Domestic cats

Evil cats: the breed and the manifestation of their aggression

Evil cats: the breed and the manifestation of their aggression

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  1. Top evil breeds
  2. How to show aggression?
  3. How to handle them?

For most, a cat is a cute and kind fluffy ball that can not cause any evil to a person. But it's not always the case. Many of them are aggressive in nature, while others have anger over time. However, this does not mean that they will not be able to live together with their masters in the same apartment.

First of all, you must love your pets, as well as find out the reasons for the manifestation of any aggressive behavior.

Top evil breeds

Talking about a particular breed of cats, that all its representatives are evil, it is impossible. So, can be called evil cats wild representatives who do not allow a person to come to him. And at the same time, pets can also show some signs of anger from the excessive love of their owner or his aggressive behavior towards the kitten. It is believed that the most aggressive cats in the world are those that live distantly from people, but at the same time several breeds are quite obstinate and aggressive.

Maine Coons

This is one of the most popular breeds of cats. And all thanks to their unusual appearance, as well as large size. Because of this, many people equate them to dogs. But few owners can cope with such huge cats. And this is not only because they have bad character traits. All Maine Coons differ from domestic cats in the following features:

  • first of all, they need regular walking, since they are hunters by nature; in addition, during walks they get rid of the accumulated negative energy;
  • they will not lie quietly on the lap of their masters, not only because they do not like it, but also because they cannot fit there because of their huge dimensions;
  • Maine-coons love water procedures, so when they see a bowl or any other vessel with water, they can try to get into it;
  • even though they are cats, they, like dogs, like to rummage in the ground or chew on the upholstery of the sofa, or to tear wallpaper off in an apartment.

Important! If you do not allow the Maine Coon to do all these pranks and not bring them up since childhood, they will be very aggressive, as well as dangerous because of their size.


By their nature, cats of this breed are considered to be true extroverts, as well as lovers of everything to explore. In addition, they do not like to be alone. Therefore, cats will strongly discourage this. They will not tolerate complete indifference to themselves. And if not due attention to them, they can even "revenge" for it. For people who do not have enough time to pay attention to the animal, it is better not to get Balinese cats.

In addition, these animals are quite hyperactive, which annoys some. So, they can climb into the most inaccessible places, jump on curtains or cabinets. Therefore, all breakable items must be removed. If you do not follow all these tips, cats can become aggressive.

Moreover, they can show their negative qualities even for no particular reason.

British cats

If we talk about the characteristics of these cats, it is primarily their unpredictability, as well as mystery. But by their behavior they are primarily independent and wayward, proud and stubborn, patient and calculating. However, do not be afraid to buy such pets, because with the right upbringing, they will take great pleasure in soaking the hands of their master and will scratch their ears. But do not be too zealous with caresses in relation to the British cats.Be sure to have a sense of proportion, because obsession can lead to aggressive behavior of the animal. In addition, the British differ restraint, which many people perceive for stiffness.

They will approach their master only when they want to receive attention from him.

Scottish cats

One should not believe the stories of some breeders that such animals differ in angelic character. In fact, everything is much more prosaic, since their character will largely depend on the owner himself. If we talk about the negative features of the Scots, they are as follows:

  • love the attention of everyone around them too much; with a shortage will try to get it in any way;
  • if there is another animal in the house, then they will perceive him as their rival, therefore they will fight with particular harshness for the person’s attention, respectively, if there is a Scot in the house, then it is best not to get other pets;
  • rather quickly become attached to their masters and everywhere follow their heels;
  • if they are not accustomed to order and adherence to certain rules, then rather spoiled and scandalous cats will grow up.


If we talk about this animal, then the manula is practically not given any education. For them, the person is not the owner, so at any moment the cat may show aggression, for example, biting or even biting a person. In addition, the manulas will in any case defend their territory, even if they are not in any danger. In captivity, they are kept either in zoos or in nature reserves, where they feel pretty good and can even actively reproduce.

Such a breed of cats feels alone in solitude, so they are too aggressive to take on too loud companies. If we talk about their characteristics, these animals absolutely do not like strangers. In the diet, they prefer only meat food. It can be not only mice or rats, but also small birds or even hares. Females have a great maternal instinct.

Reed cats

Like the previous breed of cats, these animals are also not too amenable to domestication. In addition, they are listed in the Red Book, so it will be extremely difficult to acquire them, because it is impossible to buy them from breeders, since the sale of reed cats is prohibited. If the cat of this breed still got into the man’s house, then it will be very difficult for her to get along with any household. Moreover, in a man she will not see her master. Almost all representatives of reed cats have the following features:

  • from any home they will try to break free; it will be especially difficult to keep them in a country house;
  • since there is absolutely no ready-made dry feed for this breed, you need to feed them with fresh meat; in addition, portions for cats of such breeds will be slightly larger portions for cats of other breeds;
  • in length, these cats can grow up to one meter, so for their content the area should be large;
  • veterinarians will be difficult to assist animals.


Since in this breed of cats the blood of their wild ancestors and already domesticated animals flows, they can be both domesticated and disobedient at the same time. Therefore, for their content it is best to use enclosures that allow them to keep a certain distance, as well as to feel more at ease. Many breeders compare savannah cats with dogs, because they need to be walked regularly. Cats very quickly get used to the collars and after a while will not gnaw it. In the apartments they are not worth keeping, since they can jump up to 2.5 meters in height. In addition, all breeders, before taking such a pet, you should be familiar with the following features:

  • they do not get used to their masters too quickly and show distrust to strangers; if strangers often appear in the house, the animal will constantly feel uncomfortable, and they will also firmly defend their territory;
  • besides, if a kitten of such a breed has a softer character, then as it grows it will spoil; often there can be conflicts, besides not only with other animals living in the house, but also with their owners;
  • since these are completely unpredictable animals, it is best for families with small children not to have such cats;
  • besides this, they can simply drive small kittens or puppies.

How to show aggression?

Signs of aggressive behavior of cats are as follows:

  • their fur stands on end;
  • pupils greatly dilated;
  • the gaze is completely fixed on the object of its attack; at the moment of the greatest stress, the cat stops blinking or, conversely, looks away;
  • ears pressed to the head;
  • the back of the animal is arched;
  • the cat itself fits tightly to the ground and makes a characteristic sound.

There may be the following reasons for this behavior:

  • first of all, this is the entry into the struggle for territory;
  • protection of their offspring, especially manifested during feeding;
  • during the mating season;
  • the presence of certain diseases, in this case it is best to consult a veterinarian;
  • too much affection for them; if an animal wants to be alone, and the person wants to contact them at this moment, then its behavior can be completely unpredictable;
  • when a new pet appears in the house or a child appears in the owners, the animal experiences stress; in this case, the animal will fight by any means for its primacy in the house;
  • when the place of residence changes or the owner changes, in this case the animals will feel betrayed; after that it will be very difficult to gain trust from the cat.

How to handle them?

In the case of anger from your pet, you should not give it a fight or reassure the animal. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for such absurd behavior, because anger does not always appear in a certain breed of cats. It largely depends on the conditions in which they live. It is necessary to remove the object of their concern or to reconsider their attitude towards them. In addition, once a month it is necessary to conduct examinations for them at the veterinarian.

This will make it possible to identify not only the disease, but also the cause of their aggression.

From the first appearance in the house of cats you need to start raising. And then an adult animal will behave adequately. If the kitten is too active, then all attempts at scratching and biting must be stopped. If a cat is given too little attention, it can become wild and forget how to behave properly with people. Therefore, it is necessary as often as possible to pay attention to her, as well as talk to her.

It is worth remembering that it is only necessary to take the animal in your hands if the cat itself wants it, because many of them are quite independent and will not tolerate a scornful attitude. Be sure to warn guests so that they do not touch the cats. After all, most of them are wary of them and can simply scratch a person or even bite him on contact, especially if she didn’t like him initially. It should be noted that the aggression in cats is most often manifested from improper upbringing. But if, nevertheless, the cat's anger manifests itself in connection with its breed, then the person just needs to learn to coexist with it.

The following video is the top dangerous breeds of cats.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


