Scottish cat

List of names for Scottish Fold cats

List of names for Scottish Fold cats

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  1. Breed features
  2. Popular names
  3. Unusual options

A simple and standard name does not fit the Scottish Fold cat at all. These pets are distinguished not only by their special appearance, but also by their unusual character. A name like Vaska or Baska is completely inappropriate for a purebred pet. You need to choose a more noble and unusual nicknames.

Breed features

For a start, it's worth a little to tell about the features of the breed Scottish Fold cats differ from other cats not only by their characteristic appearance, but also by their temper. As a rule, most of them are playful cats that behave quite calmly and completely non-aggressive. Pet owners note that cats have a very gentle temperament and are incapable of causing harm. They are very careful and attentive to even the smallest members of the family.

It is safe to say that these are cute and friendly cats. For this reason, many owners are trying to choose for them cute nicknames, and someone chooses cool names, given the cheerful disposition of their pet. Separately, it is worth mentioning that cats of this breed always choose one pet from all family members and show special love and devotion towards it. Turns out that Only one person from a large family will be considered a cat by his real owner. But the rest of the family members will treat the pet as politely as possible.

As already mentioned, Scottish Fold cats are not ordinary pets. Sometimes in their nature are the features of these aristocrats. They are held with great dignity and nobility. And sometimes they can even behave too arrogantly.

This once again confirms the fact that a simple nickname for such a cat does not fit. These should be beautiful and noble cat names, which will favorably emphasize the cat's individuality and peculiarity. When choosing a nickname for your pet, remember that it should not be too complicated and long.

In order for the kitten to get used to its name as soon as possible, you should choose a short, sonorous and clear name that even a child can pronounce correctly.

Popular names

Most often, the owners of kittens choose names, given the characteristic color of their pet. Scottish Fold cat can be absolutely any color. For example, it may be a black, striped, silver, white or peach cat. For each color you can find something special and popular. For example, for a peach-colored pet, nicknames such as Apricot, Ryzhik or Peach.

For a boy of white or gray, such cute names as Gray, Smoke, Fluff, Coconut or Snezhik. Pet black can be called Chernysh or Ember. For Scots blue color such nicknames are suitable as Topaz or Sapphire. Ideal for a noble and wayward pet.

Such nicknames that are associated with the country where the ancestors of these pets come from are very popular. If a small "Scotchman" settled in your house, you can choose names such as Shot, Scott or Scot. And you can call a cat Eddie or Edin, in honor of the capital of Scotland. Perfect for cats are options such as Ru or Holyrood.

These names were invented in honor of the famous palace, in which the residence of the queen is located.

Quite unusual and interesting will be the nickname of a cat, if you name it in honor of some celebrities from Scotland. For example, the name of the cat Butlerin honor of the famous actor Gerard Butler. A name such as Evan. Ideal if you like the work of actor Evan McGregor. And you can call in honor of the famous writer - Arthur or Conan. You can also consider options such as Watson or Sherlock, in honor of the famous characters that Arthur Conan Doyle himself created.

Many owners and breeders of Scottish fold cats are convinced that pets should be given a name that begins with the letter "sh." For your favorite cat, the following options are perfect: Sherkhan, Sean or Shef.

Unusual options

You can choose a name, focusing on the color of the pet, his character and behavior. And you can choose an unusual nickname, given their own hobbies. Or choose a name with a special meaning. For example, if you are fond of or seriously engaged in music, then a cat of this breed can be called Octave or Bassoon. In that case, if you really like a movie, you can call a pet Oscar. And you can call it Orlando in honor of the famous actor.

Each cat has its own unique character and habits. Focusing on this, you can choose a completely original nickname for your pet. For example, if a cat shows dexterity and courage, then you can call it Logan or Bernard. Ideal options for such cats. For a calm and imposing cat more suitable names such as Lord or Baxter. And if your pet is constantly looking after itself and demanding increased attention to itself, then it can be called Major, Prince or Beautik.

Such nicknames for cats that are associated with the favorite food of the owners or the pets themselves are very popular. For example, you can call a pet Cruton, Cupcake, Cheddar or Chips. Lovers of French cuisine may consider such an option as Julien. Many cats love minced meat, so they can be called Mitbol or Frick, in honor of the minced meat balls. White cat, which is not indifferent to dairy products, can be called Kefir, Cheesecake or Marshmallow.

Many people believe that the name for a cat has a special meaning. Therefore, the nickname for the pet should be chosen with special care, given its translation and meaning. For the brave and active cat is ideal such an option as Archie or Archibald. In addition, you can call a pet Finley, which can be translated as "warrior". If your kitten is not only the owner of a unique color, but also a beautiful well-groomed wool that always shines, then the nickname will suit him Bert. This name can be translated as "bright" or "brilliant."

In that case, if the pet not only feels, but also behaves like a real owner in the house, then it can be called Harold, which translates as “sovereign”. And if you think that your pet is a talisman of your home and a real keeper, then a nickname will suit him Jasper. You can translate the name as "keeper". For the pet of the whole family are perfect options such as Luckythat translates as "lucky." Or a name like Davisthat can be translated as "favorite." Matt - Another beautiful name for a Scottish Fold cat, which translates as "God's gift."

Alan - the perfect name for a Scottish Fold kitten. The name has a Celtic origin and in translation sounds like "rock." Since cats behave very actively at night, you can call a pet Knightwhich translates as "night." Also, the nickname is perfect for cats black color. In the event that the pet always finds the goodies that you hide, knows all the secret places of your home, then such a name as Hacker.

Japanese names for pets are very popular.Despite the fact that your favorite is a "Scot", it is possible to choose an unusual and worthy option. For example, a cat can be called Daitithat in Japanese sounds like an "intellectual". Perfect for imposing a cat that regularly lies on your lap while you read books or watch movies.

For an active cat who is used to always and everyone to show their leadership qualities, such a nickname as Katsu. This can be translated as "winner" or "leader." For a cat blue color is perfect nickname Umeko which translates as "plum blossom". And for a white kitten, you can choose the name Hikariwhich translates as "light." Also interesting is the name Yukiwhich translates as "snow".

About the features of the breed of Scottish Fold cats, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


