
Rottweiler: breed characteristics and content rules

Rottweiler: breed characteristics and content rules

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  1. History of origin
  2. Breed description
  3. Lifespan
  4. Character
  5. Degrees of aggressiveness
  6. How to choose a puppy?
  7. Maintenance and care
  8. Feeding
  9. Upbringing and training
  10. Nickname list
  11. Owner reviews

Among dog breeders, the Rottweiler is considered to be a smart, dedicated and well-trained pet. He gets a lot of regalia at exhibitions, is considered a universal dog used in security forces. However, this creature with all its impressive form can become the best friend and guard. The material of this article will be useful to those readers who want to have such a puppy, but do not know all the nuances of the breed.

History of origin

Modern Rottweilers attributed to the dogs of German origin, the story of their appearance goes into the distant past. The ancestors of the Rottweilers, which are considered to be dog-shaped dogs and molossi, lived in ancient Egypt, Babylon and Assyria. Someone thinks that Neapolitan mastiffs took part in the development of the breed. Someone points to the ancient bas-reliefs and frescoes, which depict dogs, very similar to modern rottweilers.

No matter how different opinions about the origin, the ancestors of strong dogs were hardy animals that were used in the war, as well as for guarding and grazing. In the war they were used against the enemy infantry. This was testified by Julius Caesar, saying that the ferocity of these animals made them a universal weapon.

These dogs were also valued in the times of the Roman Empire, from the middle of the 1st century began to be used in gladiator fights.

People, thirsting for bloody spectacles, appreciated dogs for the power with which they dealt with predators, exceeding them in size. Hundreds of the best developed dogs began to accompany the Romans in their campaigns, which terrified their enemies. It was this that contributed to the spread of the range of animals in all possessions of the empire. The dogs not only accompanied the military, but also protected trophies, led the animals from the fighting, served as butchers to protect the goods.

Remarkable is the fact that at that time dogs were raised differently. Some of them underwent special training, after which they became a formidable weapon. The legionnaires had a special approach to military equipment, and therefore, before the attack, the dogs were chained up in armor, and only after that they were allowed forward to the enemy. Rottweilers never gave up in battle and preferred to fight to the death rather than retreat.

These fighting dogs received their name after the port city of Rottweil, which was famous for its food trade. Here they began to display their breed of dogs, paying particular attention to protective qualities and accompaniment.

In the Middle Ages, these animals were divided into 2 types: with massive and typical croup. The dogs of the first type were guards of storage facilities and dwellings, they were also used as a force for transporting various goods.

but outstanding size made the dog not so universal for hunting, and its endurance suffered as well. A bite of such an animal could seriously injure not only a goat or a sheep, but also cows and bulls. Less heavy dogs differed from their counterparts in the best indicators of mobility and endurance. They began to appreciate the herdsmen for the best quality of guarding and cattle management.

These dogs could knock off arrogance from overly aggressive bulls and drunk people.

They often had collars with special compartments for money, which saved the owners from being stolen and attacked while selling livestock at fairs.The Rottweiler fame scared every hunter to other people's money and protected not only the proceeds: sometimes these dogs saved their owners. Over time, due to the ban on cattle driving, the rottweiler population began to decline. The peak of these events came in the XIX century.

The decisive factor that determined the fate of the Rottweilers was the interest of the police in them. At the very beginning of the 20th century, the German press was buzzing about how the rottweiler of the sergeant-in-chief of the Stuttgart police decided in a matter of minutes the conflict of the sailors who had walked in and fled. It is thanks to this event that the rottweilers returned to popularity, and therefore special attention was paid to breeding the breed. After 20 years (in 1921) the dogs had already acquired their own fan club.

During the war rottweilers trusted the protection of secret objects.

In Prague, they dragged harness with coal to the houses from the station. They were the ones who guarded the prisoners of the Gulag, and the Soviet breeders put a lot of effort into creating the most brutal escorts of rottweilers. As a result, dogs became murder weapons and earned a bad reputation.

The breed received a new round of development in the 80s of the last century.. At this time, the Rottweiler Harras Steinkopf was brought to the USSR from the Federal Republic of Germany. His character was radically different from the character of those dogs that were bred in the USSR. It was a smart, handsome, handsome man who did not rush at people, but obediently obeyed the owners. It was also surprising that he was prudent, devoid of any ferocity and inexplicable aggression.

From that moment on, the breeders' view of rottweilers began to change, as did the character of the dog.

Today, representatives of the breed serve in rescue teams, looking for people in the rubble after earthquakes.

They are companions of people, and many of them get along well with children. However, in order for the dog to grow kind and peaceful, you cannot do without its training.

Breed description

Rottweilers are attentive, strong-willed animals with excellent service qualities. Dogs have well-developed muscles. The purebred dog looks big and formidable, others are afraid of him.

Growth and weight characteristics of rottweilers are as follows: The average weight of a dog is about 50 kg, while the weight of a bitch usually does not exceed 42-45 kg. The growth range at the withers of a male varies from 61 to 68 cm.

In females, growth at the withers is smaller and is usually around 56-60 cm. However, especially large females may be higher: their height at the withers reaches 63 cm. The standard length of an adult dog is the range from 118 to 132 cm.

However, these figures may vary, but you can still track the proportions. In these dogs, they are always preserved and equal to the ratio of 1: 2 (height to length).

Rottweilers belong to the group of Schnauzers and Pinschers, Molossians and Swiss Mountain Dogs. These are dogs that have their own standard of exterior. Their constitution cannot be called neither heavy nor thin: it is balanced. The body is compact but powerful, its length from the point of the sternum to the ischial tuber usually does not exceed the height at the withers by more than 15%.

The skin is smooth, with a tight fit on the head, has no folds. They can form on the head only when the animal exhibits strong alertness. The cranium of these dogs is moderately long, wide between the ears. The frontal line is moderately pronounced, the occipital hillock is sufficiently developed, the foot is pronounced.

The muzzle is proportional to the skull, it is neither elongated nor short, the ears are set wide. The back of the nose is straight and wide, moderately narrowed towards the end. The nose is painted black, it is moderately wide, has large nostrils. The lips have a tight fit, their corners are closed, the gums are colored dark.

The bite of the thoroughbred representative of the breed is scissors, the dental formula has 42 teeth.

At the same time, there are 20 teeth on the dog's upper jaw, at the bottom there are 22 of them. The size of the Rottweiler is medium, their color is dark brown.The shape of the hanging ears tends to be triangular, their size is small, with the upper edge of the skull they form a flat line.

The neck of these dogs is muscular, slightly arched, moderately long. The loin is short, the croup is rounded, the thorax is deep, the bone is massive. The inguinal zone of these dogs is taut.

Limbs are flat, hips are characterized by well-developed muscles. The paws themselves are round, compressed into a ball, the pads are elastic. The hind legs are longer than the front, the claws of these dogs are not long, but very strong. The tail is extended, continues the upper line of the back.

Despite the fact that the standard means stopping it, as well as stopping the ears, today not every Rottweiler breeder performs this procedure.

As for wool, it has its own characteristics. Its texture is uniform, the coat wool itself is rather stiff and rough to the touch, tightly fitting. The undercoat of a thoroughbred representative of the breed is thick but short. The hind legs have longer hair.

According to the requirements of the standard, the coat of these dogs must be of medium length, lying flat. In this case, the undercoat should not be visible. The color of the Rottweilers can be only one: black wool with tan markings. Podpaly can be located in areas of the cheekbones, eyes, paws, perineum, throat.

However, they should be symmetrical. There are no light or white spots in the color of the standard does not allow.

Dogs are disqualified for several reasons, for example, because of:

  • increased aggressiveness;
  • excessive excitability;
  • cowardice and indecision;
  • improper bite;
  • incomplete dental formula;
  • large length of wool or its waviness.


The life span of rottweilers on average is from 8 to 12 years. However, these figures may vary depending on the diet and lifestyle of a particular animal. There are cases when dogs of this breed lived to 14-15 years with good care. As for the facts of life expectancy up to 17 years, this is rather an exception than a rule.

Such aspects as:

  • ecological background of a specific region;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • the delay in preventive treatment to the veterinarian;
  • lack of necessary vaccination.

In addition, the breeder's attitude to walking will affect the life span of the animal. A lot depends on how much fresh air is available to your pet, how it spills out its energy while walking, whether it combines them with physical and mental stress.

A dog whose owner is lazy to devote a pet a lot of time is deprived of the possibility of physical development, and therefore its unspent energy develops into aggression.

If the dog begins to throw at the owners, it has to be put to sleep.


Rottweilers knowingly consider fighting dogs: they can really be called born fighters. At any time of the day they are ready to defend and defend their masters, although in an informal atmosphere they instantly turn into a charming lullaby. They are not alien to fool around in the company of the household, doze, play and even play pranks.

but if a dog at home seems sweet and fluffy, outside of the home its character often changes radically. In part, this depends on the owner, who cannot train and raise the pet correctly. Therefore, as soon as a dog is on the street, every person often becomes a potential threat to it. At the same time, no matter how the breeders say that their favorite is kind and tender, a considerable part of the Rottweilers do not make discounts on age.

Neither the adult nor the child the best qualities of the Rottweiler will not apply if it is a stranger or not a member of the family.

Although the animal has the ability to adapt, it is often does not tolerate change of ownership. On the whole, it is a dog of one owner.When it changes, the animals can become depressed, others rush into the run, and others still reveal uncontrolled aggression.

Some representatives of the breed may show a feeling of jealousy, if with them the owner pays attention to other in the house. These dogs do not share the love of their owner and can show their discontent in all its glory. With all this, they cannot be called hysterical: rottweilers are able to behave judiciously and peacefully. Some of them are so brought up that they tolerate childish pranks, whims and carry out assignments from the household.

The dogs of this breed never change their rules, they attack when threatened quickly and without any warning.

In the heat of rage, their pain threshold is reduced. To drag the angry Rottweilers from those whom they attacked is almost impossible. However, these dogs are not vindictive at all: after the end of a quarrel, they do not make any attempt to resume the conflict.

As for the conflicts in the house, rottweilers treat them very negatively. And they do not like not only family quarrels of households, but also do not withstand noise and extremely do not like vanity. If the house owners allow themselves frequent family fights, accompanying them with a cry, it affects the nature of the animal. His mental state is changing, acquiring deviations from the norm, because of which the pet begins to show aggression towards its owners.

Despite innate courage, relative calm and reliability, these qualities need to be fed from childhood.

Usually, dogs of this breed are not rash, but good manners are not born by themselves. Like any service type dog, rottweiler needs training. Otherwise, obedience is out of the question.

The high level of intelligence of a trained dog allows her to be not only a guard at home, but also to become a companion. This animal will never go on about the desired profit due to a clear division of prerogatives. However, the lack of these dogs can be called laziness inherent in individual members of the breed. And if the owner ignores the rules of walking, the dog may become lazy. And this, as a rule, is fraught with health problems.

Rottweilers get along quite well with children, but it is unacceptable to leave animals with babies without adults. Despite the fact that some soul breeders do not like their pets, rottweilers cannot be completely trusted. Firstly, it is necessary to understand that even a friendly dog ​​is naturally strong and may not calculate its strength, causing harm to the child while playing, and secondly, with the instability of the family situation and frequent quarrels, it is impossible to leave the dog with raised voices.

If peace and love reign at home, the dog absorbs such an attitude from puppyhood like a sponge, becoming peaceful.

There are cases when the appearance of small children as guests in the dog house was perceived well. In this animal, as a rule, draws attention to the attitude to the guests of the owners. Separate trained pets are waiting for invitations to the owners for dating, and therefore can keep their distance, looking curiously at the baby from the next room or corridor of the dwelling.

Degrees of aggressiveness

The Rottweiler is considered ambiguous, but outstanding dog. At the heart of its characteristic qualities is the propensity to show aggression. From a cynological point of view, the degree of aggressiveness can be classified into several types, and some of them are considered not negative, but positive, because they do not create problems. For example, aggressiveness towards dogs in Rottweilers rarely manifests itself, while in other breeds this feature is pronounced. However, if there is such a thing, it is the result of improper upbringing.

Aggression in relation to man from the total number of rottweilers is not more than 16.7% of the animals examined. This figure is higher than that of indoor and more friendly counterparts. As for the attitude towards children, everything here also depends on the education of the dog: it often adores its own people, but perceives others in a different way.

Studies show that most of the Rottweilers do not like other children.

Aggression towards the owner is an infrequent phenomenon for a rottweiler. However, under certain conditions in the house about 12% of dogs are capable of this. Aggressiveness towards the household can be expressed in disobeying or resisting their actions, loud barking. In addition, aggressive behavior may consist in growling and biting against those who are trying to control the animal against his will.

As practice shows, in our country, these figures prove the improper training of rottweilers. Almost half of the dogs allow themselves to be similar (a little more than 50%). At the same time, the degree of aggressiveness towards others in raised animals usually does not exceed 12-15%. Moreover, most breeders are always confident that their pet is peaceful, and those whom he attacks are to blame themselves.

It is difficult for such people to prove the opposite, even if their pet tears a stranger into pieces.

Aggression in defense is often associated with protective qualities, and they are much better developed in rottweilers than in many other fellows of the canine family. Watchdog quality is pronounced in half of the available livestock. These dogs are able to detect approaching strangers and notify the owner about them with a loud barking.

Practically all rottweilers carry out protection of the territory, however, these dogs are not prone to empty barking for no reason. Only a few representatives of the breed allow themselves to bark without work, although this is almost always stopped by the owner.

How to choose a puppy?

When choosing a puppy you need to consider the level of experience of the breeder. For example, if he is inexperienced, it is better to choose a puppy-girl, because, as practice shows, the character of rottweiler bitches is softer than that of males. In addition, they will quickly train the necessary commands. but when choosing, it is worth considering the fact that females of this breed do not tolerate other females near themselves.

Males also have a more presentable appearance, but their mentor should be a man who is ready not only to a docile nature, but also to the need to adjust behavior. It is necessary to take a puppy no later than at the age of 2-3 months. At 2 months, puppies already have the first experience of socialization, while not showing stubbornness and better learning. The age of the bitch who has given birth to a puppy should not be less than 2 years and more than 8.

When buying, you need to demand from the seller an X-ray of the limbs of the puppy's parents. This will eliminate the likelihood of hereditary joint dysplasia.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the degree of activity of the puppy, its neatness and color. At the same time, it is necessary to choose that baby, whose burnings are darker, because after the first shedding, his fur coat may become lighter. As practice shows, more hardy and sturdy dogs grow out of puppies with a darker color.

During the inspection it is necessary to pay attention to the puppy's abdomen in order to exclude the possibility of an umbilical hernia. All dewclaws of pedigreed puppies cropped. If the puppy is too aggressive, this is a vice, such a dog can not be bought. When buying, you can test your puppy by ringing the bell or clapping your hands: a sneaky kid will run away, while a curious and confident person will be interested.

The cost of a puppy will consist of several factors.

For example, this is a pedigree with several generations of ancestors, exhibition perspectives, compliance with the exterior, the presence of titles for parents. Low prices will be on dogs with defects that they usually try to sell to inexperienced buyers. The cost of a good baby, which can be used for breeding, in a professional nursery will be about 30,000 rubles.

Maintenance and care

Rottweilers are well trained and quickly understand the order in the house. Most puppies, getting into a new house from the nursery, after a couple of weeks, understand and accept the rules that are set for everyone. They do not gnaw shoes, do not tear wallpaper and do not consider an apartment or house as a street where more freedom is allowed.

However, a considerable part of the breeders after some time the puppy stays in the house begin to give up on him. The reason lies in the fact that the breeder is not ready for the maintenance and upbringing of the Rottweiler, or overestimated its educational opportunities.

It is necessary to bathe the Rottweiler no more than twice a year and as far as it is very dirty (for example, if the dog came dirty with a walk after the rain). For washing it is better to use special detergents designed specifically for dogs.

Paws need to be washed every time after walking.

It is necessary for a pet to comb out wool approximately twice a week. During the molting period, the Rottweiler should be rid of dead wool every day. Some pets even allow themselves to be vacuumed, however, training for this procedure must begin with puppyhood.

Rottweiler teeth are cleaned with special chopsticks or brushes and zoo, acquiring the necessary items in specialized stores for animals. Eyes inspect constantly, when redness or inflammation is detected, consult a doctor.

This dog can live both in his house and in the apartment. However, ideally, this dog for a comfortable stay needs a private or a country house with an aviary. To walk an animal living in an apartment, you need at least two times a day for an hour and a half. In addition, it is necessary to take the dog to the toilet as needed.

In the Rottweiler house should have its place.

In no case can not share with him the same piece of furniture, in the future, the dog will take a sofa, bed or chair as their place. And because the attempts of the household to sit on them she can perceive negatively. By the way, a puppy should have its place from the first day of stay in the house after purchase. This is the first rule that he must master and accept.

Considering the fact that active rottweilers claw plates are ground independently, they do not always need to cut the claws. However, inspection of the paw pads should be done constantly, as well as inspection of the ears, eyes and hygiene of the mouth cavity. After walking you need to inspect the animal for the presence of ticks or fleas. When they are found, an urgent need to contact a veterinarian to solve the problem.

The dog’s ears are cleaned about once a week, and more often to dogs with stopped ears, eliminating accumulated sulfur and dirt.

To do this, use cloth scraps, moistening them in a special lotion that does not contain alcohol. If an unpleasant smell or inflammation is detected, the dog is immediately taken to a specialist. When cleaning the ears you can not use cotton pads or cotton buds.


The diet of the Rottweiler may be different. For example, the basis of feeding can be selected natural or industrial food. At the same time, in addition to granular dry food, a dog can buy canned food. Each feeding scheme has its own nuances, but any food must be balanced and varied, as well as high-quality. One or another option is chosen taking into account the age and degree of activity of the animal, as well as the presence of the necessary vitamins and trace elements in the feed.

Industrial food is good because it saves time for cooking. It is balanced, concentrated. This means that it needs less for feeding than natural food. In addition, granulated food is sold in packages that indicate the dosage, which is very convenient for the breeder.

The size of the granules is selected taking into account the age of the pet, because the puppy, for example, is not able to gnaw large, hard granules, it is harmful to his teeth.

If it is decided to feed the dog with natural food, in addition to it, you have to purchase special vitamin complexes for dogs, complementing their diet. This food should be varied and always fresh. It is necessary to give the dog lean meat, for example, rabbit, lamb, lamb or beef. In addition, the animal needs offal, eggs, cottage cheese, cereal (buckwheat, rice, barley).

Also in the diet should be present vegetables and fruits. Puppies can be given milk, however with age, lactose intolerance may be manifested in dogs. In addition to meat, you need to feed the Rottweiler with cartilage and bones, fillets of marine fish, vegetable oil. Do not give the dog legumes, sweets and chocolates, sausages, sausages, tubular bones, pork and citrus.

The water must be fresh, the food must be warm (gastritis develops from hot rottweilers).

It is impossible to overfeed a pet, since in dogs of this breed a tendency to obesity may be observed. If the pet has acquired gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to review the diet.Because with age it can develop into problems with the urogenital system.

Upbringing and training

Rottweilers are considered smart and quick-witted animals. In addition, they are characterized by cunning, which they can use when learning. Their caregiver should know every trait of a particular dog’s character, only this way it can be made educated and intelligent. When training, a pet may suddenly cease to perform a specific team, look at its tutor with a blank look. Such deception does not pass with experienced dog handlers, but a novice breeder can be stumped.

A dog without training and education is like a grenade that can explode at any time. The animal is quickly aware of its strength and can take a dominant position, becoming the domestic dictator for all members of the household. You need to train him from childhood, referring to a professional canine. Usually, the specialist does not have any difficulties with the training of the Rottweiler, while an inexperienced owner in this case may suffer a fiasco.

Pet socialization should occur as early as possible, and this will have to pay a lot of time and effort.

Rottweilers can only get strong-willed personality, who are responsible for everything and are distinguished by the strength of character. The first classes can be trusted cynologistwho knows how to properly teach these dogs. As a rule, the learning position is based on a calm and confident appeal to the animal, friendliness and explanation.

Rottweiler since childhood, explain how to behave in cases where guests come to the house or friends. He is taught the norms of behavior and a clear separation of situations when protection is required and when it is not needed. This is not a chain dog: in order for it to become intelligent and faithful, the breeder will have to communicate a lot with it, including talking and playing. Considering that the rottweiler's jaws are stronger than those of a pit bull or a German shepherd and when bitten, their pressure is about 22 atmospheres, a lot of energy will have to be spent on shaping the animal’s attitude towards strangers.

Rottweiler training should be associated with feasible physical exertion, running, movement and overcoming various kinds of obstacles.

Without proper physical exertion, these dogs cannot develop normally, as well as without discipline. A trained dog is able to adapt to the life rhythm of the owner, as well as his habits. However, of all the members of the family, the dog can single out the one who does it most of all.

In order for a dog's stubbornness not to interfere with training and education, the animal caregiver must be persistent and patient. The teams of Rottweilers remember well, and their number can be greater than that of fellows of other breeds.However, when training, you must not forget about the sequence of actions, consolidation of the material studied, as well as the correct application of incentives.

Dressur can be sent to different channels, for example, not only for protection, but also for hunting, escort of the owner, grazing.

Despite the fact that in the process of training it is necessary to show firmness in the requirements, it is impossible to put pressure on the dog. Time for classes should take a lot, and any attempts at aggression and evil should be stopped immediately. You can not allow yourself physical violence for failure to comply with the commands, you can not allow slack in training, the dog must perceive the educator as the leader. In this exercise should be energetic and diverse.

Nickname list

The name of the rottweiler must be chosen in accordance with the status of its breed. That is why nicknames in the spirit of Sharik, Tuzik, Druzhok, Polkan are not suitable here. At the same time, there is no need to invent kilometer nicknames: it is not only ugly, but also inappropriate. The name should be small, harsh and beautifully sounding.. The soft pronunciation peculiar to cat's nicknames is inappropriate here.

For example, a rottweiler boy can present a name:

  • Brutus;
  • North;
  • Tyson;
  • Schwartz;
  • Ram;
  • Charon;
  • Drago;
  • Jag;
  • Turvon;
  • Stark;
  • Kaiser;
  • Hugo;
  • Oscar.

For a Rottweiler girl, you can pick up the following name:

  • Nora;
  • Irma;
  • Greta;
  • Alba;
  • Bella;
  • Isa;
  • Ada;
  • Bruna;
  • Karna;
  • Amber;
  • Noemie;
  • Grace;
  • Gina;
  • Daisy;
  • Wendy.

When choosing a nickname, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it should not be consonant with the command, pronounced by the owner or the canine. In addition, the name should not be racist, offensive or frankly stupid (for example, in the style of Ghoul, Dork, Damn). You should not give the Rottweiler a nickname by the name of the household or their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

An abbreviated nickname from the one chosen for the pedigree (for example, Rott from Rottenberg) can be the ideal name.

Owner reviews

Most of the owners of rottweilers consider them to be excellent companions, best friends of all households. This is evidenced by feedback breeders left on the information portals. According to the owners, rottweilers are active, strong and strong-willed animals. Experienced dog breeders are confident that they need to spend a lot of time with them, but time is more than repaid with the loyalty and loyalty of animals.

In families, these animals behave differently. Some of them, for example, love not only family members at home, but all of their guests. At the same time, dogs allow themselves to be stroked, combed, they are happy to ride children on sleds and love running walks with a sports owner. Some of the rottweilers recognize their own and relatives who stay in the house for a long time.

Remarkable is the fact that dogs living in an apartment and quietly behaving on the street can perceive the entrance as their territory. But because everyone who is noticed on it, they frighten by barking or roaring (if they are muzzled).

On the problems that arise with rottweilers, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


