Color psychology

What does black color mean?

What does black color mean?

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  1. Let's start with the characteristics
  2. What does symbolize
  3. Features of perception
  4. What kind of people do you like?

Black is the color of sadness and unfulfilled hopes. Is it really? But maybe the one who chooses black still has his own specific goals and hopes for the future, or does he look at the questions of being in a peculiar way? What does black really mean and how does it affect the character and fate of a person? Read our material and you will learn everything.

Let's start with the characteristics

Since ancient times, black color is identified with night time of day. Especially close to this color is the psychology of a woman who has crossed the line of a young age. Many try to look elegant and emphasize their dignity in this way.

He ranks first in value in esoteric circles. And since the color of the night symbolizes the mystery of the universe, it is widely used by various sorcerers and magicians. With his help, they can unravel the various secrets of the other world.

If something is connected with black, then it always denotes emptiness, fear, darkness and dark forces. It is not for nothing that dark tones are directly connected with death and with everything that surrounds it - mourning, sadness, grave.

Why is the color of mourning black? Because he is associated in Christianity with Hell. In other cases, everything is the same. For example, in Mexico in ancient times, the faces of the priests who directly offered sacrifices were painted black.

Not without reason, since childhood many still remember either a fairy tale or a parable: “In the black, black room there was a black, black table, and on it ...” and so on. What does this mean? The fact that with this color person connects his most obsessive fears. Black color is contraindicated in children, as it carries the hidden meaning of the threat. It can not be worn to pregnant and lactating women.

Their psyche can perceive the wrong environment, and the representative of the weaker sex will fall into depression. And the child will definitely suffer from this.

In any nightmarish films or works, negative characters wear dark cloaks and wear similar hoods on their heads. Often the word "black" is used for conspiracies. So they do when they wish someone to die.

All this happens because initially the human brain perceives certain colors and colors in a certain way, since they are an integral part of our life. And only the night, namely its black color, is able to “absorb” all the color schemes and immerse us in total loss of reality.

But you can't judge everything so one-sidedly. Sometimes black means something good that brings life and prosperity. In African republics, dark shades are associated with clouds. They deliver moisture to the earth that can revive life and restore natural balance. Therefore, some nations idolize this tone, and it is designated as "life."

This inconsistency is supported by the psychological perception of the representatives of the weaker sex. Some of them believe that the black color symbolizes a certain sophistication. Girls who dress themselves in dark clothes, or who wear black underwear, are considered extremely sexy individuals. And it carries the positive side of a dark shade.

Therefore, it is impossible to be completely confident in all statements. Black seems to be the end of everything (life, hopes, desires) and at the same time something new must begin at the end of something.Love for one person will die, but a new one will be born - to another. Nobody says that death is not the end. So it is with black. He gives rebirth for something more advanced and fresh. For example, the same as day replaces night. And here the perception depends on the person himself and his attitude.

What does symbolize

To answer these questions, it is necessary to more thoroughly understand all the details. So, the black color scheme by itself, at first glance, has a certain meaning. Its symbolism and use lies in the fact that one of the people wants to show everyone around them their spiritual mood or attitude to the world.

In cases of mourning sorrow, people are barred from fun and joyful communication in this way. So they express their depression. No one would ever think to tell jokes to the person who dressed in dark clothes.

In another situation, some individuals use black in the wardrobe when they want to express their inner protest. For example, some representatives of famous youth movements donned in purple-black outfits, dyed hair, eyes and even lips accordingly. Perhaps they want to say something to people, but they do not understand them. And from this their outfits become even blacker.

The priests also use black in their clothes. These are their rules that have evolved over the years. And in this situation, he also has his purpose and carries a certain meaning. Confucianism provides for knowledge and wisdom, and Buddhism considers black to be a sign of ignorance, and Judaism provides for a “black post.”

Business style implies wearing suits and dresses with a rather dark color. True, it provides for some "dilution" of its white or other bright colors.

A variety of dark shades indicate the complete absence of color. And this is the correct remark. In the dark, at night, it is very difficult to distinguish any color. If total darkness comes, then emptiness will come. Maybe that's why many people are biased about this color scheme.

Gloomy tone along with other shades uniquely denotes some kind of human thoughts. Dark clothes can tell a lot about the character of a person. Some people consider themselves bohemian and prefer to use this color in their wardrobe. Restrained tones say that the individual "knows his own worth," and therefore he does not necessarily stand out from the crowd. Even dressed in black, he will shine and delight those around him with his extraordinary abilities.

One way or another, the “nightly color scheme” differs in that it carries more negative energy than positive energy. However, it is necessary to look for positive aspects everywhere. And this shade deserves to be in trend.

Features of perception

Each color carries some information about the world around us, since everything that we see has its own specific forms and conveys certain information. Black color, unlike other colors, does not emit waves: neither long nor short. It is as if he absorbs our perception and sends it somewhere to the very depth of consciousness.

Black color is considered to be the most mysterious color. It affects the human psyche is not like other colors. Even gray can cause a lot of positive emotions, but black is almost always associated with a bad state of mind. Psychologists have learned this well. With the help of tests that use colorist, they determine the level of the depressive state. Children in this way reveal fears. When a child draws a picture and takes only dark tones for this, then you need to sound the alarm. These drawings mean that the baby is under stress.

The perception of the black color scheme may increase or, conversely, decrease. It depends on the psycho-physiological state of the person. To improve the internal situation, experts apply color therapy.To do this, they take bright colors (yellow, green or orange colors), which contribute to the full restoration of emotional balance, and oppose them to black.

The destructive nature of black can be redirected to creation. For a start, you can offer a person to write on white (or yellow) paper letters (preferably hieroglyphs) in black paint. Then gradually change the tone of black by reducing it. Smoothly switch to a gray tint, and then to a more life-affirming one. So imperceptibly, the human consciousness proceeds to tune in to the desired mode. He forgets about the loss and feeling unwell. The one who prefers to wear mourning, after certain psychological manipulations, begins to “open” the soul for the perception of positive emotions.

To color perception of personality must be approached more than seriously. Perhaps this will prevent sluggish depression in your loved one.

If you leave everything as it is, a certain person may develop a depressive state in a very severe form.

What kind of people do you like?

In one way or another, any of us encounters black paints in clothes or in everyday life. Dark tones are much more practical, and therefore they have a certain success. And if an office worker puts on a suit that has a very dark shade every day, this does not mean that he has fallen into a depressed state.

It’s just that some people have a duty to look like, that is, to be always elegant. More often, a person likes to dress in black clothes not because he has any convictions or is in deep mourning, but because it is this type of equipment that makes it possible to save time and money.

On dark trousers or skirt, small dirt does not appear for a long time. For those who want to stay in trend, it is enough to wear a black jacket with a dazzling white blouse or shirt every day. This wardrobe will help complement the image that is inherent in a business person.

No wonder the leaders of states and various companies dress strictly and with taste. They are not inherent in clothing that is characterized by flashy tones and shades. Due to the appearance of a responsible employee shows that he should be treated with respect and respect.

Each of us ever watched how a person was transformed after putting on a black suit and tie. Literally in his eyes, he began to immediately seem haughty and important. From this we can conclude that the clothes of the color of the night gives its owner a certain charm and special energy.

However, the love of black clothes is not only characteristic of business people, but also frivolous teenagers. With the help of the language of a dark scale, young people express their moods and show a certain protest. Fortunately, this tendency in behavior ends as soon as a young man or girl has a goal in life.

Fortunetellers, magicians and people who are fond of various dark practices, try to clothe themselves in black. They do this in order to intimidate the townsfolk, thereby to take them by surprise and then enter into a trance. Very talented specialists of such a profile do it well.

The most conservative and important persons decorate their home with furniture and curtains of dark shades. By the way, these people have a certain taste. The severity of the interior emphasizes their business style and says that the owner knows his worth. And do not think that a lover of a gloomy interior is always in a deep depression. Surely the apocalyptic mood of its premises is more than compensated by a large amount of light. And this suggests that everyone has the right to express themselves.

Representatives of the weaker sex often use the “color of the night” to reduce their size. As it became known a long time ago, the black color is “slimming”. And if you decorate your figure with a dress with an appropriate color scheme, you can hide those extra pounds this way.

As can be seen from observations, black can say a lot. And do not associate it only with the dark side of the world. Thanks to the all-consuming shade, some individuals may draw attention to themselves. Others simply live and dress "in unmarked" outfits.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


