Care outerwear

How to clean drape coat at home without washing?

How to clean drape coat at home without washing?

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  1. Types of self-processing
  2. Stain removal
  3. Rules of drying and ironing

Drape coat is a beautiful and warm demi-season clothing that requires careful wear and regular care. Drap is a heavy two-layer cloth that is not recommended to be washed in a washing machine. In order for the product to last for a long time and not lose its original appearance, it is necessary to use chemical treatment or independent delicate cleaning at home.

Types of self-processing

Types of self-treatment. Clean drape coat in two ways - dry and wet. How exactly to clean, depends on the degree of contamination of the product, the time allowed for the procedure, and the availability of the necessary funds.

Dry way

It involves the rapid cleansing of the product without moisture and the need to use additional time to dry things. For this procedure, you will need hangers, brush, rye bread, a roller for clothes, rubber gloves, laundry detergent for hand washing Vanish and soda. Before you start cleaning, you need to put a coat on the hangers and inspect the product to determine the most polluted areas.

At this stage it is necessary to clean the fabric from dust, threads and hair with the help of a clothes roller or a natural brush. Cleaning should be done in the direction of the pile.

With moderate pollution, cleaning can be done as follows:

  1. It is required to take a dry laundry detergent for wool products, for example, “Weasel”, and sprinkle the coat previously laid out on the table evenly.
  2. Then you need to wear gloves and lightly rub the tool on the surface of the product.
  3. Leave the coat in this form for one hour, then remove the powder with an elastic brush or slightly moistened sponge.

When cleaning light, including white models, it is better to use powder as a powder. Vanish, it will delicately clean the surface and leave no residue. Instead of powder, it is allowed to use soda, which is removed only with a dry brush.

The disadvantages of this method include the impossibility of its use for cleaning clothes of dark colors.

To dry cleaning can be attributed, and foam processing. For its implementation it is necessary:

  1. Take any carpet cleaner, dilute it in water and foam it well.
  2. Apply the foam on the coat, not allowing the material to become wet, and leave it to dry completely.
  3. Then use a brush to remove its remnants.

The method is good because it can be used to clean and freshen up clothes with sufficient quality, without washing and excessive moisture.

Dry cleaning of drapes can be done at home with the help of a crumb or sawdust. For processing it is better to use varieties of rye bread: it rolls well into balls and adsorbs dirt. It is necessary to crumble the breadcrumbs on the coat, and then start to roll it. When using sawdust, it is necessary to evenly scatter them on the decomposed product, cover with gauze and through it begin to roll sawdust with a roller for clothes.

After finishing the treatment, the coat should be knocked out and cleaned with a medium-hard brush.

Wet cleaning

It is more labor intensive and requires more time:

  1. For processing, solutions are used for washing wool, laundry soap, suede and balm conditioner for laundry.
  2. They must be dissolved in warm water and applied to a dirty surface with a rag.
  3. Light movements need to rub the solution into the material, then leave for half an hour.
  4. Then rinse the cloth with warm water and blot with a dry cloth.

In order to prepare a liquid detergent from laundry soap, you need to grind it on a coarse grater and grind it with a blender with a small amount of hot water. After obtaining a homogeneous composition and cooling the liquid to 30 degrees, you can begin cleaning.

It is recommended to use a soft natural brush.

Dark and black products can be cleaned with black tea. To do this, it is necessary to brew leaf tea, moisten a sponge in it and treat contaminated sites. After 40 minutes it is necessary to wash the tea leaves with running water and blot with a dry cloth.

Stain removal

Severe soiling can also be removed at home. If the collar, pockets and cuffs are very greasy, you need to prepare a mixture of salt and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 4. Then you need to moisten a sponge in this solution and wipe the shiny areas. Instead of salt, you can use vinegar taken in equal parts with alcohol.

Before proceeding with the cleaning, it is necessary to test the compositions on the inside of the product, and making sure that the material does not change color, you can proceed to processing.

Stains can be removed with a balsam rinse:

  1. In this case, dilution with water is not required - a concentrated solution is used.
  2. Using a microfiber dipped in balm, you need to wipe off the stain, and then remove the solution with a wet cloth.
  3. When removing stains, cleaning should be done from the edge of pollution to its center, placing a dense fabric under the stain from the inside of the product.

This will avoid the appearance of the boundaries of the contaminated area after cleaning.

When removing grease stains, the treatment is performed from the inside of the product:

  1. To do this, you can use talcum powder or starch, abundantly filling them with a stain and leaving them for several hours.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and refined gasoline also do an excellent job with fat. To remove stains with their help, you need to put a cloth dipped in gasoline or peroxide under the dirt, and a clean and dry cloth on top of the stain.
  3. A freshly planted fat spot will easily disappear if you put a paper napkin on top and iron it.

Old contamination is removed by the following algorithm:

  1. If the pollution is old and dried, then before proceeding with its removal, you need to hold it over the steam.
  2. To remove stubborn stains you need to mix half a glass of water, 4 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent and a teaspoon of liquid ammonia. The mixture is applied to the stain and left for half an hour, then carefully washed off with water and wiped dry with a napkin.
  3. After treatment with cleaning compositions, it is necessary to immediately wash the fabric with running water and blot with a napkin.

Beer stains are cleaned with a peroxide solution, and coffee and tea stains are cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and glycerol, taken in a 1: 2 ratio.

Rules of drying and ironing

It is recommended to dry drape coats in the straightened and unbuttoned form, using hangers. The room must be dry and ventilated. To reduce drying time, it is necessary to wipe the fabric thoroughly with dry napkins or a towel.

Exposure to direct sunlight and placement of the product near heating devices is not allowed.

Iron drape coat need iron with vertical steam function. It is possible to use the ironing board only if the product is ironed from the wrong side. Ironing of the front surface can be carried out in extreme cases and only with the use of wet gauze.

The heating temperature of the iron should not exceed 200 degrees. You must first test the effects of high temperature on the inside of the product.

Cleaning a woolen coat at home does not cause difficulties and helps to maintain a decent appearance of the product for a long time.Wet treatment should be carried out each time at the end of the season, and the dry method can be used several times a month as needed. The advantage of home cleaning is a more gentle effect on the material compared to the treatment with strong chemicals. This preserves the fiber structure of the fabric and contributes to an increase in the life of the product.

For more information on how to properly clean the drape coat, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


