Named the most likely cause of rapid aging

Specialists at the University of Michigan found out what makes aging women and men fast. It turned out that aging at the cellular level is caused by shortening of the chromosome endings - telomere. Their shortening causes rapid aging of the body.

Scientists have concluded that the harder and longer a person works, learns, the faster the processes of telomere shortening take place.

telomeres (marked in green)

As part of the experiment, genetics and biologists first measured the telomere length of first-year students, and then took measurements of the same students before the final exams. Similar measurements were carried out on young girls and boys in the first year of their internship in clinics after graduating from medical universities.

It turned out that the new doctors because of increased responsibility, excitement, long work, DNA aging began to flow more than six times faster than first-year students and three times faster than students who are preparing for graduation.

Researchers are confident that it is the length of the chromosome endings that can be a marker that indicates aging processes. Her definition will help establish how the load affects the person, how he endured a stressful situation.

The recommendation of the authors of the experiment to anyone who wants to preserve youth and beauty for a longer time is simple: work in moderation, be sure to find time for outdoor activities.

Now this same group of scientists intends to conduct a study that will establish Does aging in women bring pregnancy and childbirth. Measurements of the telomere length have already begun in a group of pregnant women, and after giving birth they will repeat the examination. It is also planned to conduct a third experiment - one year after birth, to establish how fatigue and nocturnal sleep, which often accompany the first months of a baby’s life, affect mother’s youth.

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