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British chinchilla: color options for cats, nature and content

British chinchilla: color options for cats, nature and content

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Kinds
  5. Conditions of detention
  6. What to feed?
  7. Breeding
  8. Health
  9. How to choose a kitten?

British chinchillas belong to the artificially developed varieties of the British. "Chinchilla" is a luxurious color of British cats and cats, which is partly reminiscent of the fur of those same rodents - chinchillas. Cats of the "chinchilla" are among the rarest, exotic and, as a result, costly for potential owners. The British chinchilla has its own peculiarities of character, it is necessary to observe the nuances of taking care of animals and their feeding.

History of origin

Today there are several stories about the origin of British chinchillas, many facts remain controversial to this day. Consider one of the most famous and believable versions. British chinchillas, like the British breed itself, were bred in a selection method in England.

Unusual colors are considered the result of a cross between a Persian cat and a British cat with a smoky color. After that, long breeding work was carried out to obtain a stable and pure color in animals.

In 1889, the event was officially documented: the appearance of the first British cat with a uniform color. He received a huge number of awards of that time, and therefore in the future, cats of this type became a symbol of aristocracy and luxury in England, because only wealthy individuals could afford them. In many ways, the spread of this breed contributed to the European press, which strongly praised the external qualities of the British chinchilla.

Today's British chinchillas have bright emerald eyes, but very few know how hard it was for the breeders at that time to get exactly that shade.

To obtain it, animals were crossed with other breeds, but someone else's blood had a very negative effect on the shade of wool and its quality, and therefore it took a lot of time and effort to get a beautiful color.

Contributed to the Persian cats. And so silver chinchillas with emerald eye color appeared.

A little later, breeders and felinologists were able to display a golden-colored chinchilla. And got a new eye color: blue, which mainly occurs in silver chinchillas. Getting a golden color for scientists was much easier, since the silver color of the British Chinchilla was already stabilized. For a long time only silver chinchillas were considered purebred, but a little later the situation changed in favor of cats with cats who had a golden color.

And also there is information that the British chinchillas were bred by an English breeder, who for a long time was engaged in crossing short-haired British. Another version says that American breeders and breeders participated in obtaining such a beautiful color.

Of course, that at the moment to verify the accuracy of one or another information about the origin of cats is quite difficult and problematic. However, modern experts say that such stories take place. This is due to the fact that there are quite a lot of Chinchilla-British genera and several branches of their origin. therefore it is possible that at the same time as they were brought out in England, they could have been withdrawn in America.


According to the description and the main characteristics of the chinchilla is fully consistent with the short-haired representatives of the breed of British. The main difference is the luxurious polar fox fur of an unusual color and dense undercoat.

  • The British chinchilla has a large muscular body with a broad chest. The build is quite powerful, especially in cats, cats are more graceful.
  • The standard of the breed is a large rounded head with wide cheekbones and pronounced fluffy cheeks.
  • The nose is wide and small, but not flattened, like that of the Persians. It has a soft pink or dark brown color.
  • The ears are small, slightly oblique, are at a wide distance from each other.
  • The neck is short.
  • Eyes planted shallowly, while in size they are quite large. The standard eye colors are emerald and blue (cornflower blue).
  • The limbs of chinchillas are slightly shorter than those of ordinary Britons, but they are very proportionate. Sometimes it seems that in appearance cats and cats have too short paws, but in reality this is not the case. This effect is achieved due to the light hair and muscularity of the limbs.
  • Paws at the British chinchillas large. The tail is not very long and non-fluffy, has a rounded tip.
  • The standard weight of cats is usually not more than 8 kg, in cats it is slightly less: up to 3 or 4 kg. Sterilized animals can significantly gain weight if they do not eat properly and move actively.
  • The coat of British chinchillas is very dense, but soft, the undercoat is very thick. Wool resembles polar fox.

It can be noted that the British chinchillas differ from other representatives of the British breed in a bright outline of the eyes (usually rich black) and the nose. And also the paw pads are often painted the same dark color.

Due to these interesting external features that are ideally combined with a snow-white silver or gold coat of cats and cats, British chinchillas look truly luxurious.

Character traits

British chinchillas are very balanced but capricious animals. They can be called aristocrats of the feline world: they are very independent. They get used to the owner and other family members and become attached very quickly, but at the same time they always consider themselves to be equal to both man and other animals in the house.

They get along well with the second ones only if they do not grow together since childhood.

British chinchillas lead a measured life, they play in moderation, they rest more, they love when they are cared for and paid attention to. At the same time, they do not interfere in many domestic affairs, preferring to calmly look at them from the side. When the British are out of sorts, even a toy mouse or favorite treat will not move them. In food, British chinchillas are quite fastidious.

Despite the fact that British chinchillas look like plush toys, they are not. Therefore, do not allow children to treat them carelessly. Animals are extremely negative attitude to all sorts of tuskies, and therefore can change their habits to negative when mistreated.

Of course, children are hard to understand. But parents should explain to them that cats are family members, and they love peace.

Since childhood, British chinchillas can easily be accustomed to the tray, habitat and food place. But forcing these cats to force something to do or play is useless: they will keep cool, although they are very well brought up.

The British are capricious and freedom-loving, they do not always prefer to be in the center of attention when they live in a house without neighborhood with other animals. British chinchillas learn very quickly, especially when they have a desire, or in the process of learning a host gives them treats to be encouraged. The British love order in the house. They should have their own place to sleep. It can be both a pillow, and the whole small house in which animals can not only have a rest, but also play.

The British never create a mess in the house, even when left alone. Moreover, they do not like vanity. Therefore, sometimes they prefer to relax impressively, while there is silence in the house or apartment. Of course, as long as they do not get bored.

They are always happy to see the master. Proud chinchillas rarely beg for food, especially from the table. They are accustomed to wait for the owner to treat them himself. If animals eat according to a certain diet and schedule, then they will not at all beg for delicacy once again.

Very small children cats are not particularly welcome. They can tolerate them for a long time and not scratch them, but they run away from the children at the first opportunity to their usual quiet place.

If they are too much freaked out, then they can hide. British chinchillas are essentially non-aggressive, they quickly forget the insult. But if the offense is serious, then the animal will prefer to retire proudly for a long time, until he is called.

British chinchillas love to rest immediately after a meal. Lying idle is their favorite pastime. Sometimes, going into society, they can lazily drive a ball or a mouse, but they prefer to play with the owner, especially adults. Even at 6–7 years old, the British do not become overly phlegmatic.

Of course, they will be less active, but not all of them will stop chasing the mouse.

It is worth noting that British chinchillas practically do not meow. Experts differ in opinions, with what it is connected. Some say it is above their feline dignity. These animals are among the most silent and restrained, even when very hungry.

Meowing in extremely rare cases, for example, in a veterinary clinic or when they are in an unfamiliar environment. However, the British chinchilla’s voice is very melodic. Some of them are very talkative. When they are stroked, they can rumble and make peculiar sounds of joy.

The British do not have the habit of waking everyone up in the morning if they are not fed. They will tactfully wait, although their schedule is best not to break. Easily get used to any mode of its owner.

It is believed that the British chinchillas get along well with dogs, domestic rabbits, birds in cages, but it’s more difficult to get along with other cats and cats. Therefore, if you plan to start several animals, it is best to take them small: kids will quickly and easily adapt to each other.


Today, professional breeders breed silver and gold chinchillas, but besides them, there are other varieties in their colors.

  • Silver chinchilla. Their coat tone is pure white, but at the same time all the hairs on the ends are painted one eighth in a dark color, which creates an amazing effect of smoke and iridescent silver. The entire undercoat by breed standards has a pure white color.

The chest and abdomen of British chinchillas are almost white, the main part of silver color falls on the back, ears and tail. The muzzle is usually light. Eyes and nose as if circled in bright black charcoal pencil.

Shorthair and longhair British chinchillas with silver color are considered to be especially common.

  • Golden british chinchilla have a cream or light apricot tender undercoat. In this case, the tips of the hairs in them can be colored both black and gray. In the wool alternate shades of brown, black and gold with smooth transitions without spots. Sometimes it may seem that the color gives red. As a rule, the ears, the tail and the sides of the British are more dark in comparison with the whole body. The breast and belly have the same color as the undercoat, they rarely appear dark-colored hairs.
  • There are also silver shaded chinchillas. Compared with ordinary silver cats, their coat looks darker. Wool is colored by one third in a dark color. At the same time, the undercoat, like in classic silver chinchillas, remains always white. In shaded chinchillas, this color may slightly shift to the belly and breast. The tail and legs are striped, the tip of the tail can also be painted black.

Conditions of detention

Qualitatively and properly maintain British chinchillas is quite difficult, especially for beginners.

  • Combing out Caring for the coat of British chinchillas is recommended regularly. Several times a week, pets should be combed. This should be done by growing wool and gently against it. Especially important is the procedure during the molting period. Brushes for combing is best to choose soft, which do not cause discomfort to the animal.
  • Bathing. It is the best of all to bathe the British chinchillas with specialized shampoo for white or light wool if it is a silver chinchilla. Or shampoo for dark colors - for golden chinchillas.

Bathing is usually carried out up to 2 times a year or immediately before the show, so that the pet's fur coat becomes soft and shiny. Minimally bathe chinchillas once every 4 months, with more frequent procedures you can dry out your skin and coat. In addition, not all cats love to swim.

  • Walking If the animal is often walked, especially in summer, it should be dripped with special flea drops. You can use collars, which, in addition to fleas, are detrimental to ticks. And also in the summer period it is very important to check the ears of pets.
  • Ears. Cleaning the ears should also be done infrequently. If the ears are noticeably dirty, they can be wiped with cotton and a special spray from the pet store. When cleaning the ears do not use ear sticks, only cotton pads.
  • Teeth. If a cat or cat is given not food, but regular food, then they are advised to brush their teeth as often as possible in order to avoid the formation of caries and dental plaque. To do this, you should purchase a special toothpaste for cleaning the cats' teeth and a non-rigid brush. Brushing your teeth every 1 or 2 weeks. If the animal does not tolerate the procedure well, it is possible less often, the main thing is to do it periodically.

So that the animal does not run away when cleaning the ears and teeth, it should be taught to these procedures from an early age.

  • Eyes. British cats do not always clear their own eyes, so the owners have to take care of them. If the eyes are small clots that usually appear after sleep, they can be removed with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. For purulent discharge from the eyes, it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian. For prophylaxis in veterinary pharmacies there are non-aggressive eye drops that can be used every few months, but only if the animal often has eye problems.

No drugs should not be assigned to the animal itself.

  • Claws Care of the pet's claws is very important, otherwise it will involuntarily spoil not only furniture, but also floor coverings. Usually trim the claws once a month. For this, a special clipper is used, which does not cause inconvenience to the animal. Ordinary scissors will not work. As well as British chinchillas love to sharpen claws about the claw strap, so you should take care of its installation in advance.
  • Tray. As for the toilet, usually chinchillas get accustomed to the tray in an extremely quick time. Almost all kittens that are grown in nurseries immediately know where their toilet is. Therefore, even when changing the filler, the owner should not have any worries.

As a filler for the British chinchilla, you can consider the popular silica gel, wood or mineral. The main thing is not to save on the filler, since cheap options have poor absorption, moreover, they can emit an unpleasant smell.

Engage in the education and training of kittens is only when they have become accustomed to their habitat. In the process of upbringing, it is very important not to shout at the animal, otherwise it will not only learn nothing, but will also get angry.

What to feed?

Veterinarians, felinologists and owners of British cats cannot agree on what and how best to feed animals. There are several feeding options.Consider each of them in detail, taking into account all the nuances. Feed British chinchillas:

  • natural food, cooked by yourself;
  • prepared dry food and canned food.

To choose one or another method of feeding, consider their pros and cons. When choosing a super premium premium feed, you can be completely sure that it is of high quality and balanced, not dangerous for the health of animals.

It has everything you need for the life of the pet: meat, vegetables, all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Ready-made feeds cannot bother an animal, because they are produced with different tastes. In addition to dry food, you can feed the British canned food and wet food. The main thing is to choose all products from one company.

Another advantage of finished dry food is that they perfectly brush the teeth of pets, often prone to the formation of caries and plaque. Specialized feeds are produced in a huge variety, many of them are adapted specifically for the British breed. They include an option for neutered and sterilized pets, as well as skimmed foods for the prevention of ICD (urolithiasis). There are also high-quality food that removes excess hair from the body.

Manufacturers offer ready-made food for the most different ages of the British: for small kittens, and for elderly individuals. The main advantage is that the owner when purchasing food does not have to think that there is something in it that does not fit the pet, as is the case with the choice of ordinary meat. When feeding the British with dry food, you can sometimes add raw meat, such as chicken, to their diet.

The disadvantages include a fairly high price for high-quality feed. And also an addictive animal happens to them, but it is more likely to occur when the food is not of the highest quality.

It should be noted that it is extremely undesirable and dangerous to feed the British with low-cost feed, there are few useful substances in their composition.

As for the natural food, it should also be balanced, otherwise the animal will not receive all the trace elements necessary for its life. Save on homemade food will not work.

However, when choosing a natural food you should understand that it will take time to spend on it, since cooking even ordinary meat takes several hours. We recommend to get acquainted with the products that are suitable for animals, and which should be excluded from the diet.

  • Low-fat meat of turkey, chicken, rabbit, baby sheep and calf is always recommended. Not recommended pork in any form, fat duck or goose. Completely exclude any fried and smoked meat products, as well as store sausages. Giving the meat should be boiled, sometimes you can pamper the animal with raw treats, such as poultry meat, but you must first freeze it for at least 12 hours, and then pour boiling water before serving. Feed can only be cut into small pieces of meat, kittens and it is recommended to twist it in a meat grinder or grind on a blender.
  • Britons can be given offal, such as liver, heart and kidneys.
  • Sometimes, but not often, you can give sea fish, but only boneless. If the cat or cat is sterilized, then the fish is not recommended for them, as it can cause ICD relapses.
  • It is very important to know that under no circumstances should cats be given a chicken with pits. They are not absorbed by the body, not only the British, but any other cats. The same applies to fish products with bones.
  • Milk from a natural diet is recommended to be excluded: it can cause bloating in the animal. It is best to give preference to fermented milk products, for example, kefir, plain yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.
  • And also for a balanced diet it is recommended to give the cats eggs: chicken (only yolk) or quail.
  • Boiled vegetables will also be an excellent addition to finely chopped meat.It is desirable that the diet was boiled carrots and zucchini. Potatoes are undesirable. Vegetables for adults should be finely cut, kittens their best to grate.
  • Cereals and porridge will be enjoyed by the British. Especially they love buckwheat porridge, oatmeal and rice.

      The animal is completely contraindicated to eat what man uses. Cats do not like food that is very salty, peppered and seasoned. There are products that are not recommended for British chinchilla.

      • Sausages, dairy and smoked sausages.
      • Raw goat or cow milk.
      • Chocolate, sweets and any baked goods. Despite the fact that some cats are not averse to grab a piece of bun, you should not accustom them to this.
      • Any pickles, canned, spicy and spicy dishes.
      • Fruits and berries. Of course, most cats refuse to citrus or cranberries, but you should not experiment.

      If the pet's diet is wrong, this may be one of the reasons that it constantly sheds, and its coat color is dull.

      As vitamins for animals, it is best to give them germinated herbs from ordinary grains, or you can grow special cat grass.

      Giving vitamins to cats without need is not worth it; you should always consult a veterinarian before using them. This is due to the fact that not all vitamins are suitable for a particular breed and this or that pet, everyone has their own characteristics and contraindications.

      The most important point - the cats should always have fresh and clean water to drink. It should be regularly changed and poured. Bowls after meals should be thoroughly washed. To do this, it is best to use environmentally friendly detergents.


      Kennels with elite British chinchillas sell kittens:

      • under castration or sterilization;
      • for breeding.

      When buying for sterilization pedigree is issued after the procedure, or the nursery on it puts a mark that the animal is not intended for breeding. The price of such a kitten will be on average 20-25 thousand rubles. In some nurseries, even babies are castrated, although many veterinarians are quite skeptical about this.

      If you want to create your own nursery and start breeding British chinchillas, then you should understand that this is very hard work and large investments.

      Breeders take kittens very seriously, which they sell for later reproduction. The average price for an individual ranges from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.

      It is rather difficult to breed British chinchillas without special skills. Starting such work, it is recommended to take courses of felinologists and study all information about the breed. It is also very important to take care of the place where the cats and cats will be kept, because they need a lot of space. Breeding animals in small apartments is not only violence against animals, but also over their owners.

      Before deciding on mating animals, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons. Moreover, it is very important to take into account the genetic component of potential parents and their ancestors. Otherwise, the luxurious color can not be obtained.


      The key to the health of British chinchillas is a strong immunity, which is supported by:

      • proper balanced nutrition;
      • constant care, which necessarily includes regular deworming and vaccinations.

      If the animal is not purchased for breeding, then veterinarians recommend it to be neutered or sterilized. This is due to the fact that animals that are not knitted, much more sick. In addition to physiological diseases, they suffer morally, especially cats.

      Also, sterilization requires animals that do not meet the standards of the British breed, or they have minor defects.

      The operation is recommended at the age not earlier than 10 months. Usually by this time the animal's body is already fully formed.

      Castrated cats and sterilized cats are very often prone to the development of urolithiasis (ICD).So that it does not come or does not recur, several times a year should be given to the animal a special herbal medicine, which the veterinarian will prescribe. For example, the drug “KotErvin” is often prescribed. And also recommended a special diet, which should not be fish products.

      Sometimes with a lack of vitamins, you can find that the cat is apathetic, began to shed heavily, its fur has changed in color. To resolve this problem, it is best to contact a specialist, because the owner cannot always decide which vitamins are suitable for the animal and which are not. If you act at random, the situation can only be exacerbated.

      It is believed that British chinchillas have good health, but they are not immune from disease.

      In order to minimize the risk of disease, a rabies vaccine and a comprehensive vaccine against viral feline diseases should be given once a year.

      Before vaccination, the animal must be given a drug for parasites (it is best to use suspensions, not pills, as many Britons are very picky).

      After each walk on the street cats should be washed. If it is noticed that the pet has become apathetic, does not eat for a long time or behaves strangely, it is best to immediately take it to the vet.

      • Viral disease the animal may begin to cough and sneeze, as well as refuse to eat. Such symptoms cannot be ignored, as viral diseases for cats can be fatal, for example, calcivirosis or panleukopenia. They are vaccinated against them.
      • Any digestive problems may be associated with gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea, refusal to eat and other similar symptoms in an animal may indicate a viral infection or poisoning.
      • Lichen also very often with representatives of the British breed. Caused mainly by fungi. It is fairly easy to treat if it is started early.

      Of course, many diseases may have similar symptoms, and therefore self-medicating is strictly prohibited. But It is worth noting that complex vaccinations, for example, Multifel-4, are very effective and can protect a pet from several viral diseases at once.

      The manifestation of depriving cats

      How to choose a kitten?

      It is recommended to choose kittens of the British gold and silver chinchillas only in verified nurseries, breeders with a good reputation. It is very important to study the pedigree of a kitten before buying and see its parents. It is understood that thoroughbred british chinchilla will be expensive. But it will be a real purebred aristocrat of unique color.

      More on the British chinchilla will be discussed in the video below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


