water tank should be wide so that the mustache does not touch its edges. Check the water for freshness and periodically update it.

Veterinarians believe that you can mix wet and dry food of the same brand due to the fact that they may be similar in composition. Dramatically change the diet can not for a specific reason. When using the same composition, the body of the animal begins to produce special enzymes for the breakdown of food, which contributes to the absorption of the product. Thus, the body gets used to a specific composition.

The benefits and harms of dry cat food are related to their quality and composition.In order not to risk the pet's health and well-being, use products. premium class. Their cost is more expensive than other formulations, but the price is fully justified. It is also recommended to use products. famous and popular brands. Large companies that hold leading positions in the pet food market value their reputation and approach to product manufacturing responsibly.

For tips on choosing dry food, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


