Decorative rat

Siamese rat: features and care at home

Siamese rat: features and care at home

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  1. Description
  2. Care
  3. Diet
  4. Behavior features
  5. Breeding

More recently, only cats were Siamese, now they were joined by rats. These cute little animals look like cats not only by color, but also by their peculiar character. Increasingly, the Siamese rat is becoming a pet, equally loved by adults and children. If you are not familiar with these amazing animals, then it's time to fix this ridiculous situation.


Rats have no breeds, they differ in color, size of ears and other external characteristics. Siamese in their color are very similar to a similar breed from the cat family. Cream - this is the main color. On the nose, paws and tail there is a darker shade, most often chocolate, but there are also blue and mink. Depending on the color of these spots, there are 3 main types of Siamese:

  • seal point Corresponds to brown spots;
  • blue point - it is a gray color of spots;
  • mink point Corresponds to the blue shade.
mink point
blue point
seal point

As for eye color, there are 2 options: black and red. According to the type of wool and peculiarities of the structure of the ears, many varieties of Siamese rats are distinguished.

Spots, or points, do not appear in calves immediately, but only after they have reached two months of age. It may be that the points do not appear at all or have an unexpressed color. Such representatives of the Siam family at exhibitions receive low balls, and in general a similar color is considered a vice.

Siamese color is found in many other species. The most popular is the Siamese dambo. These animals are characterized by large, very cute ears. The combination with a unique color makes these animals popular and loved by many.


Siamese rat is a neat and demanding animal. To make her feel good, to be cheerful, friendly and healthy, it is necessary to provide her with comfortable conditions for life.

  1. As the house is best to use a cage with iron rods. From the aquarium should be abandoned, because in such conditions the animal will feel uncomfortable.
  2. Siamese are active animals, so a large number of leisure facilities should be located in a cage. Be sure to place the wheel, it can be added ladders, tunnels, hammocks.
  3. For recreation you need a house.
  4. The feeder should be cleaned regularly from food residue. We must not allow the presence of stale food in it, the use of which can cause poisoning of the animal.
  5. Siamese love water treatments, because in a cage it is desirable to establish an appropriate bathing capacity.
  6. Toilet tray can be filled with torn paper, hay, sawdust. You need to change it several times a week. In this case, the animal will not become a source of unpleasant smell.
  7. Rats need to grind their teeth. For these purposes, you can purchase a special device or offer the animal a mineral stone.
  8. Siamese rat should not be constantly in a cage. It must be released every day for at least half an hour.


Cereals form the basis of the daily diet of these animals. Such a product must be constantly present in the feeder. You can buy ready-made mixes for rats. As a variety, you can add the following products to their menu:

  • low fat boiled meat, chicken is best suited;
  • boiled yolk;
  • pure yogurt low in fat and without any additives;
  • fruits and dried fruits are a treat for animals, but not citrus fruits, as they can cause allergies.

Such additions to the basic diet can be added no more than twice a week.

Behavior features

The nature of these animals can not be called simple. For the Siam is characterized by wariness. If the animal has a bad upbringing, then it may attempt to grip its master. This behavior should be stopped and try to find a common language with the pet as soon as possible. To do this, you can use the following tips:

  • from childhood, the animal must be taken on hands, talk to him, call by name, so to speak, tame hands and make contact;
  • aggressive behavior of a rat can be stopped by light blows in the face, shouting or clicking on the nose;
  • From the first minutes of communication, you need to show that it is you who are in charge.


Siamese-colored gene is recessive. This means the following: cubs with this color will be obtained only if both partners have such color.

If only one partner is Siam, then the young can turn out whatever, but not the Siamese.

The breeding process of Siamese rats at home is simple. To make healthy, beautiful offspring, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. For mating, you need to select rats older than 3 months. The selected pair must be placed in a cage for several days.
  2. Pregnancy lasts a maximum of 24 days. The future mother should eat fully, protein foods should be included in the diet.
  3. On the approach of childbirth may indicate bleeding and the animal's desire to retire.
  4. From 8 to 18 rats can be born. Females are good mothers, they surround their offspring with love and care.
  5. While the female feeds her cubs and cares for them, they cannot be picked up. Otherwise, she may refuse them.
  6. The cage must always be kept clean and practically sterile.

For how to bathe the Siamese rat, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


