
What stones are suitable for Aries?

What stones are suitable for Aries?

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  1. Horoscope
  2. Depending on the decade
  3. Which should be avoided?
  4. Interesting Facts

Mars has endowed Aries woman with powerful energy, giving her a thirst for life. She is sometimes completely out of control because of her selfishness, temper and terrible stubbornness. She needs a stone that will be able to direct an irrepressible character into a channel that will smooth out its negative character traits and clearly highlight femininity.


The sign of the zodiac is a very important helper in deciding what kind of stone is best for you. The right choice contributes to the achievement of the goal and helps to avoid unnecessary problems. Such knowledge was obtained by astrologers over the millennia of their observations; they experimentally established true correspondences between the representatives of the zodiacal circle and the available properties of precious and semi-precious stones.

The representative of the fire element Aries is a bright and playful girl or woman who is not subject to age, the opinion of her friends is not a hindrance for her. It is sometimes unpredictable, sometimes very impulsive. Her horoscope says that she is self-sufficient, never asks for support.

Her life motivation is leadership and complete autonomy. She knows her value for sure and at any time can inform others about it.

Ladies born under the sign of Aries - bright, impulsive and active. Aries - a sign of fire, which has the desire to be first, uncommonness, courage. The surrounding people who communicate with Aries may constantly have conflicting feelings: someone admires them, and they annoy someone for their desire to constantly take risks. What stone should a representative of the fire element choose? Of course, only the one that will emphasize her vitality, the desire for independence, high self-esteem.

Red Yamsha

Her appearance and character fit quite a lot of precious and semi-precious minerals.

  • A pure diamond is the main stone of the fire element. The purity of the diamond must correspond to the purity of the intentions of the representative of this sign. Otherwise, he can cause her very great harm. The stone has a great magical effect, but only in the case when it was presented or it was inherited. If the hostess decided to purchase jewelry independently, then it can become friends with her only after seven years.

If a diamond has got dishonestly, then it can bring bad luck. For a woman of Aries, the most suitable is a green stone, the one that symbolizes harmony with a man close to her and a sense of purpose towards happiness in the family.

  • Ruby is called the stone of wisdom. In Indian astrology, it symbolizes the power and energy of power. Mineral will provide life without depression, will give peace of mind and self-reliance. The stone has a mystical property - it is able to influence the aspirations of people to achieve victory, happiness and love. In diseases of the blood and hypertension, you can not wear a ruby, it can cause a lot of trouble.
  • Sapphire becomes a guiding star in desperate situations. For Aries, only yellow sapphire is suitable. He will help control himself and extinguish outbursts of anger. In Roman mythology, it is called "the stone of Jupiter" - the god of heaven, the owner of the whole world, who grants victory and health.

Sapphire - a symbol of power. Representatives of the clergy and priests preferred to wear this stone.

  • Since ancient times, pearls are considered to be the most perfect stone of the world, it is called a symbol of happiness and family well-being, it has strong healing properties, boosts vitality.
  • Zircon is an unusual mineral that has many different shades. For Aries, only a yellow and completely transparent mineral is suitable, which gives confidence in life, improves the mental abilities of the owner and helps in the knowledge of life truths.
  • Agate is designed for those women who seek self-education. Mineral helps the representative of the fire element to develop intuition.

Aries are always a lot of unrealized ideas, which are difficult to immediately implement all, but the mineral gives strength to implement the work initiated. The stone gives the necessary flexibility in relations with people around them and helps creative individuals in revealing their talents.

Yellow zircon
  • Topaz - has magical properties, it makes it resistant immunity and helps in overcoming many diseases. The stone is able to instill in its owner the confidence in their own abilities to achieve the objectives. Topaz is not suitable for every representative of the sign of fire, it is suitable only for those who are one of the timid and shy Aries - it is for those who were born from April 12 to April 20.
  • The emerald is not a stone that is suitable exclusively for Aries, but it does not carry any danger of the fire element. Emerald helps representatives of this sign to deal with their shortcomings. Quick-tempered Aries in life do not have enough prudence, sometimes they are very emotional, so they do not lack a little composure. With its green shine, the stone enhances the optimism and vitality of Aries. The mineral loves honest and straightforward people, who are representatives of this sign.
  • Chrysoprase - this stone personifies power and wealth, is a representative of the element of the wind. The churches of European kings and altars of churches in the 17th century were always decorated with chrysoprase. Very gentle green color of a stone promotes good mood and improvement of the general condition of the owner. Mineral always seeks to positively influence its owner. Aries like this kind of stones very much, but chrysoprase is difficult to find a common language with the fire element. If a stone acquires unity with Aries, it will become a good defender for its owner and will be able to balance the contradictory features of his character.
  • Turquoise will always support Aries in the implementation of their goals. Representatives of the fire element always very purposefully go to their idea, which they are trying to fully implement, but at the same time Aries need a worthy support and guiding force. The stone will provide protection in the fight and direct it to the true path, put a barrier against enemies and negative thoughts.

Woman Aries is recommended to have mineral objects at home that will remove misunderstandings between spouses. Turquoise will bring peace, goodness and happiness to the hearth, and Aries himself will help to compensate for the losses suffered in life and add positives.

Moonstone helps to improve intuition and gives strength for spiritual self-improvement.

  • Pomegranate empowers Aries woman with power and authority, helps to develop creatively.
  • Amethyst is ideal for the impulsive nature of Aries. He will relieve excessive nervous tension and tame emotions.
  • Carnelian will help to be more tolerant to the people around, the mineral also quenches the selfish feelings of Aries.
  • Rhinestone will teach restraint and tact when communicating with others. He brings harmony in household chores and is able to develop abstract thinking.

      Different colors of minerals corrects a person’s character. The bright color of stones (red, orange, yellow) enhances the best qualities of a person’s character.Calm shades (blue, green, blue) help to get rid of the negative qualities of the representatives of the sign.

      Stones are able to bring the necessary harmony in a relationship with a loved one.

      • The diamond will protect against negativity, help you find true love and find the joy of motherhood. A woman with diamond jewelry becomes much more feminine and wiser. Such traits are very attractive for men.
      • Ruby has the ability to attract passionate love. Jewelry made of ruby ​​especially attracts the eyes of men, and girls with such decorations are very attractive due to their sexuality.
      • Amethyst is a stone of loyalty. It will help the representatives of the sign to save the family hearth, protect it from adversity and create harmony in family relationships.
      • Carnelian is a special stone, it is a symbol of love and family loyalty, which supports ardent feelings throughout life.

      Stones to improve well-being

      • diamond at all times was considered a symbol of victory, it helps to achieve the goal, helps to climb high on the career ladder and find financial well-being;
      • pomegranate will give strength to achieve wealth and lead on the road to well-being; to achieve the result, the mineral will help only if the owner has great willpower and is able to purposefully go towards her cherished goal;
      • carnelian protects from poverty: a woman who has a decoration of this gem will never have problems with money.

      Stones that help improve and maintain health

      • Hematite is Greek for blood. It will help to preserve the health of the representative of the mark, relieve from stressful situations and constant surge. Mineral will make the body resilient during heavy physical exertion.
      • The moonstone will soothe the nervous system, relieve insomnia and relieve mental stress.
      • Ruby improves brain function and increases efficiency.
      • Brilliant delivers from all sorts of female diseases. It contributes to better delivery of childbirth, protects against miscarriages and infertility.

      Yellow zircon relieves migraines and systematic headaches. This stone contributes to an active lifestyle and does not allow an apathetic woman to be.

      If you need to make a gift to a young girl, then it is best for her to choose the following minerals:

      • transparent zircons and grenades are a symbol of love;
      • yellow zircons - improve mood and relieve depression;
      • purple amethyst (rauchtopaz) - helps to maintain a strong union in relations with a loved one;
      • amethysts of all other colors make the girl self-confident and are a talisman from bad energy; provide harmony in relationships with friends and close people, thanks to amethyst, Aries woman has very good family relationships;
      • red jasper - provides the correct distribution of forces;
      • for young girls of the fire element, other minerals, such as corals, rubies, agates, obsidians, are also suitable.

      Depending on the decade

      Representatives of the sign of Aries differ significantly in character depending on the date of birth, therefore, the selection of stones must be approached individually, starting from the decade in which she was born.

      • Ladies born in the first decade (from March 21 to March 31) were born under the rule of the planet Mars. They are distinguished by their selfishness, stubbornness, and they are loving. So Aries need to pick up the stones characteristic of their character - it is carnelian, agate, tiger eye, rock crystal, jasper, hematite. Such minerals harmonize relationships with the people around them and smooth out Aries' senseless persistence. They will help achieve the representative of the fire element set a goal.
      • The ladies of the fire element who came to light in the second decade (from April 1 to April 11) are characterized by a desire for nobility and a special love for family life. They are very suitable minerals with light shades: amber, pearls, sardonyx and cat's eyes. These stones will help in difficult times and provide care and support for loved ones. Women born in the second decade are called sunny Aries for their generosity and honesty. If they occupy a leading position, then they tend to be the most fair leaders.
      • Representatives of the sign, born in the third decade (from April 12 to April 20), are very influenced by their patron, the Roman goddess Venus, so they are passionate and romantic in nature. They are very suitable gemstones - diamond, sapphire, ruby, garnet and zircon, which will pacify a very complex character.
      Eye of the Tiger

      Stones for a strong half of representatives of the fire element. Aries is patronized by the planet Mars, which has invested a huge amount of energy, amazing activity and dynamic thinking in the character of a man. It should be noted that the powerful potential laid by nature is able to instill aggression, intolerance and even recklessness into the character of a man.

      Such important circumstances should be considered when choosing a stone for Aries men.

      • Diamond - is the main gem for a man of fire element.
      • Diamond and ruby ​​have the peculiarity of transforming Aries energy even when it is categorically aimed at achieving pragmatic goals and does not pay attention to the negative emotions of work partners and people very close to him.

      Stones do not allow him to direct his negative energy in a negative direction, but provide an opportunity to move forward and go towards his goal.

      The planet Mars
        • Ruby is chosen white or very rare - blue. Red should not be acquired, as it is able to strengthen the negative traits of character. Ruby increases the degree of passion of the very active personality of the fire element.
        • Zircon tends to create a bond with the guardian angel.
        • Amethyst - reduces aggressive manifestations and reveals the hidden talents of Aries.
        • Sapphire adds hardness in actions and gives a full understanding of the life situation in which Aries is located.
        • Pomegranate, varieties of agate, rose quartz will suit the semi-precious stones of the man of the fire element.

        Talismans and amulets

        A distinctive feature between talismans and amulets is that amulets provide only protection to their owner, and talismans influence and strengthen the existing positive qualities of a person. It doesn’t matter what that person wears looks like.

        In any object with a stone, whether it be a ring, a bracelet, earrings or a key chain, an energy program is laid, and the energy of the stone is located in the very structure of the mineral.

        • Brilliant - the main talisman for representatives of the sign Aries. Only when you purchase by fair means or received as a gift a gem will act as a talisman. He will surely bring good luck, protect from negativity and help overcome difficulties encountered on the path of life. It has a healing effect, rejuvenates the body. The diamond has various shades, each of which is responsible for certain life situations. Red - will save from the evil eye and damage, green - will give the happiness of motherhood, blue - guide on the true path.

        The talisman diamond is worn on the neck or on the ring finger of the left hand. There is one limitation: young unmarried girls should not have diamonds and use them as a talisman.

        • Rubin is a very powerful spiritual amulet. It gives physical strength, fills with determination, strengthens the heart, relieves fatigue. This stone is intended only for sincere people. A ruby ​​can warn his master of danger: he may darken when a serious trouble approaches.
        • Agate gives Aries fearlessness, relieves pain.Helps from various poisons and snake bites.
        • Amethyst - a great talisman, is a symbol of purity and philosophical wisdom. He is able to purify the energy of a person, bring peace of mind to his life and provide harmony with the people around him and himself. He gives spiritual growth and the ability to self-improvement.
        • Ring of pomegranate is a mascot for a business woman. He provides her with the way to achieve their goals and financial prosperity. Pomegranate - for decisive people with iron will. Indecisive women should not wear pomegranate jewelry, it can make them angry and envious persons.

        The advantage of amulets and talismans is that they have natural protection, and they are not affected by hostile energy. Amulets are worn only on the left, talismans - on the right. This fact is very easy to explain: the left hand receives incoming energy, and the right hand, on the contrary, gives it to the outside world. You can wear several items at the same time, but note that some minerals may weaken the effects of other stones.

        Which should be avoided?

        There are stones that can not be worn by the ladies of the fire element. Such minerals include ornaments with malachite, beryl, opal, chrysolite and lapis lazuli. Aries should not acquire jewelry from coral, aventurine and rhodonite.

        Aries is a fiery element, it is impossible to wear jewelry with stones that have cold shades, such minerals are suitable, above all, for signs of the water element. Jewelry with such minerals create an internal conflict in the soul of Aries, thus they violate its vital harmony and ability to correctly perceive the world around it.

        Black minerals and stones of dark tones have a bad effect on the energetics of cheerful Aries. Such minerals can even affect the health of the sign.

        Interesting Facts

          • For women born under the sign of Aries, you must choose jewelry with stones that have a square, rectangular or diamond shape. All stones, suitable Aries, should be only in a gold frame. The exception is amethyst, its faceting should be only from silver.
          • For representatives of the signs of fire, jewelry should be twelve-sided cut or faceted.
          • It is worth taking the choice of a stone very seriously. If a man chooses a mineral, then he must be sure that his beloved woman deserves a worthy gift that suits the specifics of her character, her positive qualities and even her shortcomings. The presented piece of jewelry will influence the mood, behavior and attitude to the world around it.

          Ladies of the fire element appreciate the attention to themselves. The gift she needs to choose with great care. Aries woman is very categorical and if she does not like something, then she can sharply declare it.

          Jewelry with what stones are suitable for girls and men born under the zodiac sign "Aries" can be found in the following video.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


