
How to hold a wedding in a narrow circle of friends and relatives?

How to hold a wedding in a narrow circle of friends and relatives?

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  1. Wedding features
  2. Where to hold a celebration?
  3. Original holiday scripts without a host
  4. Ideas for contests and entertainment
  5. Common mistakes in self-organization

Modern newlyweds more and more often refuse to hold noisy weddings with numerous guests. The arguments may be different, but the main ones most often are:

  • huge budget;
  • the fatigue of such an event;
  • possible excesses.

To organize a beautiful wedding, you can even with modest financial opportunities. And if you carefully think over every little thing and show imagination, then the triumph will long remain in the memory of both newlyweds and guests.

Wedding features

How to spend their first family holiday, while rejecting a huge number of guests, only the newlyweds themselves decide, guided by their desires and interests. There are various options:

  • wedding in a narrow circle of friends and relatives;
  • a celebration in a small friendly company;
  • wedding evening with family, parents;
  • romantic dinner together.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. It is important that the holiday does not turn into ordinary gatherings, where the guests talked, ate, drank and safely forgot everything, going beyond the threshold. This should be the real birthday of the new family, so the celebration requires proper and thoughtful organization. If it is a multi-age company consisting of close relatives, often already quite elderly, and of younger friends, it is important that no one is bored, no one is sitting quietly in a corner.

Celebration in the company of close friends united by common interests may be unusual and unexpected. Wedding evening with parents should not be an occasion to discuss possible problems that inevitably arise in any young family, and especially not on nature, the weather and oil prices. A romantic dinner for two should not be turned into joint preparation and absorption of even the most exquisite dishes, there will be other reasons for this.

The first assistant in any case will be the fantasy of the young themselves, witnesses, parents, friends. Joint preparation for the holiday can unite future relatives and discover unexpected abilities and talents. When organizing a wedding, it is necessary to draw up a psychological portrait of each of the guests. This moment will be decisive in deciding all questions: where the celebration will take place, whether you need to invite a toastmaster, what will be the scenario.

Where to hold a celebration?

When choosing a venue for a wedding The most common options are:

  • houses;
  • in the restaurant.


Pros when organizing a celebration in the apartment or in your own house are beyond doubt:

  • home furnishings that allow you to comfortably accommodate both elderly relatives and guests with small children;
  • a significant reduction in financial costs, since there is no need to pay for renting a restaurant, you can refuse the services of the toastmaster, musicians and other staff;
  • There are no time limits, no need to decide how to get home and how to deliver gifts.

But do not think that this will require less effort, because the whole organization will fall on the shoulders of young and parents. The following questions will be added to the traditional questions.

  • Number of guests. In an ordinary apartment is difficult to comfortably accommodate more than 15 people.
  • The room under the event. It should be a place for a holiday table, and for competitions, and for dancing.If this is a country house, then these issues are much easier to solve. An ideal option for an apartment would be the opportunity for a feast to allocate one room, for mobile events another. In addition, the extra furniture from them will have to endure, and tables and chairs are conveniently placed.
  • Room decoration. Wedding paraphernalia need not be much, but the entrance to the apartment, the place for the newlyweds to decorate is necessary. It is advisable to organize a beautiful photozone, to consider the design and placement of flower arrangements. Vases for flowers that will bring guests, you need to prepare in advance.
  • Ventilation. Guests should not be stuffy, hot or cold. In the summer to create such conditions in the apartment is quite difficult.
  • Musical accompaniment. For help in this matter, you can contact the friends of the newlyweds. Neighbors should be warned about possible inconveniences associated with noise and loud music.
  • Purchase and storage of products. In the warm season, the issue of storage will be particularly relevant.
  • Menu, cooking and serving. All these concerns will fall on the female part of the family, which creates serious inconvenience, so in this matter you should still turn to professionals. A cook with an assistant and a waiter will be quite enough.
  • Dishes. Unsuited plates, wine glasses, knives, etc. do not correspond to the solemnity of the event. You may need to purchase them in the required quantity. In addition, all this will need to be washed and cleaned later.
  • Holiday script. One cannot do without it, even if no contests are supposed to be held due to the number or age of guests. Everything should be prepared and painted literally by the minute.

If you responsibly address the solution of all these issues, then the wedding at home can become bright and beautiful and at the same time significantly save the family budget.

In the restaurant

This option of holding a wedding in a narrow circle is good in that it is possible to carry out any ideas and fantasies, as even very small platforms will do. Traditionally, this can be a spectacular celebration in one of the restaurants of the city. Practically in each of them there is a cozy small hall. You can opt for a romantic small cafe that is memorable for the newlyweds, by organizing a candlelit evening chamber. An excellent option would be to leave the country restaurant with a celebration in a tent in nature or on the shore of the reservoir. In this case, you can provide a hotel for the weekend, where you can comfortably accommodate all guests and provide them with entertainment of interest.

Original holiday scripts without a host

To hold a wedding in a narrow circle does not necessarily invite a toastmaster. But even if the event is celebrated only with the closest relatives and does not provide for the holding of a lot of competitions, the event scenario should be carefully considered. First you need to decide exactly what I would like to see the wedding.

Many options:

  • traditional celebration with the observance of all necessary rites;
  • themed wedding in a single style decision;
  • creative, unusual event;
  • youth wedding;
  • European-style wedding.

Witnesses and parents will help to entertain the guests without the toastmaster. You can make this request to someone from artistic guests. Since such assistance requires considerable effort and serious preliminary preparation, it may well be considered as a wedding gift.

Basic principles in the development of the entertainment program:

  • do not delay the time of the competitions;
  • participation in them should be voluntary and interesting for all;
  • attention to the age, status and character of the guests;
  • rejection of annoying and frivolous contests.

When developing a scenario, you can rely on the traditional plan of a wedding celebration, including, as necessary, your own creative "finds":

  • parents meet young people with an obligatory loaf, lead them to the table, say parting words;
  • thank-you speech newlyweds;
  • toasts and greetings of guests;
  • first dance of the bride and groom;
  • dances and mobile contests;
  • take-away wedding cake, ceremonial joint cutting;
  • removal of the veil and the transfer of a young wife in the hands of her husband;
  • lighting a new family hearth, which is symbolized by a wedding candle.

This is a basic program, which will help to diversify contests, jokes, music and dance gifts.

Ideas for contests and entertainment

Even in the ceremonial part can be avoided "official". Since all the guests are well known to the young and to each other, in the opening speech, you can, without naming names, each address with comic verse lines, and the rest of the guests will guess who they are and welcome him with applause. The traditional waltz of the young can be continued with modern compositions. This moment will cheer those present and add a touch of ease.

Contests for newlyweds should be unexpected and most often prepared by witnesses.

  • "Love does not love". The young are given big daisies. On the back of each petal is written some mysterious word (names, dates, sizes, weight, parameters, memorials, etc.). The task of the bride and groom is to guess what they mean. In the same way, but only one daisy can "guess" the range of family responsibilities.
  • "Guess what?" The bride is blindfolded and offered to guess who will kiss her - the groom or one of the guests. The bridegroom kisses all the time, the question is: will she guess?
  • "Ice, thaw." Young people are handed over an ice cube and offered to melt an iceberg of possible misunderstanding between them. Hotter and stronger love the one who quickly cope. For the winner a separate toast.

Involving the young guests to all those invited will help the host to get involved in preparing for the wedding as many guests as possible and to let the host have a rest: to prepare and hold their own competition without revealing its secrets to the others. Of course, here to control will need the help of parents to avoid repetition, unwanted and uninteresting competitions, the preparation of props. To help guests, you can suggest to choose a competition from an existing list.

Contests for future "parents."

  • Blindfolded, swaddle the baby doll or wear a diaper.
  • Pair competition: blindfolded "mother" (woman) should feed with semolina or drink from the nipple of the "baby" (man). You can fill the bottle with anything: water, lemonade, coke. Of course, you need to prepare protective aprons for clothing "kids."
  • "The tie will tie up." Several pairs are selected. The players become nearby and their touching hands are tied. With free hands you need to lace up the sneaker and tie a beautiful bow. Wins a couple, faster and more accurately coped with the task.

There are a lot of competition options. You can complete the entertainment program by offering guests a round of applause to determine the winner for the most interesting and fun contest. The winner is the competition that received the loudest applause. For his leader - a separate toast.

Common mistakes in self-organization

It is necessary to avoid possible mistakes when planning.

  • Lack of accurate budget calculation. It is he who determines all the preparations for the wedding.
  • Rain, wind, blizzard - such weather conditions can spoil the holiday.
  • Lack of timing. Constant calculation taking into account unforeseen circumstances will exclude the risk of being late for the ceremony or excessively prolonged moments of celebration.
  • Savings on video or photo. A wedding is one of the most important days in life; it will not be possible to “re-shoot” it.
  • Excitement because of the little things. Everything possible has been done, so unnecessary anxiety is completely useless.

The main thing for any wedding ceremony is to fill this day with warmth and love.In a few years, possible mistakes in the organization will be forgotten, and the happy moments will remain forever.

On how to organize a wedding in a narrow circle, see the following video.

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