Dress fabrics

What to wear with a leather dress and what accessories to choose?

What to wear with a leather dress and what accessories to choose?

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  1. Black
  2. Bright
  3. Red
  4. Brown
  5. Beige
  6. With sleeves
  7. Without sleeves
  8. With inserts
  9. On every day
  10. Evening
  11. To the office
  12. Footwear
  13. Accessories

Practically every woman has a desire to wear a leather dress someday, such an outfit is considered very sexy, adding extravagance to the woman of fashion. In a luxurious dress you can go to a New Year's party, a business meeting or a birthday, and in the light of evening lights such a dress will look amazing.


To combine and combine a black leather dress with other things you should skillfully to get a harmonious and complete image. Therefore, picking up accessories and clothes for a dress made of leather do not overload the image, but observe moderation by discarding unnecessary details.

To create an evening look, it is best to select a leather clutch or a small handbag made from high-quality textiles. The most winning option will be a clutch, which will be ideally combined in color with the dress.

If a dress with elements of decoration, for example, sequins or rhinestones, it is better to choose a clutch bag without jewelry to match the tone, since otherwise the image will be oversaturated.

An evening dress with an open top can always be complemented by a bolero, the main thing is that the blouse should be monotonous and unobtrusive. Here you should also give preference to the blouse, on which there are no patterns or prints.


For everyday life, despite the catchiness and brightness of a short dress made of leather is very suitable.

In order to create the correct image, you should abandon the shoes with high heels and instead prefer leather slippers or ballet flats.


The red dress was originally created for the evening celebration, and indeed in such a toilet any fashionista will look stunning and even explosive.

Red color is associated with the flame of fire, so the brightness of the dress can always be quenched and diluted with black or beige shoes and modest makeup.

But with a closed red outfit you can create a stylish image with the addition of lipstick and red shoes.


Brown leather dresses are perfectly combined with white jackets, cardigans and various accessories. The ensemble can be supplemented with a belt in tone with the dress.


This outfit is the exact opposite of black leather dress. Because this model with a slinky cut will look gentle and romantic.

A beige leather dress matches perfectly with a light clutch on a chain, it is better to choose graceful stiletto sandals from shoes.

With sleeves

Dress with leather sleeves just must have. It will be ideal for a celebration or everyday life, besides it is very convenient.

This toilet can be combined with yellow or red shoes, with white and black boats or with black suede ankle boots with a small heel, and from above, for example, put on an elongated vest or choose a fur cape.

You can add various accessories to a luxurious toilet, only decorations should not be too massive.

Without sleeves

The model of a leather dress without sleeves can be voluminous, loose, flared or fitted.

If the dress is short, then give up the big bags in favor of small and contrasting ones.

In the summer, short dresses are combined with silver, red shades or lilac shoes without heels or stilettos.

In cold weather, wear suede boots and boots with a thick heel.

You can put a coat or any other outerwear on your shoulders.

With inserts

In general, accessories for dresses made of leather should always be selected based on the specific case. For example, if you create a casual look, accessories should overlap with the model of the dress, which has leather inserts in color and in no case stand out against the general background of the dress. This technique will allow you to create gentle modest images.

On every day

If you choose a dress made of leather for everyday wear, then it is best to choose a comfortable model that will make you feel comfortable all day.


For an evening celebration to such a dress, it is best to select jewelry and accessories that are distinguished by the presence of silver and gold elements.

Gold in combination with leather has long been known to perfectly create a stylish, sophisticated look.

To the office

To create a classic look, you can add delicate or strict lacquer shoes to the dress, this option is ideal for everyday office style. By the way, to supplement such an outfit with any decorations or accessories is not necessary, since the image itself is self-sufficient.


If we talk about a dark dress, here it is not necessary to adhere to the rules of a single color. On the contrary, it is better to choose bright shoes of green, red, blue.


When choosing jewelry should remember that you need to comply with the measure. By the way, the most ideal option would be the rule of two decorations.

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