Domestic cats

Toys for cats: types and subtleties of choice

Toys for cats: types and subtleties of choice

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  1. Purpose
  2. Varieties
  3. What is dangerous for cats?
  4. What can you do with your own hands?
  5. How to choose?
  6. Useful tips and tricks

In its natural habitat, the cat will always find a suitable object for games and entertainment. This may be a leaflet, flying in the wind, or a bug passing by.

When the seals are in an apartment or a private house, here it is much more difficult for him to occupy himself - you have to invent games yourself. In the end, this leads to torn wallpaper, damaged furniture and night "chases" with a loud clatter.

Today we will find out which toys you should buy for cats and what kinds of them are commercially available.


Cats are pets that love to sleep, but they don’t always spend their sleep around the clock. Often they want to play and how to run on, to spend the accumulated energy. For this purpose it is necessary to purchase toys in advance, which will become the object of entertainment for pets.

Suitable toys are necessary for both small and adult cats. Let us examine in more detail what is the main purpose of such things in feline life.

  • Properly chosen toys enable a small kitten to be much faster and easier to adapt to the new conditions in which he found himself. Thus, it will be possible to reduce unnecessary stress to a minimum.
  • Parting with the mother often becomes a serious injury to the kitten. Toys in the new house will be able to switch his attention and get used to a different situation more quickly.
  • Kittens and adult cats playing with suitable toys are physically developing much faster and better than lazy individuals who prefer to lie down and sleep instead of games.
  • While playing, the kittens gain the necessary experience and become more familiar with the environment.
  • Many of the toys allow adult cats and kittens to sharpen claws right during the game.
  • By playing with toys, pets can effectively get rid of plaque. In addition, at such times, the animal's gums massage when teeth change.
  • When playing together with toys, you can quickly and easily establish contact between the owner and the cat.
  • With toys, the cat will be easier to get used to the other animals that live in the house, as well as get closer to them.
  • If the pet does not go out into the street, but is exclusively domestic, then toys are just necessary for him. Only with them the animal will waste the accumulated energy, without experiencing longing and without spoiling the furniture, wallpaper and carpets.
  • Playing with toys, kittens learn to hunt, defend and attack, contact with other animals. All this knowledge is necessary for cats.

Toys for cats and cats are very important.

They not only allow animals to relax, play and have fun, but also provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, learn something interesting and useful. For example, more sophisticated intellectual and interactive toys develop pet thinking.


There are a lot of various cat toys - from simple to more complex and developing. Choose the perfect option for a pet with any character and preferences. Let's take a closer look at different types of toys for adult cats and kittens.

Laser pointers

A favorite entertainment of many owners is playing with a cat with a laser pointer.The pets themselves are also attracted to such entertainment and take a long time. Buy laser pointer can be in many outlets. They are inexpensive, but cause the cats true delight and desire to hunt for the coveted red dot, inexorably eluding tenacious paws.

Many owners also like such things very much - you can play with your pet without getting up from the sofa or chair. There is no need to do extra movements either, so there is no waste of energy here.

However, we must remember that Such a game should not disappoint a pet.

At least once a cat should catch a red light, otherwise soon it will get tired of such entertainment, interest will be lost and inevitable dissonance will arise. Because of this, the hunting program will fail, which is laid at the gene level.

As a result, the behavior of a cat or cat may change noticeably, new habits that are not very good will appear, which the owners will not exactly like. For example, an animal may begin to go to the toilet, sitting down in the shoes of households.

We must not forget about another important point - the laser can harm the eye retina of the pet. Games with this device can lead to serious damage to the cat's eyes. Be careful playing with the animal. Never aim the laser directly at the animal's eyes. In general, it is not recommended to go overboard with this entertainment.


If you want to choose interesting educational toys for the kitty, then various intricate mazes and intellectual puzzles with a delicacy inside can be ideal solutions.

They will not only interest the pet and will contribute to its intellectual development, but will also be less dangerous or harmful than a laser pointer.

Inside the puzzle, tunnel or maze, you can hide not only goodies.

Intricate designs with a ball, a bow, a ball, a pompon and other details inside are very popular. A good option would be a multi-level track (circle), at the finish of which the animal will expect a reward - a mouse, a fish, a ball with catnip or another thing that will please the cat.

Such cat toys are perfect for pets, as they will take them for a long time. With the help of these structures it will be possible to distract the animal during the whole time when the owner is absent, for example, at work. True, here too it will be necessary to remember the observance of one important condition - at the end of all manipulations, the prey must necessarily be accessible to the home “hunter”.

Consider that labyrinths and puzzles in which balls or delicacies will be locked tightly, and the animal will be able to drive them only inside the structure, can harm the mental state of the cat.

Such toys can be built for cats with their own hands. For this you may need a box with pre-made holes, plumbing pipes or plastic bottles. These structures are connected to each other with scotch tape, a ball or other bait is launched inside. Holes must be made so that the cat's foot easily passes through it.


Interest and attract a pet can be more intricate interactive toys. They can be on batteries and work on the radio. Modern manufacturers offer modified electric and smart electronic toys for cats.

Some owners buy their pets more affordable mechanical and clockwork things.

Such automatic toys will take cats, but only for a while.

Usually, self-propelled and radio-controlled objects are quite easy to catch, so home “hunters” very soon lose all interest in them.

Mining should not invariably elude the cat, but too accessible options will not work either.

If you still bought these toys for your pet, then you should not throw them away or give them away.It is better to periodically clean them away for a couple of weeks so that the cat will forget about them. After a while, the animal will perceive such things as something new and it will be interesting for him to play with them.

Be sure to be interested in the cat special dance mat.

An animal walking on such a thing will press on its surface with a foot, as a result of which a corresponding sound will be made, for example, a squeak of a mouse or a bird singing. Such sounds will stimulate the pet to further action.


Mice are classic cat toys. They are interested in pets of all age groups. The mouse can be made of fabric, fur, latex, plastic and other popular materials. In addition, such a toy is not only simple, but also mechanical, clockwork and with a prize inside. Mustaches will chase many times more interesting for such objects.

Clockwork mice today are especially popular and are sold in many stores. They are inexpensive.

Toys, inside which you can hide delicacies, interest cats even more groovy options. As a prize, you can use a variety of objects - fragrant herbs, catnip or ringing small bell.

When buying a mouse toy for your pet, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • it must be made of high-quality and non-toxic materials;
  • if the thing is woven, then it is better to buy mice made from more dense and well-sewn textiles;
  • the presence of beads, buttons, buttons and other similar details on the toy is undesirable.


Teasers - this is one of the most beloved cat toys, which cause them special interest. This category includes a lot of different items. They may vary in shape, color and size. But at the same time all of them are designed to solve one main task - to attract the attention of a cat or a kitten.

The most common and entertaining teasers are such options.

  • Toys with feathers. When a small number of feathers of different colors are tied to a stick (like a fishing rod), the cat will definitely pay attention to them and begin to hunt. Very fond of cats and toys tumblers. These are original teasers, which are also often complemented with feathers in the upper part.
  • An excellent option would be balls made of fur, also attached to a stick like a fishing rod. Such toys are often more sturdy and reliable than simple feather teasers. In most cases, there is a special free-flowing filler in them, which, when the toy is moving, makes a noticeable noise.
  • No less popular and interesting toys are pendulums. Such teasers are a small spiral-shaped piece mounted on the base. Any interesting teaser is attached to the helix. For example, it can be a mouse, a ball or feathers of different colors.

Any toys-teasers, especially the last ones described, are ideal not only for adult cats, but also for small kittens. They are absolutely safe and cause great interest from pets.

Toys with catnip

Almost all cats and cats adore catnip and cannot resist it. For this reason, it was she who became so popular among manufacturers of various feline toys. With such a bait, the cat will definitely turn its intent attention to the desired object and will not back down, even if it cannot immediately get the grass that was desired.

Mint toys can throw, bite, lick or drive around the apartment. In most cases, after 10 minutes the attractiveness of catnip is reduced to nothing, and the animal is already included in other games.

For teeth

One of the most popular is considered to be cat toys, which are designed not only to entertain pets, but also to clean their teeth.

Things that a pet can chew freely and with pleasure can be very useful.

Such toys would be appropriate for kittens during a tooth change. As for adults, “dental” toys will also be useful to them, because with their help it is possible to prevent the formation of tartar. Of course, if a cat already eats dry food in granules, her teeth will not need such procedures.


Time does not stand still. Today, virtual games attract not only people, but also animals. There are many different applications for smartphones and tablets that can entertain cats.

For example, it may be a game in which you need to catch any item. Such applications work on a similar principle. A specific item will move across the screen, and the cat will need to catch it.

In this case, the corresponding sounds will be issued, which will attract even more attention from the pet. In most cases, the owners have the opportunity to choose such images that will be of more interest to the cat. For example, it can be birds, mice, imitation of a laser pointer and many other suitable objects that the animal will need to catch.

True, the clawed feet of a pet can damage the screen of the gadget on which the game was launched. And the animal will hardly spend a lot of energy, since he probably will not have to move a lot. This option can be left in the case when you and your pet will have the right mood.

What is dangerous for cats?

The choice of toys for adult cats and small kittens today pleases with its diversity. You can find both inexpensive and simple, as well as well-thought-out modern options that are more expensive.

Before you start to find the perfect toy for your pet, you need to consider which toys are dangerous for cats.

  • It is strongly advised not to place bait such as grapes or chocolate in cat toys. Chocolate, like any sweetness, is harmful to cats and cannot be eaten. Mustached grapes are also better not to eat - they can easily choke on them.
  • Do not buy or do your own cat toys, in which there are additional details such as buttons, beads, rhinestones and the like. An animal can choke with such elements, therefore it is very important to ensure that there are no toys on them.
  • For playing with pets it is recommended to use plain white paper. Newspapers and other materials containing ink can be toxic and seriously harm the pet's health.
  • We must take into account the fact that toys on strings (teasers) can be very dangerous for little kittens. Accidentally tangled in a rope or cord, the baby can simply suffocate or become very afraid if he manages to get out. Do not expose kittens to such hazards. It is better to set aside such toys until the pet grows up.
  • Not all cases can be safe toys on the springs. Pets very often break a toy bait from them. The remaining unprotected sharp side (tip) of the spring can cause serious harm to your pet.
  • It should be borne in mind that even ordinary boxes can be dangerous for cats. If the holes in them are too small, the animal may be stuck in them.

What can you do with your own hands?

Good and exciting toys for cats and cats do not necessarily buy for big money. They are quite possible to build their own hands, without spending a lot of time and effort.

Easy and quick to do teaser-bow for a cat out of paper. It is advisable to take for this simple, but dense piece of paper, as well as a ribbon or rope.

Such a teaser is permissible to complicate. You will need to take colored threads, ribbons, a rope and a stick of the desired length. We must act like this:

  • the threads will have to be cut or simply collapsed;
  • in the middle they will need to tie a ribbon, the other end of which will need to be securely tied to a stick;
  • you end up with a simple fishing pole teaser.

A very interesting and exciting toy for an adult cat will be maze of plumbing pipes.

It is done as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare 4 water knees and connect them with each other in such a way that the result is a closed construction;
  • using a drill, make a pair of small holes in each knee (the cat's foot should easily pass through them);
  • Be sure to thoroughly process the edges of the holes, so that the cat does not accidentally hurt yourself by sticking burrs;
  • Place a ball in the labyrinth (preferably with a noisy filling).

Such a toy will definitely interest the cat. If desired, the structure can be made not closed.

Such a structure will be relevant if you put inside not balls / balls, but a favorite cat treat.

The simplest teaser for an adult cat or kitten can be built in just a couple of minutes:

  • take a not very big woven piece;
  • cut it into small stripes of equal width and length (errors are permissible, but it is better if they are not too large);
  • when cutting strips take arbitrary sizes;
  • then you will need to carefully tie the woven strips in one bundle;
  • fold them in half, and then tighten in the center with a thick thread or cord;
  • cut the strips with scissors in places where there are bends;
  • evenly distribute the resulting "tail".

The resulting pompon can simply be given to the animal or tied to a stick or cord. This little thing just will not be ignored by the cat.

You can sew a fish or a mouse with your own hands.

Do not sew to them eyes from buttons or beads - these parts can damage the health of the pet.

It will take quite a bit of time to make such things. To attract more attention to them, you can add bright details to them - sew fins / ponytail of colorful ribbons, leave toys for a treat in the toy, or attach mustaches from a fishing line.

An interesting fragrant toy will surely attract the cat. It can be made like this:

  • first prepare any pattern that seems to be the easiest to perform (for example, it may be a small cube);
  • fold the future cube with the front parts inside and sew the object, leaving only a couple of centimeters at one of the corners not stitched;
  • Now turn out the toy blank and fill it with absolutely any material that makes a rustling sound (candy wrappers from candy or plastic bags will do);
  • place catnip inside the cube so that the thing draws the pet's attention to itself even more;
  • The remaining hole must be carefully stitched with small stitches.

Toys of this kind are recommended to be made from natural wool or felt. These materials are more attractive for cats and cats.

How to choose?

As mentioned above, the selection of cat toys must be very careful. The range of such things today is huge, so vigilance will be superfluous.

  • Always consider pet preferences and character. Follow the cat. Some individuals like to chase the balls more, while others prefer to "fight" with teasers.
  • Be sure to appreciate how safe your chosen toy. It must be manufactured from an environmentally friendly material that does not contain toxic compounds. Easy falling off and detachable parts in the toy should also not be. The presence of buttons, beads and other similar elements is unacceptable.
  • It is better to buy several different toys at once.. It is worth choosing diverse options so that the pet has a good choice.
  • Take a closer look at the multifunctional models with a good set of functions. For example, today claws or massaging toys are very popular.

Useful tips and tricks

Do not forget that even though the cat lives at home and feeds thanks to you, it still remains a predator. She must bite or chew on her booty.In such situations, toys made of fur, thread and feathers can be dangerous.

The animal may swallow them or become entangled in them. You can buy such things, but you will always need to carefully monitor how the cat plays with them. In this case, you will be able to prevent bad consequences in time and help the cat (or stop it from eating an inedible object).

Cats at any age love to hide. In this case, the best pet helpers are carton boxes.

If several cats live at home at once, then it will be possible to entertain them with the struggle for such an interesting “strategic refuge”.

Each cat has its favorite toy. Someone likes to gnaw old slippers, a blown-away ball or a cocktail straw.

Do not take away from pets such things that are ordinary garbage for you.

If the animal has chosen such a subject for the game, it means that something in it has attracted him. Treat your pet's preferences with understanding.

Teasers can be used not only for playing with a cat or a kitten. Such toys are effective in matters of luring animals from their shelters.

Developing games, of course, have a good influence on the mental abilities of cats, allow them to master new “heights”, to acquire new knowledge. But it should be noted that not all of these toys are really interested and occupied.

      Playing with cats is also necessary. If you simply wave in front of an animal fishing rod with a feather teaser, then this will no longer be a full-fledged game of hunting. The pet in this case will take up a defensive pose and will be ready to defend itself from the annoying object that has bothered him. Often, the cat will not be interested in playing this way, but sometimes it is necessary to resort to such actions, because in nature these pets need to be able to fight and defend themselves.

      How to choose a toy for a cat, you can learn from the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


