
All about the Sphynx cat breed

All about the Sphynx cat breed

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  1. Inference history
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Description
  4. Varieties
  5. Features care and maintenance
  6. Diseases and predisposition to them
  7. Who is suitable?
  8. Owner reviews and kitting tips

Sphynxes - the most mysterious breed of cats, their appearance is frightening and causing interest at the same time. Just a few decades ago, they seemed to be inhabitants of other planets. Today this breed has gained wide popularity.

Inference history

The origin of hairless cats has its own history. Animals were born without hair at different times and among different nations. When a mutation occurred, a naked baby appeared in the litter of ordinary kittens. He was not considered something special, on the contrary, such kittens were rejected. But some nations supported the manifestation of mutations and raised naked cats. In the history of the cases of content of bald animals by the Aztecs, the Egyptians. Unfortunately, these breeds have not reached our days.

Modern cats and cats, which we used to see at exhibitions, belong to three types of sphinxes: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. The first breed of modern sphinxes created by Canadians. Initially, there was an unsuccessful attempt in Ontario in 1966, when an ordinary cat was born with a naked kitten. In the future, the kids appeared weak, not resilient. In 1975, in the state of Minnesota, nature again presented a hairless cat, and a year later a cat. This unique pair became the progenitors of the entire Canadian breed.

The bald kittens, with grace and fantastic eyes, resembled Egyptian statues, so they were given the name Sphynx, which is what they are called all over the world. In Russia, the name “Canadian” was added to the name “Sphynx” in order to distinguish them from the two Russian breeds that appeared a little later.

The Don Sphynx is descended from the balding cat Barbara from Rostov-on-Don, the naked kitten was born in 1987.

In 1994, another breed of sphinxes was bred in St. Petersburg, which they began to call Pieterbolds. The basis of the species taken Don Sphynx and Oriental cats.

The mutation of the Canadian sphynx species was the result of a recessive alopecia gene. In the case of the Don breed in animals, the dominant gene was present.


Advantages and disadvantages

Not only the appearance of sphinxes causes a controversial opinion, there are disputes about their health, character, hygienic difficulties. Before you buy such a pet, you should consider all the pros and cons associated with the maintenance of these animals. Sphinxes are endowed with many virtues.

  • This is still an elite breed. Her representatives have a unique exotic appearance.
  • Positive aspects include partial hypoallergenicity. People who are allergic to cat fur may contain sphinxes, but overly sensitive individuals still react to salivary secretions and animal sweat.
  • The absence of wool on the animal does not create problems with additional cleaning in the house.
  • Sphynx has a friendly character, they are not capricious.
  • Animals are intelligent, easily trained, their abilities should be developed in the process of communication.
  • Most of the representatives of this breed have good health.
  • Good-natured sphinxes get along well with children and easily get along with other pets.
  • They are gentle, loyal and attached to their owners. By nature they are active, playful and inquisitive animals.

The disadvantages of the breed should also be noted:

  • high cost of animals - from 200 to 1000 US dollars;
  • they need special hygiene, skin and ear care;
  • many do not like brown sticky patina on the back;
  • sometimes the owners complain of a peculiar smell from pets;
  • due to the absence of hair, animals often freeze and are susceptible to hypothermia related diseases;
  • Sphynx almost does not depart from the owner, not every person such an excessive attachment is pleasant.


Sphynx was originally a mixture of basic breeds and animals with a mutation of the alopecia gene. The new individual was the so-called metis, trying to cross it with a similar animal, which was also a mixture of a smooth-haired cat and a mutated naked cat. Thus was formed the breed of sphinxes, which today has three types: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. The presence of various genetic disruptions caused by the recessive and dominant genes, have made their distinctive characteristics in the appearance of these animals.

As for the character, except for differences, similar qualities are seen in all species - this is benevolence, attachment to owners and excellent mental abilities.



The appearance of animals each perceives differently. For some, Sphynx is scary, but for some it seems fantastically cute. Various skin color (black, white, purple, blue) can belong to any kind of sphinxes. For the rest, all 3 species differ significantly from each other. If you put them together for comparison, the difference will be obvious.

To verify this, consider each species separately.


The animals are medium in size, but weigh more than it looks, due to their dense muscle mass. The head is triangular (wedge-shaped) with clearly marked cheekbones, flat forehead and strong chin. Big amber eyes are round or slightly elongated, shaped like lemons. They have huge, wide ears. The skin is warm, with a light nap, pleasant to the touch. Barrel-shaped body with an oval chest. Limbs strong, front paws shorter than the rear. Thin long tail, like a whip, with a pointed end.


Of the three species, the Don Sphynx is the most stocky, strong and healthy, with a well-developed skeleton and muscular system. They also have a wedge-shaped head with protruding cheekbones, their muzzle is short and rounded. The eyes are almond-shaped, small or medium, slightly slanted, irises can be of any color. The ears are large and high, rounded, set wide apart. On the face going active folds, mustache missing or twisted. Donchaks are endowed with a standard or large body with the correct proportions, a noticeable belly, and a straight tail of average thickness.

The Don and Petersburg sphinxes have subspecies that characterize different animal hairs.


Peterbald have a great similarity with the Orientals, as they are the basis of the breed. Petersburg sphinxes are different from the rest of the grace and elegance. They have a long elongated body, the same limbs and tail, wedge-shaped head, characteristic long nose, flat forehead, twisted whiskers and thin, with a bend, neck. Slanted almond-shaped eyes are predominantly blue or green.


All three species of sphinxes have many similarities in character. They are good-natured, sociable, adore guests. If there are other pets in the house, sphinxes will always find common language with them and common games. Despite the fact that animals are very attached to people and need attention, they can perfectly entertain themselves by playing with anything.

Sphinxes are curious, energetic and mobile, able to crawl to the very ceiling, walk on the eaves, do acrobatic jumps. They are intelligent and easy to train. They can be taught to drive a ball, bring things, play hide and seek.

For a special affection for the owner they are called "stickies". These cats will walk on their heels and take part in any work that people do, and sleep at night, covered with a blanket, along with the owner.

Each breed has small differences in the character and behavior of cats. For example, touchiness is almost not peculiar to sphinxes. This quality can only have Canadians. They can not be scolded or repelled. They will not take revenge, but may be offended, suffer and stop eating.

Don and St. Petersburg sphinxes are completely devoid of egoism, they are not touchy and certainly not vindictive. These cats are more energetic than their Canadian counterparts, for whom banal laziness is sometimes observed.

Petersburgers are the most affectionate breed, at any convenient moment such a cat will climb up and ask to be petted. The most stable and balanced psyche in animals of the Don breed.


Interesting Facts

Communicating with sphinxes, you forget that they are cats, they have so much logical and reasonable character. People like to watch unique animals, learn interesting facts about them.

  • Metabolism in sphinxes is significantly different from all felines. They love to eat well, but the figure does not suffer. They need increased nutrition due to increased heat transfer.
  • The body temperature of the animal is 39 degrees, so it seems that they are hot.
  • Record life expectancy, noted in some individuals, was 19 years, but most often cats live 12-15 years.
  • The ears of newborn kittens are hanging down and straightened only by the month of age.
  • Sphinxes love to swim.
  • These cats can sunbathe and sweat like humans.
  • Before breeding the Sphynx breed, born occasionally mutated bald kittens, the owners tried to cure her lichen.


We have already found out that the Sphynx breed has three main lines. The division of naked cats does not end there. At first glance, it seems that animals do not have wool, in fact they are covered with down. According to the variety of nap, sphinxes are divided into subspecies: flock, velor, brush. There is another type of breed - bareborn, which have absolutely no wool, even a gun. They are called rubber, or plasticine. This subspecies belongs to the Don line. Atypical for sphinxes is a species that has a full-fledged hair, so-called straight hair.

Consider the varieties of wool, which is inherent in the Don Sphynxes and Piterboldam.


From the name it becomes clear that kittens are born completely without hair, even without a mustache, eyebrows and contact hairs on the legs. The skin of such animals has many folds; it feels warm and sticky to the touch. Due to the presence of brown viscous sweat, animals require daily hygiene procedures. Golden born babies can be born with open eyes, just like people. Their parchment skin does not yet have the final color, what color the animal will become in adulthood, you can understand by the pads. Sometimes in winter, animals overgrow with rare wool, but in the warm period of time it disappears. Large individuals remain without hair throughout the year.

This subspecies is of particular interest to breeders and is highly valued at exhibitions.


Kittens, with their tender down, look like velvet peaches. It is very pleasant to touch them, as if to teddy bears. During the first two years after birth, the hairline gradually becomes thinner and disappears, the bulbs completely lose their vitality.


Visually, the kittens seem to be naked, but if you touch them, the villi are felt even thicker than the flock. Especially long hairs on the face, tail and limbs, but the top of the head remains completely bald. By holding your hand against the coat, you can observe how quickly the thick, velvety pile takes on its original position.

Velvet sphinxes, in turn, are further subdivided into several species that determine the density of the pile.

Lightweight velor has a slight vegetation with a hair length of 2 millimeters. Most of them are on the paws and not at all on the head. Each kitten has its own hardness cover.

Point - this type of sphinx is endowed with a rather long nap (up to 4 millimeters), which grows in certain places - on the paws, muzzle and tail. By winter, points become particularly noticeable.

The fluffy look of velor kittens looks very nice because of a rather long pile, but for this reason they are of little interest to breeders. Cats of this type have beautiful fluffy tails.

Most of the subspecies of velor sphinxes by the time of puberty completely bald, and only some of them are walking around with fluff on the legs, tail and muzzle.



The hair of animals of this type is really hard and erratic, like the bristles of an old brush. Sometimes on the head, neck and legs the vegetation is completely absent. Breeders are interested in brashes only for the continuation of the population of hungry sphinxes. Unfortunately, from two absolutely bald individuals not viable offspring is born. Brushas are used as a parent for the appearance of sphinxes of the bare species.

By the age of one and a half, the fur can disappear in the mild brushes. Animals endowed with dense wool, through which the skin is not even visible, will wear it until the end of their days.


Sphynxes have high-grade wool, they do not have a baldness gene. The species originated from the selection of Sphynx with Oriental and Siamese cats. Representatives of this breed repeat the color of cats participating in the breeding, their hair is short and closely fitting to the skin according to the eastern type.

Features care and maintenance

Bringing a unique animal into the house, you should be prepared to care for it. Sphynxes are completely uncapulous, but the absence of wool implies special care for their skin. And the rest of the content of the Sphinx is not too different from the care of any other pet.


Sphinxes are picky about food, they love everything, as long as there is a lot of food. The owner must regulate the nutrition of his pet by himself so that he has enough calories to support heat exchange, but there is no surplus left which is deposited in fat.

For feeding sphinxes developed special dry food type "Orijen Cat & Kitten" or "Royal Canin Sphynx Adult".

In addition to pet food, in the diet you can enter natural products: beef, turkey (ground), chicken breast (boiled). Raw or boiled vegetables, greens give several times a week. The menu of sphinxes includes sea fish, eggs, cereals.

Do not feed animals liver, pork, milk.

Taming hands

If the sphinx is only brought into the house, it needs time to adapt. These animals are very affectionate, and when the pet gets used to the hands, he will beg for affection.

Standard rules for training a kitten to hands have been developed.

  • When the kitten eats, it will tend to sleep. This is a good time to gently pick it up.
  • Speaking a kitten in a monotonous gentle voice, they seek its relaxation. At this point, the baby should be stroked a little behind the ear or neck.
  • It is easy to lure a pet into your lap with a treat, and when it starts to be treated, you can stroke it a little, but not hold it by force.
  • A kid who loves to play can be lured to his knees with a toy.

Schooling to the tray

    Schooling sphinx to the tray begins in fact from the first day. When the kitten is very small, the tray is placed in the place where it lives (sleeping, eating). The filler is needed natural and small, since the baby may taste it. Large granules may not like the little paws, and he does not want to go to the tray.

    You should watch the sphinx. If he got worried and started spinning, it means he is looking for a place for a toilet, at this moment he is carefully transferred to the tray. Sometimes the kid makes a puddle on the floor. In this case, you need to moisten in it a little filler and put in the tray. Next time the kitten will find its toilet by smell.


    Hairless sphinx sweats brown sticky liquid, which should be cleaned daily with special wipes, especially carefully wipe the folds of the skin. Once a week, animals are bathed using shampoo for cats.

    Dark brown secret is collected in the sphinx ears. It is cleaned with a cotton swab as it is contaminated.

    The eyes of animals do not have eyelashes that would protect them from dust, but they have gelatinous discharges that collect dust. Excess discharge is removed with a dry or slightly damp gauze disc.


    Sphinxes train easy, they are intellectuals, besides trying to please the owner. By 8 months, the cat can begin to teach various tricks. Execution of commands is supported by refreshments. You need to watch what the animal likes. If he likes to run and jump, he can be taught by team to overcome obstacles. A cat carrying all sorts of things in his teeth can be easily taught to the “bring” team.

    If it is difficult to make contact with the cat, he shows aggression, perhaps he will need castration.


    Sphinxes are afraid of cold and drafts. In cool apartments and during walks in the fresh air, clothes for cats help them out. She should be of high quality, soft, from natural materials. The stitches should not press down and prevent the animal from moving. The skin of sphinxes is sensitive, so if they feel discomfort, they will try to tear off their clothes.

    Pregnancy and childbirth

    Pregnancy at a cat passes within 58-72 days. During this period, she needs care and food according to the advice of a veterinarian. When time is approaching childbirth, the cat needs to prepare a place, for example, a box with soft bedding. ATDuring childbirth, especially the first, the cat needs the support of the owners, she often calls them in a loud voice. When the last kitten is born and the mother lick them, she should change the litter.

    Births in sphinxes are easy and have no problems. Reviews of difficult generic processes in cats of this breed are the exception rather than the rule.

    Diseases and predisposition to them

    Sphynxes have good immunity and are considered to be a fairly healthy breed, especially the Don line. But due to the lack of wool, being in a draft can lead to catarrhal diseases.

    Cats love to sunbathe, but this is often accompanied by burning of the skin, causing animals to acquire diseases associated with overheating.. With poor care, sphinxes also suffer from skin diseases. And if it is not serious to care for their eyes, they develop conjunctivitis. You need to know the vaccination card and vaccinate your pet in time.

    The cat that gave birth may subsequently have problems causing mastitis and cystic seals.


    Who is suitable?

    Sphynxes will suit a patient cat lover who does not travel on business trips and is often at home. When choosing a sphinx, one should take into account its character and the requirements of constant attention from the owner. It should also be remembered that sphinxes are very active, and for those who want a quiet life, such a cat will not work.. But if you need a devoted friend and purring "interlocutor" - sphinxes for these purposes, the most suitable breed.

    Owner reviews and kitting tips

    According to the owners, this breed is healthy, smart and friendly. Single complaints of serious health problems associated with a poor choice of a kitten. After analyzing the advice of the owners on the choice of a cat, we can draw the following conclusions.

    • Choosing a kitten, you should stroke him. If he is cheerful and playful - most likely the baby is healthy.
    • Should alert the seller who does not ask who the buyer and for what purpose he takes a pet. A caring breeder is always concerned about the fate of his kittens and how they will be looked after.
    • It is better to buy a kitten that is at least 3 months old.

    Mysterious sphinxes are not suitable for everyone, but those who chose him as their pets will not be bored for sure.

    All about the Sphynx breed, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


