Domestic cats

Red Persian cats: characteristics and features of care

Red Persian cats: characteristics and features of care

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  1. Breeding history
  2. Breed standard
  3. Persians of red color
  4. How to care?
  5. Home kittens

Persian cats or, as they are often called, Persians are representatives of one of the oldest and most popular breeds of long-haired cats. Find out their exact origin in our time is not possible. Many researchers of this issue believe that the ancestors of these cats actually lived in the territory of ancient Persia.

Persian cats are also called Iranian - from the modern name of this country. These animals were brought to Russia in the late 80s from European countries by diplomats, here they won the status of a very rare and expensive breed.

Breeding history

According to experts felinologists, Persian cats are descended from wild cat Manul and Asian desert representatives of the cat family.

At first, the Persians had only black and blue wool, but as a result of breeding about a hundred of various colors appeared: white, gray, red, purple, color-point, and many others.

In the 1970s, America was the country with the largest number of nurseries, but it affected the formation of the breed in a negative way - many animals with breeding deficiencies were taken to European countries. Only about 20 years ago, breeders of Europe bred a healthy Persian cat and developed the appropriate standards for this breed.

Breed standard

The World Cat Federation (World Cat Federation) has prescribed the following standard for the appearance of Persian cats.

  • A squat, large or medium-sized body has low, steady feet. The chest and shoulders should be broad and muscular.
  • Thick coat up to 12 centimeters is thin and silky. Neck, shoulders and chest are woolen in the form of a collar.
  • Not very long bushy tail slightly rounded at the end.
  • The head is round and massive, of good proportions, with a voluminous skull.
  • The forehead should be prominent and the cheeks should be full.
  • The Persians have a short and wide, slightly snub nose with strongly open nostrils.
  • Tight jaws and chin.
  • Small sized ears that are set wide apart and set low on the skull. They should be rounded at the ends, with beautifully growing tufts of wool.
  • The eyes are large in size, very expressive, with brilliance, round and far apart. Their color depends on the specific coat color (they are blue, golden and even multi-colored).
  • Wool cover can be either one color or consist of two or three shades.
  • The weight of animals varies from 3 to 7 kg.

Persians of red color

These cats - owners of bright sunny-red wool, very often have a beautiful honey-colored eyes.

By their nature, red Persian cats are soft, affectionate, tied to the owner, whom they choose among all family members.

But the calm disposition of these animals does not mean at all that they are not capable of strong emotions. Persians are very upset when they are left alone for a long time, without a master, or if he pays them little attention. These felines are very intelligent, quick-witted, easy to train.

How to care?

If you became the owner of an adult Persian cat, then the following recommendations of experienced breeders will help to maintain his health and charming appearance.

  • Care of hair and eyes. It is not difficult to guess that the main care is connected with the maintenance of a healthy state of the coat of Persian red cats. It must be carefully brushed daily with special brushes and ensure that it does not fall down.Persians must be bathed more often than cats of other breeds: about once every 2 weeks. The weak point of all cats of this breed are also eyes.

To care for them and to prevent serious diseases, a pet store should be purchased at the pet store, which should be washed every morning with cat eyes.

  • The correct diet. It is possible to feed adult Persian cats 3 times a day both with special super-premium special food and with natural food. The latter must include proteins (meat), by-products, sea fish, cereals, cereals, steamed vegetables. You can add a few drops of refined sunflower oil to food, it improves digestion and coat condition. It is forbidden to give cats sausage, spices, bones, pasta, potatoes. Fish should be offered no more than twice a month, cook it for a couple and be sure to remove all the bones.
  • Typical diseases. Persian cats are predisposed to diseases such as cardiomyopathy, kidney disease, retinal atrophy, gingivitis, they may have breathing problems. In addition, due to the ingestion of long hair in the process of licking, wool lumps are formed in their stomachs, and special pastes or tablets are used to remove them. You should regularly check up with a veterinarian and do all necessary vaccinations.

Home kittens

Persian red kittens are very attractive and look like fluffy teddy bears with huge eyes. Get everything you need for this cute baby in advance: bowls for food, a scraper, brushes for combing wool, bathing goods, a tray, a stool bench, toys. Kittens of this breed are very inquisitive, affectionate and trustful, they always go after the owner. Kids-Persians cleanly, quickly get used to the tray.

      Up to 6 months, kittens must be given warm milk mixed with cottage cheese, boiled egg, boiled chicken meat, a little raw beef, milk porridge (but not often). Dry food is administered not earlier than the kitten is 3 months old.

      Red Persian cats are charming, sociable and completely non-aggressive creatures. They easily find a common language with any member of the family, friendly to other pets. It is also believed that the red Persians attract financial well-being into the house.

      For general information about the Persian cat breed, see below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


