
Hungarian vyzhla: description of the breed, types and cultivation

Hungarian vyzhla: description of the breed, types and cultivation

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  1. History of origin
  2. Features of the breed and varieties
  3. Character and behavior
  4. How to choose a puppy?
  5. Conditions of detention and care
  6. Feeding
  7. Upbringing and training

Hungarian vyzhla - this is a breed of dogs, which in another is also called a dog. It is not only a great working, but also an elegant animal. These dogs are considered excellent hunters as well as companions. However, all owners need to be prepared for the fact that when dogs do not hunt, they will need to look for any other entertainment.

History of origin

For the first time, the Hungarian vyzhla was mentioned in the 10th century and was the ancestor of the Hungarian pointer dog. AND This mention is preserved in the Viennese Chronicles during the reign of Louis the Great.. It was said that such dogs are great hunters of hares and other small game.

According to some experts, it is believed that Turkish yellow dogs and Transylvanian hounds were used to breed this breed. And it was also the German Kurzhaars and English Pointers.

For several centuries these animals were used for falconry.

If we translate the word "vyzhla" from Hungarian, it means either "to look for" or "to bring." In addition, the fame of the beautiful scent and ability to find their prey quickly and accurately spread throughout the world. To hunt such an animal can not only on land, but also on the water. Very often, Hungarian vyzhlu is compared with Estonian or Russian hounds.

During the Second World War, this breed was on the verge of extinction.

At this time, the Hungarian cynologists began to protect her. In 1920, the Hungarian vyzhla gained enormous popularity in the United States. And all thanks to their hunting qualities.

Features of the breed and varieties

According to the description of the Hungarian Pointer is a hunting breed of dogs. Besides all they can be divided into two types. Some of them are called short-haired, the second - wire-haired. Both species are classified as medium sized dogs.


Looking at such an animal, it is already difficult to look away from it. After all, the cops have a beautiful muscular body and rather long, but at the same time graceful legs. They have a noble and high head, besides, they have a rather purposeful look.

According to the characteristics of the dogs of this breed have certain standards.

  1. Hungarian males weigh up to 28 kilograms, and females up to 25 kilograms with females up to 67 centimeters, and males up to 60 centimeters.
  2. The cranial box in dogs has a slightly convex and rather wide shape. Brow arc in her pronounced.
  3. Their muzzle is U-shaped, but at the same time, the transition from the forehead to the nose bridge is slightly smoothed.
  4. Wide nostrils are considered characteristic features of the vyzhla. Their nose is on the same line with thick and thick lips.
  5. The ears of the animal stand upright when it is in an excited state, moreover, they have a slightly rounded shape. In a quiet state, the ears fit snugly to the head.
  6. The eyes of a dog of this breed are slightly slanting, moreover, have an oval shape. The eye shell has a brown color.
  7. The bite of the animal is scissors, and the jaws are strong and well developed.
  8. The neck has an average length.
  9. The body is slightly arched, the chest is wide.
  10. The tail has a low postavle and saber form. Some puppies at an early age are docked.
  11. The paws are placed parallel to each other and have strong muscles.
  12. Paw pads have thick skin, but at the same time, rather rough to the touch.
  13. The fur of the dog is rather thick.
  14. Their coat color is from golden-red to wheat.

Character and behavior

Hungarian vyzhla has not only a great flair, but also is quite resilient. It can survive in all weather conditions and work both in swamps and on rough terrain. In addition, these animals can even hunt the water.

By themselves, these are pretty smart dogs. They learn quickly if the teaching takes place in a calm environment. But the owners will have to be very persistent and with a strong character. Despite the fact that they are hunting dogs, they always live next to a person and often keep them company when they are lonely.

In addition, dogs do not like to be alone, so for those who do not have much time at their disposal, it is better not to have such dogs. By nature, they are devoted to their breeders and are strongly attached to them.

In addition, Hungarian vyzhly also friendly not only to their owners, but also to other people who enter the house. therefore as watchdogs they are unsuitable. When the owner returns home from work, the dog always greets him happily. And it does not matter how much time has passed, its actions will always be the same. The dog will try to put the paws on the chest to the person, as well as lick him in the face.

Dogs of this breed also get along well with small children. They can play with them for hours. In addition, if there are other representatives of such animals in the house, they will get along with them. The only ones for whom such dogs are dangerous are guinea pigs or hamsters.

How to choose a puppy?

It is best to buy puppies in special kennels, in which they are always monitored and well cared for. Such babies are almost all balanced and healthy. In addition, you need to know everything about the parents of animals, whether they had awards or titles. And also to clarify what kind of food was used for their feeding, as well as the time of all the necessary vaccinations.

When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the activity of puppies, which will speak about their health.

You can check his instincts. For this you just need to stretch any prey to the puppies. If he has a hunter's instinct, then the dog will immediately stand upright.

A small pet should have a good physique and good health, besides not have any defects. But first of all, he must necessarily like the new owner. The cost of puppies is in the range of 10 to 35 thousand rubles. But if a dog has a good pedigree, the price can be much higher.

Conditions of detention and care

This breed of dogs requires not too complicated, but mandatory care. This is especially needed at the time when molting occurs. Wool requires frequent combing, and this should be done 2-3 times a week. To do this, you can use a special glove-furminator, or scratching the dog with a brush made from natural bristles.

You should not give preference to the ridges, which have large and rare teeth, since they will be ineffective.

Since these animals do not have undercoat, molting can occur almost throughout the year. Most often this occurs in the summer and winter. At this time, combing should be done every day.

It is necessary to bathe a dog only when there is a need for it.

After all, if you do it too often, the animal's skin will immediately dry out, and the fat layer will be washed off. For swimming, you can buy special shampoos that are sold in any pet store. With the onset of winter bathing is carried out using dry shampoos. They are rubbed into the wool, and then very carefully combed.

If the dog was hunting in the open pond, it should be washed with warm clean water. This is done in order to wash off the parasites that can get on the wool from the reservoir.

And also need to pay attention to the ears. They must be wiped at least 2 times a month, using a slightly moistened cotton pads.

When an animal starts rubbing its ears on any surface, it is necessary to immediately go to a veterinary clinic, as it may be a common ear mite.

Every day it is necessary to examine the eyes of Hungarian vyzhla, especially after the hunt. If they remain clean and no souring, then intervention is not required. In the morning, the dog appears discharge, so they need to wipe moistened with a cotton pad. When the eyes begin to blush, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian. He will be able to establish the reason for this.

Twice a month you need to brush your dog's teeth. Do not do it more often, otherwise the tooth enamel will be damaged. You can use a special toothbrush or a fingertip for this. Dogs can be bought at the veterinary clinic. In the case when the animal eats only dry food, the teeth are cleaned independently. For those who use natural food for feeding, it is necessary to brush their teeth. In addition, for the purposes of prophylaxis, you can give your pet special bones made from the veins of animals. With their help slows down the formation of plaque.

It is strictly forbidden to brush your teeth using a toothpaste for humans.

To trim your pets claws, you will need to purchase a special claw for large breeds of dogs. All burrs, as well as sharp edges can be smoothed with a regular nail file.

Since most dogs are not very fond of such procedures, it is necessary to accustom them to this from an early age.

If the puppy is worried and tries to run away during such a procedure, it is necessary to confine one paw. The second can be cut the other day. But in any case, after such a procedure, it is necessary to praise the dog and give it something tasty. This will allow to carry out such procedures in the future much easier.

Since the Hungarian vyzhla is a fairly active dog, it will need a lot of water, access to which must always be.

The dog must always be clean. She can live in an apartment and in a private house. If this is an apartment, then it should be walked frequently. It is not recommended to keep them in the aviary, as they do not have undercoat. For the winter, dogs need to buy or sew warm clothes.

Hungarian dogs have an excellent immune system. And if they are properly fed, as well as given a full load, their health will be perfect. They are not afraid of the common cold, but at the same time they may be prone to certain diseases. Here are the most common ones:

  • cancer, which most often occurs in females never sterilized;
  • thyroid dysfunction, which is due to hormonal failure;
  • allergy, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes;
  • various eye diseases, such as cataracts;
  • epilepsy.

    In addition, it is necessary to conduct vaccination against diseases that are considered more dangerous. These include rabies, hepatitis, plague and other infectious diseases.

    They begin to do from 2 months of age. In addition, after 3 weeks they must be repeated. After vaccinations, animals should be limited to walking and contact with other animals. And also need to regularly treat dogs from various parasites.


    Most people feed their dogs with dry food. For this they use products of the highest quality, for example, premium food. After all, only such food can provide the animal with all the necessary components and vitamins that are required for the dog's body. In addition, such feeding has many advantages. The main one is that dogs do not need to prepare daily or worry about the quality and freshness of the products.

    Some breeders prefer natural feed. But in this case, the diet must be well balanced and not contain leftovers from the table.

    • First of all, it should include lean meat. It is better if it is fresh, but also boiled. This product should be 50 percent of the total daily ration.
    • Sea fish, best boiled and boneless.
    • Fresh or boiled vegetables, such as cucumbers, zucchini or pumpkin.
    • Dairy products. This can be attributed, and low-fat cottage cheese, and fat-free kefir, as well as yogurt.
    • Offal.
    • Some fruits.
    • Various cereals: they should include oatmeal, wheat cereal, millet, buckwheat or rice. However, you should not be too zealous with them, because they contain a large amount of carbohydrates.

    The amount of food for such dogs is required many times more than for ordinary dogs, since the Hungarian Pointing Dog is quite active in life. In addition, it is necessary to feed their pets strictly on schedule. If puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day, then as they grow older, the number of feedings gradually decreases. And already an adult animal should be fed only 2 times a day.

    Upbringing and training

    Like most of the huge dogs, the Hungarian cops need to be socialized early. The owners of these animals begin to attract them to communicate from an early age. To begin with, they are taught new smells and sounds. This is followed by familiarity with people and animals. But on the first day you have to show the puppy who is in charge of the relationship.

    Puppy need to show his place. It will be a comfortable lounger, located next to the bed of the owner, or a place in a separate room. In addition, the dog must understand that this is her place, and not some other one, and she should sleep or just have a rest there. And also it is necessary to teach your pet to independence. He should not be afraid to be alone in the room. But all this must be done gradually.

    Since Hungarian vyzhla are distinguished by quite high intelligence, you should definitely approach the training.

    All teams need to start working out at an early age. First of all, it is “To me.” A puppy must learn to come to its owner at the first call.

    Besides, these puppies have hunting instincts. They are able to wear items that are of interest to them. It is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity and teach to the team "Aport". But too zealous with this is not worth it. After all, the dog may simply get used to keep this thing in his mouth, and not give it to the owners.

    But it will be very difficult to train animals yourself, and not every owner will be able to cope with such a task. Therefore, it is best to invite for this specialist. This can be done when the puppy is 3 months old. He will help test the dog, give the owner useful recommendations. To consolidate the need to spend at least 7-8 classes. But most importantly, it is not necessary to train your pets to perform a number of commands only in order to flash the dog in front of your acquaintances or friends.

    The dog must understand that the main task of the training is the interaction of the pet with its owner.

    In addition, when teaching the animal a number of teams need to monitor its health. If the dog is quite active, then the training should consist only of mobile exercises. If the Hungarian Pointing Dog is at rest, then it is best to train her in calm commands, for example, “Place” or “Lie”.

    Anyway the owner of Hungarian vyzhla must necessarily show some perseverance and a little patience.

    But you should not communicate with your pets cruelly, because the manifestation of rudeness is not the best tactic. In this case, the dog may lose confidence in its owner or, in general, refuse to execute the command.

    Everything needs to be done only with affection and understanding. After all, this is what keeps any proper education of dogs, and Hungarian vyzhly is no exception.

    Summarizing, we can say that This breed of dog is an excellent animal not only for hunting, but also for keeping in apartments or country houses.. The main thing is to keep her in appropriate conditions and give her proper care. In this case, the dog will become not only a faithful animal, but also a real companion for lonely people.

    In the next video you can watch the work of Hungarian vyzhla on the hunt.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


