Eye shape

How to increase the eyes with makeup: the basics, techniques and secrets of makeup artists

How to increase the eyes with makeup: the basics, techniques and secrets of makeup artists

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  1. Training
  2. rules
  3. Ways
  4. Errors
  5. Tips

Many girls worry that their eyes do not always look bright and expressive. For some, they are naturally small in size, and this becomes an obvious problem, especially in cases when a make-up is created for a special occasion. Big, wide-open eyes look very impressive in any image, and make-up artists came to the aid of the fair sex, having developed many recommendations and apertures for visually enlarging the eyes with the help of cosmetics.

But it is equally important to correctly use all the advice of professionals, so as not to get the opposite effect when transforming independently. About all the nuances of emphasizing eyes when creating makeup will be described in detail in this article.


Rich eye makeup will not look beautiful if you do not prepare your face for applying cosmetics. This stage is a set of procedures for getting rid of skin defects and creating a base for make-up both for the entire face and separately for the eyelids.

Properly and fully carry out the preparation will help a few procedures.

  • At the first stage, the skin of the eyelids should be treated with a tonic and cotton pad. This tool will rid the skin of impurities, moisturize it and allow the makeup to last longer. After this procedure, you need to wait about two minutes, and only then apply makeup.
  • Getting rid of dark circles under the eyes. This stage is obligatory, since neglecting it can not only create the effect of a “tired look”, but also visually reduce the shape of the eyes, create the impression that they are deep-set. The most common and effective remedy to eliminate this problem is concealer, which is a tonal tool that masks various kinds of pigmentation on the skin. To get rid of bruises, it is better to use a cold yellow or apricot shade, because they neutralize the bluish or purple skin tone as much as possible. Do not use concealer pink hue, because it can create the opposite effect, giving even a small bruise under the eyes purple hue.

When applying means, remember that with a brush it is necessary to impose it with a thin layer, and if you do the procedure with your fingertips, it is recommended to drive it into the skin, rather than smear it. The problem can also be fixed by using special patch masks.

  • You can not ignore the shape of the eyebrows, because it also affects the openness of the eye. Despite the popular tendency to create wide eyebrows, this option may be unacceptable, it visually reduces the eyes. It is better to make eyebrows of medium thickness, close to natural. Do not forget to remove excess hairs outside the eyebrows and adjust their shape. It is not recommended to use too bright eyebrow pencils, especially if you have blond hair, a dark color visually weights up and distracts attention directly from the eyes.
  • Before creating eye makeup, apply a special base under the shadows on the eyelids. It will help cosmetics last longer.

After carrying out the above procedures, you can make up your eyes without fear that any defects will ruin your image. But when creating make-up you should not ignore a number of rules developed by makeup artists.


For a visual increase in the eyes you need to adhere to special guidelines when choosing cosmetics. The first one is the color of the iris, which largely regulates the permissible palette.

  • Girls with a brown tinge of the iris can be used as the main light tones beige, peach. On the outer corner of the upper eyelid is permissible to impose a deep brown or khaki, as well as other muted shades of green.
  • Cold gray and purple tones actually look in the makeup of blue-eyed women. If you want to create a contrast, you should choose brown shades.
  • For gray iris shades of a beige or gray shade will suit, which will emphasize the natural depth of the look.
  • Cold palette, you can choose green-eyed ladies. In addition to the gray and blue tones, the use of light lilac is permissible.

Separate nuances exist to visually enlarge the eyes of various shapes.

  • To almond eyes seemed more, it is better to use only shadows and mascara. The eyeliner is either not applied at all or is applied in a minimal amount.
  • Round - You can not only increase the incision, but also lengthen its shape using eyeliner in the upper eyelid area. Remember to shade it, especially on the outside of the eyelid.
  • To make it wider slanting eyes, must be applied on the inside of the shadow, made in bright or pearly colors.


To increase the eyes with makeup at home, use different types of decorative cosmetics. Each of them performs a special function with increasing eye volume.

Eyeliner with a waterproof effect is applied along the lower contour of the eyelids, softening the borders of the lower eyelid and making the eyes open. Apply it to the mucous in the inner part of the lower eyelid. The waterproof texture is important because it provides a more lasting make-up and is not washed off under the influence of tear fluid.

If you use a dark pencil on the mucous, in most cases, this technique will make your eyes narrow, but this option will look good if you are the owner of brown eyes.

Along the growth of the upper eyelashes is recommended to impose a liquid eyeliner. Using it, it is possible to enlarge the eyes only if the cosmetic is applied with a thin line (less than two millimeters). Between the ciliary line and eyeliner should not remain undrawled areas. In order to visually become more open, you should draw small arrows pointing upwards.

One of the main means of creating expressive eyes is eye shadow. As a rule, for their application, the movable eyelid is roughly divided into three zones — the inner, outer and main, on which the prevailing shade is superimposed. The inner part is covered with a light tone, and the outer one is darker than the dominant color. It is very important that all three tones are in harmony with each other. Ready-made three-color sets make it easier to choose, because in them all the tones are pre-selected for compatibility with each other.

To properly apply decorative shadows when creating a make-up, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions.

  • First of all, you need to outline the boundary of the application of the darkest color. It is not recommended to bring the dark tone area to the middle of the moving ages, it should be a little less. Otherwise, the magnifying effect will not be created.
  • Close the eye, and apply dark on the outer part of the moving eyelid, without leaving the fold line of the eyelid, and painting up to the growth line of the ciliary cover.
  • After you should paint over the main part of the rolling century - "apple". Shadows are applied from the outside to the inner corner.
  • At the last stage, the inner part of the moving eyelid is covered with the shadows of the lightest of the three selected colors.
  • Daytime make-up is usually limited to these stages, and the evening one allows for the application of a pale hue not only to the inner corner, but also to the under-roof.This technique helps to visually give an extra shine.
  • Particularly important when creating such a make-up is to avoid sharp edges of color. Places of a joint of two shades have to be shaded so that one tone smoothly passed into another.

No less important attribute beautiful big eyes are eyelashes. Various ways will be suitable for their creation: use of ink, patch beams or even building. Moreover, each method has its own nuances.

  • When the eyelashes grow downward in front of a small size, this will further reduce the incision. Therefore, it is important to impose several layers of mascara. It is better to choose products of such brands that do not just increase eyelashes, but also have a light texture.
  • Do not forget also about this option, as curling eyelashes, allowing them to lift from the roots. Curl should be after the application of ink, so pay attention to the coating does not leave lumps on the hairs.
  • Despite the recommendation to duplicate the mascara layer, it should not be applied more than twice so that the makeup does not look too vulgar.
  • Pay attention to the overhead options. They are presented in a wide variety. Ribbon varieties are a one-piece line of artificial hairs, which should go directly along the line of growth of natural eyelashes. But also overhead options attach beams: this technology is more complex and laborious.
  • If you decide to increase the eyelashes, then consider such a nuance as density. Excessively thick and long veils look unnatural, overload the eyelid and distract attention from the beauty of the eyes themselves. And also remember that such eyelashes should be regularly brushed with a clean brush from under the mascara and monitor their condition. Otherwise, any makeup will look sloppy.


So that the process of visually increasing the size of the eyes using decorative cosmetics was most successful, It is important to familiarize yourself with a number of frequent errors leading to an unsuccessful result.

  • The main mistake is the application of chocolate or black shadows, as well as liner on the lower eyelid area. This makes the eye incision narrower.
  • If you like nacreous shadows, then it is recommended to paint with them only the central part of the moving eyelid or the under-roof area. Otherwise, the opposite effect will be obtained.

Do not use eye shadow, eyeliner or mascara, high contrast shades. Otherwise, it will create the effect of puppet makeup, inappropriate for most situations.

  • Avoid creating too thin filiform eyebrows. Many believe that through this technique, you can emphasize the eyes, but it is not. Such a brow thickness will only simplify the image and even make it old-fashioned.
  • Do not use too bright colors of shadows and color ink. These cosmetics will create a visual border, and make the view closed.


To increase small eyes, it is not always possible to resort to traditional methods of applying makeup. There are several techniques that help not only to open the eyes, but also to make an unusual make-up.

  • Try to draw a line with the liner not from the inner corner to the outer corner, but from the outer to the middle of the lower eyelid. Remember that the liner should not be too dark, and its line should be stopped in the place where the iris is located.
  • When you use false eyelashes, pay attention to the glue to secure them. It is important to choose a composition that does not cause itching and redness of the eyelids (as a rule, this glue is more expensive). Consider also the possibility to mask the glue with a liner.

Makeup artists are advised to give preference to black glue, the use of which greatly eases the situation.

  • In order not only to increase the size of the eyes, but also to visually move apart close-set eyes from each other, it is necessary to pay special attention to painting the inner corner of the eye with shadows and a pencil of a light shade.
  • If you make accents with mascara on the lower lashes, it is especially important to use a white pencil for the inside.
  • To give the eyes not only an increase with the help of eyelashes, but also a depth, a darkening of the outer corner of the eye is used.
  • If you are the owner of the shape of the eyes with slightly lowered or hanging eyelids, then you should apply a dark tone of the chosen palette on the hanging piece and shade it. And you can also use a double line liner. One part goes along the ciliary contour, and the other along the line of the overhanging fold.
  • Create a balance between eye and lip makeup. In most cases, the lips should choose pastel colors or colorless gloss. If you prefer bright lipstick, then it will distract attention from the eyes and make the image too provocative.
  • If you are the owner of plump cheeks, then they also need to be adjusted using tonal means. The less protruding cheeks, the more open the eyes will be.

Using all the recommendations provided, you can focus on the eyes and make them more visually without the services of plastic surgeons.

Having picked up a make-up under an individual structure of a century, and also the form and color of an eye, you will be able to present special features of your appearance in the most favorable light. Open eyes will give you aesthetic pleasure every time you look in the mirror, and give confidence.

A simple lesson on enlarging the eyes with makeup is waiting for you in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


