
Bride price: features, tips on preparing and conducting

Bride price: features, tips on preparing and conducting

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  1. Tradition features
  2. Unusual ideas of carrying
  3. Preparing for a buyout
  4. Characters
  5. Tips for carrying
  6. Original tests for the groom

No wedding is complete without traditional bride price. Modern newlyweds are trying to arrange an unforgettable and original celebration, which will be remembered by all for a long time. Therefore, the bride price should not be quite normal. We have some original ideas, which we hasten to share with you.

Tradition features

A wedding is not just a celebration. This is a whole event, which should be prepared with special care. As a rule, the festival is divided into several interesting stages, among which a special place is occupied by such a wedding ceremony as the bride price.

The tradition of redeeming the bride appeared a long time ago. Of course, in those distant old times, this ritual was taken seriously. It is now modern lovers come up with a variety of funny trials, develop fun scenarios and do everything possible to have fun from the heart. And before the guy had to offer for the girl rare and unusual items so that the beloved became his wife. As a ransom, animal skins, land, jewels, and even hostility were often given.

In ancient times, the rite itself consisted of two stages. Initially, the guy had to come with expensive gifts, which were put in chests, to his beloved parents. Chests are usually filled with rare and expensive fabrics, linens, jewelry and precious coins. Relatives of the girl, having considered all the offerings of the guy, decided: to give him a daughter or not. If the parents were unhappy with the gifts, they could have kicked the guy out of the yard.

After that came the second stage of the ransom, which included the substitution of the bride. As a rule, an adult woman was hidden behind a dense canvas, and a young bride was hidden behind the second one. The groom had to guess which of the two women was his bride. If you guess, then the wedding will take place. And if not, then the holiday will not be.

Of course, over time, everything has changed dramatically. Now bride redemption is a more comic event.

But nevertheless, the meaning remains the same: before the meeting of the bride and groom before the marriage takes place, the guy must pass tests to prove that he is worthy of the love of a beautiful girl.

Unusual ideas of carrying

In modern times, you can spend a bride price in absolutely any style. For example, in the medical, fairy tale or quest style, in the style of the traffic police, brides bureau or even a court hearing. Of course, not everyone wants to combine the topic of police and medicine with a festive event, so you can come up with something more original. The main thing is that it is a short, modern, thematic and carefully thought-out scenario. Then it will be a real fun adventure, not only for the bride and groom, but for all participants in the ceremony.

In that case, if you know exactly which fairytale or film the bride and groom love, then you can arrange a ransom in this style. For example, you can take as a basis a fairy tale that every girl loves since childhood. Of course, we are talking about Cinderella. True, in this case, the tasks that the stepmother gave Cinderella, you can instruct the groom to do. For example, he can separate rice from beans. And the task with the shoe will be the final. Among the variety of women's shoes, the guy will have to find his bride's shoe.

If young people love to travel, why not give them a ransom? in the style of an unusual journey. Before finding his bride the guy will have to pass a series of tests. To begin with, he will have to answer a variety of questions: which country is his most favorite bride’s, where she wants to go, etc. You can also include questions about the capitals or national dishes of a particular country. In addition, contests can also be directly related to travel. For example, you can ask the groom to quickly collect the suitcase and put all the necessary things. Or he will have to pack large things in a small travel bag.

Very often, modern weddings are organized in a nautical style. In this case, the ransom can be organized in the given style. Of course, questions for the groom should be about fishing. You can prepare in advance the pictures of various fish and the groom will have to guess their names. Guessed - rises to the step up. No - then you have to pay. In addition, you can arrange a mini-fishing for the groom. Catching each fish and putting it in a bucket, he will have to call one kind word for his bride. You can also prepare a poster with fish. In order to draw a fish will need to circle the palm. Among the various palms, fish guy will have to find the palm of his beloved.

It is possible to arrange ransom in court style. But for this you will need to prepare the appropriate speech and costumes. A witness may dress in a judge's costume and begin her speech with the following words: “You (the name of the groom) are accused of stealing the heart (here you need to insert the name of the bride)”. As a result, the groom will have to perform a variety of tasks in order to prove to everyone that he has the best intentions and sincere feelings.

Preparing for a buyout

Directly the preparation for the purchase takes a little time. The main thing is that the witness had a ready-made script in her hands, all the necessary details were prepared. Then it will take an hour or two to prepare.

Before the arrival of the groom and his whole cheerful company of friends, you will have enough time to prepare the bride, explain the scenario to all the participants of the ransom and define each role.

In order for the planned event to go perfectly, you should listen to the following tips and act clearly according to the plan.

  • Be sure to pre-beautifully and festively issue the gate of the house or the front door of the apartment. You can decorate the most common and simple method: with balloons, flowers and colorful ribbons. Also, various posters with funny jokes about redemption, wedding or family life will look great. Thus, already approaching the home of his beloved, the groom and his whole company will be able to recharge themselves with a positive.
  • If there is a need, then be sure to prepare in advance a table with treats for the guy and his friends. In the event that the wedding will take place in the cold season, the table can be moved to the hallway at home, so as not to keep guests for a long time in the cold.
  • Bride price is the same custom, during which the witness together with other bridesmaids will take money from the groom. Therefore, we recommend for this to prepare in advance a beautiful box. You can arrange any box yourself by wrapping it with wrapping paper. By the way, it will be better if someone alone answers for the money box. This is necessary so that after the repurchase the money is not lost and not lost.
  • Since the script should already be in the hands of the witness, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary details. Think carefully and mentally scroll through all the actions, all contests. And, accordingly, prepare all the necessary props. The bride's girlfriends will help with this, since for each contest there must be one responsible person, otherwise everything will look tightened and unorganized.


    As a rule, bridesmaid witnesses are engaged in organizing and conducting a foreclosure It is organized by the girl who will be a witness at the registry office, and the rest of her friends or relatives of the heroes of the occasion can actively help.

    Having decided on those who will take an active part in competitions and in the redemption itself, you should enter the names in the script. Every friend should know her words, should well learn jokes, riddles and other necessary text.

    Remember that you need to choose brisk, active and not shy girls, otherwise the redemption will be boring.

    Tips for carrying

    When organizing the bride price, remember that the whole process should not be delayed for a long time. When everything happens for a long time, the interest in the event itself already disappears. The best option is twenty minutes from start to finish. It is very important to think over everything to the smallest detail and, in the process of the ransom itself, connect all those present to the participation, otherwise it may become boring for friends or girlfriends.

    Before making a traditional bride price, a witness should read a greeting for the groom. A lot of original greetings can be found on the Internet. The greeting may be in verse or prose. It is not so important, as long as it is fun. This will allow the entire company from the first minutes to recharge with a positive and tune in to the right wave.

    In the event that the witness is afraid to forget her greeting words, you can proceed as follows. You can write the text on paper in advance and make it an original scroll. Then it will look quite interesting and the witness will not forget her words for sure.

    Part of the contests can be held at the gate or at the entrance, and the rest, the final contests should already be held at home or in the apartment. Remember that contests and tasks should be simple. For example, if the groom does not have voice and hearing, then he is unlikely to sing. And if they decide to take such a step for the sake of their beloved, then everything will look, to put it mildly, absurdly. Therefore, tasks must be harmless, this is important. In addition, it is necessary to exclude contests with alcoholic beverages.

    When the groom has already reached the cherished door, behind which his beloved is waiting, then he must necessarily pronounce the oath of love and loyalty. In order not to embarrass the guy and not take him by surprise, you can prepare the text of the oath for him in advance. By the way, the oath can be printed as a beautiful diploma and framed. Then you can make a similar diploma with an oath both for the bride and the young people will be able to exchange oaths, and they will keep their diplomas as a souvenir and decorate one of the walls of their house.

    Original tests for the groom

    In order for the ransom to pass, as in one breath, you should prepare the most fun and simple competitions. Remember that when inventing tests for the groom, you must take into account the peculiarities of his character, so as not to embarrass him and not embarrass him.

    We have some original ideas that are sure to come in handy.

    • At the entrance or in the corridor of the house, you can pull a small rope, which should be attached photos. Photos must be childish. To do this, you need child photos of the bride, her relatives or girlfriends. To make it easier to fix the photos, and then shoot them, use the most ordinary clothespins. For the groom, the test is that, among the variety of children's faces, he must find his bride. If he finds it, he can safely proceed to the next task, and if not, he will have to pay.
    • And here is another interesting task that will work if the bride lives in a high-rise building. Right at the entrance to the groom you need to hand colored crayons. At each step he must write a kind word for his bride. At the same time it is important that he never repeated. Help in this difficult task a young guy can his loyal friends.
    • You can also arrange for the groom a small test survey to find out how well he knows his beloved. To do this, you can prepare various questions in advance. For example, what size of shoes does his bride wear, what day of the week did they meet, when the future mother-in-law's birthday, etc.

    See the next video for an unusual wedding redemption.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


