
Necrophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Necrophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

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  1. What is necrophobia?
  2. Why does it occur?
  3. Symptoms
  4. How to overcome?

Every sensible person is afraid of death and everything connected with it. Meeting with the funeral ceremony always brings horror and depression. No wonder. The sense of preserving life is laid in a person since childhood and has accompanied him throughout the time. However, people with strong personality traits are not susceptible to pronounced symptoms of fear of death, and weak-tempered and easily-inspired individuals can fall into panic states.

What is necrophobia?

This disease is considered mystical, and people try to ignore those who are so afraid of the dead. This disease goes hand in hand with a disorder called thanatophobia (fear of death). Such disorders appear when the individual sees real pictures depicting the dead.

For ordinary people, the thought that everyone will ever die will not cause any special emotions, since this inevitability will happen to everyone sooner or later. Therefore, a sensible person does not fix his attention on such issues. And this is a defensive reaction. We need to live here and now, and only God knows what will happen next.

An individual who suffers from tanatophobia tries not to visit the cemeteries, and the word "morgue" terrifies him. Films where murders and funerals take place make him long-term depressed, and fatal accidents can provoke a severe attack. A person who suffers from this phobia does not work where it is possible to meet with deaths. Such professions as a doctor, policeman, military man, fireman, rescuer are alien to him. In some people, necrophobia acquires obsessive thoughts, they begin to prepare in advance for death and present themselves as dead.

These disorders inevitably lead to the fact that a person becomes uninteresting life. As a result, he can either get very sick or die. Therefore it is necessary to take urgent measures to cure it.

Why does it occur?

The reasons may be many. Usually all phobias come from our childhood. In adolescence, a person may experience very strong stress or fear due to the death of a close relative. Children are very susceptible to various frightening situations, and when an unpleasant event occurs, it remains in memory forever. Later, when this same person becomes an adult, the fears inherent in childhood may return.

Of course, if this character has a beautiful and interesting life, filled with bright and fun events, then no phobia is to him. But most often it happens that a person gets into an unpleasant story that provokes a lot of stress. Nervous overload warms up anxious consciousness, and, as a rule, a phobic disorder occurs. It can arise from strong mental and emotional overload.

Whenever a person is exposed to various misfortunes, it is followed by anxiety that follows.

It is human nature to be afraid of what he does not understand. Death is a condition that a person is afraid to experience. And this natural fear is peculiar to absolutely all the inhabitants of the planet. Phobia can occur due to some negative emotions.

  • When a person looks at a corpse, his appearance is unpleasant. And if death was violent, or the individual died after a long illness, the sight of the deceased will necessarily cause a depressed mood.A very impressionable person can get stuck at this stage, and the consequences will be very deplorable.
  • The oppression of the emotional system always causes a phobia. When a living person looks at a dead man, he becomes afraid of the fact that he will never again see him alive. With this person who went yesterday, talked, talked, never again and no one can meet in reality. These thoughts terrify, and consciousness can not withstand such a strong overload.
  • There are people who believe in paranormal phenomena. They are afraid that the spirit of the dead person will visit them at night and scare them. And if a person starts suggesting to himself that ghosts really exist, he can fall into the most severe phobia, which will be accompanied by frequent panic attacks.


    It all depends on temperament. If this is a strong-willed and strong personality, then she is not afraid of any phobias. Fear may appear briefly in the form of a natural emotional process, and then disappear.

    Another category of people who take all events seriously may experience a mild anxiety after attending a funeral. It may be due to the fact that the deceased was a close relative. Our consciousness is arranged in such a way that as some unpleasant event moves away, it begins to gradually erase the details. And this is a defense against negative consequences. After some time, an individual with a healthy psyche will gradually forget the grief and continue to live on.

    Another thing when a person has a tendency to exaggeration and anxiety. Obsessive states accompany him throughout his life. They then subside, then renewed with a new force. Such individuals cannot attend funerals. After a strong emotional overload, they can get sick, and the phobic state will become steady. Against this background, develop certain symptoms.

    • There are cases when a person loses a sense of reality. A detached state should cause wariness on the part of loved ones.
    • Headaches and dizziness, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    • During panic attacks, an individual may experience very unpleasant symptoms: sweating (in some cases only of the palms), breathing gets off, heartbeat quickens, limbs tremor begins, confusion of thoughts may occur, loss of control over oneself, desire to escape, pale skin, fainting.

    If such symptoms recur more and more often, it is necessary to take action and consult a doctor. Early treatment helps to avoid a number of negative consequences and significantly reduces the period of rehabilitation.

    How to overcome?

      Best of all, when a person picks up his emotions and cope with the fear of corpses. People who have a persistent character will succeed in overcoming an obsessive state without the help of a specialist. However, we must remember that self-medication is fraught with negative consequences.

      To get out of anxiety and eliminate phobia is best to help a specialist. His competent actions can lead to overcoming illness and fear. First, the psychotherapist will identify the cause of necrophobia, and then select an effective method and offer you.

      • Psychotherapy sessions or so-called cognitive behavioral therapy. You will learn to relax and change the stereotypes of thinking. Sessions will be held in a relaxed atmosphere. And then everything will depend on the patient, who must show a desire to be treated and follow all the recommendations.
      • Physiotherapy - this treatment with the help of natural sources, such as water, current, wave radiation. Water treatments help adjust the body to the desired way. Massage of various directions stimulates the nervous system so that it comes to complete rest.
      • Drug treatment will help in severe cases.Despite this, you need to know that such therapy can bring both benefit and harm to your body. Antidepressants and tranquilizers will make your mind under your control. Tablets quickly remove attacks of anxiety and panic.

      Perhaps your fears are without any ground. You just wind yourself up. Therefore, first you need to use the advice of a psychologist. Psychologists rarely resort to extreme measures. They give general recommendations that are simple but have great potential.

      • The first advice is to pull yourself together and try to focus on your feelings.
      • Get rid of obsessive states will help a healthy lifestyle.
      • Jogging in the morning will give an incentive to a good mood. The sun is shining outside, and everything around is enjoying life. Why should you think about death when it is still so far away?
      • Get enough sleep, and your mood will always be good.
      • Try to avoid various stressful situations, at least for the duration of the treatment.
      • Proper nutrition and tasty food can work wonders.
      • Physical therapy can completely replace a shower or a warm relaxing bath. Aromatherapy will complement the pleasant moments.
      • Find a hobby for the soul. Sign up in a circle where you will meet many like-minded people. Perhaps changing the environment will have a beneficial effect on your well-being.
      • Perform breathing exercises when fear is trying to envelop your mind. To do this, take a slow breath, hold the air, count to 5 and breathe it out slowly. Do these exercises until you feel relieved.
      • Hypnosis sessions will also help. The specialist introduces the person into a trance and inspires him with the right reaction to various events.
      • Auto-training also helps to get rid of phobias.
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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


