
How to wear sneakers with jeans?

How to wear sneakers with jeans?

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  1. How to choose sneakers for jeans?
  2. How to ride jeans?
  3. How to fill jeans in sneakers?
  4. What sneakers to choose?
  5. What to wear?
  6. Spectacular images

The combination of sneakers with jeans absolutely no surprise. If it is interesting to beat these two things from the basic wardrobe, you can get a very stylish and unusual image.

How to choose sneakers for jeans?

Choose not sports sneakers, and models in sports style or casual style. The exceptions are the sneakers of popular brands: Nike, New Balance Adidas.

Popular models with lace and shiny inserts, various patterns and bright prints. Popular sneakers on the platform, sneakers and models that cover the ankle.

If the choice of sneakers decided, it is important to combine them with the "right" jeans. It can be skinny skinny, boyfriends, girlfriends, mom-jeans. In some images look good classic smooth models.

Jeans should not be long, even better if they slightly open the ankle. It is better to even roll up the pants so that they look more impressive.

Do not forget that sneakers should look harmonious with the rest of your bow. If you want the legs to look longer, pick up shoes to match jeans. They can also be made a bright detail of your image by choosing a model of bright colors.

How to ride jeans?


Small cuffs on narrow jeans help to visually lengthen the legs, and a strip of bare skin adds to the image of sexuality. Make a narrow cuff is very simple: you need to turn the bottom of the leg twice to 1-2 cm and carefully smooth the fabric with your fingers.

Straight lines

If you are wearing straight, slightly loose jeans, make a wide cuff on them. Twice roll them up 3-4 cm out, and so that they do not turn around, you can lightly iron them with an iron.


Jeans-boyfriend themselves are relaxed, even slightly sloppy, so the turns on them should be appropriate. As if you made them on the go, literally before leaving the house. By the way, this is the only model on which the cuffs are required!

The cuffs should be rolled into a 2-3 cm wide roller. They do not have to be the same in width; slight asymmetry is permissible. On boyfriends cuffs do not need to be smoothed, they should be voluminous.

The second way is even more careless and "loose". It will be good for the most free images in the style of street style. Just tuck the bottom of the leg 5-7 cm up, and then lower the seam edge down, as shown in the photo. Thick seam will hold the cuff and will not allow it to unfold.

How to fill jeans in sneakers?

If you are wearing high-top sneakers that cover the ankle, you can try not to tuck the jeans, and fill them with sneakers.

The easiest way to fill them in skinny skinny jeans that fit tight leg.

On jeans straight cut will need to make a kind of tucks, and then fill them in sneakers.

Of course, if you have regular or low sneakers below the bones, you can’t get jeans in them. But you can come up with other, no less interesting options socks.

What sneakers to choose?

In a fashion a variety of sneakers: suede, patent leather, textile, matte and metallized leather, denim sneakers.

White sneakers for several years do not go out of fashion, they look very organic and stylish in combination with any jeans.

In some cases, they will be appropriate even in business images, if you do not have a strict dress code in your office.

White sneakers, strict jeans, shirt or turtleneck and blazer - a full look in the normcore style is ready!

Black models are also absolutely universal, they can be a great alternative to their white counterparts.

With the help of red sneakers, you can dilute any look, made in black and white.

They will look good with black jeans and a jacket, leather jacket, gray jumper or white t-shirt.

Another focus of your image can be sneakers with an animal print.

They will also look good in monochromatic images, but will not look so bright and catchy.

If you are on the contrary, like to sparkle and attract attention to yourself, choose metallic leather sneakers.

White, yellow and pink gold, silver, holography. Any of these options will make you the star of any party!

Topical sneakers, made in the color block technique, are particularly relevant bright and catchy.

It can be a combination of different colors and textures, such models are perfect for informal images.

For summer, choose sneakers from soft translucent materials in which you will not be hot.

In the hot season, you can afford the brightest neon colors that will look great next to a strip of tanned skin.

What to wear?

On every day

In casual looks, sneakers will look best with a white t-shirt with or without a print, vest or cropped top. From above you can wear a cardigan, blazer, leather jacket or unbuttoned shirt.

Complement the image of a bag-shopper or crossbody on a long strap. Do not forget about jewelry and accessories! Light scarf, watches, small earrings, pendants or bracelets. Stop the choice on 1-2 options. In the warm season will not be extra sunglasses.

To work

If there is no hard dress code at work, white or black sneakers in combination with classic jeans without holes and scuffs would be quite appropriate!

Complete your look with a shirt or blouse, throw a jacket or an elongated sleeveless jacket on top. If it's cool outside, wear a jumper or a classic cardigan over a shirt. As accessories, discreet jewelry, a light scarf, a watch and fashion glasses will do.


Today there are almost no restrictions on the choice, sneakers in combination with jeans can be worn with almost any outerwear.

In the fall, wear them with a bomber jacket, denim, jacket-jersey. Duet sneakers + jeans will look great with a coat or trench coat of any length.

A short jacket coat will suit short girls, and if your height is above average, stop your choice on an elongated or long coat over the ankle. Wear it with a hoodie, sticking the hood out. Get a very stylish eclectic look that is perfect for everyday wear.

In winter, the park will be appropriate, a coat of medium length, a shortened jacket.

Do not forget about the warm scarf, snood and hat. If you move in your car, you can add an image with a fur vest.

Spectacular images

An example of the perfect combination of colors, the image is moderately bright, at the same time, attracts attention.

Blue skinny jeans, bright pink sneakers and a jumper with a color that matches the color of the shoe. A short gray overcoat, sunglasses and a comfortable clutch. You can go to the cinema, for a walk, and if you choose less flashy colors, this image is suitable for work.

Going to a fashion party?

Put on your hipster mom-jeans, tuck in their light shirt, and on top casually throw in a short fur coat with a long nap. Metallic sneakers are the accent of the image. Complement this luxurious bohemian look with a lilac-colored clutch, sunglasses and stylish jewelery.

Sneakers and jeans would be appropriate even on a date!

Just take a pastel color by the oson image, for example, mint. Lightweight T-shirt or blouse, comfortable tone sneakers, light-fitting boyfriends and a roomy bag. Suitable for long walks in the park with your chosen one.

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