Gifts for the New Year

What to give to parents for the New Year?

What to give to parents for the New Year?

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  1. Recommendations for selection. What is not worth giving?
  2. Presents for mom
  3. Options for dad
  4. Joint gifts
  5. What can you do with your own hands?

It is often not easy for young people to make a gift choice for their parents. Over time, ideas are getting smaller, but the New Year is approaching, and I want to express to my parents how important they are to you. Today we will talk about the selection of Christmas gifts for parents and see what is and what is not worth giving for the New Year holidays.

Recommendations for selection. What is not worth giving?

The choice of a New Year's gift for parents is an important point that cannot be disregarded. It is a gift that you show your gratitude for the help last year and for all the care that your parents have for you throughout your life.

We have developed a list of recommendations for you that will help you find the right and useful gift.

  • When choosing a gift, try to think about what will be useful for parents, and not for you, if you were in their place. If you would like to receive a ticket to the sea as a gift, this does not mean that parents share your opinion. Perhaps now in the list of their desires there is something more priority.
  • When meeting with parents, pay attention to their conversation. Often prompts to the choice of a gift slip in the dialogue. Talking about badly needed things should come sooner or later, in the end, try to remember past dialogues with mom and dad. Perhaps they have already said that they want to buy something that they still do not have.
  • For young parents it is better to choose gifts related to going outside - hiking, movie tickets, games, trips, dance lessons, general master classes. For elderly parents and retired parents it is a priori better to stay on practical and decorative gifts, here it is worthwhile to see the border between entertainment and recreation.
  • Parents of the bride or groom should give something not so practical as global - for example, the same ticket to rest. It should be understood that it was they who raised your partner the way you love him. And they will look after your children when they are born.
  • Remember, the main thing is not the price of the gift, but its practicality and relevance. Not every mother needs to buy a Chanel handbag to express her love. Sometimes the best surprise is a simple kiss on the cheek and the promise to always be near. This is especially important for older parents.

Before deciding on the choice of a New Year's gift for your parents, It is necessary to deal with the list of those items and things that you should not give for sure.

  • The first candidate for an exception - gifts or things that once gave you, and they were useless. The fact is that most things are immediately noticeable if they were used before. And imagine the awkwardness of the situation, if you give your parents something that they have already seen while visiting you. It is unlikely that this will spoil your relationship with loved ones, but it will definitely let them know that you didn’t take half an hour to find a gift.
  • If we are talking about joint gifts, then immediately exclude from your list all kitchen or household accessories: pans, washing machines, sets of pots and so on. This type of joint gift looks banal and non-festive. And only your mother will most likely use them, which will exclude a pleasant surprise for the father from the gift.
  • A separate item here is to designate the purchase of expensive sets as a joint gift. As a rule, such sets in the future are used extremely rarely because of the fear of breaking something from the kit. Consequently, the practical significance of the gift is lost. An exception to this list can be considered thematic sets for tea drinking - for example, Japanese sets for tea ceremonies.
  • One of the most unfortunate gifts for parents, and especially for the New Year - these are objects or things that, one way or another, hint at a quick death, fading health, disease and aging. It can be all kinds of medicinal herbs, orthopedic items, pressure / temperature meters. All this you can buy for parents on any other day, these things have nothing to do with the holiday and look unfortunate.
  • Another unsuccessful gift option - ordinary gifts from the nearest supermarket. As a rule, this is champagne, a box of chocolates and a cake. These things look trite and standard. And if you are going to visit your parents to celebrate the New Year, then they probably already have everything from this list. As a result, the gift will go unnoticed, and the meaning of it will be lost.

Presents for mom

With the beginning of each following year, it is time to consider everything that has been experienced in the past, and discuss everything that is to come next year.

Since the whole family atmosphere and life depend on the mother, we should show with our gift how important it was for us last year and how much it means in the present.

That is why the gift for mom should be special and individual.

Below we have presented for you a list of the most successful ideas for gifts to mom for the New Year. And also you will get acquainted with examples of gifts for each mother, depending on hobbies and hobbies.

Inexpensive, but original gift

Often we have little time to choose a gift or financially limited, so the following list of gifts should be useful to you.

  1. At the forefront of decorative or practical accessories for the bedroom. It can be an inexpensive warm bathrobe, a cozy and beautiful blanket, a soft blanket, a creative night lamp with an original design, a cozy set of nightwear, springy and comfortable slippers, carpets, and new curtains.
  2. A gift presented in the form of a plant or a flower is considered a classic gift that does not lose its popularity. The plant must be in harmony with your mom's inner state. For calm and moderate personalities violets, aloe, balsamines, azaleas, gloxinia are perfect.

Kalanchoe, crocuses, miltonias, daffodils, pelargoniums fit the image of a mischievous and restless mom.

Mom is an individual

These gifts will suit mom, young at heart and not only.

  1. At the very beginning it is worth thinking about cosmetics. Most women are extremely scrupulous about their appearance, and therefore any high-quality and natural cosmetics will be perceived as a valuable gift. It can be as whole sets of skin care, nails, kits for restoring and rejuvenating hair, as well as some expensive items of cosmetics from famous brands (lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, etc.).
  2. Contrary to popular belief, moms react remarkably to gifts in the form of digital and electronic equipment. You can limit yourself to buying a regular e-book or buy your mother an expensive tablet or smartphone, even a laptop. When choosing such gifts, make sure that your mother has experience with electronic equipment.
  3. Appearance depends not only on makeup, but also on the elements of clothing. You should not try to choose suitable, in your opinion, dresses, suits or coats for your mother. Even if you know exactly the required dimensions, there is a great chance to make a mistake with the individual tolerance of one or another style or model.Resort to buying more local things, it can be a clutch bag, a handbag, a purse, cloth or leather gloves, an umbrella, an original belt, a hat, a beautiful dress scarf.
  4. In the end, individual gifts in the form of expensive perfumes, a diary, watches and the like can look great as a gift. In such cases, you should carefully listen to what mom says and even somehow gently ask about what she needs right now.

For mom who loves to cook

Practical gifts in the kitchen do not always look inappropriate. If your mother likes to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, look for new recipes in cookbooks and constantly experiment with food, then the following gifts should seem extremely helpful to her.

  1. First of all, these are household electrical appliances - coffee makers, multi-cookers, blenders, electronic scales, ice-cream makers, waffle irons, bread makers, juicers.
  2. You can please your mother by purchasing a beautiful cookbook with detailed recipes and colorful pictures.

Mom - a man of sports and creativity

If your mother lives with new ideas and can’t sit at home for a single day, unusual gifts may be useful for her.

  1. Think about whether your mother spoke about the desire to fix something in her appearance, whether she had a desire to take a break from everyday life and relax somewhere in peace and quiet. If yes, then you should consider buying a certificate or a subscription to the gym, a master class on a wide variety of hobbies from sewing and cooking to outdoor climbing lessons.
  2. If your mother gives a significant portion of free time to training, gymnastics and wellness procedures, then you should consider buying a simulator, gymnastic mat or fitness bracelet.
  3. If a mother likes to spend her free time outside the home: on trips or trips, then it would not hurt to think about buying vouchers and expeditions to interesting places. Perhaps she dreams of buying a travel kit for a long hike.

Options for dad

Now let's deal with the choice of gifts for the head of the family - for dad. The type of gift can vary depending on the preferences, habits and interests of your father, so we have compiled a list of the most useful and relevant gifts for each dad.

Economic dad

As a rule, it is easiest for such a dad to pick up a gift, because he himself often says what he needs now. The list of such items, in contrast to the list of hostess-mothers, will include very practical and useful items.

If you present something decorative, then dad will certainly not be offended, but the thing itself will be perceived as an ordinary dust collector.

Here is a list of good gifts for the household father.

  1. Useful appliances for cooking will certainly be a good help for a good gift. It can be all kinds of coffee makers, coffee grinders, microwaves, electronic induction stove. In such a list will be great to look for versatile items for cooking: steamers, multicookers, barbecues.
  2. If it could be a good idea for mom as an individual gift sets of expensive decorative tableware, then any economic father will like sets of quality ceramics knives. This gift will be especially successful if you select knives not only in quality and price, but also in appearance.
  3. If your dad sometimes likes to drink beer in the evenings, he will surely be delighted with such a gift as large faceted crystal beer glass.
  4. Digital and electronic devices can also be a good help in choosing a gift. This applies both to small practical devices such as a barometer, weather station, electronic clock, wireless headphones, and relatively large items: air conditioning, split system, air purification complexes, humidifiers, convectors.

These items look appropriate only if Dad is in dire need of them and once said that he would like to purchase something from this list.

Daddy connoisseur

Choosing gifts for such a dad is often a difficult task. You never know what will seem useful to him and at the same time enjoyable. This may include various decorative items such as expensive watches and cigarette cases, a beautiful vintage lighter, and purely practical everyday things like an original razor.

Consider a list of individual gifts for such a dad.

  • Perfume or Eau de Toilette. Oddly enough, but they still remain a good gift choice for dad at any age. The price of the issue here becomes the determining factor of the gift's success - if you bought perfumes in the nearest market, then the quality of the packaging and the smell itself will sooner or later give out the model's cheapness. Try to choose a more or less expensive perfume model, however, if the brand is too well known and the price is too high, do not give it to your dad. It is possible that he would simply feel sorry for using perfume for a high price in everyday life.
  • Items designed to care for the appearance: trimmers, electric razors, beard care kits, styling kits for styling and shaping hair. These things are suitable for those dads who actively monitor their appearance.
  • Bath and bath accessories. This will fit perfectly: unusual terry robes complete with the same original slippers and towels, hydro-massage mats.
  • Here you will find a place different sets and sets. For example, smoking sets with a set of expensive cigars. Sets of business clothes or clothing for outdoor activities. Again, make sure the kit matches your father's interests.
  • Often there are fathers who love to try or collect rare and expensive alcohol. Depending on the preferences of your father, you can buy whiskey, brandy, wine, bourbon. Perhaps your father has long wanted to buy a bottle of the famous Calvados from the well-known novel Remarque.

The main mistake at the stage of choosing a gift for such a dad is the purchase of those things that would seem attractive to you. It is necessary to get rid of this habit and always try to become the place of people to whom you are giving something.

Active dad with lots of hobbies

If your dad is an ardent lover of fishing, hunting or just outdoor activities, the choice of a gift should not be a problem. As a rule, such popes are constantly in search of some kind of regular lotion for a more convenient and comfortable pastime.

We give a list of gifts depending on the hobby.

  • If your dad is an avid fisherman, it is worth thinking about buying original gear sets: blades, woods, wobblers, hooks, weights. A solid gift can be an expensive spinning, high-quality reel or even an inflatable boat.
  • When it comes to dad, keen on hunting, It is worth thinking about buying an original camouflage suit, a good gun or a cover for an existing weapon. Perhaps your dad will enjoy the original gun care kit.
  • In case your dad is just a lover of outdoor activities, hikes and trips then the list expands even more. You have a huge selection of accessories: from tents and sleeping bags to cooking tools (barbecues, smokehouses, barbecues, beautiful flasks or kettles). To make the gift look as practical and versatile as possible, you can give your dad a voluminous functional travel backpack or a functional and beautiful knife.
  • Not all men's hobbies start at the door, so if your dad is keen on gardeningthen a lawnmower or a green care kit may come in handy.A good gift may be the original set of chess or backgammon, if he is one of those who prefer mental relaxation to physical.

Sports dad

Everything here is very dependent on your father's sporting hobbies.

Of course, it is not worth buying racquets or a punching bag if your dad does, for example, jogging or speed skating.

Always pick gifts based on your father’s current hobbies, not on his plans.

  • For the dad who is engaged in morning run, the breathing sports suit will not prevent. If dad loves autumn and winter runs, then in the set it will be appropriate to look for quality underwear. The original gift will be the purchase of a fitness tracker that is able to track the hours of sleep, the number of steps completed per day, and can also be individualized schedules of sports.
  • If you still have a young dad who often plays soccer, volleyball, basketball amateur or professionally, then a quality ball can be a good gift.
  • For dad, who plays tennis, accordingly, good racquets and tennis balls will prove useful.
  • A universal gift for every sports dad can be a high-quality simulator for training certain muscle groups. Just make sure that the simulator has a place in the parental home. Do not forget about sets of clothes for sports and gymnastics.

Dad motorist

There are often cases where the interest in cars outgrows the framework of the usual hobby and flows into a real hobby. In this case, you face a huge selection of tools and accessories that can, in one way or another, make the process of driving a car more enjoyable.

The list of practical car accessories can be quite large.

  • Good tires and wheels for wheels (winter or autumn-spring sets of tires, high-quality alloy wheels).
  • Car interior items are very popular. These are all kinds of covers, upholstery, floor mats, interior care kits.
  • Digital devices that facilitate driving are also popular: DVRs, navigators, radio, holders for the phone.
  • In the end, you can simply buy your dad a certificate for a high-quality car wash, cleaning or car diagnostics.

Remember, these gifts will be successful only if the care of the car - almost the only concern of your father.

Papa gourmet

Quality or rare products remain popular gifts for each parent. Difference from gifts of technical and domestic nature is that the latter will be beneficial throughout the entire service life, natural gifts are often used extremely quickly, and therefore the cost of such gifts must be appropriate.

The most successful options of edible gifts for the father will be special and rare delicacies.

  • If your dad is a real fruit sweetie, then a good option would be to give him a large basket of all kinds of rare and healthy fruits. Including papaya, mango, pineapple, platonia, passion fruit. Choose fruit depending on your dad's taste preferences.
  • A large set of raw smoked products and various cheese delicacies will also be a good option for a gift.
  • A collection of different types of tea is a good choice for a father who cannot live a day without a cup of aromatic natural tea.
  • At the moment, it is quite difficult to find high-quality bitter chocolate, and some 100% quality varieties are quite expensive. If your father is one of the lovers of such sweets, this option will be a good help.

Joint gifts

Buying shared gifts for parents remains one of the most popular methods of greeting for the New Year.

A key feature of these gifts is that things or objects donated by children are equally practical and useful for each of the parents.

Each parent has their own interests, hobbies and preferences, which is why the process of buying such a gift is always rather complicated. Therefore, we have compiled a list of universal items that should please every parent.

  1. Intangible gifts. This includes the purchase of general vouchers for the sea, certificates for spa visits, dance lessons, family photo shoots, trips to health resorts and complexes. A very important point here is that this or that ticket was interesting for both parents, otherwise the whole point of the general gift is lost. Option rather for adult parents.
  2. Electronic and digital gifts. This includes various household items such as a robot vacuum cleaner, an air conditioner, a vibrating massager, a humidifier, kitchen appliances, television devices and computer equipment. The meaning of this gift is not lost only if the parents have repeatedly stated the urgent need for a separate technology.
  3. Decorative gifts for interior decoration. Here before children is opened a huge scope for imagination. These can be paired personal towels, mugs, slippers, bathrobes; watches, pillows, blankets with a family print. The main feature of such things should be the originality of the design.
  4. Christmas gifts for parents. All gifts already described above, but made in the Christmas design. You can also order for parents a festive decoration of the apartment for the New Year. Remarkably, common mittens, hats and clothes for the New Year mood will fit into the overall bow.

What can you do with your own hands?

A gift made by yourself is not only budget, but also unique, unusual. Such gifts are always appreciated by parents especially strongly, because you have spent a lot of your personal time on their preparation.

Such a gift is often symbolic than practical.

                        Let's give some examples.

                        1. A simple but tasty and original homemade cake or other hand-made sweetness, such as a gingerbread house or painted cookies.
                        2. Especially decorative small elements: coasters for mugs, cards made of unusual paper, photo frames, albums, beautiful book covers.
                        3. Decorative items for the bedroom: a sewn blanket, blanket, capes and shawls.
                        4. Clothing items - homemade knitted mittens and a scarf will be an excellent choice for the New Year for two parents.
                        5. The original gift will be personally cooked herbal and berry tincture.
                        6. Small souvenirs such as trinkets and trinkets will also look very cute if made by you by hand.

                        You will learn more about gift ideas for parents for the New Year by watching the following video.

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                        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


