Maine Coon

Maine Coons Polydacty: Features and Rules of Content

Maine Coons Polydacty: Features and Rules of Content

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  1. What does the term mean?
  2. The history of the mutation
  3. Description
  4. Should I start such a cat?

In modern times, people are increasingly having pets. Maine Coons - one of the most popular breeds among felines. They attract attention with their grace and enormous size. The animal has been actively spread in the territory of America, which is considered their homeland. Society often separates ordinary Maine Coon from polydactyl.

What does the term mean?

Polydactyly - a natural mutation, characterized by the appearance of extra fingers. This gene appears infrequently, in 50% of cases, and only if there is a change in one of the parent. The reverse process is called oligodactyly. In addition, polydacts are considered more intelligent and playful.

Extra fingers in no way interfere with a full life.

Today, razvodchiki consider polydactyly breed standard. It is of two types:

  • preaxial - extra thumb;
  • post-axial - extra pinky.

The first species is more common than the second. Often, mutations are exclusively forelimbs. It is a proven fact that more than half of the Maine Coon population has mutations.

Experts divide the polys on the "right" and "wrong." To the "right" include individuals with additional fingers, which have no problems. "Wrong" is called the Maine Coon, who have physical underdevelopment, in turn, leading to a curvature of the forearm joints and bones. As a rule, such cats are castrated.

The history of the mutation

Legend has it that when crossing raccoon cats with cats living in the ports of Boston, the first individuals appeared with mutations. That’s the way the scientists believe the gene penetrated and entrenched in this breed, because it’s dominant. Since then, cats are often called sailors' satellites, ship cats.

Sailors gladly took them on a long journey, because they believed that they bring good luck. Thanks to the additional phalanges of the fingers, they were easier to catch rodents, to keep their balance on the slippery deck, on the ice and other surfaces. In some cases, it is said that the Maine Coons could have fished in water, a natural hunting instinct confirms this.

Many great figures were fascinated by many-sided creatures. So, Ernest Hemingway received a polydactyl Maine Coon as a gift and fell in love with it. At the moment in the museum in his honor you can see a large number of Maine Coons with extra fingers. They are also often called "Hemingway" in honor of the talented writer. Theodore Roosevelt was also amazed by the beauty of these animals. The first polyactic cat named Slippers appeared in the White House just under him.

Ernest Hemingway Cat


Most often, the Maine Coon polikad looks much larger than their usual relatives. The paw of such a cat is wider, different from the standard form. Their limbs resemble mittens because of their fingers sticking out to the side. Sometimes you can still hear “snowshoes”, which also means legs with changes.

Even in individuals with a mutation, a markedly wider rib cage is observed. Polydactyl kitten is more difficult to adapt, respectively, he begins to walk a little later than ordinary cats. The joints and ligaments of six-toed cats are usually stronger, which means that individuals are healthier both physically and mentally. The coat color is the same as usual.

Kittens are very playful, often playing with themselves. This breed does not like to sit on the ground, if they do not have the opportunity to spend energy, showing their abilities, they can fall into depression. The representatives of the breed will never bother you, they really like small children, and they will never offend them. RThe main feature is fidelity, it’s not often for nothing that they are compared to dogs. The owners say that their intellect is similar to human intelligence, they are very talkative and know how to love.

The status of polydactyl specimens

Polydactants have been recognized only since 2008. Although they are considered a deviation from the standards, they can still participate in exhibitions, but they cannot occupy space. Nowadays, there is a development of separate standards for individuals with a mutation, and it is not surprising if in the near future they will be able to compete for the champion title. There are various organizations of recognizing and supporting cats with mutational changes. For example: CFA, TICA, CFF and ACFA.

Most of the Maine Coon with polydactyly is located in the United States of America. In our country, they are few. Many consider them attractive animals that bring good luck to the house. The other part, relatively small, thinks they are ugly. In ancient times, such cats were exterminated in Europe, all deviations from the norms were not recognized.


Over time, attitudes towards multi-toed individuals changed. If until the 80s such a phenomenon did not hit anyone and did not attract public attention, then in the 90s everything changed. The creation of special nurseries for breeding cats with a mutation has begun. Nowadays, polydactyl Maine Coons are very popular, participate in exhibitions and are in no way prohibited in countries around the world. The idea of ​​separating special individuals into a separate species is put forward.

To obtain a cat with a mutation, it is necessary that one of the parents be its carrier. Given the fact that the gene is dominant, the chance of having a polydactyl kitten is 50%. Through the generation, the mutation is not transmitted in the same way as the shape of the paws. It may differ from the parent, having a different shape and number of fingers.

Other subspecies

Maine-coons appeared in Europe only in the 70s, and since then constant selection work has been carried out. It is thanks to the hard work that new colors and some interesting features have appeared. An elongated muzzle, slanted eyes, a long body and thick hair are all characteristic features of the European Maine Coon.

American representatives have smaller size, but no less developed muscles and endurance. They look quite friendly because of round expressive eyes. The presence of thick, elegant wool with tabby patterns gives them a certain charm. Tassels on widely set ears are absent.

Should I start such a cat?

Polydactyly is a mutation that in no way harms and does not prevent the cat from fully living. It affects only the appearance, moreover, poly cats are healthier than their relatives.

Of course, this will not affect you or your family members, as this change is not transmitted to the person. So, we understand that polydactyly is not considered a serious deviation, so it can be said with complete certainty that there will be no problems with cats with polydactyly.

It is worth knowing that cats with a mutation will cost 2 times more. Nowadays it is considered unusual, something exotic. Their popularity is only growing every day. But in Russia there are few who are engaged in exactly breeding, so some difficulties may arise.

How look polidakty, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


