Domestic rodents

Domestic rodents: description, types and rules of content

Domestic rodents: description, types and rules of content

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  1. General characteristics
  2. Varieties
  3. Tips for choosing
  4. Required fixtures
  5. Content Features
  6. Interesting Facts

Almost every person sooner or later dreams of a pet. And if not everyone can afford a cat or a dog because of the lack of time or space in the apartment, then absolutely anyone can get a rodent. These animals are unpretentious in maintenance, they take up little space and are very friendly.

General characteristics

Rodents belong to the class of mammals and in nature can live in the most unexpected places. Some live underground without seeing the sunlight, others are found in dry grass or in trees. There are species adapted to live in the water or even in the desert. Some rodents may be active only during the day or only at night, or lead a mixed lifestyle. Some species of these animals hibernate deeply.

The name of his squad animals received due to the special structure of the jaws. Rodents have no canines, but there are 2 pairs of incisors that do not have roots and grow throughout life. Teeth very sharp, but firm only from the outside. This feature allows them to self-sharpen, as they are constantly in operation. The powerful muscular system allows animals to chew and nibble food without contact between the incisors.

Representatives of the order of rodents can be of various sizes. The mouse, for example, has a body length of only 5 cm, and the capybara can grow up to 130 cm with a body weight of about 60 kg. In connection with such a difference in weight, the structures of their bodies are slightly different. Animals have a varied coat: in some it is thick and short, in others it is rare, in the form of bristles or needles. Color can be monophonic or several shades.

In nature, these animals are almost omnivorous, but prefer different seeds, fruits, roots, and even small invertebrates. Water is necessary for the process of vital activity of rodents. However, some species, accustomed to arid climate, have learned to be content with liquid obtained from food.

These small animals are very prolific. Some species are ready to breed at the age of 3 months. They are able to acquire offspring up to 14 times a year; there may be up to 22 pups in the litter of individual species. The breeding of tamed rodents can and should be controlled.

As pets, they are very clean, easy to maintain and transport. Large individuals over time can perform simple commands and respond to their nickname. The life expectancy of rodents varies from 1.5 years for small and up to 7 years for larger animals.


To choose a pet, you need to study in detail the information about each species of rodents and their representatives. The animals are small, large or medium size. Comparing their capabilities with the needs of the animal, you can make a choice. For the happy existence of a pet requires food, water, a comfortable place to stay and the attention of the owner, but each species has its own characteristics and preferences. They must be taken into account. The full list includes many varieties.

  • Mouse. A little white decorative mouse is a direct relative of a field mouse - a malicious pest that spoils food and gnaws everything that comes its way.This option is suitable for home maintenance, if there is no extra space, and you really want to have a pet.

But it should be remembered that no matter how carefully you look after your pet, you will not be able to get rid of the characteristic smell.

  • Rat. For many, the name of this animal causes only disgust and disgust. However, it is worth knowing that these are intelligent, clever and easily trained animals. With some effort, you can teach your pet simple tricks and commands. The decorative rat easily comes in contact with the owner and does not like to be alone.
  • Hamster. Small funny animal, leading an active nightlife. The hamster can be very capricious, but with gentle handling and the right approach will quickly become tame and obedient. He likes to live alone. If you purchased a couple of animals, then be prepared for periodic fights for the territory.
  • The guinea pig. This is a good-natured, affectionate and gentle rodent. Especially attractive are long-haired animals with multicolored shades like fur. Having a relatively rather small size, is a vulnerable and fearful creature. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the pet from stressful situations, without disturbing the usual way of its life. Guinea pig for comfortable living company needed.
  • Squirrel. Another animal name is Veksha. Fast and very bright animal with a long fluffy tail and black shiny eyes. Quickly go to the contact and gets used to the owner. In order for the protein not to become bored in captivity, it is necessary to provide it with spacious conditions of detention. It should also take into account the fact that she changes her coat for the season. With proper care and nutrition can delight its owner to 15 years.
  • Daegu. The small exotic rodent is from South America. It has gray with a yellow or brown shade of wool and a long tail with a cute tassel at the end. The content is unpretentious, but for a comfortable state of health it just needs all sorts of houses, minks, mazes. An important factor for degu health is the presence of a bath with fine sand in the cage.
  • Chipmunk. A small animal with a fluffy tail and alternating dark and light stripes on the back is undemanding of food and interior. These animals feel beautiful in captivity, but prefer to live alone. When keeping several rodents, you will need a separate cage for each. Chipmunks are very clean and always need the same place.
  • Sonya. This rodent is a cross between a mouse and a squirrel. She will like a spacious place of detention, equipped with various interesting devices. Despite its name, the animal is very mobile and active. Quickly gets used to the owner and goes on contact. The basis of the diet are fruits and vegetables.
  • Gerbil. A cute sand-colored animal will no doubt become a family pet. Breeds are now bred with other shades of wool, even black. The animal is curious and friendly, constantly nibbling or digging. She loves to scatter food in a cage, to move her toys and small objects from place to place. If you are not afraid of extra noise and cleaning, then boldly start this rodent.
  • Jerboa. At first glance, a small mouse-like rodent causes location with its bizarre appearance. The first thing that catches your eye is large ears and just a huge, in comparison with a small body, a beautiful tail with a tassel. The hind legs of the animal are much longer than the front ones, therefore the jerboa moves by leaps. Home jerboa - affectionate, harmless and manual.
  • Chinchilla. The animal is rather large, it can be up to 50 cm in length, of which the third part is the tail. A distinctive feature of the chinchilla is its soft, pleasant to the touch fur gray. Animal shy and cautious, is nocturnal. The cage must be equipped with special shelves so that the animal can jump on them.For swimming you will definitely need volcanic dust or fine sand.
  • Rabbit. Decorative domestic rabbit depending on the breed can be absolutely any color and color. This is a very sociable and sweet creature that requires attention and care. Rabbit can walk in nature, it is enough to buy a special leash. The animal feels great in a cage, easily accustomed to the tray.
  • Marmot. Active and inquisitive large rodent. Quickly go to the contact and is trainable. From food the animal prefers fruits and vegetables, sometimes it is possible to diversify the diet with cereals. Groundhog cage should be closed with several locks, preferably of different designs, as a quick-witted animal can easily cope with a simple bolt lock.
  • Nutria. Nutrias are bred for industrial purposes on specialized farms or in private households. But this large rodent is suitable for home maintenance. For proper care, animals need to provide daily water procedures and a spacious cage. In the diet they are unpretentious, they have a stable immunity to disease. An adult has a weight of about 10 kg. Nutria life span is about 7 years.

Tips for choosing

Home pets most often give birth to children. Caring for an animal helps to develop a child’s responsibility for their actions, attention and conscientiousness. That rodents are very popular due to its compactness, unpretentiousness, simplicity of the content.

To decide what kind of animal is better to have a home, you need to study in detail the behavior and lifestyle of the animal you like. Then compare this with their abilities and distribute the responsibilities for care among the household.

Communication with your pet will be a joy if you follow several rules before acquiring:

  • If you purchase not an adult individual, but a rodent cub, make sure that its age is already more than a month.
  • Having decided on the type and breed of an animal, buy a cage that will fit it.
  • Learn the nutrition and lifestyle of your pet.
  • Keep in mind that even with the most careful care without odor will not do.
  • Remember that you deliberately made your choice, so try to get maximum pleasure from communicating with animals.
  • Domestic rodents are mostly neat and tidy animals, but do not forget that it is not for nothing that they received such a name. If the animal is outside the cage, you need to constantly keep it in sight, otherwise shoes, curtains, food or furniture may suffer from its teeth.
  • Keep in mind the nocturnal lifestyle of these animals. When active in the dark, the rodent can make characteristic sounds, squeak, gnaw something or rustle bedding.

Required fixtures

To the animal had something to do in the cage, you need to purchase additional accessories designed specifically for rodents. When buying a certain toy, it is necessary to take into account the habits of the animal and its temperament. All these subjects are divided into 3 subgroups according to their purpose.

  • Attributes for health and comfort. These include sleeping houses, drinkers, feeders, hammocks, carriers, trays or toilets, sand baths. These things are advisable to buy in specialized pet stores, to be confident in their quality and safety for pets.
  • Devices that satisfy physical activity. They contribute to the proper development of muscles, providing the necessary load. This includes swings, floors, tunnels, recreational balls, wheels, and labyrinths. If you have free time, then some items can be made with your own hands.
  • Toys for fun and entertainment. It can be absolutely any object that your pet likes.One small animal may like a small wooden figure or a small plush toy, and another will like a bright bottle cap. You can decorate the cage with colorful accessories purchased in the store.

Almost all animals can be taught to defend the need in a particular place or corner. For this purpose there are special corner trays. They do not take up much space, fit well into the interior of the cage, they are easy to clean. Modern fillers that absorb odor, prevent the spread of specific flavors.

At home, rodents have no opportunity to grind off ever-growing teeth in a natural way. To meet this need you will need mineral stone. It can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. It can be square, round or decorative.

If the pet loves to try everything on the tooth, and the turn has already reached the cage bars, then sooner or later it will break free. Weaning animals to gnaw objects is impossible, it is laid by nature.

To protect your pet from external hazards, you need to move it to the terrarium.

Special rodent terrariums can be purchased already fully stocked or filled at will.

When caring for chinchillas, gerbils and degus you need to take care of special baths.

This is a ceramic tank in which fine sand or volcanic dust is poured. A couple of times a week, the animal must necessarily take such a procedure. Tumbling and frolicking in the sand, the animal cleans its chic fur from dirt.

Quite a new invention for rodents - walking ball. By placing your pet inside, you can be sure of its safety. The ball will provide the animal with a useful exercise, in warm and dry weather, it can be used even outside. The main thing is to remove the animal from the device in time to avoid overheating or excessive loads.. The task of additional devices is to give the rodent maximum benefit and pleasure, and he, in turn, will provide positive emotions to his owner.

Content Features

Nutrition pet chosen individually. Typically, the diet includes feed for a particular type of rodent and hay. You can vary it with seasonal fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to periodically supplement the menu of average thickness with willow, acacia and linden branches.

Rodents should be protected from high humidity, direct sunlight and drafts. They, like any other animals, are subject to various diseases. To prevent them, timely vaccination is necessary. Anti-parasitic prophylaxis is performed in front of her These animals, especially rats, are prone to the appearance of tumor neoplasms.

Considering that rodents are very fertile, sterilization of an animal is recommended in order to control their livestock. The procedure is indicated at the age of 4-6 months, when the genitals are already formed. This surgical operation is done in a veterinary clinic, but now there is a service when the doctor goes to the house and performs sterilization. In this case, the animal receives less stress and recovers faster.

After surgery, the animal will need special care for a while. This includes keeping the litter clean and dry, treating the seams, and closely monitoring the behavior of the pet.

After a short time, you will notice a change.

  • The animal will become less aggressive.
  • He will stop marking the territory. Sterilized animals have virtually no smell.
  • The pet will turn into a calm, gentle and kind being, retaining its instincts, playfulness and curiosity.

From the conditions in which rodents live, their behavior and duration of existence depends. If you follow all the rules for caring for them, then these domestic animals will give you joy and love throughout their lives, without causing any special hassle.

Interesting Facts

In the world of rodents has its own unique individuals and champions. Their abilities and skills are sometimes simply amazing. For example, a pair of rats in favorable conditions for the year can breed up to 15 thousand individuals. Despite the short lifespan of rodents, there are long-livers among them. The Malay Porcupine is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest living rodent. His life expectancy was 27 years and 4 months.

Scientists managed to find an ancient rodent that lived in South America about 4 million years ago. Its weight could be 1 ton. Now the most impressive size has a capybara. The weight of an adult reaches 65 kg.

Rats are very intelligent and intelligent animals, capable of anticipating events and drawing conclusions. It is for these reasons that rodents leave ships shortly before the crash, migrate in whole settlements from landfills before testing weapons. In Vietnam there is a law according to which the maintenance of hamsters at home is prohibited. In case of its violation, a rodent owner faces a considerable fine: the equivalent of about 57 thousand rubles.

If you still have not decided what rodent to have, we suggest you watch the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


