
All about aichmophobia

All about aichmophobia

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  1. What?
  2. Diagnostics
  3. Symptomatology
  4. Treatment

Sharp objects cause people some concerns. Any sane person understands that dangerous metal tools can damage health. About them you can get hurt and bring an infection to the body. However, a normal person will not make a whole tragedy out of it. He understands perfectly well that without needles and knives, life will become overwhelming, so without unnecessary fears he takes the necessary items in his hands and uses them for his intended purpose, unlike the aihmofoba.


Ayhmofobiya deciphered as follows: from the Greek language aichme translates as "point", and the word phobos means "fear." This is a common disorder, which prevents the use of the necessary sharp objects, such as knives, pins and even pencils. This is a rather specific type of phobia and, as a rule, not a separate disease.

Like all fears, aichmophobia is laid in most cases in childhood, when personality formation occurs.

It consists of what surrounds the child, and what happens to him (illness, injury, fear, pain). Injuries occur most frequently. Children break their knees, puncture limbs on sharp objects. It is at this point that adults begin to fuss and express fears that an infection could get into the wound. Often in the hospital they make tetanus shots, which are very painful.

Around this situation, there is always a fuss and some panic. Naturally that the child at this moment is in some shock. Then the physical wounds heal up pretty quickly, but experienced fear can remain for a lifetime. It often happens that injuries occur very often, and every time everything repeats: mother's lamentations, a visit to the doctor and a shot from tetanus. And these moments can in the future cause aichmophobia.

However, this is not always the case and not with all children. Some grow in "greenhouse conditions", and others "like weeds in the field." Exactly those guys whose parents did not pay attention to bruises and abrasions, may even not be aware that there is such a terrible disease as tetanus. And this means that they think little about the fact that they can cut themselves or prick themselves on the point of a knife or needle.

Of course, some fear is present in their consciousness, but it is caused more by a sense of self-preservation and common sense. No one will deny that knives and forks must be handled very carefully so as not to harm themselves and the people around them. Unlike sane people, an aichmophobe at the sight of sharp objects will express your fear in the clear. Moreover, he will not even be able to explain the reason for his panic state because his fear is irrational. And the state of aichmophobe causes alertness and requires treatment.


It is conducted by a specialist, a true professional in his field. To do this, he needs to conduct a detailed examination and discuss mental and mental symptoms. If the child needs help, then parents are invited to talk to accurately identify the problem. And all this happens because children themselves are not able to describe exactly their emotional state.

Some phobias develop against depressions of a various orientation. Therefore, a psychologist or psychotherapist determines the cause of fear.

It must be remembered that there are phobias (for example, fear of clowns) that do not interfere with the life of an ordinary person. Another thing is when a phobia interferes with living a full life.

Aichmophobia is just the case that needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. A patient with this type of fear cannot lead a full life because of domestic turmoil. He can't even cut his own bread for dinner. And it’s not worth talking about cooking kebabs - to do this, you need to cut the meat with a sharp knife and string it onto sharp skewers. If you have noticed such fears in yourself or in your loved ones that lead to panic, you should pay attention to this. Phobias that are irrational can and should be eliminated in a timely manner.


Fear of needles, cutting objects, of course, is a phobia. Any irrational fears are associated with the development of phobias. Such fears defy explanation. The person simply begins to experience a condition that cannot be controlled. Then you can talk about persistent disease. And if an individual begins to panic at the sight of sharp iron objects, then the following symptoms may appear:

  • a strong desire to escape or urgently remove a source that causes fear;
  • fussiness and actions that defy logic, constant anxiety;
  • pressure begins to rise, pulse quickens, interruptions in heart rhythm may begin;
  • breathing becomes confused;
  • feeling of horror begins;
  • dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • trembling in limbs;
  • skin changes.

Watching all these manifestations, we can say that a person is exposed to attacks of aichmophobia.


Of course, a strong-willed person can cope with an obsessive state without resorting to the help of specialists. For this you will need the following.

  • Avoid traumatic moments in your life. Let your nervous system rest. Take a vacation and go on a trip.
  • If obsessive thoughts come to mind, then try not to drive them away. Just accept what they are. The more you fight fears by forcibly removing them from your head, the more they overcome you.
  • Obsessive thoughts need to be perceived with complete peace of mind. Yes, they are, but these thoughts should not be taken as a sign from above. Obsessive thoughts have nothing to do with premonition and intuition.
  • Try to replace irrational fears with rational thoughts. Come up with a plan "just in case" if suddenly trouble happens. In the case of aichmophobia, you can think of actions that will help you avoid the consequences of injury with a needle or knife. For example, keep always near zelenku or iodine, which can handle the wound.
  • Record thoughts when you are afraid. Then set your notes aside. After a while, when you calm down, read what you wrote. Perhaps your fears will seem ridiculous and stupid.
  • Look more at your fear. Put knives, forks, pencils on the table. Touch them with your hands. Then hold the items and inspect carefully. Most likely, you will not be able to experience a strong fear, because you will be ready for its manifestation.
  • Yoga will help restore mental balance.
  • Auto-training is also a very good stimulant to restore mental health.
  • A shower or a warm bath will help to relax the nervous system.

If you feel that you cannot get rid of a phobia with these methods, then consult a specialist. The cognitive-behavioral therapy that is offered to you will help to change your thoughts and attitude towards something. Speaking specifically, then to the fears of cutting and piercing objects. As a result, your anxiety rates will decrease. Also good help practice deep breathing, complete muscle relaxation. There will be a complete reorientation of your consciousness.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves desensitization in its approach. The patient is completely accustomed to the frightening subject and gradually begins to use needles and knives in everyday life. You can resort to a more radical method, when there is an immediate contact with the object of fear. The individual stays close until the anxiety decreases.

In more severe cases, are assigned medications. They eliminate panic attacks. These include benzopropylene, beta-blockers. These drugs reduce excessive stimulation of emotions and help to cope with anxiety. However, we must remember that This type of medication should be prescribed by a doctor.

Uncontrolled, self-medication leads to unpredictable negative consequences. And it can even be fatal.

An experienced specialist can offer to get rid of aichmophobia using hypnosis. When a patient enters a trance, a type of behavior is imposed on him that will favorably affect his subsequent well-being. You do not need to give up such a method as physiotherapy (this treatment is with the help of current, wave radiation). They help to relax the mental state and restore energy balance.

Various massages also help to establish inner harmony. Do not give up water treatments. Swimming in the pool has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and the state of the nervous system. However, like physical exercises in the gym, as well as jogging for long distances.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


