
Breeds of the most unpretentious dogs and the rules of their choice

Breeds of the most unpretentious dogs and the rules of their choice

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  1. Features
  2. Breed overview
  3. How to choose?

The appearance of a pet in the house is associated with new troubles and responsibilities. The dog requires attention, walking and material costs. It is a responsible approach to the choice of breed pet. Conditions of detention must comply with the requirements. It is worth paying attention to the breed of unpretentious dogs, especially if the owners work a lot, or there are children in the family.


Breeders and dog lovers have varying degrees of responsibility. Some do not want to spend time on regular cleaning of the cage, others do not even have time to trim the animal. Many people do not imagine daily long walks or constant noise and din in the house. It is for such owners that unpretentious dogs of different breeds are suitable.

Key Features:

  1. friendly, calm nature;
  2. do not need constant physical exertion and long walks;
  3. easily learn commands and tricks, obedient;
  4. have high immunity, rarely get sick;
  5. do not seek to demonstrate credibility, to take a leadership position in the house;
  6. find a common language with other animals and children of any age.

Breed overview

Pets cause not only joy, but also trouble. Easy care and maintenance of the breed require less attention from the hosts in domestic issues.

The most unpretentious representatives of the breeds in the food will not require special financial costs for the maintenance.

Some dogs calmly endure walks 1 time per day or lack thereof. All this should be considered when choosing a pet.

Little ones

Small dogs can live well in a small apartment. They need less space to run and play. Consider such an interesting breed of unpretentious dogs.

Belgian Griffon

Dogs reach a weight of up to 5 kg and are considered decorative. Representatives of the breed live about 15 years. A dog with a beautiful beard is distinguished by its appeasable disposition and quick learner. The peculiarity of care lies in the hair on the face - it is worth brushing and combing after eating.

Weak points in terms of health are only the eyes and skin, and immunity is generally good.

Walking can be 2-time or 1-time 20 minutes or 1 hour respectively. Representatives of the breed get along well with other animals.


The exquisite long hair of representatives of the breed does not emit an unpleasant dog smell and practically does not change seasonally. Dogs grow to weigh up to 4 kg. There are no allergic reactions to the representatives of the breed, they get along well with small children. Pets intelligent and smart, understand the words of the owners.

Coton de Tulear

Exotic dwarf breed comes from Madagascar, it grows up to 7 kg. The white coat is long and thick, but does not cause allergic reactions.y. Dogs have excellent health. Of the shortcomings worth noting that representatives of the breed do not tolerate prolonged loneliness and do not find a common language with other animals.

But the dogs are very fond of children, with endurance endure all manifestations of love and take part in games with pleasure.

Toy Terrier

Literally pocket dogs, weigh no more than 3 kg in adulthood. Lifespan - about 15 years. In winter, dogs need to be dressed in warm clothes, provided that they are eaten properly, they do not get sick. The breed does not require special training, as well as socialization. Frequent bathing is not required, and combing is generally not necessary.


Fluffy and active lump of happiness is suitable for families with children.Predominantly it is worthwhile to bring the breed into the house, and not into the apartment. Dogs love to walk very much and it will be easier if they can do it at any time.. It is necessary to comb wool only a few times a week.

Miniature Pinscher

Pinchers get along well in private homes, because they are in constant motion. Dogs have guard instincts. Get on great with children and love to run with them. Strong health However, poor wool makes it necessary to warm the dog with clothes in winter.

Pet can be taught to go to the toilet in one place.

French Bulldog

Representatives of the breed are active and playful, they can, if necessary, protect the owner. Short hair does not require attention from him. Health will be strong if you do not overfeed the animal.

King charles spaniel

Pets are suitable for large families. They simply are not capable of offending children; instead, they are ready to play and fool around the clock. An animal with good health, does not need bathing.

Long hair should be combed daily, but this is an easy exercise, and the dogs really like it.


The private sector or large apartment allows you to have a larger pet. The dog will feel good, having its own place. We give a list of unpretentious pets.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

A friendly and dedicated breed, its representatives are considered the best pets to live in an apartment. Dogs are attached to the whole family, they easily find common language with children, they are not afraid of big company. It is rarely necessary to wash a pet, but to brush it out with a soft brush once a week.

Dogs feel good in a closed room under the condition of high activity while walking.


Lazy representatives of the breed are easily dispensed with even walking, so suitable for people aged. Pets should be protected from overeating and heat. Children love dogs, but active games are contraindicated for them.

Periodically it is worth checking the condition of the skin folds, clean and wipe them.


Dogs with German roots have an interesting tricolor coat color. Pet can babysit with children.

Dogs are distinguished by obedience and devotion.

The pet will not move away from the owner during the walk, even if something strongly attracts him. It is necessary to cut the dog's claws as they grow back and comb it twice a week. Loneliness representatives of this breed endure extremely poorly, which is directly associated with great affection for people.


It does not require special upbringing, but without attention to this issue, the character of the pet may deteriorate.

Representatives of the breed have a developed and lively intelligence.

They are obedient and faithful. Not suitable for families with small children, because they can begin to be jealous. Pet will be a good friend to a teenager. Once a season, dogs need to be cut, combed daily.

Basset hound

A cheerful and faithful dog is distinguished by increased activity and simply cannot live in an apartment. The pet is ready to frolic with children and easily learns the commands. If you put the dog in the house, then it is simply impossible to create more ideal conditions.

A dog with good health lives to old age. Wool does not require special care, but the pet is drooling, which is important to consider.


It is important to ensure a fairly high activity of the animal, otherwise obesity may appear. To raise a dog is worth it, because high intelligence combined with self-will leads to disobedience. Good health, subject to frequent walks and a balanced diet.


The dog loves to spend time in nature and play active games. Gets along well with other animals and children. It is important to give representatives of the breed the opportunity to search for objects during games, otherwise this could turn into an obsession. Good health copes with most infections however, excessive appetite should still be controlled by the owner.


Clean dogs Pet will easily run next to the owner, who rides a bicycle.

Provided regular physical activity dogs differ excellent health.

Breed Representatives love to play with children and learn new commands, tricks.


Large dogs can live both in the apartment and in the house. Unpretentious pets make it possible to fully enjoy the benefits of a great friend without the special costs of care and upbringing. Many do not believe in such happiness, because big dogs usually eat a lot and require serious training. To avoid this, choose a large breed of unpretentious dogs.


Long-haired beautiful dogs attract the eye while walking. Dogs are easily trained to new teams and tricks to please their owners. They are distinguished by high intelligence, unobtrusive. Wool will be beautiful and neat, if combed 2 times a week. Strong molting of the breed is not typical.. Collies love to feel useful, so these are the dogs who will bring newspapers and slippers.

Good health provided active walks and proper nutrition.


The peculiarity of the breed is that its representatives do not know how to bark at all, only gurgling sounds are made. A great option for those who love silence in the house. The breed is not recommended for families with children and other animals. Dogs are wary of strangers, but without aggression. Health of pets of African descent is strong, therefore frequent visits to the doctors do not threaten the owners.

Karelian-Finnish Laika

Dogs need constant food for the mind. They are easy to learn and enjoy learning new teams and tricks. Easily adapt to new conditions. Breed combines good health and endurance.

Dogs need physical activity, so it’s worth playing with them while walking.

They treat children and animals well only if they are well acquainted with them. The owners will not feel the unpleasant smell from the dog, because it is very clean, you can only bathe 2 times a year. Combing out during a molt will save furniture from wool.


Dogs without breed are always hardy, adaptive and with good health. It is impossible to predict in advance what size the pet will have and with what character. For sure it can be argued that an animal very attached to people, benevolent and loving.

Belgian Shepherd Dog (Laekenois)

With good and affectionate appeal is easily trained even by inexperienced hosts. An ideal pet for residents of a country house.

The faithful representatives of the breed are very fond of family members and treat outsiders without aggression.

It is important to note that they don't like other dogs, so they should be the only pets in the house. Combing long hair should be a couple of times a week, and bathe only with heavy pollution.

German Shepherd

A popular breed among breeders feels good in a private house, because it needs a lot of space. It is necessary to train dogs, otherwise they will take the place of the leader and will not obey. Combing and bathing is not necessary. The breed requires a balanced diet based on meat or dry granules.

Golden retriever

Active and loyal companions enjoy spending time with people. Suitable for families with young children or the elderly. Dogs are very fond of swimming, so their reservoir or life near the lake for them is a real happiness. Representatives of the breed do not choose one owner for themselves, but obey all family members.

How to choose?

Representatives of breeds of unpretentious dogs will become best friends for newbies. However, it is worth remembering that the delight of the acquisition will pass in a couple of months, and you will need to live about 10-15 years with a new pet. Even the most unpretentious animals in care require attention and care from the owner.

When choosing a breed you should pay attention to a number of nuances.

  1. The size of the animal. A big dog needs a lot of space. Small breeds also can not always live in a small apartment. It all depends on the temperament and character of a particular animal. Pet for a private house, you can choose any.
  2. Frequency and degree of molting. Daily cleaning of wool from furniture and other surfaces is quite troublesome. For a small apartment, it is better to choose a dog that changes coat only 1-2 times a year.
  3. Some breeds are characterized by abundant salivation. To wash the floor and furniture every day is not to everyone's liking, so you should think about it in advance. If there is no time for daily cleaning, then give up the dog with saggy lips.
  4. Neighborhood with other pets plays a significant role. Cats and small animals in combination with hunting breeds will bring a lot of trouble to the owners. Instincts can take over, and there will be no peace in the house.
  5. In families with children should not get very small and fragile dogs. Excessive love or careless handling can lead to injuries to the dog, and even to her death. It is better to pay attention to medium and large breeds.
  6. The lifestyle of the owners must match the lifestyle of the dog. If you don’t have time to communicate with animals due to busy and irregular working hours, then you should refrain from acquiring a puppy. If the dog spends a lot of time alone with himself, he will soon get traumatized, and his behavior will become unpredictable.

In the next video you will be introduced to the most popular breeds of dogs for lazy owners.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


