
How to wash a jacket in a washing machine-machine?

How to wash a jacket in a washing machine-machine?

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  1. What kind of jacket can be washed in a washing machine?
  2. Preparation and removal of stains
  3. Choose a program and temperature
  4. Washing process
  5. Alternative ways
  6. Useful tips

In the cold season, outerwear often gets dirty and looks untidy. After rain or snow, spots appear on the jackets, which are not so easy to remove. I do not want to go the rest of the season in a polluted jacket, there is only one way out - to wash it at home.

How to properly wash a jacket in a typewriter, which jacket can be washed in a typewriter, and which one is not worth it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in our material.

What kind of jacket can be washed in a washing machine?

In the autumn and winter we wear beautiful and warm jackets with fur, from raincoat fabric, or, for example, with climate control, which need thorough washing by spring. Of course, products that are made of water-repellent fabric are not so quickly dirty. But unfortunately, many products after a walk in bad weather and complete drying out of rain or snow, acquire spots, which are not so easy to remove. There is only one way out - to wash a jacket or a park.

To wash a blown winter, bolonevuyu or autumn waterproof jacket, of course, you can at home, for example, in a washing machine.

But it is important to remember that products with what kind of filler can be washed, and with which it is not necessary:

  • Product from holofiber easily washable in the most ordinary washing machine. It is important to remember that you need to take into account all the features of the jacket and carefully study all the labels so that there is no slip regarding the wash mode and water temperature.
  • Raincoat Jackets also easy to wash at home.
  • Bolonyev or nylon skillful hostesses deftly wash the jacket in a typewriter and they are not as capricious as other types of outerwear.
  • Remember that jackets or parks with leather inserts, it is better not to wash with metal inserts in a typewriter, but to carry them to dry-cleaning, where professionals can deal with the problem quickly and efficiently.
  • In addition, it is important to remember that winter or autumn products of outerwear, which have a particular filler, do not pre-soak in powder. Usually, so do many who fear that the stains on the jacket will remain after the machine wash.

It is better to properly prepare the thing for washing and then you can easily get rid of pollution.

Preparation and removal of stains

Before you send the product straight to the washing machine drum, you need to properly prepare it for the washing process, otherwise you can spoil the thing:

  • As mentioned above, before you begin to wash, you should carefully examine the label of the jacket, which stores all the important information.
  • The sleeves of the jacket and collar get dirty most often. As a rule, it is these greasy places of clothing that are difficult to wash off, and it is not so easy to remove stains, especially from a black jacket. From salinity often saves the usual detergent for washing dishes. Apply a little on a clean sponge, rub the stains, and you will see how quickly they move away.
  • Shiny collars or sleeves of a jacket can be washed with ordinary soap, preferably with household soap. You can just thoroughly soap the staggered areas, rub a little and send it directly to the washing machine drum without washing it. If you have a special soap on the farm, which, as the manufacturers assert, can easily cope with various stains, you can use it.The main thing to remember is that such stains on winter things should not be tried to remove with bleach. The stain may have gone, but the jacket can change its color a lot and become covered with white or light spots.
  • Removable collars, especially from natural or even artificial fur, it is better to pre-remove before washing. The same applies to the hood: if it is made with a fur trim, it is better to remove it. All buttons, locks, buttons must be fastened before washing and only then send the product to the drum of the machine.
  • In addition,Do not forget to check the pockets and put all the contents. And also check the product for integrity. After all, small holes, diverging seams, buttons that hold on to the "honest word" can in the process of washing completely break and damage the product. Therefore, all minor problems should be eliminated before the start of the washing process.

Choose a program and temperature

If there are no specific recommendations on the product label on which washing mode is best to choose, you can follow the general rules:

  • Be sure to choose a gentle wash mode. Many modern automatic machines are equipped with special programs for washing down jackets, jackets and other outerwear. Of course, washing with the help of such a program is much easier, as manufacturers have already taken care of the quality of washing, and the program works in optimal temperature conditions.
  • If your washing machine does not have a special program, then feel free to choose the “Manual” mode or the “Delicate Wash” mode. At high temperatures, the filler of your favorite things can deteriorate and it is unlikely that you will be able to restore it later. The temperature at which you wash should not exceed 40 ° C, it is advisable to choose 30 ° C.
  • As for the spin, then you can not overdo it. Four hundred revolutions per minute will be enough. Many products are recommended to be pressed at a higher speed, for example, five hundred revolutions per minute. Remember that too intense spin can damage the fabric itself, as well as the jacket filler. Therefore, the more delicate the spinning, the better.
  • In addition, you should take advantage of additional features such as “Extra Rinse” or “Superwash”. These additional modes allow you to better wash out the detergent and reduce the risk of powder stains on the jackets. If, however, your washing machine has no such modes, then you can turn on the rinse separately once more, so that the jacket is clean. Sometimes, after drying, stains from detergent remain on the product: all this is due to insufficient rinsing.
  • And another important point that should be taken into account when washing a jacket in a washing machine is detergent. It is better to refuse powders, in particular powders with bleaching particles. Choose a gel or liquid powder. It is better not to add bleach, especially when washing a black jacket.

Washing process

It is very difficult to wash a jacket in a modern automatic washing machine with a small drum, the capacity of which is less than five kilograms. As a rule, the thing is badly washed. This nuance is definitely worth considering.

In addition, there are still some points, as they say, tricks that will help you properly wash your favorite clothes:

  • If your favorite jacket has a filler, for example, from fluff or feathers, then due to ignorance of some secrets, you risk to spoil the product. Many complain that after washing the filler gathered lumps in various places of the jacket. To avoid this, need to wash the thing together with tennis balls. The balls will help during the washing and spinning to beat the filler in such a way that it will not lose its airiness and will remain uniform throughout the jacket.
  • Products from a synthetic winterizer, as a rule, are not deformed during washing. But this does not mean that you can use strong spin and higher temperature conditions. Try not to spoil the thing, adhere to the general recommendations that were mentioned above.
  • Such a product as A park that is stitched, for example, using nylon also needs a delicate wash. In order not to spoil and damage the thing, it is worth stopping at the minimum spin level or completely abandon it.
  • After the thing is washed, it needs to be dried properly. Ideally, this can be done in a special dryer, where a mode for drying jackets is provided. But not everyone has such appliances at home, so you have to dry everything yourself.

Winter outerwear should be dried vertically, preferably on a hanger.

Remember that the hangers must be of normal size: no more, no less, otherwise the thing is deformed during drying.

In addition, you should not dry the thing over the radiator or battery. It is better to do this outdoors, but not in a strong, scorching sun.

Alternative ways

If you are not the happy owner of a typewriter or just afraid to wash your favorite jacket with this wonderful device of modern technology, then we have prepared tips for you that will help you to restore the purity of your favorite thing manually. Modern housewives know many ways that help to effectively clean the collar without washing or scrub the sleeves. In general, in other words, at home it is quite possible to wash the jacket.

The main thing is to know how to do it correctly:

  • Before you start hand washing, remember that the process will be long, hard and, of course, tedious. First, fill the bath or large basin with water. Water should not be too hot. Dissolve the gel in it, or you can use a liquid powder for washing clothes.
  • Immerse the product in water and leave it for ten minutes. Then, using a regular sponge, begin to rub it consistently outside and then inside. Start with problem areas: collar, cuffs.
  • It is good if you prewash problem and heavily contaminated areas with soap.
  • After you thoroughly process the entire surface of the jacket, you can proceed to rinsing. Rinse will have several times, typing every time clean water. This process is difficult, since the weight of the jacket after a full wetting, increases significantly.
  • After rinsing, you should lightly squeeze the jacket so that some of the water is glass. To dry the product should be vertically on a hanger.
  • If your favorite jacket needs cleaning only a collar and cuffs, then you can use the usual and inexpensive way. Buy ammonia and hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy, mix in equal proportions. Wet the cotton pad with the resulting liquid and wipe the contaminated area thoroughly without rubbing. After a dry cloth, wipe the treated surface and leave to dry completely.

Useful tips

And some more useful and effective tips that will help keep your jacket clean. Someone is trying to wash their favorite clothes with shampoo, someone is trying to remove stains in a grandmother’s way, someone knows how to wash so that the jacket sits, and we know exactly how and what needs to be done so that it is always clean:

  • Wipe grease stains so that there is no divorce can be a regular solution of vinegar. In a glass of warm water, dilute one teaspoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of sea salt. Once the salt has dissolved completely, you can moisten a cotton pad in the liquid and carefully treat the stain. Stains after washing are also easily removed in this way.
  • Another way to remove stains from fat and sweat. In a glass of water, add a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of ammonia. Moisten a cotton pad in the solution and treat the stain. This solution helps not only to get rid of dirt, but also to remove the yellow spot, which sometimes appears after washing or improper drying.
  • Fans of forest walks often face such a problem as tar stains on outerwear. Scrubbing tar will help the most common gasoline. Only after this you need to thoroughly ventilate the jacket in the fresh air.

If after washing your favorite jacket needs ironing, then it should be done with a warm iron - the temperature should not be more than 110 °.

What are the secrets of washing down jackets, you can learn from the video.

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