
Dog leashes: what are and how to choose?

Dog leashes: what are and how to choose?

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  1. Purpose of the leash for dogs
  2. Kinds
  3. Manufacturing materials
  4. How to choose?
  5. Features of choice for a puppy
  6. How to wear?
  7. Tips and tricks

When a puppy appears in the house, the owner must already prepare the apartment for the settlement of a new family member and purchase a bed, bowls, toys and, of course, a leash and collar. However, it is the choice of the leash often becomes a problem. Pet stores offer a wide range of models, among which it is difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Purpose of the leash for dogs

Only careless and irresponsible owners release their animals on samovigul. Even under the supervision of the master, a dog, left without a leash, faces many dangers. And even if the owner considers his pet intelligent and obedient, then there is no guarantee that one day this dog, carried away by running around for the birds, does not jump out onto the roadway and fall under the car. In addition to cars, the danger on the street are ill-wishers, flocks of stray dogs, poison, scattered doghanterami. All this is the absolute reason for buying a dog leash.

In addition, not all passersby are happy with an animal walking free. Someone is afraid of dogs, and someone is annoyed by the uncontrollable owner of barking, so the owner of the dog should not think only about himself, it is important to think about the neighbors.

Without a leash it is impossible to imagine a family trip or a trip to nature. Even if the dog is obedient and runs alongside the owners without any problems, then where is the guarantee that at night he will not go looking for adventures and will not get lost in a new place? Another purpose of the leash can be considered training discipline. It is impossible to train, educate and train an animal without the use of this attribute, since the owner, holding the pet by the leash, is able to control his actions and show that the main person is here.

Even if the dog is kept in the summer cottage on the booth or in the aviary, or is allowed to run freely around the enclosed area, the leash will definitely come in handy. If the pet is sick or suddenly you need to move, how else can you put the dog in the car, except with the use of a leash? In this way, this thing has multiple significance, and every dog ​​owner must have it in his arsenal.

Especially since buying a leash is not such an expensive purchase.


The most common are the following varieties.

Leads roulette

This option is suitable for walking with a pet in the city. Typically, the length of such an object - 3-10 meters. Roulettes are presented in different variations depending on the weight of the animal. Also they are tape and cable. The cable is a more economical copy, but it is intended for walking only small dogs, while the ribbon sample, although more expensive, is more reliable.


The advantages of roulette are the low probability that the tape gets tangled about the dog's legs, since the tape measure itself fixes the length. In addition, the tape does not get dirty. On such a leash, the pet feels freer, and the owner does not need to constantly cut or release the leash. Convenience of operation is also achieved by a special button that blocks the tape. According to customers, the roulette is convenient to hold in the palm of your hand and it takes up little space.

But not without its drawbacks. First of all, the disadvantage is the high price. In addition, this variety is not suitable for hyperactive animals.This kind of little discipline dog, she gets used to pull the leash.

With regular use, the tape is bent, and when debris gets inside the tape, it starts to jam.

Leads for walking and training

They are a standard tape with a carabiner at one end and a loop at the other. This variety is 2-5 meters long, although there are 15-meter specimens. These classic leashes are distinguished by a democratic price, reliability, durability, they are comfortable to hold in your hand, they are an effective help during training with the dog. The stores offer a wide variety of thickness and materials, among which every owner will easily choose the option that is most suitable for a particular dog.

Among the shortcomings is the need to manually lengthen and shorten the tape all the time so that it does not get dirtyMoreover, when using a long leash, a pet may become entangled in it. In the case of a walk with a pulling dog, the owner feels discomfort on the skin of the palms, in this place corns can form.


This species provides the ability to always keep the dog close. It is a loop with a carbine. The variant allows you to drive the animal through crowded places and makes it possible to always control the actions of the dog. Often used for training, but for daily walking and running is not suitable, as it limits the actions of the animal.

It is used only for large breeds, as in the case of operation with a small dog, the owner will have to bend very low.


Not the best option for both the owner and the dog, especially the long-haired one. The fact is that the hairs can get stuck in the links of the chain, which gives the animal discomfort. For the owner, this is a rather heavy copy, which is very inconvenient to hold in your hand, and in winter it is also cold, which again causes inconvenience. In addition, stores often sell poor quality chains. From the advantages, it is possible to note the aesthetic appearance of the metal product and its reliability: unlike ragdolls, this option is beyond the power of dog teeth.


This copy has several carbines and is designed for walking several dogs. Most often it is used during the exhibition. Svorka allows you to simultaneously walk several individuals and control their actions, which would be difficult to do if there are several leashes.

The disadvantages include a long adaptation of dogs to this option. During the first walks, the animal may react badly to a neighbor walking nearby and provoke aggressive behavior. Therefore, the owner should be very careful and observe the reaction and addiction of pets to a new leash.

Another disadvantage is the limited movement of dogs, so a full-fledged walking on such a leash is impossible, it is better to use it during an exhibition or other events.


This leash has carbines on both sides, and 3-4 rings are located along the entire length. One end clings to the collar, and the second carbine adjusts the length of the leash. It can be used for walking two dogs or as a double leash when training with the help of a strict collar. Among the shortcomings, the need to wind the leash on the arm stands out, as it is usually quite long specimens.

Manufacturing materials

Most often, the standard leashes are made of leather, nylon or tarpaulin. Of these, many owners prefer the skin because of the aesthetic appearance of this material, but in practice this option turns out to be the most useless. Leather is a very heavy raw material, and therefore the product from it is quite massive and uncomfortable. In addition, these leashes are quickly deformed, they form cracks and other damage.

In this regard, nylon is more convenient, but also not very resistant. A nylon leash, even rubberized, can be used for small dogs and puppies, and tarpaulin options are recommended for representatives of large breeds. Tarpaulin is characterized by durability, it is difficult for the dog to gnaw through his teeth, this material does not slip in his hand and is easily washable.

As already noted, metal products is better not to buy. Yes, this instance looks very impressive and harmoniously fit into the image of a graceful large dog, but it is better to use the chain only in those places where beauty is more important than convenience, for example, at a dog show.


How to choose?

Before buying a leash Read the following guidelines.

  • Consider the size of the animal. The bigger and more powerful the dog, the stronger the product will fit him.
  • Before purchasing, make sure that the carabiner and bolt have sufficient strength and high quality.
  • If the choice fell on a leather leash, then buy such a product, the edges of which are processed, otherwise the material will quickly soften.
  • If a leash is needed for a representative of a large breed, then you should choose a welded ring for a carbine, and the retainer itself should be of a cylindrical shape so that the dog does not unfasten it.
  • For brief educational measures suitable leash-noose. For small dogs, you can construct a noose in a couple of seconds on your own from a classic leash with a loop.
  • To hold a medium and large dog, choose a lead 2-4 cm wide. Give preference to woven or flat products, and the flat should have a two-layer stitched structure. For miniature dogs suitable cute thin braided laces or ringovki, emphasizing the elegance and sophistication of the elite breeds.
  • A 2-3 m long leash is suitable for a daily walk, longer options are inconvenient, as the animal may get confused. If an accessory is needed for practicing teams, then give preference to products of at least 6-8 m in length.
Carabiner Ring

Features of choice for a puppy

From the leads ideal for a puppy - harness. This specimen is suitable for individuals aged 6-10 months. The fact is that at this age puppies are often susceptible to injury due to excessive activity, and the harness is a product designed for walking injured dogs. It reduces the load on the hind legs and spine, thereby preventing the puppy from getting such injuries as turning the elbows.

According to most users, the leash-roulette for a puppy is not suitable. Usually, the first exit to the street is done at the age of 2-3 months. This period is very important in the life of a puppy and from this age the pet must be educated and taught the rules of the walk. The tape measure gives the puppy too much freedom and it becomes very difficult to control his actions.

Under such conditions, it is problematic to teach a dog cub to the correct behavior on a walk. Therefore, give preference to conventional canvas leashes.

Lead Roulette for a puppy will not work
Walking on canvas leash

How to wear?

Sometimes a puppy, which was first put on a leash with a collar, does not even notice the innovations, and the other puppy may get worried, afraid, and try to get rid of an unfamiliar thing. In order not to scare the baby, you should acquaint him in advance with the leash. Give it to your pet, for the first time you can put it next to a stove bench or bowl so that the dog child knows that this object carries no danger.

When the leash is worn for the first time and the puppy is trying to remove it, do not help him to free himself from pity.otherwise the animal will understand that in this fight he is a winner, and the same day will continue again the next day. Leave him alone with a leash, but rather distract attention with games or treats.Some dog experts recommend to teach the dog to innovate in advance and periodically tie light ribbons around their necks, and only then switch to a collar with a leash.

When the pet gets a little used to the new thing on your neck, try to walk around the apartment with it. Feel free to pull him up in case of disobedience, let the kid know from childhood that the owner can control his actions.

All these recommendations will do a good job when the owner first brings the puppy on a leash to the street.

Tips and tricks

      Some dog experts for reliability advise to make their own leashes. To do this, sweep the cotton band (3 cm) and decorative tape (1.5 cm), wrap the carabiner tape at the edge, sew the joint, and measure the necessary distance on the other side and attach the tip in the form of a loop for the hand.

      A few more tips relate to teaching a puppy to walk on a leash:

      • teach the dog to the team "Near" - this position must be on the left of the owner;
      • in case of successful exercise, use delicacy and praise;
      • gradually wean the puppy from delicacy so that the dog develops a reflex and does not resist control by means of a leash.

      A review of all dog leads, see below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


