Domestic cats

How to bathe the cat?

How to bathe the cat?

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  1. Purpose and frequency of washing
  2. How to teach a cat to the bathroom?
  3. Necessary inventory
  4. What should be the temperature of the water?
  5. Bathing techniques
  6. How to dry wool?
  7. Alternative cleaning methods
  8. Tips for choosing detergents

Bathing a representative of the cat family of any age is a situation that most often causes stress in both the animal and its owner. A rare cat owner can boast of his pet's inexplicable love for water procedures.

In most cases, baleen purr breeders have to go for all sorts of tricks and tricks that simplify and facilitate the notorious bathing.

What recommendations should be used to make this procedure minimally problematic? What nuances in it is very important to consider? Let's try to figure it out.

Purpose and frequency of washing

Some owners of cats and cats think that these clean animals are able to independently maintain the purity of their fur and body. Considering this belief an indisputable argument, careless cat owners try to wash their pets as rarely as possible, bringing the frequency of this procedure to 1-2 times in a couple of years.

However, professional breeders are convinced that such an attitude to animal hygiene by their owners is unacceptable. The representatives of the cat family, like most living creatures, the skin over time becomes covered with a layer of dirt, dust, secretion of sebaceous glands and other contaminants.

In the absence of timely washing, the layer of dirt and sebum becomes thicker and denser. This not only leads to the fact that the animal begins to look untidy, but also inevitably becomes the cause of itching, the development of infectious skin diseases.

In addition, a layer of sebum and dirt, as well as huddled together in mats and wool, are ideal conditions for the reproduction of parasites and pathogens of dangerous diseases.

The main reasons why the animal requires bathing:

  • contamination of wool and skin;
  • moult;
  • the appearance of parasites and fleas;
  • preparation for the exhibition.

Requires bathing and animals brought home from the street.

    Before the procedure, you must carefully examine the new pet for signs of disease and signs of damage by parasites.

    The ears, neck, abdomen, axillary and inguinal folds are subjected to especially careful examination.

    It is important to remember that bathing an animal brought from the street is an extremely difficult, unpredictable and time-consuming work.

    In this situation, it is better to enlist the help of an assistant who will assist in the washing of an unfamiliar cat or cat.

    There is an opinion that cats need bathing during estrus. According to observant breeders, this procedure does not play a special role at this stage in the life of the cat. However, in some cases, bathing can really be needed - for example, when the cat during the estrus period gets very dirty, rolling on the floor in the most unexpected corners of the apartment.

    In addition, some cat owners claim that in some cases, bathing a bit eases the condition of their pets during estrus. According to experienced breeders, in this difficult period for a cat, bathing acts as a distracting factor.

    Washed animal "switches" to bring himself up, stops for a while plaintively meow and wander through the dwelling in search of a partner.

    The frequency of bathing kittens, cats and cats is a very conditional indicator, depending on many factors.

    First of all, it is determined in accordance with the individual characteristics of the pet - its breed, length and coat color, skin type, habits and lifestyle. Not the last role in the frequency of the procedure is played by the fact, where and in what conditions the animal is kept - in the house, city apartment or on the street.

    So, cats living at home (without walking outside) usually bathe about 3 times a year, while animals kept outside - about 5 times a year.

    Animals with medium-length wool require bathing, on average, once every 3-4 months, and long-haired pets once every 2-3 months.

    Cats and cats of light coloring are bathed more often by fellows with dark hair - about 4 times a year. In general, breeders remind that animals with semi-long and long hair are not recommended to be washed more than 6 times a year.

    It is more difficult to deal with sphinxes, the bathing of which should be approached with special attention. Some breeders of this breed wash their pets about 2 times a month, others prefer alternating bathing with rubbing the pet with a damp cloth.

    And in fact, and in another case, you should focus on the individual characteristics of the pet (for example, some sphinxes just love to swim and swim). Consultation of the veterinarian on the most acceptable frequency of bathing a sphinx will not be superfluous.

    In winter and in the cold off-season, animals are bathed only as needed.

    After water procedures it is necessary to place the pet in a dry and warm room without drafts. Leaving the animal after swimming in a cold room with drafts is strictly not allowed.

    It is also forbidden to bathe kittens, cats and cats during illness, in the postoperative period and within two weeks after vaccination (vaccination). It is not allowed to bathe kittens in the first months of life, as well as nursing cats and cats in the final stages of pregnancy.

    Bathing is better to postpone for a while and in case the animal has recently eaten. In this situation, water treatments can cause vomiting. Also, you should not bathe a pet who has undergone stress or is in the stage of strong fright, excitement, anxiety.

    How to teach a cat to the bathroom?

    Problems with bathing throughout the life of the pet will be much less if you teach him to this procedure from a young age. Experienced cat owners claim that getting a kitten to the bathroom is not as difficult as it seems.

    However, at this stage it is very important to adhere to a clear strategy, controlling not only the behavior of the baby, but also their own actions.

    It is recommended to start to teach a kitten to the bathroom from about 4 months of age.

    Very small kittens, born and growing at home, usually do not bathe up to this age. The only exceptions are babies picked up on the street. It is strongly recommended not to delay their bathing and antiparasitic treatment.

    If necessary (for example, when detecting fleas or other parasites) it is allowed to bathe kittens whose age has not yet reached 4 months. According to experienced breeders, most babies tolerate washing quite calmly from the age of 2-2.5 months.

    Kittens at the age of 2 months and slightly older bathe in the pelvis using a warm shower.

    Preliminary, it is recommended to protect the animal's ears from water ingress with cotton swabs slightly moistened in vegetable oil. The head of the kitten during bathing is not washed, but simply wiped with a wet palm. Pet ears are cleaned after water treatments.

    It is necessary to bathe small kittens younger than 4 months without prior preparation only in cases of extreme necessity. In the absence of indications for emergency bathing, it is advisable to pre-train and prepare the baby for the upcoming water procedures.

    Habituation of the baby begins gradually, several times a day bringing the pet into the bathroom in his arms and hardly audibly including the tap with water.

    It is necessary to make these manipulations so that the kitten is not afraid of the sound of water and the situation in the bathroom. During your stay in the bathroom, you should talk to the animal in a calm and gentle voice.

    A little later, when the kitten gets used to such a procedure, you can move on to the stage of its training to the pelvis. At this stage, the baby is put in an empty dry pelvis and, stroking, hold it in it for several minutes.

    The main task at this stage of training is to familiarize the kitten with the pelvis, as well as to develop and secure a calm and indifferent attitude to capacity in the animal.

    The correct reaction and calm behavior of the kitten while in it is desirable to encourage a treat.

    Then go to the next stage of learning based on the reaction and behavior of the pet. If the baby normally perceives the situation in the bathroom and shows no fear at the sight of the pelvis, you can proceed directly to the first bathing procedure.

    Carry it out as follows:

    • a small amount of water is drawn into the basin (the recommended water level is a few centimeters from the bottom);
    • cover the bottom with a rag or towel, which will ensure the stability of the baby;
    • gently lower the kitten into the basin;
    • they wipe the animal's head with quick and confident movements, after which the body, paws and tail are washed.

      If the pet is not too dirty, the first time you can do without the use of shampoo.

      In the case when the baby needs a full bath, you should use only specialized zoo shampoos designed for kittens.

      During washing it is important to firmly fix the animal, while not causing him pain. It is necessary to act quickly, trying to reduce bathing time to a minimum. If shampoo was used when bathing, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the remnants of it at the end of the procedure.

      Some young animals love to swim, and this feature is preserved in them even up to an adult and even to old age. Despite the fact that there are no special problems with the washing of such pets, they should not be bathed longer than the recommended 15-30 minutes.

      Long bathing can adversely affect the delicate cat skin, causing it to dry and flaky.

      Adult animals are taught to bath and water procedures for approximately the scheme that is presented above. In both cases (both in small and adult pets), it is important to work out and consolidate a calm attitude to the situation in the bathroom, to water and its noise, and to bathing itself.

      According to some cat owners, most pets are not afraid of the water procedures themselves, but of those unfamiliar and frightening details that are associated with them. Such details usually include dim bathroom lighting, the sound of flowing water, increased humidity in the room, and an abundance of harsh and unpleasant odors of detergents.

      The negative impact of most of these factors, the owner of a cat or a cat is able to minimize without too much difficulty (for example, to make the lighting brighter, to stop using shampoos and gels with a sharp aroma).

      In each case, the process of teaching a kitten or an adult animal to the bath should be carried out taking into account its individual characteristics. Regardless of the speed with which the educational process is progressing and what difficulties it accompanies, the cat owner must be patient.

      It is categorically not allowed to shout at the pet in the process of his schooling to the bathroom and moreover to apply brute physical force in relation to him.

      Necessary inventory

      Before you start bathing your pet, you need to prepare a set of accessories and equipment. Usually this list includes such accessories and tools as:

      • zoo shampoo and (if necessary) conditioner;
      • bathing basin;
      • a basin with clean water for washing off the shampoo and a ladle (necessary if the animal is afraid of the shower and the tap turned on);
      • a rag, rubber mat or towel (for laying on the bottom of the pelvis);
      • 2 large clean towels (one is required to pre-wipe the pet, the second - for the final drying).

      Other accessories that are often used for bathing cats:

      • special swimming net;
      • massage mitten;
      • fixing collar with suction cup.

      The bathing net is an auxiliary accessory used for washing aggressive and restless cats and cats. The mesh reliably fixes the animal, depriving it of its mobility and the ability to show aggression towards the owner. This accessory is desirable to use only in the most extreme cases.

      Massage mitten is a practical and functional accessory for bathing animals. With the help of such mittens, a quick, easy and uniform lathering of the wool is provided, and also a soothing or tonic massage effect is achieved.

      The fixing collar with a sucker is an accessory used for fixing aggressive and restless animals. The suction cup is attached to the wall of the bath, limiting the mobility of the cat or cat. This accessory is characterized by mixed reviews from breeders and veterinarians. Some argue that the use of such a collar is advisable in relation to very fearful and aggressive animals, others believe that its use is at least inhumane and can only aggravate stress.

      Another accessory that greatly facilitates bathing is a special shower head with a button that regulates the flow of water.

      Some of these nozzles are equipped with a button-lock, which turns on and off water as needed.

      What should be the temperature of the water?

      One of the common mistakes that can permanently fix the panic fear of bathing in an animal’s memory is the wrong temperature of the water. Most members of the cat family are very sensitive to environmental temperature changes, which cause them great anxiety.

      The optimum temperature for bathing cats and cats is considered to be the temperature of the water, which varies between 38-39 °.

      To determine the desired temperature level during the preparation process, you can use a special water thermometer. If there is no such device at hand, you can try to estimate the temperature of the water “by experiment”. To do this, immerse your elbow or wrist in a basin of water. The temperature of the water should not cause discomfort, strongly cooling or, on the contrary, burning the skin.

      During the wash should monitor the condition of the animal. If it trembles, frantically picks up its paws, trying to escape, you can pour some hot water into the basin, bringing its temperature to 40 ° but not higher.

      In some cases, warm water helps to relax the muscles and, as a result, a little calm the pet.

      Bathing techniques

      As the pet matures, its owner develops its own tactics and bathing technique. Some cat owners manage this task alone, others only with the assistance of an assistant.

      Someone when bathing a cat does not need any ancillary accessories, someone necessarily needs nets fixing collars or special bags.

      If the animal is afraid of the noise of pouring water, then two basins should be prepared for its swimming. One will be used to wash the animal, the other (with clean, warm water) to rinse the wool from shampoo residue.

      In this case, step-by-step instructions for washing the cat will include the following points:

      • prepare two pelvis - one empty, the second - with water;
      • pour into the basin warm water about 5-7 centimeters from the bottom of the tank;
      • dilute and lather a small amount of zooshampoo in water;
      • prepare a towel;
      • lower the animal into the pelvis, firmly holding it under the ribs (it is important to control the efforts so as not to hurt the pet);
      • with your free hand, rinse the back and neck of the animal with soapy water;
      • if necessary, apply an additional amount of zooshampoo on the back and neck;
      • lather the pet's fur, trying not to touch the head and ears area;
      • wash off the remnants of shampoo with clean water with quick and confident movements;
      • remove the animal from the pelvis and wrap in a towel.

      Next, you need to thoroughly blot and dry with a pet's towel, then wrap it in another towel for drying.

      If the animal has no resistance, it is advisable to hold it wrapped in a towel for about 10 minutes.

      During this time, the remaining water will have time to soak into the terry cloth. After this washed cat can be released, giving him the opportunity to dry completely in a dry and warm room without drafts.

      Approximately the same action involves the technique of bathing animals, which calmly relate to the sound of water. In this case, you can do only one basin for washing, using for rinsing water from the tap.

      Very nervous and restless cats and cats are best bathed with the assistance of an assistant.

      In this case, one person will hold the animal, and the other - to bathe. During washing it is extremely important not to allow water to enter the area of ​​the head, ears and eyes, otherwise the pet will make every effort to break free.

      Cats and cats that can show aggression and even bite while swimming, it is safer to expose the procedure using the grid. This accessory will not allow the animal to break out or bite (scratch) the owner.

      The bathing technique using a mesh is as follows:

      • prepare the equipment for swimming (a basin with water, zoo shampoo, towels);
      • the animal is placed in the net, fasten locks, regulate the level of fixation of belts and velcro;
      • immerse the pet in a basin of water or bath and start washing.

      Cells of such a grid are large enough so that the zoo shampoo can penetrate to each hair and remove dirt from the skin. After soaping go to rinsing, which is also carried out without removing the mesh.

      Despite the ease of use of the mesh for bathing cats and cats, this accessory has one major drawback. It lies in the fact that animals very quickly memorize this subject, as well as the unpleasant sensations associated with it. This usually leads to the fact that in the future pets try to hide, barely seeing the net in the hands of the owner.

      How to dry wool?

      It is very important to dry the animal's hair thoroughly after it has been bathed.

      It is best to use clean terry and waffle towels that absorb moisture well.

      Some caring owners who try to help the animal to quickly tidy themselves up, try to dry their pets with a hair dryer. The use of this device is not forbidden only if the cat or cat is well-known for drying with a hair dryer and does not cause panic.

      In other cases, the use of hair dryer is strongly discouraged. The fact is that after bathing the animal experiences stress, and the noise of a working hair dryer can at this moment aggravate the pet's condition.

      It should be noted that the trembling of a cat or cat after washing is often associated with experienced fear, and not with a decrease in air temperature in the room.

      For this reason, after bathing, the animal should be given the opportunity to calm down and tidy itself up in a secluded warm and dry nook.

      Alternative cleaning methods

      An alternative to traditional water treatments is to use special dry shampoos. They are used in cases where the animal's hair must be cleaned of impurities, but it cannot be done with the help of bathing for any reason.

      The principle of using dry shampoos is quite simple. It provides for the application of these funds, having a powdery appearance, directly on the pet's fur. After a certain amount of time determined by the instruction, the tool is combed out. During the contact with the wool, the dry shampoo particles absorb contaminants and sebum fragments, thereby cleaning the coat of the animal.

      Shampoo towels are another good alternative to bathing. For this procedure, use special towels soaked in a special organic composition. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to carefully wipe the animal with a similar accessory. It is noteworthy that, together with soiling, such towels eliminate unpleasant odors from wool.

      In relation to cats and cats with short or semi-long hair, you can use this method of cleaning:

      • heat in the oven or in a dry frying pan 0.5 kg of bran;
      • slightly chop warm bran, pereterev their fingers;
      • rub them into the pet's hair with light massage movements.

      Usually cats and cats perceive such a procedure very calmly.

      Warm bran, having good absorbing properties, during rubbing into the wool absorbs impurities and sebum particles. At the end of the procedure, the pet is carefully combed out.

      Tips for choosing detergents

      For bathing cats and cats it is necessary to use only special zooshampuni with the appropriate composition. The lines of modern manufacturers of products are soft hypoallergenic means with a good cleansing effect.

      In the modern sale you can find such shampoos for cats and cats as:

      • insecticidal (against fleas and parasites);
      • therapeutic (improving the condition of infectious skin lesions);
      • facilitating combing (used mainly for exhibition long-haired breeds);
      • having a brightening effect (for animals of white color);
      • regulating the work of the sebaceous glands (antiseborrheic);
      • dry (for cleaning wool without water).

      In choosing a suitable shampoo for a cat or a cat, one should be guided by such parameters of the product as hypoallergenicity, the absence of perfumes and aggressive chemical components.

      The detergent should gently and gently clean the animal's hair from contamination, while having a minimal effect on the pH level of the delicate cat skin.

      It is not allowed to wash cats and cats using soap. This tool has an aggressive effect on the acid-base balance of the skin of animals, which can cause severe dryness of the skin, dandruff and itching.

      In the case of exo-and endoparasites, the pet is not forbidden to bathe using tar soap.

      The use of this tool allows you to destroy the parasites and reduce itching resulting from scratching. Also tar soap promotes healing of minor wounds, inflammations, abrasions and other injuries, often appearing against the background of most skin diseases.

      How to bathe a cat, see the video below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


