Birthday gifts

What to give a child for 3 years?

What to give a child for 3 years?

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  1. Features
  2. What to give the child?
  3. Educational games
  4. Useful gifts
  5. Original gifts
  6. What kind of animal can give a three year old baby?
  7. Ideas for the best gifts for twins
  8. Interesting gifts for an active child

Choosing a toy for three years is a simple and complicated thing at the same time. If parents do not always know how to please their child, the guests invited to the celebration are often at a loss. Take advantage of our tips on choosing a gift, connect your imagination. You will find that buying a gift for a child or even preparing it with your own hands can be quite exciting.


Date 3 years - an interesting and at the same time difficult period in the child's life. This is already a full-fledged personality with its own character, habits and behavioral patterns. The kid knows colors well, knows how to assemble in the correct sequence pyramid, matryoshka, molds and even mom's pans from small to large, distinguishes objects by size (large, small, medium) and shape.

At this time, there is a jump in the development of speech - this is why the child asks so many questions from which the parents start to feel dizzy. Thanks to the baby’s favorite words of independence and independence will be “I myself!” And it becomes difficult to cope with the baby.

Karapazu everything is interesting - people, children, toys of other people. The child is actively trying to take his place in this world.

Little three-year-olds have their own interests and desires. Someone likes to play with toys, others prefer to frolic in the street, and others are attracted to cats and dogs. This is the age when everything is interesting, so choosing a gift for a child for 3 years is not very difficult. But if you go to a birthday party for a birthday boy, who you don’t know very well, consult with your parents about choosing a gift. There are 5 rules for this:

  • this should be a higher level of presentation complexity than before;
  • benefit criterion;
  • the brightness of the subject or game;
  • novelty;
  • selection for the appropriate age.

Kids love to play, this is the leading activity of any child after a year. Only in 3 years role games become the most important. In the game, children copy the behavior of adults, the plot of the game - the usual situation of the situation around them. Girls play mothers and boys “master” the profession of a truck driver or pilot.

What to give the child?

For girls:

  • dolls and baby dolls;
  • clothes for toys, furniture for a dollhouse;
  • transport for a princess (horse carriage or pony);
  • stroller in demand when playing daughters and mothers, especially pink;
  • kitchen and kitchenware for the young hostess (the dishes can then be taken to play in the sandbox);
  • baby vacuum cleaner iron, washing machine (to be like mom).

For boys:

  • cars and trucks, large and small cars;
  • soldiers;
  • a garage (a young driver will appreciate this gift);
  • a set of tools (I will be like a dad);
  • ship, plane, helicopter, construction equipment (excavator, bulldozer, tractor);
  • railway (this is a significant point, who never dreamed of such a child), it is not necessary to buy an expensive one, the main thing is that there was a train and trailers, it was all buzzing, whistling and driving around;
  • toys on the control panel: helicopters, cars, while choosing a simple control.

For children of any gender:

  • theater for finger performances and glove puppets (a sea of ​​emotions is provided after an adult revives the doll);
  • Plush Toys - this is the love of both boys and girls;
  • interactive toys - baby dolls, robots, animals that move and speak;
  • toys for fun in the sand;
  • toy housein which windows and doors open;
  • children's mobile phone (buttons that can be pressed while talking as an adult - the love of all children);
  • game tent for young Indians, spies, detectives, and just for little researchers;
  • water guns, mills, watering cans, buckets for games on the beach.

When choosing a gift, pay attention to the quality of the toy, so that it does not cause allergies and does not have a negative impact on the health of the child.

Educational games

Three years is the age of active brain development. Thanks to this baby quickly remembers everything new. Parents are willing to invest in early education (which is why reading and counting is so popular). The only thing you need to remember is that it does not guarantee that you will grow a genius. Time to school is a period when a baby should enjoy simple children's joys without special worries. A great gift will be educational games. Shops offer a huge number of such toys. The main thing is to choose by age (otherwise the gift will not be understood and will not cause any emotions).

  • Constructor (preferably with large elements, magnetic, wooden, "Lego", designer-burdock, prefabricated models).
  • Cubes with numbers and letters. With their help, you can make words, examples, recognize letters, build houses.
  • Children's training computer.
  • Mosaic (for the development of fine motor skills).
  • Puzzles.
  • The young artist will appreciate drawing set (felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, crayons, dies and prints with pictures).
  • Board games (the choice is huge).
  • Magnetic boards, on which you can play with letters and numbers.
  • Children's synthesizer. If there is a recording function, the young musician will be delighted.
  • Drawing board (magnetic or slate). The walls in your apartment will remain clean.

Books are a must-have and proper gift of all time. Both children and adults love them. The main thing when choosing - color and age matching.

  • Books with playing music.
  • Books with items that can move.
  • Books baby (optimally grab the road or pass the queue at the hospital).
  • Books made in an unusual form (for example, in the form of a dog or a chest).
  • Children's audiobooks. The child presses a button and listens to his favorite fairy tale.
  • Books with pages that can be colored.
  • Books telling about the world in simple words (it is too early to give encyclopedias).

Useful gifts

Above it was said that the gift should be functional. But it is important to remember - children of this age love to play. Such presents can be:

  • gifts to the nursery - an unusual night light, a carpet with a picture of a city map or a carpet puzzle, a bed-machine or a bed-lock;
  • creative children's dishes (mug, plate, cutlery) with your favorite hero;
  • raincoat in the form of a funny animal or an unusual umbrella (transparent or with pictures);
  • the same clothes for the whole family;
  • bows, hairpins, hair ties;
  • children backpack or handbag.

Original gifts

If you want to surprise your baby even more, then by all means give an unusual surprise. It may be:

  • fancy dress;
  • a table on which to draw with sand - such an activity relaxes and soothes the baby;
  • plasticine factory;
  • karaoke (songs should be children);
  • unusual set for blowing bubbles;
  • home hammock;
  • glowing stickers;
  • a car with electric pedals (a small copy of an adult car);
  • volumetric toy (made of cardboard), which can then be decorated to your taste;
  • face painting (it is important to remember that it may be allergic);
  • A pirate's chest is a good storehouse for boyish toys.

What kind of animal can give a three year old baby?

A lively gift is another option for a birthday present, especially if the child loves animals, and parents are ready to buy a little fluffy.The presence of a pet will contribute to the development of responsibility, kindness, care. But there are small cons, which are worth considering before buying an animal. Baby 3 years old is still small to take care of the pet. Therefore, care falls on the shoulders of parents (think about whether you are ready for additional responsibility).

It is difficult for the child to communicate with the animal (he may not be able to hold small animals in his hands, communication with rodents is a bit specific, the fish will not be interested in the baby for a long time, the puppy and the kitten need a lot of love and care). If parents immediately accept the fact that the upbringing and maintenance of the pet has some difficulties, then any animal will become a real member of the family. Animals, ideal for a baby of 3 years:

  • Kitty;
  • puppy;
  • hamster;
  • cavy;
  • parrot;
  • turtle;
  • rat.

Ideas for the best gifts for twins

Twins in the family is a double joy and a double problem for parents with the choice of a birthday present. Same or different gifts to choose? To choose a good gift for twins, follow the principle of individuality. Yes, kids are similar, but they are two different individuals with their own interests, they are not one whole. Therefore, it is better to give different gifts. And please everyone with birthday, and avoid the war when sharing the gift.

Advice on choosing a present - gifts are similar, but differ somewhat (2 books, but different names; 2 soft toys: a teddy bear and a dog; a designer, but with different themes).

You can give toys that would complement each other (for example, for twin girls - one gets a doll, and the other - a house for her).

If you still want to give one gift, then let it be something big and solid:

  • dry pool;
  • tent;
  • Board games.

What could be interesting to three-year-old twins:

  • children's dishes of different colors;
  • books with vivid illustrations, but various works;
  • designer of one company with different themes;
  • dolls that can talk in different clothes;
  • developing cubes with different pictures;
  • and all that is interesting to any three-year-old.

Interesting gifts for an active child

At the age of 3, children’s energy overshoots - they are ready to run, jump, climb slides. This can be a nuisance. Therefore, you need to choose gifts that direct energy in a peaceful direction. The list of useful gifts for a little shustrika is as follows.

  • Balls - rubber, football, inflatable (not very heavy and made from high-quality soft materials).
  • The runbike (bicycle without pedals). Well develops dexterity and coordination.
  • Sports corner, in which there is a climbing wall, rope ladder, horizontal bar, rope, rings and swings. A very useful gift provided there is a mat and an adult for safety.
  • Children's bowling.
  • Skis, sleds.
  • Kite, boomerang, frisbee.
  • Trampoline or plastic sandbox, if you have your own plot or a large apartment.
  • Bicycle.
  • Dry pool filled with balls.
  • Inflatable pool.
  • Children's darts on flypapers.
  • Dance mat. Future visitors to the disco will be delighted with this gift.

Scooter and skates are better not to give. At an early age, they have a bad effect on the physical development of the child. Choose one of the proposed bright ideas or give something completely individual. Do not be afraid not to please with a gift. A gift chosen with love will surely please.

Advice to relatives, friends and relatives who are going on a holiday: if possible, consult with parents before choosing a surprise.

Otherwise, the guinea pig can be an unpleasant surprise. Or just a few guests will buy the same toys, and then their parents will have to somehow deal with it.

About what to give a child for 3 years, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


