
Cocker Spaniel Haircut: Types and Procedure

Cocker Spaniel Haircut: Types and Procedure

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  1. Features and requirements
  2. Types of haircuts
  3. What is needed for the procedure?
  4. How to cut a dog at home?

The coat of some dogs requires especially careful care. Combing, preparing for the exhibition, haircut Cocker Spaniel just refer to these not too pleasant, but absolutely necessary responsibilities of the owners. Mandatory grooming takes time, but allows you to maintain the abundant coat of a pet in exhibition condition. However, even if the dog is not planned to be sent to a dog show, a properly chosen haircut will help provide the animal with comfort both in winter and in summer.

English and American Cocker Spaniels need professional grooming. It involves thoroughly combing the wool, washing it, removing tangles. In addition, the dog needs trimming of the back, elaboration of the silhouette with thinning shears, regular hygienic treatment of certain parts of the body.

Features and requirements

There is a certain standard of appearance to which all Cocker Spaniel dogs must comply.

Show animals must maintain a maximum coat length in winter and summer. Pet-class pets can be subjected to a more original grooming.

It is permissible here to reduce the length over the whole body or to create a stylish “skirt” on the lower part of the body.

Mandatory elements of the breed (exhibition) haircut Cocker Spaniel are the following:

  • the shortest hair on the head, upper ears, neck;
  • long and lush ear tips;
  • shoulders and back with awn of natural length without undercoat;
  • fluffy batons on the lower abdomen, front and hind legs.

Without proper, careful grooming, it is impossible to achieve the desired result.

Dogs quickly grows over, look sloppy, lose their attractive appearance. To avoid this, you should regularly pay attention to the care of the pet.

In addition, each of the breed lines - English and American, has its own characteristics, which must also be taken into account.



The first haircut of the American Cocker Spaniel should be at 2 months of age dogs. After this, full grooming is done once a quarter, hygienic trimming of the contours is performed every 14-21 days. When shearing formed a bulging, protruding chest, fluffy petticoat. On the neck in front, cheeks, lips, dog's chin, skull, in the upper part of the ears the length of the hair is trimmed with a machine up to 1 mm.

A longer cover is located from the back of the head to the tail. Here, acceptable values ​​range from 3 to 5 cm, this area requires manual trimming or stripping.

On the contour of the skirt and on the chest there is a section of wool 1-2 cm long. The torso in its upper part shrivels with the removal of the undercoat, stripping is done twice a month - manual removal of dead hair. The tail and the area to the genitalia shave as short as possible.


Unlike its American counterpart, the English Cocker Spaniel has a less fluffy coat. In his grooming, a significant part of his work is trimming the back and neck. The haircut always begins with the head of the dog, the upper part of the skull is treated with a trimming knife, the length of the fringe, mustache, beard is worked out with thinning scissors.

The machine cuts the fur from the forehead to the muzzle against the fur, hairs are removed from the cheeks, around the eyes, on the back of the nose and lips.Long hairs inside the ears are cut with thinning scissors, and the lower part of the hem is also made in the form of a drop.

On the body, only the front part of the neck is shaved with a machine; a wedge-shaped portion of a longer cover should remain above the breast.

The back and top of the neck are worked out with a trimming knife. As a result, the spine should be slightly convex, flat and short. On the upper part of the thighs and elbows, the coat is trimmed; In the area of ​​the anus, a short section is cut, and a smooth line is formed between the seat and the tail.

In the paw area of ​​an English Cocker Spaniel, wool is clipped. according to a certain pattern. On the hind legs, the length is maintained to the hock, all that is below is shortened. On the front limbs, wool is clipped from the sides, tail hairs, cut off at an angle of 30 degrees, remain behind. Short sections are trimmed.

Types of haircuts

All existing types and patterns of Cocker Spaniel haircuts are selected based on the status of the animal. Show dogs, producers need only breed format. In particular, hair cutting on the back and upper neck of the neck is excluded with a typewriter - judges simply will not evaluate such a dog.

For a puppy who does not yet have a luxurious coat, a short “hairstyle” is suitable, which the master can maintain with the help of scissors.

And also for all dogs hygienic hairstyle, including:

  • cutting off excess hair on the ears;
  • shortening the hairs above the line of claws, between the paw pads;
  • removal of the cover in the groin, around the anus;
  • thoroughly combing the animal, cutting the tangles vertically.

Repeating the procedure is necessary with a frequency of 2 times a month. In this case, the dog will maintain a well-groomed, neat appearance.

With proper care, the animal can be quickly brought into exhibition condition.

For modern Cocker Spaniels, modern grooming salons offer several options for cutting hair coat.

  1. Trimming with a long skirtexhibition standard. The dog retains the maximum fluffy fur along the lower contour of the body. The back and neck retain a spine of natural length, trimming to remove undercoat and dead hair. The dog looks great, well-groomed and spectacular.
  2. Trimming with a medium-length skirt. Suitable for periods between shows, while breastfeeding puppies. The shape and overall silhouette is maintained, but the length of the hair on the paws and lower abdomen, the chest is significantly reduced. The dog looks well-groomed and tidy, retains basic breed characteristics.
  3. Stripping with a short skirt. Used in summer, it allows to simplify care for working animals, young and old dogs. Dead hair is plucked out by hand, the ear line is shortened along the contour, rather short. The legs retain their towels, but they are much more modest than usual, the line of the abdomen corresponds to its physiological location.
  4. Short haircut with poodle paws. Convenient solution for pets. Minimizes the possible discomfort in the care of an animal. Underlines the features of the silhouette of the dog, and the head and neck are also trimmed "under the poodle" - with lush pom-poms on the ears, expressive eyebrows and a "cap".
Long skirt
Middle skirt

What is needed for the procedure?

For processing the coat of any type of Cocker Spaniel - worker, decorative - you will need the following list of devices:

  • table for grooming with adjustable height, electric extension included;
  • special dog grooming machine, adapted to the length and stiffness of their wool;
  • straight hair and thinning scissors;
  • nozzles for cars (with thinning, other features);
  • brush for wool;
  • comb with frequent teeth - for processing the cover on the back;
  • comb with rare teeth - for parsing long strands;
  • dryer for drying wool;
  • towel;
  • leash and collar, if the dog tries to escape.

Home grooming is also in the care that is carried out between haircuts.

Hair clipper
Hair dryer

American cockers with wool prone to the formation of tangles require the use of bathing and brushing products with natural oils.

Properly selected shampoos and conditioners will help to keep the exterior of the animal as close as possible to the requirements of the breed standard.

How to cut a dog at home?

The scheme of a grooming Cocker Spaniel is quite simple and versatile, especially when it comes to care, and not to prepare for the exhibition. Even the owner himself can cope with it with the appropriate experience in handling scissors and a machine.

In this case, in the absence of a special table, it will be necessary to prepare a flat surface located at a sufficient height.

It is better to acquire the first experience of grooming under the guidance of an experienced professional or in the company of an assistant, who is ready to help with fixing the animal in the correct position.

Consider the scheme of homemade grooming Cocker Spaniel.

  1. The dog is placed on the table. Pre-wash your pet. Further, its wool is dried, carefully combed with a special brush.
  2. Thick back combing the back and the upper part of the neck.
  3. Long hair and skirt must be disassembled into strands. A rare comb is used here; tacks are disassembled, if they are present.
  4. Trimming croup, body, sides is trimmed with a knife or manually. The remaining long hairs can be straightened with thinning scissors.
  5. With a clipper, the hairs inside the ears are shortened in the upper third.
  6. On the paw pads, between the fingers, the coat is cut off with scissors. You can combine the procedure with claw shortening. The tips are cut to the pulp.
  7. Upon completion of the grooming, the dog can be washed, repeat the process of drying with a hair dryer, avoiding the use of excessively hot stream of air.
  8. The contour is leveled, all transitions between separate sections of wool with different length are smoothed.

Knowing how to cut a cocker at home with a machine, you can save money on professional grooming and provide your pet with the necessary grooming.

How the hairstyle of a breed Cocker Spaniel is done, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


