Scientists have discovered unexpected harm from yoga

German scientists conducted a curious experiment. They investigated perception of self-improvement in a group of women and men doing yoga. They go to such classes in search of inner peace and harmony, pacification, which is so lacking today for residents of large cities.

But in practice it turned out that yoga increase self-esteem, self-esteemwithout changing the basic character traits and speeds of the neural reactions of the nervous system.

The experiment involved 450 people. The average experience of practicing yoga from one and a half to three years.

In the course of the training, the study participants were asked to answer questions from a special psychological questionnaire that reveals the level of anxiety and the true type of attitude towards themselves and others. After training, participants in the experiment were asked to undergo an uncomplicated EEG procedure (brain electroencephalogram).

The results showed that yoga classes in no way do not lead to calm, relaxation and harmonization of personalityand the effect of a positive view of the world is achieved through narcissism, which in 97% of those involved appears a year after the start of training.

Thus, German neurophysiologists have concluded that the benefits of yoga are less than harmSince narcissistic narcissistic becomes difficult to build relationships, work, live under one roof. The results of their research, scientists have published in the publication Planet Today.

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