
Norny dogs: description of breeds, especially content and nurture

Norny dogs: description of breeds, especially content and nurture

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  1. Features
  2. Popular breeds
  3. How to choose a puppy?
  4. Content policy
  5. Upbringing and training

Historically, one of the first uses of dogs in human life was hunting. And still it remains an important specialization of these animals. Particularly noteworthy are those pets that are able to get the animals hiding in the ground.


Nornie dogs stand out even in relation to other hunting breeds. The definition itself shows what their specialization is. It consists in the search for wild animals and in their capture directly in the shelter.

Usually a dog going into a burrow has good health. But even they may be characterized by certain diseases, their list is determined by a specific breed.

Norny dogs most often suffer from:

  • spinal deformities;
  • malfunction of the heart and blood vessels;
  • visual and auditory impairment.

The main prey of burrowing dogs are:

  • raccoon dogs;
  • foxes;
  • otters;
  • badgers.

The strategy of the dog is not always the same. Usually, after penetrating the hole, she needs to bark at the victim and grab it. In other cases, the potential prey is driven out, where it is already caught in a trap or at gunpoint.

But there is one more approach - forcing the animal to hide in a snail. Next, the hunters can only dig, and as a reference is the barking of the pet.

Norny dogs after special training can be used in land and in water hunting. Some breeds are suitable even for:

  • boar and elk work;
  • feeds of hit birds;
  • beavers search;
  • checking beaver hut.

But all the same, the nature of norny decisive influence their main scope. These animals must be exceptionally brave and show malice towards wild beasts. An important feature is a certain level of independence (after all, in a hole, the help of the owners and even their clues cannot be counted on). However, this independence should not turn into a loss of control.

And even the most courageous, resistant dog will lose a deadly fight with prey if it relies only on its own character and will to win. A mandatory requirement for them is a strong build and solid physical development.. The dog must also be hardy. The animal must be unpretentious and endure any weather conditions (including not only negative temperatures, but also wind, rain, fog, high humidity). Hunting often occurs in the fall and winter, so weather resistance is critical. She, in turn, depends on the condition of the scalp.

But even if the pet is quite reliable, that's not all. He needs to have excellent eyesight, smell and hearing in order to quickly find prey. A dog for burrow hunting must instantly adapt to urban and rural life, to long hikes - it will not only have to change between the modes in a matter of hours.

Another mandatory feature is suitability for long trips on cars and trains, motorcycles and motorboats. But you have to carefully select a pet, because even among the formally suitable breeds there are too many “sofa” individuals.

Popular breeds

Although the “assortment” of norniks is expanding, the main varieties of these dogs have remained unchanged for several decades. The very first dog described will be dachshund Although it was bred about 400 years ago, the popularity of this animal is not declining.Its characteristics were only further honed by prolonged use. The hunting instincts of the breed are even hypertrophied.

Standardized dachshunds are heavier than 7 kg, sometimes they even reach 15 kg. The height of such animals can reach 0.23 m. They are characterized by a powerful, tight exterior. The front part of the body clearly outweighs - the chest is much wider than the pelvis. Short paws are still quite strong and have a curved fit.

This last property is not accidental: with any other structure of the paws, jumping out of the holes would be very difficult.

The muzzle, like the entire body of the dachshund, is elongated. Ears usually hang, and their tips are rounded. There are also long-haired dachshunds, which differ from the standard only in the length of the hair. As for rabbit dachshunds, they almost completely correspond to larger individuals, however, at the same time they are much smaller and lighter than them - a maximum of 5 kg.

Any of the branches of this breed perfectly manifests itself in home maintenance. All of them are unpretentious. At the same time, they are able to instantly switch from “sofa” to “field” mode. Dachshunds understand teams instantly and are easy learning.

They will execute only those orders that seem relevant to them at the moment. No punishment does not help here: animals are proud, independent and even obstinate. Taxes are excellent partners. But in their descriptions invariably noted that loneliness is poorly tolerated by such pets, rivalry with other pets is also not perceived too well.

To train such a dog is very difficult, it will take considerable patience. Owners must treat their animals with respect.

In this case, late training and its later start can lead to the emergence of self-will and attempts to subjugate the owner.

In second place after taxes are deservedly Jagdterrier. In their descriptions invariably note a combination of dexterity and courage. Such dogs are excellent not only with small prey under the ground, but also with birds and even individual cloven-hoofed animals. Yagdterery have been used since the beginning of the twentieth century, and this time was enough for them to securely conquer the hearts of hunters.

The advantage of this breed is the most exterior-oriented hunt:

  • dry, medium-sized body;
  • weight on average 10 kg;
  • strongly developed musculature;
  • powerful limbs;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • divided into two layers of wool;
  • powerful undercoat.

As for character, the jugdtery is characterized by an amazing combination of courage and aggressive behavior. The breed is very focused and knows how to behave purposefully. Fear like a pet is virtually unknown. Therefore, the yagdterrier enter the holes of animals without hesitation, motivated by the mere desire to realize their own potential.

But for the same reasons, the training of such terriers is very difficult. Stubbornness and severity make them try to invariably win dominant positions in the home “pack”.

A good alternative to jagdterierami are Cairn Terriers They are characterized by a combination of powerful hunting instincts and good looks. The height of an adult dog is 0.28 m, and the weight is about 6-7 kg. A special feature of cores is wool, which seems to be disheveled in appearance.

Complete the overview of the breeds is appropriate to fox terriers. As you might guess from their name, this species was derived specifically for fox hunting. Animals are very compact: their growth is not more than 0.38 m, with a maximum mass of up to 8 kg. Fox terriers are divided into longhair and sleek-haired varieties, both of them are characterized by endurance and impressive courage.

How to choose a puppy?

To begin with, it is necessary to clarify for yourself which properties of rocks are advantages, and which are obvious disadvantages. A very bad feature is the desire to enter the holes without the permission of the owners.The size of the pet should not be too small - it can cause many problems. But the slow progress through the thick tall grass is often an advantage.

Thanks to him, the hunters have time to get to the place where the pet drives the beast out of the hole, and successfully shoot or use a trap.

These moments are peculiar to any breed. The choice between individual species should take into account:

  • different manner of action of animals;
  • unequal temperament;
  • behavioral features;
  • appearance of the animal.

If the need for the first three points is logically clear even to non-professionals in hunting, then the latter needs clarification. Unsuitable aesthetic tastes of the owner of the type of pet will cause only one irritation. No matter how hard a person tries to keep such negative emotions in himself, they will invariably be expressed in a relationship with a four-legged assistant. Therefore, the effectiveness of educational work will be much lower than we would like. Yes, and the necessary trust can not be achieved.

But it's not just the nuances of character and psychology. Welsh terriers and fox terriers with hard wool are wonderful dogs themselves.

Welch Terrier
Fox terrier

However, they need trimming at least once every six months. With the rapid growth of wool it will need 1 time in 4 months. Dachshund with long hair will have to comb daily.

Another subtlety is that very long and very short hair is equally bad on a hunt. In the first case, the animal will continuously get dirty, in the second - the risk of hypothermia is high. In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to consult with professionals from canine centers.

The rarity of some animals affects not only their price. Sometimes it is impossible to find a certain breed in any locality for any money. As for animals for keeping in street enclosures, the choice is unequivocal - only a terrier will do. Dachshund can not be grown in an aviary, even in the southernmost regions of the country.

Recommendations regarding the sex of the animal are contradictory, and most breeders, as well as hunters, have their own opinion on this matter. "Men" are resolute and not too inclined to search for compromises. They are characterized by a desire to take a leadership position in any "flock". Another important feature of such pets is increased nastiness (which is very good for an animal that hunts burrows).

Usually a more robust constitution and increased stamina can also be traced. Because of this combination of qualities, there are often complaints about the pugnacious temper of dogs and indecisiveness.

Quite a few owners say that on the street, male nornies seem completely uncontrollable and lose all desire to obey. To run away somewhere at the slightest pretext (and sometimes for no reason visible to people) is a common thing for them. But still such dogs in capable hands are a real treasure. On the hunt, they show all their best qualities:

  • physical endurance;
  • ability to experience severe emotional stress;
  • ability to work throughout the season (if there are no injuries).

As for the female, they are more soft and plastic behavior. They are much easier to achieve the desired action. Such animals immediately recognize the leader in man, and very gross mistakes must be made in order for such obedience to be lost.

However, we must remember that for 2 out of 12 months they are not suitable for hunting. Therefore, we must carefully consider all these points and set a clear priority.

You should also consider:

  • the origin of the puppy (its pedigree);
  • the reputation of nurseries or breeders;
  • the results that the animal shows when working in artificial burrows;
  • the presence of physical defects;
  • compliance with external requirements of the standard.

Content policy

If the pet is sufficiently resistant to cold, then it can be placed in an aviary. This room should not be located near the drain holes, garbage dumps, toilets. It is best to put the booth on the sunny side, under the shed where the dogs can hide from the sunlight. In the city, of course, the four-legged must walk strictly in the collar. But on the hunt itself it is unacceptable - there have been several instances when it caused tragic incidents.

In most cases, normal pets are kept at home or in an apartment. There they should immediately take a permanent place where the beast can and relax. As a place for leisure, they usually use small wooden frames covered with a cloth, or low trestle beds with legs.

It is obliged to fully feed a hunting nobleman, and meat and vegetables should always be introduced into the diet. The maximum amount of salt for them is 20 g per day.

When selecting collars, you need to focus on:

  • subjective comfort;
  • the absence of dangling threads and protruding parts;
  • the presence of expansion under the throat (it weakens the pressure during sudden throws);
  • ease of cleaning from dirt;
  • adaptation to different temperatures;
  • the ability to accurately fit the neck of the animal.

Of the other accessories can be useful whistles for beckoning and cushions for chairs for transporting dogs. An important condition for the selection always is the ease and convenience of purchased things. The circle of toys is determined by how exactly the leisure of the animal is organized and how actively it will pass.

Be sure to think about the safety of accessories in any possible situation. Leads should be of moderate length - it is most practical.

Upbringing and training

Serious questions from hunters are often associated with age, when you want to start dog training. There is no universal answer to this question. Even experienced specialists always point out that the puppy should get used to the changed situation, and only then should the lessons begin. You should not immediately take the dog to the preframe polygons. First, it should be made a full-fledged home training in moral and physical terms.

At first, puppies in a new house show a nervous disposition. And this is almost normal. In this case to calm the pet take the usual rugs or their parts from the sellers. The familiar smell will allow the animal to quickly stabilize the psyche.

As soon as the miner starts to whine for the first time, it is necessary to pay attention to him immediately (by playing or simply by gentle treatment). Games with normal dogs should contain as many active elements as possible. The animals themselves must be made to feel like winners. But you still have to make sure that they do not overwork. Working out endurance in mobile entertainment will help a lot later in the hunt.

Required to teach your pet to act in the dark (using the same game elements). The imitation of a burrow at home is simple - a trench is being dug, which is covered with planks. Experts advise to bring such a structure as close as possible to the usual natural landscape in the area where it is planned to hunt.

Still have to teach the dog to act in the water. To do this, walk with her after the rains - puddles are perfect for overcoming hydrophobia ideally.

One of the best methods of training is:

  • pet tether;
  • dig a hole;
  • put there a favorite toy and fall asleep;
  • let the dog go;
  • provoke her, thereby stimulating most likely to dig up a valuable item.

Training at the preparatory stations should begin no earlier than 8 months. The first pritevka produced in an artificial hole, where the fox. You can take as a partner more experienced miner, but always the same breed of the same sex, preferably close to age. Training should be conducted systematically, and only then can achieve a good result.

How the burrowing goes, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


