
Petersburg orchids: features of the dog breed, temperament and care

Petersburg orchids: features of the dog breed, temperament and care

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  1. Characteristic
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Character traits
  4. What to feed?
  5. Rules of maintenance and care
  6. Upbringing and training

Petersburg orchid is not a flower, but the original name of a small breed of dogs. Such an elegant companion can be easily kept in an apartment or carried with you for a walk. It is not easy to buy such a pet, which further stirs the interest of breeders.


There are breeds that have been known to man for a long time, and there are those that have recently appeared. Petersburg orchid belongs to the second type, since it was recognized only since 1997.

Breeding this mini-dog started in St. Petersburg, hence the name. To get a dog with an exceptional exterior, the breeder Nina Nasibova needed to use several breeds of dogs for crossing:

  • Chihuahua;
  • toy poodle;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • lapdog

Not immediately the woman managed to achieve the necessary result, she had to spend a lot of time at work. Only three years after crossing animals were born that are distinguished by their bright appearance and beautiful character. The appearance of the new breed was timed to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

The hint in the name of an exotic flower is intended to emphasize how fragile and delicate the animal is.

Today there is a detailed description of this Neva breed, by which it can be determined whether the puppy meets the selection requirements or has a marriage. Generally speaking, small dogs have a stretched body, little muscle mass and medium bone.

With a more detailed examination it is difficult not to notice a pronounced sexual dimorphism, which is manifested in both the appearance of the animal and its behavior. Among the advantages breeders especially identified the appearance of the dog. Wool falls waves down from the spine. In front of the face there is a bang, which is perfectly complemented by long ears.

From the outside it seems that the animal has some unique hairstyle.

Individuals of the described breed do not grow more than 300 mm at the withers. Weight can vary from 2.5 to 4 kilograms. It is dangerous when a female Petersburg orchid weighs less than 1.5 kg. The lack of mass leads to the fact that it will not be able to give birth independently.

Inside the finished standard, dogs are described in more detail. The head is small, characterized by rectangular lines. The muzzle is shorter than the head - on average, one third of its size, by the end of a little tapering.

The transition from the forehead is clearly visible, but not sharp. The nose is black or colored in a different shade to the color of dog hair. The bee is small.

Representatives of the breed have small, oval-shaped eyes that are at a great distance from each other. The look is meaningful. The breed is not bug-eyed.

The ears are high, hanging down, but small. Well combined with the size of the head.

When examining the teeth, the bite must be correct, scabbard. The jaw is formed by small, but rather sharp teeth.

The neck is dry, slightly elongated, characterized by a slight bend. There is a straight line on the back. She is quite broad and muscular. You can easily see the withers, which smoothly flows into the lower back. The chest is deep, the stomach is retracted.

The paws are thin, arranged exactly, absolutely parallel to each other. The tail is below the back, it can be cut off over the breed, until the animal has grown. With proper arrest, 2-3 vertebrae are left. If left long, then he can stick up straight, and can curl.

Special attention is paid in the description of the breed of wool. It is not only long, but also thick, sometimes slightly falling in waves. There is a separate subspecies - shorthair. This is Neva Orchid.

As for the colors, there is no clear definition. Coloring is allowed any, is absent according to the description only white. There are individuals with a single color, and there are multi-colored.

The most interesting option is the one where there is a mask on the face.

Stand out from the crowd dogs and the following colors:

  • brindle;
  • Muruja;
  • black with burns.

Carpe can also be different colors. The most common are red, cognac, smoky, gray and yellow.

The overall tone of the coat can vary a great deal. If it is a dog of a red shade, then it is not always the same, it varies from light wheat to dark, as close as possible to brandy.

There is a coat of red color. The palette is quite wide. You can see a representative of the breed with a touch of creamy rose or dark burgundy with a little black.

Popular chocolate color. It can be not only a light shade of cocoa, but also dark, rich, like a bar of dark chocolate.

You can meet representatives of the breed of silver or even blue. They look very interesting and unusual.

The creator of the breed continues to work on breeding dogs with other coat colors. There are plans to get bright representatives of Petersburg orchid with spotted color, white with red or even black and white.

If you provide proper care and nutrition for a dog, then she lives in a house with the owners for about 14 years, which is quite a long time. It is important to ensure that the dog does not jump from a great height, since the skeleton of an animal is very fragile, such a fall can cause dislocation or fracture, often injured internal organs. As a result, the pet's lifespan is reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

The creators of the described decorative breed can talk for a long time about the advantages of small dogs. They have a playful disposition, flexible, benevolent. It is advised to plant such pets in those families where there is a lack of positive emotions, as Petersburg orchids can guarantee them. Communication with animals allows you to get rid of stress, socialize the child.

One of the advantages of the breed is:

  • attractive appearance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • small size;
  • good natured character.

If you want to devote yourself to exhibitions, then this breed is best suited. Dogs have a special exterior, ideal for the role of champions.

With all this, they are unpretentious in food, although you need to follow the diet, because the quality of food depends on the condition of wool and teeth.

The small size makes it possible to keep a pet even in a small apartment, where it will not interfere. These dogs normally relate to the absence of the owner, are not naughty and dutifully wait for his arrival at home. Breeders appreciate the St. Petersburg orchid for its docility and good breeding. It is difficult to resist the charm of the breed.

The animal gets along well with children, loves active games, but it should be treated very carefully. Any wrong movement can harm a pet. From negative qualities:

  • not a security guard;
  • can often get sick.

Such a dog is not able to protect the owner, but the breed does not require this from it. Petersburg orchid is a decorative animal that requires care and love. Be sure to do timely vaccinations.

Every time when the dog will be close, care must be taken not to accidentally pin down it. The same applies to games with children. It is better to allow the child to the animal at a conscious age, otherwise it can cause injury.

Character traits

Do not think that the decorative breeds of dogs are stupid - this statement is false.Petersburg orchid is distinguished by intelligence, wit, so she has such a meaningful look. These dogs love their owner, sharply react to his mood and are not intrusive.

The breed is perfect for those who want to see a tender, gentle pet. Friendly animals do not hold, they do not show aggression even to strangers, are not jealous. Each guest on the doorstep is greeted with great joy.

A dog can make friends with any other pet, be it a cat or a parrot. She will not take away the palm and will meekly take the place allotted. The breed is so good that she naturally develops a new acquaintance.

While walking around the Petersburg orchid, one does not have to blush, the animal is curious, but moderate in its impulses.

If the opportunity arises, the dog will be near the owner 24 hours a day, while it is not always possible to see it, since it will not get in the way of getting in the way. She can feel the mood and keep a distance. The animal has an aristocratic character, so do not fuss in vain.

A pet will be infinitely happy if everyone around will pay attention to it. Feeling love, will respond the same, only threefold. These animals have a loving heart, so they advise people with the same character to start them.

If the dog is unloved in the house where it lives, then, most likely, the animal will become depressed, start to hurt. The owner should always have time to pet the dog, play with it. These pets cannot live with a sense of abandonment, loneliness. But sometimes they love to be alone, so they go to a quiet corner. At such times, you must allow the dog to rest.

What to feed?

A balanced diet affects not only the appearance of the dog, but also the behavior. If there are enough minerals, vitamins and nutrients in the body, the animal will be active, cheerful and playful.

A full balanced diet can be prepared by yourself or buy ready-made dog food, designed for small breeds. In the first case, the owner independently regulates the consumption of certain products, makes up the menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal. This is especially important if the pet has deviations in health, for example, diabetes.

As for commercial feeds, they are easy to use, have an affordable price. Quality products give the dog the necessary amount of minerals, vitamins, protein and carbohydrates that are required per day, taking into account the activity and age of the pet.

If we talk specifically about the St. Petersburg orchid, then the breeders initially laid the use of commercial feed for puppies in the future. It was assumed that this would greatly simplify the process of caring for animals.

Dosing of food is calculated by the feed manufacturer, the owner should only follow the requirements indicated on the packaging.

Food in pellets is much better than what is presented in canned food. It is more balanced, more nutritious. Enough to give a portion in the morning and evening, but be sure to provide access to clean water around the clock. It is best to establish a clear mode of feeding in a strictly set hours.

It happens that even when feeding a pet with natural products, it is necessary to additionally provide vitamin supplements. The use of commercial feed eliminates unnecessary costs. The additional inclusion of vitamins in the diet can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Like any other dog, Petersburg orchid likes to feast on delicious, but not very useful products from the table. The owner needs to be extremely careful, some types of food, familiar to man, cause only harm to the animal. As an example, take the chocolate.

Eating baked, sweet, sausages leads to disruption in the digestive system. But vegetables and fruits are allowed to give, this breed loves them very much, except for garlic and onions. The total volume of fiber should be no more than 15% of the daily diet of the dog.

As for the amount of food, the portion should be such that nothing remains in the bowl. It is impossible to provide a pet with round-the-clock, uncontrolled access to food. This threatens to be obese, although this breed is not predisposed to it.

If you want to encourage a dog, it is better to use a piece of cheese or boiled cow heart.

It is useful to give the animal olive oil and fish oil, they are often added to natural food. Thanks to these products and the microelements contained in them, the pet improves the condition of the coat.

Olive oil can be given even with a spoon, a few drops per day.

Rules of maintenance and care

For puppies and adult dogs care is required, only then the animal will look beautiful. Petersburg orchid is a decorative breed, so the usual hygienic procedures are not enough. Grooming is an integral part of keeping a dog.

In the month of St. Petersburg orchid grows to 1 centimeter. After a month it is not so noticeable, but after two or even three it becomes clear that it is time to remove the length. Do not touch the bang, mustache and beard. It is not necessary to cut off the ears, since the wool on them grows evenly, lays down well.

As for the tail, it is completely cut off. On the limbs is required to trim the hair. Clear the space between the fingers and on the feet.

Once a week the owner must inspect the ears of the animal. The emerging dirt is removed with a special veterinary solution that is applied to a regular cotton pad. If signs of a more serious problem appear, you should seek help from a specialist.

Eyes have a feature to flow. For washing using special tools or simple boiled water.

Special attention is required and the oral cavity. Although the animal does not need to brush its teeth as often as a person, but it is necessary to conduct sonation once every five days. From time to time you will have to visit a veterinarian who knows how to properly remove tartar. At home, sometimes it is very difficult.

Most of all, it is necessary to care for the wool, since the Petersburg orchid is long and thick. Among the advantages of the breed in question is the absence of a period of molting, so the house remains clean. However, this has its drawbacks, because due to the fact that wool does not fall out from time to time, mats are formed. This happens when the host does not have enough time to regularly use a comb.

The breed needs frequent combing of the wool, if this is not done, dirt and bacteria gather under the mattes gathered near the skin. Often there are bedsores, they cause infection of the animal.

For combing wool there are many different options for special puhoderok, combs and brushes.

The dog is groomed every few months. Some breeders prefer to go to specialized shops, others remove their own wool according to the scheme. Buy special equipment for trimming is also not a problem today, it is in pet stores and the Internet. Machine woolen cover on the neck and in other areas.

The anal glands are considered the most vulnerable area in dogs. They also need regular processing. If the owner starts caring for the dog, inflammation will occur. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to strictly monitor the nutrition of the dog and carry out a special treatment every few months. To do this, press on the gland and wipe them with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened with a solution of manganese. No need to make it concentrated, just add the powder at the tip of the knife.

Learn about the quality of pet care is very simple. If a “dog-like” smell emanates from the animal, it means that it is rarely bathed, the teeth are not brushed. From the St. Petersburg orchid, which they love and follow, will never smell like a dog.

This is one of the few breeds that can be taught to the toilet on the tray in the house. This is very important for those breeders who have to be at home for most of the day. The animal must have an option in which he can relieve the need and at the same time not spoil the carpet owner.

Not only plastic trays, but also special disposable napkins are popular. They perfectly absorb moisture and do not retain the smell. If possible, it is best to provide the dog with regular walks in the fresh air. This is an opportunity not only to be with the animal, but also to find new friends.

To preserve the attractive appearance of the dog is required not only regular haircut, but also water treatments. Even inexperienced dog lovers know that it is impossible to use ordinary shampoo, which we used to wash our hair.

For dogs, there is a special cosmetics, it consists of other components.

To accustom the animal to the procedure should be from a young age, then the dog ceases to be afraid, will not escape, and even gets pleasure. After the procedures, wipe the pet with a towel. You can not allow his hypothermia, hair dry hair dryer.

To carry out water procedures should be no more than once a decade. If you put a rubber mat on the bottom of the bath, the dog will not scratch the enamel and slide on it.

Balsams help to make wool soft and shiny. Most manufacturers supply them with shampoo. Dirty wool is not combed, however, as well as wet. This leads to the appearance of split ends, the luster disappears, the external exterior becomes faded, inexpressive.

If the animal does not want to get used to water procedures, there is another way out of this situation - dry shampoos in the form of sprays. They are easy to apply and do not require rinsing. The effect is no worse than if the dog were bathed in a basin of foam.

Caring for a pet is not only external care, but also the health of the dog. Each breed has diseases that are called pedigree. In the mono-nursery, where today they breed St. Petersburg orchid, individuals with genetic abnormalities are rejected. They do not give further offspring, due to which in recent years they have managed to achieve excellent health from representatives of the described breed. Of the most common problems that breeders have to face, we can single out:

  • tartar and other dental diseases;
  • fractures, sprains, sprains, especially in puppies whose bones are poorly formed and not yet fully matured;
  • colds.

Petersburg orchid is very susceptible to temperature changes. In winter, these dogs are prone to hypothermia and colds.

Even windy weather is dangerous for them, therefore it is advised to use additional clothing while walking.

Sometimes representatives of the breed are sensitive to certain products. Intestinal problems may occur, so it is very important to follow the diet.

Pet need to go on walks. If the owner deprives him of this pleasure, he thereby worsens his conditions of detention. Dogs are active and sociable, they must be socialized. For a walk in the fresh air, you only need a collar and a leash-roulette.

It is very important to choose the size of the collar, between it and the neck should still be free space for two fingers.

Upbringing and training

Ornamental breeds are not given for training simply because there is no need for this. But sometimes it is better to adjust some instincts with which the dog is endowed by nature in order to improve the atmosphere of the pet's stay in the house.

Education allows the dog to explain where the boundaries of what is permitted. If the Petersburg orchid grows too spoiled, it begins to test the patience of the owner.

The animal must clearly understand for itself which hierarchy is in the house, who is in charge and why it is forbidden to bite the child. The dog is indicated in its place, but you need to understand that this miniature animal also has its own sense of pride and dignity.

These dogs are much smarter and smarter than one would imagine. They do not need long to explain what is required of them. The most important thing is to teach to the toilet and it is worth starting from the very childhood.

It’s pretty easy to do if you spend a little time and patience. When a puppy appears in an apartment, its movement should be limited to a small space. One room is enough. There should not be a carpet on the floor, but it is required to put a stove bench, put bowls of food and water and lay a napkin. If the dog is taken from the breeder, then it is better to take a napkin from him, since she has a familiar smell for the animal.

When a pet goes off on her, he is surely encouraged for it. You can give a small delicacy. It also happens that for the first time a dog went to the toilet in the wrong place. It's not time to scold her for this, just a napkin needs to be laid there.

When the owner notices that the dog has again shat in the undiscovered place, the time has come to punish him, but not to beat him. It is enough to take him by the withers and poke his nose in a puddle, but you can not put him on a napkin.

If you do the opposite, then the pet will perceive the toilet as an object that is banned.

Gradually, when the dog learns to go to a strictly defined place, the tray can be moved to the place where it was planned to hold it, that is, outside the room.

The story about the breed in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


