Scottish cat

Scottish Straight Cats: breed description, color types and content

Scottish Straight Cats: breed description, color types and content

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. How many years live?
  6. Pet maintenance conditions
  7. What to feed?
  8. Breeding
  9. How much does a pregnant cat walk?
  10. Popular nicknames
  11. Owner reviews

Scottish cats are incredibly friendly, positive and cute creatures. They get along well with people and become loyal friends.

Scottish Straights is one of the subspecies of the breed of Scottish cats. They are sometimes compared with the British, this is because representatives of the British and the lop-eared Scots were bred to breed.

History of origin

The history of this breed begins with the fold of the Scottish cat Suzy. She was born with a genetic disorder, because of which her ears were pressed to the head. This defective gene was transmitted to some kittens from her litter. The history of the Scottish Fold breed began with them. But the kittens, born with straight ears, gave birth to the Scottish Straight breed. However, straight kittens for a long time did not interest breeders.

The impetus for the development of the breed of the straight-faced Scots was given in 1975, when a study was published about how and with whom it is right to knit Scottish folds. The fact is that if you knit two lop-eared representatives, then the kittens were born weak and painful, but if you knit them with straight-faced Scots or British, then the kittens would appear healthy. And to strengthen the Scottish Straight genes, they, in turn, were knitted with representatives of the British breed.

Scottish Stright
British cat

A new stage in the development of the breed came with the advent of lop-eared and straight-line Scots in America. There were carried out work on the removal of stable parameters and the qualities of their representatives. Scottish Straights there were knitted with a medium sized American cat. Thus, two subspecies of Scots straight-eared appeared.

Interesting that to register, as a separate breed, Scottish Straight began only in 2004, before that they were attributed to the British breed. And although they were recognized by a separate breed by no means all international associations and organizations, Scottish Straights can participate in international exhibitions with the SFS71 code.

The development of the breed did not stop there. And now work is underway to change the parameters of its representatives, of course, within the established framework.


Representatives of the Scottish Straights are divided into:

  • on long-haired (Highland Straight, sometimes isolated as a separate breed);
  • shorthair
Highland Straight

    Representatives of each registered breed have their own fixed parameters registered by WCF. For Scottish Straights, the following indicators are considered fixed.

    • The head is elegant round shape. Slightly pointed ears are wide apart (in kittens, 2-3 fingers of an adult are placed between them, and 3-5 fingers in adults.)
    • The muzzle is oval and slightly flattened. Scottish straights have large hamster cheeks and long whiskers. Eyes should be big. Scots straight-eared Scots have a small and slightly upturned nose, while American representatives have a wider and longer nose (the result of crossing with an American cat). More recently, representatives of the breed with a large, long nose, uncharacteristic for the Scots, have been registered. Because of the special structure of the muzzle, it seems as if the Scots are always smiling.
    • The head is set on a short, powerful neck.. Because of the density of the wool, it seems that there is no neck, and the head is attached directly to the body.
    • The body is not very long, but strong and muscular.. The front and rear are about the same in width and volume.
    • Paws are not long and very strong. Small pads. Fingers tightly pressed to each other.
    • The tail is long and flexible.
    • Scots wool is thick enough. Its length depends on the type of breed. Long-haired representatives form a kind of “collar” around the neck, and “pants” on their legs. To the touch cats are very soft. Some compare the softness of wool with plush.

      The color of the Scottish Straights is very diverse. This breed has more than 25 shades of coat color. Here are the most common ones:

      • pure white;
      • white with black and red specks;
      • white with a golden hue;
      • redhead;
      • pure sand color;
      • sand color with darker stripes;
      • shaded color (light undercoat and tips);
      • cream;
      • smoky;
      • marble;
      • black color;
      • black smoke;
      • black interspersed with other colors;
      • pure gray;
      • gray with darker stripes.

      Interestingly, the Scots instead of the usual purr emit sounds like a quiet creak.

      Pure white
      Black color

      Character traits

      Character is one of the important features of this breed. Cats are very affectionate, calm and absolutely not vindictive. Even when they are transported to a new place, they remain calm and obedient. They are not aggressive, which allows them to start in homes with young children. Representatives of this breed are very sociable and sociable. There have been cases when cats who have lived with people since childhood have adopted the human mode of life, habits and even intonation in their voices.

      Scottish Straights prefer to be friends for their masters. They do not tolerate excessive caress, they do not like being squeezed or forced into their hands. Ho while they are very fond of themselves getting into the hands of the owners. They become attached to the person and miss, if it is not long.

      Scots do not require special attention to themselves. Although very fond of playing and spending time with the owners. They are easily trained and trained. But you should not expect from them actions that are not typical for cats. A lot for training mean and personal abilities of the animal.

      Another remarkable feature of the Scottish Straight characters is that they establish friendly relations with all members of the family, while the pet chooses only one person for the main thing.

      One of the features that are observed in the Scottish Straights is importance. Obsessiveness and unnecessary pranks they consider below their dignity. But at the same time, the straights are very sensitive and responsive animals. If the cat thinks that someone needs his help, he will immediately appear. And if the owner is in a state of irritation, he will try not to be caught.

      But do not think that these animals can not protect themselves. If they are incorrectly brought up or pestered with excessive attention (and also if the child decides to play with the cat's tail), then they will show character without any problems. Do not forget that cats (even domestic) are still predators.

      Like other breeds, Straight Scots know how to hunt mice. However, if the little friend never hunted, and the mother cat did not teach him, then most likely he will treat the mouse as a toy.

      Several factors can influence the nature and behavior of an animal.

      • The presence and behavior of children in the house. If the animal is constantly pestering, then it will grow pull and aggressive. Most likely, the cat will be difficult to make contact.
      • The presence of other animals in the house. This is especially important if, in addition to the cat, a dog or another cat lives in the house. Scottish Straights prefer to build good relationships with all animals, but in the case of a dog or other cat, this will depend on their behavior.In addition, the fact of competition for the attention of the owners will be added.
      • The atmosphere in the house. Scottish Straights love peace and comfort. If there are always many guests in the house or the owners do not strive to maintain order, then the animal will be uncomfortable.
      • Toys Breeders say that those kittens that have had enough toys grow more mobile and not prone to gluttony. This is also important because the kitten learns the world through the game and pumps its capabilities and skills.
      • Sterilization. Animals that have undergone this procedure become more calm and lazy.

      Advantages and disadvantages

        From the above, the following positive conclusions can be made:

        • these are very open, friendly creatures;
        • it will always be interesting with them;
        • they are independent, but do not ignore the owners;
        • Another quality can be distinguished by the fact that it is easy to perform with them at competitions and exhibitions.

          But even such cute creatures have their drawbacks. We list the main ones.

          • Character and capriciousness. If they don’t like something, you’ll definitely know about it.
          • Excessive sociability. They like to accompany their actions with various “moors” and “meows”. Some believe that this is how they attract the attention of the owner.
          • And yes, they love to be the center of attention.
          • Some owners have noted excessive attachment of the animal. Cats literally did not move away from them.
          • Do not like to contact strangersbut they do not show aggression.
          • Stubbornness. If Scottish Straight wanted something, he will get it.

          How many years live?

          Scottish Straights live about the same as other cats. Their lifespan is 15 years, although there are often individuals that live to be 20 or more years old. In the wild or on the street, life expectancy is reduced to 5-7 years. The life span of domestic cats is due to a number of breed features.

          • Scots tend to develop bone problems. Because of this, cats in adulthood may begin to hurt their paws.
          • Problems with cartilage tissue. Also manifested with age. This is a consequence of the fact that one of the parents of the kitten has a genetic disorder associated specifically with cartilage tissue.
          • Scottish straights are prone to obesity. In this disease, the pet becomes less mobile, often has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
          • A pet's weak spot can be its ears. If you do not carry out regular cleaning, there will be excessive contamination and even ulcers.
          • Since cats polish their fur with their tongues, excessive fluffiness leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

            To extend the life of a pet, you need to follow a few rules.

            • Meals should be balanced. It is advisable to feed the pet at the same time.
            • Vaccination should be timely. Even if the animal does not leave the house, it can pick up infection with street clothes and shoes of the owners.
            • Periodic walks. They will help the pet to keep itself in good shape.
            • About 2-3 times a month you need to carry out hygienic procedures. They include brushing the ears and combing the hair.
            • A kitten should have enough toys so that interest in outdoor games is not lost.

            Pet maintenance conditions

              The task of the owner is to take care of creating all the necessary conditions for keeping a pet. This requires taking care of timely vaccination, proper nutrition, timely mating, proper care and preparation of the premises for the appearance of a pet.

              It is more difficult to care for a kitten than for an adult. This is due to the fact that the kitten requires more attention and is more susceptible to diseases. In addition, the process of development of the body can be a source of poor animal health.

              Do not forget that a lot in the development of the pet depends on the owner. The main task of the owner should be to ensure a safe, calm and comfortable life of the pet.

              Immediately after acquiring a pet, he must be shown to the veterinarian. A professional will be able to tell about the individual characteristics of a small friend and make a schedule for taking the necessary drugs and vaccinations.

              To prevent the development of most dangerous diseases, you need to be vaccinated. They start to do for 8 weeks of a kitten. Considering that kittens are taken from the mother cat only at 8–10 weeks, vaccinations are given within a few days after the pet is purchased.

              All vaccinations are divided into mandatory and recommended. Recommended include vaccination for rabies (for cats that go outside it is mandatory) and leukemia. Vaccination against leukemia is carried out twice: the first time at week 8, the second - at week 12 of the kitten's life. But rabies vaccination is not recommended for a kitten younger than 6 months. In subsequent years, it is recommended to vaccinate a pet once a year. Mandatory vaccinations include vaccination: for panleukopenia, calicivirosis, chlamydia, and rhinotracheitis. All vaccinations except for chlamydia are carried out at week 8 and 12. Vaccinations for chlamydia are made on the 16th and 18th week of the pet's life. In subsequent years, all vaccinations are given once a year.

              Particular attention should be paid to the rules of hygiene. For adult cats and kittens, they are slightly different.

              As long as the kitten’s body has not fully strengthened, more attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the items with which it contacts. This applies mainly to street clothes and shoes owners. It is recommended not to let the pet to the open door and to wash the floors in the hallway with the addition of a disinfectant.

              Toilet trays must be carefully treated. The filler must be renewed each time, always completely cleaning the used material, after which the tray must be rinsed with warm water. About once every 3-4 days kittens should be treated with disinfecting solution. After cleaning, the tray must be dried and filled again with filler.

              If the kitten was born weak, then you can give it immunostimulating or antiviral drugs. To choose a suitable drug, you need to consult a veterinarian.

              Another danger for cats are worms. They live in the body of almost every individual. If a straight cat is healthy and strong, then the parasites have no opportunity to develop, but when the body is weakened, then the worms can get into the gastrointestinal tract, where they will develop. And even if the parasites can not cause serious harm to the body, they still become the cause of ailments. The weakening of the pet's body can be triggered by stress, illness, estrus, pregnancy.

              A characteristic sign of the appearance and development of worms is vomiting (of course, if the cat's body does not reject wool or other foreign objects) or cough (without the other signs indicating a cold).

              Checks for the presence of pet parasite larvae in the body of the pet are held every 6 months. If they were discovered, the veterinarian is prescribed a course of treatment - usually it is 21 days - after which a second check is carried out. Disinfection of all objects with which the animal came in contact (toys, its bed, etc.) becomes another necessary measure.

              In addition, there are ailments caused by the natural development of the body. For example, fever and general pet lethargy when changing some teeth.

              Some owners need to trim their pets' marigolds. This can not be done before 6 months. And in the process of clipping claws can not affect the pinkish part. Damage to the part of the claw that has capillaries can cause a pet to feel unwell. It is necessary to carry out this procedure with special nippers, they can be purchased in specialized stores. Before the procedure, the pliers should be sanitized in order not to accidentally infect the infection.

              Grooming is also very important.. The fact is that the Scots have a very thick coat, and often overgrown with undercoat. To make it easier for the pet to lick their coat, the owners need to periodically comb their fur with a special cat comb.. This process can be a kind of pleasant communication with your pet.

              What to feed?

              There are several power options for Scottish Straights.

              • Ready meals. To date, the stores feature a large number of options for ready-made mixes. Manufacturers make a menu for pets based on all the necessary substances and vitamins. However, it is worth noting that in addition, some manufacturers may add substances that cause addiction. If a pet eats such food for a long time, then over time, nothing but it will no longer eat.
              • Homemade food. It consists in preparing for the pet individual dishes with their own hands. This is the best option for kittens. However, it requires a lot of free time.
              • Combined menu. Implies a mixture of purchased and homemade food.

              The choice of food type depends on three factors:

              • the time that owners can devote to cooking;
              • pet health;
              • what the beast used to eat.

                Let us examine in more detail, than each type of food is different.

                To create a natural menu, you will need to study the literature on what vitamins a little friend needs. Usually in the natural menu include steamed or raw vegetables, fish, eggs, dairy products, poultry meat, offal, cereals and cereals. Since cats are still predators, meat and protein should form the basis of their nutrition (it is necessary to strengthen the skeleton).

                The finished feed can be divided into dry and wet (feed in bags). And by quality they are divided:

                • premium feed;
                • super premium class;
                • economy class.

                Since the Scots are very responsive to the composition of the food, the economy class feed will not work for them. They can be used one-time, for a variety of food.

                Scottish Straights are recommended to feed no lower than premium. Their composition has no harmful fillers. Super premium food is suitable for pets with gastrointestinal problems.

                To maintain the body of a pet, it is necessary to supplement its nutrition with vitamin complexes. They are sold in veterinary clinics or pharmacies. There are vitamin complexes created specifically for the Scottish breed. In this question there is no difference between the lop-eared and the straight-eared representatives of the breed. In addition, it is necessary to grow on the windowsill special cat grass. Seeds of this herb are sold in pet stores. This will allow the animal to always get fresh vitamins. It is not necessary to feed the pet grass grown on the street, as the stems may be parasite larvae.

                Special attention should be paid to drinking water. A pet should always have access to it. You can pour water in a bowl or a special drinker. Many pets prefer to drink water from the tap. Also, representatives of the Scottish Straight breed are celebrated for their love of cooled tea.


                Breeding kittens is a pleasant activity, allowing you to take part in the strengthening of this breed.

                Puberty of a straight-faced cat falls on the 7–9th month. Nevertheless, the first mating is recommended not earlier than a year and three to four months. At this point, the cat is ready to become a mom. If you hurry with the first viscous, it can lead to psychological trauma of the cat, the loss of offspring.

                The first mating is carried out at the time of 2-3 estrus. The number of leaks per year can be different. Experts note that pedigree cats have much fewer cats than representatives of mixed breeds. The term of estrus for each individual is individual, but on average it is 4–6 days. Since there are also “early” cats that are ready for motherhood before the age of one year, experts have introduced the optimal indicator of cat readiness.This indicator is defined as the achievement of a cat weight of 3 kg.

                Interestingly, some registration systems do not record as pedigreed kittens born from a cat that has not reached one year old.

                To determine the period of estrus in a cat is quite simple. There are a number of signs by which one can recognize her readiness for motherhood.

                • Will yell. In this way, the cat will call the "gentleman." Contrary to popular belief, it does not always appear. In the first estrus the cat can remain completely calm.
                • Change habits. For example, it will start rolling on the floor, lying on the floor and trampling the floor with its hind legs.
                • May start marking territory. This happens when she was left without a cat for several times in a row. In this way, the cat will seek to indicate its presence for potential “gentlemen.”
                • During this period, the cat becomes relaxed. Even the most aggressive individuals during heat allow themselves to be carried.

                Ignoring estrus can lead to serious consequences: in addition to spoiled things, it is fraught with diseases that stress can provoke.

                For offspring with parameters that meet the standard, you must adhere to the rules established by the WFS (World Cat Federation).

                Knitting Scottish Straight is carried out with Scottish folds. A pet belonging to the Scottish straight-eared breed can be associated with the American version of this breed. With representatives of the British breed mating is prohibited.

                For beautiful offspring, you need to select individuals with similar color. For example, a good result is obtained from the mating of sand and tortoise-colored individuals. But experiments with individuals of completely different shades (for example, gold and silver) usually end badly. Kittens are born with non-uniform color or two-colored eyes. Since most buyers choose a pet for aesthetic reasons, such kittens will be difficult to implement.

                Before you send your favorite to knit, you need to ask the owners of the "Chevalier" all the necessary tests, as well as certificates of vaccinations. It is not necessary to happen to a cat with a cat, if its “ladies” go by the “conveyor belt”, since cats also have sexually transmitted diseases. Even if the cat was healthy at the time of all tests, he could pick up something from one of his "ladies".

                After mating has occurred, you need to change the power of your pet. It is necessary to add more dairy products, vitamins and meat.

                How much does a pregnant cat walk?

                The gestation period of a cat is about 9 weeks (56–64 days). Only a qualified doctor after 3 weeks can determine the fact of pregnancy. However, the owner should pay attention to possible changes in behavior. The cat will be more lazy, will often visit the tray, she may have a manifestation of toxicosis.

                  Special attention should be paid to the place where the cat can give birth. To determine the approximation of the moment of birth of kittens can be on the following grounds:

                  • the cat becomes restless, refuses to eat, licks a lot, often breathes and drinks a lot;
                  • In 2-3 days, the cat settles in the place that she chose for childbirth, and no longer leaves it.

                    Usually the cat is able to cope on its own, but if you see that the bleeding has started or the delivery is delayed, invite a veterinarian.

                    There is also a false state of pregnancy. As a rule, this is the result of hormonal failure. To determine for sure that the pregnancy is false, you need to show your pet to the vet.

                    Popular nicknames

                    Names for girls:

                    • by statuses of the highest persons: Lady, Marquis, Countess, Princess, Viscountess, Queen;
                    • literary character names: Hermione, Ginevra, Lavender, Half Moon, Joe, Minerva, Lucy, Susan, Teloni, Cassandra, Lily, Glozel, Ashart, Betty, Gale, Judis;
                    • Movie names: Elizabeth, Jane, Catherine, Elizabeth, Gertrude, Arya, Anna, Emma, ​​Macbeth, Kitnis, Louise, Josephine, Alice, Scarlet, Tess, Holy, Becky, Nancy, Shirley, Eliza, Mary, Lisabeth, Lizale, Dorothy, Matilda, Judy, Clarissa;
                    • just beautiful names for cats: Berta, Sayuri, Masai, Verik, Rosa, Kama, Neely, Terry, Patchet, Amelie, Agipa, Stephanie, Roness, Clio, Gaia, Ida, Shirley, Zara, Vesta, Lana, Noor, Fathi, Della, Samia, Adelaide, Astra, Verginia, Beatrice, Vassa, Virginia, Sherl, Charly;
                    • unusual nicknames for cats: Aquamarine, Pearl of Aslan, Artemis, Daphne, Ornel, Simon, Amelia, Verik, Jasmine; Aurora, Diana Audrey, Mey, Farah, Greta, Lavia, Onett, Rania, Levi, Lada, Melody, Amazon, Ldinka, Muza, Hebe, Giselle, Augusta, Vasilisa, Isolda, Andromeda, Evredika.

                      Male names:

                      • unusual name for a cat: Apis, Ajib, Aihi, Gliss, Xenon, Albus, Avalon, Genghis Khan, Bersek, Lazar, Lyubomir, Viking, Ambrose, Black, Brie, Buddy, Charlie, Yudvig, Bacchus, Vissarion, Robinson, Amur, Dragon;
                      • Literature related names: Bruno, Sirius, Digori, Orey, Rolan, Aslan, Leo, Martel, Hermes, Gordiy, Oracle, Helios, Ichthyander, Attill, Hades;
                      • just beautiful names: Archie, Marx, Amaris, Gogh, Goshan, Cameron, Albert, Filch, Adam, Sphinx, Augustine, Asterix, Pechorin;
                      • by statuses of the highest persons: Marquis, Senor, Count, Prince, Emperor, Baron;
                      • Funny nicknames: Scotch, Octave, Schubert, Drachun, Jedi, Jacuzzi, Vals, Webster, Yerofey, Viking, Citrus, Baton, Neo, Dylan, Jingo, Miser, Zhuzhik;
                      • names of cats by their color: Snowball, Blond, Young, Peach, Garfield, Red, Gold, Belize, Gray, Archie, Cloud, Arctic, Snowdrift, Winter, Rainbow, Smoke.

                      Great ideas will be collected for the choice of the name of the whole family.

                      Owner reviews

                      Most owners say that the representatives of this breed are very intelligent and easy to educate. Scottish Straights are stress-resistant, non-aggressive, very fond of attention. Some owners have noticed food intelligibility and difficulty with the paws and stomach in childhood.

                      At the same time, the Internet is replete with reviews about the intolerable nature of animals. It is noted that kittens love to tear wallpaper and furniture. Because of the selfish nature of the caress of the owners to other pets perceive very disapproving.

                      All about this breed of cats, see the following video.

                      Write a comment
                      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


